Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

God, she's going announce her resignation from the Reclamation by stealing Lilunu, isn't she?
More likely the other way around.

She'll work out a way to heal Lilunu, which somehow fucks up a bunch of everyone's plans, and this will somehow lead to her having to run out of Malfeas, with Lilunu under one arm (no, I don't know how that works either, given Lilunu is like all things of her rank, landscape ... something something devil domain bullshit something something panoply charms something something Lilunu disguising herself as a chunk of "solar" shards something something what the fuck dice faries [1])

Yackety Sax may be playing while this is happening.

And then of course at the end of it all, she run into the most scary part of it, more scary than that bit where she thought for a moment she'd just killed half of Lilunu's souls, more scary than trying to patch a part of Malfeas into a creativity tainted bit of creation, more scary than that bit where she had to outrun and extra-irate Ligar by creative use of her Mentor 1 ... having to explain the entire mess to her girlfriend! ("YOU DID WHAT?")

Most of Keris's souls will probably think this is the best idea ever. (Haneyl: Hey, does this mean we own all the other princes now?)

[1] Aleph's rolling luck can explain anything, Anything!
And this is why, honestly, we basically ignore Limit in Kerisgame for her.

Turns out all you have to do is act like you would if you had the Great Curse anyway, and it never kicks in!


... wait.

More likely the other way around...
I'm inclined to doubt Keris will take that route. But she will certainly try to help Lilunu and her souls, and some of her ideas are actually going to cause more upset than even what you describe if they pan out. She probably won't end up taking Lilunu out of Hell, though, unless Lilunu herself pushes strongly for it. I have, hmm, three major ideas of what the problem might be, and therefore four or five solutions that variously address them - in practice, it will probably turn out to be some combination of the three issues and so Keris needs to do several big projects, each of which will ease Lilunu's affliction further.

While I'm obviously not going to spoil future developments now, I can say that Keris's Tiger Empire will indeed play a role in at least one of these solutions. I can say that at least two of them will land her in decidedly hot water with Ligier - actually, with all of the Unquestionable, in both cases - and that at least one of them is going to make Sasi very, very nervous.

That said, I can also say that Ligier will love at least one of them, and probably react well to at least one other, and that if her ideas work, stabilising Lilunu will win her quite a bit of credit with him.

Since she's also going to be trying to break a few of the chains around certain among Lilunu's souls, she's liable to need all of it.

(On a side note, I'm rather amused at where the relationship between Keris and Lilunu has ended up. Sasi would recognise it. It's the relationship between a "youngest child" Dragonblood and her eldest sister, who has several decades to a century on her and is very experienced and glamorous and impressive so her baby sister hero-worships her a bit. Rather adorable, really. What Lilunu thinks of Keris... well, that's something Keris may probe at some point, should she get Charmtech that lets her do so.)
Observations and Annotations - Keris's hair

So I got an idea for a Kerisgame short today and then 1640 words fell out.

To set this up in a little more detail, you know what kind of behaviour the SWLiHN Charm "Every Last Detail" encourages? If you guessed "stay all night planning or making preparations instead of sleeping and only go to bed when you need to recover Willpower", well done, you're right!

And this is why Nemone Sasimana keeps journals. She writes one volume a year, taking a few hours every day (often in the evening/night) to analyse things - often in extensive detail using Excellencies - and get them down on paper. It soothes the deep-down part of her that's an insecure slightly traumatised control freak by ensuring that she has concrete, accessible, ordered information on anything that might be or become relevant or important. Valuable tactical and strategic analysis of her allies, enemies, pawns and peers. On the region she's in, the politics, the people, the geography. On interesting devices and puzzling phenomena, philosophical questions and new or interesting problems. And of course she cross-references it all thoroughly so that if she ever drops into Nexus again, she can look through her books and refresh herself on everything important in the city and what she's worked out about it and how she can use it.

She generally makes a little more than one entry a day; perhaps thirty a month or so. Sometimes she makes a couple - or even five or six at Calibration - in one day. Other times something comes up and she has to miss a night, or she just doesn't have anything to write about. But in general she does, because it's not a daily diary, it's a journal, and so a typical entry might be "right, today I'm going to write about the Red Mountain family's economic position" after having dealt with them that day, and she goes through what she's observed and found on them over the last few months or years of having been in An Teng while she's still fresh from dealing with them. She only makes "this happened today" entries when something presents her with fascinating new information that bears immediate thought or captures her interest.

And this stuff is incredibly valuable information, usually. This entry is on Keris's hair. Which might sound frivolous! But there's a wealth of data in it; assembled from Excellency-boosted analysis of months of observation, which lays out Keris's observed capabilities, behaviours, habits, limitations and tells. For an enemy of Keris, this would be a goldmine of invaluable data that would almost certainly save lives, since they'd be ready for her surprises and be able to tailor their approach. For an ally, it's extremely useful in explaining what she can do, what she can't do and how to read her. This is why the four existent volumes [1] are written on lesser-artifact books in script that only Sasi can see [2], and now live exclusively in her Devil Domain (possibly guarded by the Lawkeeper) unless she's writing in them. Even when she reads them she does it by meditation.

So! Smuggled out with enormous difficulty through a series of hijinks and shenanigans that are regrettably too long to be detailed here, I present the first - though probably not the last - glimpse at Observations and Annotations; a Malefactor's journal.

[1] Plus various lesser volumes that aren't dated and are more like wiki articles that contain everything she knows on a subject, like her book on citizens of Malfeas. And, yes, her "Keris" volume, which isn't general observations that she can reference in her journal, but is specifically for things important enough to warrant their own up-to-date compiled entry on everything she knows about [subject]. Thus far it contains three sections; Keris's souls, Keris's serfs and the Direction-wide strategic asset that is the Baisha.
[2] Keris: "Aha! I may not be able to see it, but I can hear what you're writing from the movements of your pen and your mind-hands!"
Sasi: *writes her journals in High Realm*
Keris: "... you suck."
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Sasi's Soul Hierarchy
So, we've seen quite a lot of @Aleph's Keris and her soul pantheon, but Keris is not the default for an Infernal using the soul pantheon rules I've devised. She's effectively devoted vast amounts of time into working on her pantheon, and spends hours daily meditating to interact with her souls, keeping them friendly and well-inclined to her. Amusingly, since what Keris is doing is mechanically meditation, the time she puts into playing with her souls is actually a form of personal therapy little different than the time that an Immaculate monk spends meditating to control his desires and focus his mind. What Keris does by focussing on her desires and her wants and her drives and getting them to play nicely together and not pull each other's hair is effectively time spent getting her mind and her desires in order.

Most Infernals are not going to spend so much time focussing on their own psychological stability, and so their soul pantheons are going to be rather less cooperative and useful. They're also going to be more "classically" demonic - which is to say, they're not going to all be little (sometimes) adorable (usually) bratty children and are instead going to resemble normal Exalted demons more.

As an example, here's what Sasi's nascent soul pantheon looks like. Which says rather more about her than she'd like others to know.

The Blasphemer in Gold, the Seat of Sin
Second Soul of Lady Sasimana

The po soul of Nemone Sasimana has supped upon the succor of the Yozis, and has bloated in ways the souls of men were not meant to. Now, when the Blasphemer in Gold manifests within her soul-world it is a creature out of the night-terrors of Immaculate children. Pale skinned and grey-haired, like its greater self, it drapes itself in tattered golden robes and wears a demonic mask. Upon the forehead of the living mask is painted a sun, which is sometimes yellow and sometimes green. Its hands and feet have long, claw-like fingernails that are often caked with blood, and serve to contrast its lush female form.

The Seat of Sin is a cowardly creature that flees from strength but viciously attacks weakness. It is not clever, but it has a certain base cunning that makes it dangerous for a thing that otherwise resembles a beast. The other souls fear it, for it will attack them seemingly at random and lose interest only when they beg for mercy. At other times the Blasphemer in Gold will simply stalk the soul-world, seeking out its favoured vices - and to that end, the other souls leave offerings to it which seem to sate its envy and greed.

Mu Nenra, the Guide to Lady Sasimana
Fourth Soul of Lady Sasimana

Once an agata champion whose jousting and philosophy alike won him glory and repute in the fighting arenas of Malfeas, Mu Nenra was taken by the Priests of Cecelyne after he slew the centipede behemoth Valak before an audience of ten thousand. Such skill drew the eyes of the Unquestionable and so he was made a coadjutor. The Yozi essence has twisted him, and though he remains a beautiful wasp, he has shrunk to the size of a large dog and is now formed of milk-white stone.

Mu Nenra is a poorly suited coadjutor for Lady Sasimana. Though his philosophy is occasionally of interest to her, the vainglorious champion made a poor impression on a manipulative socialite - and worse, she does not respect him as a 'mere' first circle demon. He is sometimes of use for she appreciates someone to bounce ideas off of, but he has little influence over her actions. Moreover, with the genesis of her other souls his influence has dwindled even further and now he fears what may happen, trapped within a tiny world with five other souls - and her monstrous po.

Kalaska, the Princess of Law
Fifth Soul of Lady Sasimana

Within the darkness of Sasimana's soul there is a cave-shrine made of blue glass and engraved with endless laws. There dwells Kalaska, the Princess of Law, who has the seeming of a young girl of perhaps eight or nine years of age. She looks much like her greater self, though her eyes are a bright blue and under silver robes she wears ill-fitting armour made from the same glass as her shrine. When Kalaska speaks, her word becomes law. As a result, she says little save when she is scared, though she is not quiet and hums and sings meaningless songs. When she wishes to communicate without passing judgement, she creates blue glass tablets that hold the words she cannot say.

For all her imperious nature, fear holds Kalaska closely. Only within her place of law is she safe - if she leaves it, her armour cracks and splinters. Unexpected changes inflict pain on her, and sometimes the cracks spread from her armour to her flesh. She hates to accept the influence of others, and will cite her endless made-up laws and rules whenever she perceives a threat. Around her, criminals and oathbreakers find that they suffer the symptoms of hay fever, for the miniscule fragments of glass that sliver from her pale hair seek out those who show no respect for their own words. She has made herself a little desert fox-akuma from the sand that coats the floor of her cave, and she loves the creature dearly. It advances ahead of her and trails in her wake, for it has several bodies - though one can usually be found in her arms. She is somewhat neglected by her greater self and bullied by the other souls, especially La and the po who will threaten her beloved pet to get her to comply.

Seresa, the Mother of Shadows
Sixth Soul of Lady Sasimana

Though the true form of Seresa is an obviously female shadow-figure, she looks as she wishes. Her favoured form is a curvaceous woman in her early thirties, with dusky features and long hair the deep blue-black of the sky after sunset. She is frequently pregnant with The Things That Dwell In Shadows, though such pregnancies last but a single night. Her growing brood swarms around her, playing the stolen reflections of musical instruments and accompanying her in her gentle songs. Her touch leaves an oily residue and around her fires burn black, casting darkness rather than illumination.

Seresa is a mother figure and a seductress in equal amounts. Among the Mother of Shadows' many indulgences are compassion and love, and she is the kindest of Sasimana's souls - though sometimes she is too lost in decadence to make time for others. Within her quarters wine runs freely and narcotic smoke boils and churns. She is always prepared to console anyone who seeks her out, though her consolations often involve drowning the mind in drugs and pleasures than resolving its issues.

Marenolo, the Pivot of Understanding
Seventh Soul of Lady Sasimana

A male figure made from luminous colourless crystal from whose shoulders a hundred hands of light sprout, Marenolo is a scholar and a gentleman. His vast and cool intellect devours the warmth from his surroundings, and so water freezes and identical snowflakes fall from the sky around him. The Pivot of Understanding is himself blind, but that means nothing to him for with his countless hands he feels and examines the world around him, and so knows it intimately. His cave is where Sasimana stores her notebooks and own work on sorcery, and he is her archivist and scribe. Despite his blindness he produces elaborately illustrated work, though his concept of beauty more relates to the geometric patterns of the ink than the landscapes of Creation.

Marenolo's curiosity knows no bounds. Sasimana has already made the private decision that he will never be allowed to roam free within Malfeas, for he would no doubt swiftly be thrown into the sky by Orabilis. The restrictions on the Green Sun Princes leave him surly and rebellious, and he whispers to his greater self, tempting her to indulge her own curiosity in things better left untouched.

Moneha, the Eagle and the Spider
Eight Soul of Lady Sasimana

Moneha has two bodies, and both are Moneha at once. One is a woman with the head of an eagle, while the other is a spider the size of a cat with a woman's head. The spider is fair-featured and beautiful in a Realm way, with scarlet hair and sharp teeth. She offers deals, information, and other such aids. The eagle comes for those who break the terms the spider dictates, and those who fall under her power are swallowed whole. Oaths and promises are Moneha's business, though she considers herself above such deals and always makes sure to leave her a way to back out of any arrangement. When she is nearby, spiders and birds make common cause and the arachnids weave their webs around nests to keep them safe from insects.

The Eagle and the Spider respects nothing that she cannot own; not her greater self, nor the Unquestionables, nor even the Yozis. She cannot offer her aid freely and her tongues burn red-hot if she would try. When Sasimana would deal with her, she must come with bribes and payment - and this she does reliably. Hence, despite her lack of respect Moneha does have a certain fondness for her greater self and bargains more kindly than she would with another. Still, Moneha would ensnare the world if she had the means and Sasimana is always cautious around her, for they know each other as mother and daughter.

La, the Apostate Dragon
Ninth Soul of Lady Sasimana

Bald-headed, orange-robed and whippet-thin, La could almost be an Immaculate priest. Then the onlooker looks into his slitted eyes and sees the texts praising the Yozis tattooed across his skin and hears his squirming words which call men to cast down the gods and realise the nature of this apostate. He is as yet immature and cannot assume his full draconic form, but what men assume are his robes are instead his wings and he hides his claws beneath gloves. La reshapes the world with his words, twisting it in countless small ways. Men become cliches of themselves, and his blood spawns malformed mockeries. When he preaches, the text crawls across the pages in nearby books, and clothes reweave themselves to fashions more pleasing to the Yozis. His very presence is a blasphemy to Heaven, and gods find his touch burns like acid.

Within his shrine-cave, La works on revising the Immaculate Texts. He believes that the truth is concealed within them, an unknowing prophecy buried deep by the Sidereals who wrote them, and that in truth their tales of the past of Creation - ruled by demon-worshipping Anathema - are instead tales of the world to come. He sees a glorious future ahead, and presses Sasimana to make it a reality. One day she will be an Anathematic demon-queen, vizier of the Yozis, ruling Creation in their name. His forked tongue spills words about her revenge that will be complete when the faith of the Realm is turned to the Yozis and the Dragonblooded kneel before her.
Keris: *drags Sasi to family therapy*
Oh, there is going to be quite an arc when Keris finds out about Kalaska's living conditions. She's been lying to Haneyl in her letters and pretending that she has a giant living space and servants and courtiers and knows all about problems like organising jousting tournaments and building castles, when in fact she's got a little room in a Domain the size of a house and her problems run more along the lines of La and Marenolo getting into screaming arguments in the communal space while Moneha threatens her pet and Sasi neglecting her in favour of Aiko.

When this comes out, Keris is going to be pissed.
Keris: *drags Sasi to family therapy*

Pretty much exactly what Keris' reaction is going to be, yes. It's not a coincidence Kalaska rather resembles an unexalted girl in a household full of Terrestrials who clings to the rules because rules are meant to keep her safe from her bullying cousins and siblings. And Sasi neglects her "I'm scared and I need control" side, because she hates being scared and needing control - which means, of course, that her issues on that front get worse.

Matters are made even worse because Sasi isn't on good terms with her coadjutor, so all her souls are crammed into a space the size of a large house, so they basically get their own room and not much more. Kalaska desperately tries to hide that she's living basically in a cramped apartment where there's usually at least one set of people shouting at one another when she gets letters from Haneyl, who's going on about how hard it is to build a castle on a swamp and how she's setting up a new town and wondering if Kalaska has any advice about building temples to yourself.

(The moral of this story is that Keris actually gets quite a few benefits from her whole-hearted embrace of her soul pantheon, and so despite the fact that she looks like an out of control mess, she's actually remarkably emotionally stable and happy in herself and her personality facets mostly bicker and squabble like siblings, rather than truly hating each other. Meanwhile, Sasi, who looks so perfect and controlled on the surface is basically a mess who channels her neuroses into passing as stable and many of her souls genuinely loathe each other.

And a lot of this has its roots in the fact that Keris had nothing before she Exalted, so as a GSP she's gained wealth, respect and a family. But Sasi had all these things, lost everything, and as a once-devout Immaculate has had to warp her own heartfelt beliefs so now being an Anathema is a good thing and Creation is meant to be ruled by demon-kings - or else she'd have killed herself. Being a Celestial ex-Dynast fucks you up.)

Damn, if that's what a 'typical' Green Sun Prince's soul-hierarchy is like, then the All-Thing collectively as enough issues, no, subscriptions to fill an entire library. And not one of the small ones either.

Well, Sasi's issues are worse because she has Issues, but they're certainly more typical of the forms one's demons might take. Keris has legitimately put a lot of effort into shaping hers so they think in a nearly human way - they're not human, but they can pass as gods or demonblooded. Sasi's ones are a lot more... pure around their central theme. It's not like Rathan, who went "Wow, those orca-beastmen are super cool. I really like orcas! They're way better than fish because they sing prettily and they're clever and they breathe air!" and so he's got a principle of liking orcas which is... basically nothing to do with his theme, but it means he's more humanised.

Like, peeking behind the curtain for a moment, my mechanics for soul hierarchies are basically there to encourage Infernals to voluntarily go crazy for the sake of power. It's a carrot to encourage their players to make their characters into people driven by massive, heroic drives because they want to add a new Pokemon soul to their summonables list that they can always summon, that no one else can summon, and that doesn't need to be bound.

Soul hierarchies are going to fight. It's basically inevitable, because they're personified Principles rated at 4+. Those are massive, major drives in a person's psyche, so they come into conflict. Average mortals have one or two Principles at that level which aren't "Survive". It's one of those deliberate emergent products to encourage Infernals to be crazy, because each Principle you get at 4+ lets you get another 2CD or 3CD that you can summon and that by definition want things that part of you wants! Fuckin' sweet!

The cost of this is that you have another 4+ principle that's driving your behaviour like a Virtue and punching holes into your MDV if other people know about it.

So, look at Sasi. She's got "They Can't Hurt Me If I'm In Control", "Indulge in the Finer Things", "Learn the Secrets of the World", "Become the Power Behind The Throne", and "I Am An Anathema-Priestess And That's A Good Thing". All of these things are driving her at a level equal to or greater than a 4 dot Virtue. This is why she has a breakdown when something goes wrong and all her plans are thrown out of order. This is why she really hates squelching around the countryside and is miserable when she gets too far away from places with hot baths and fine wines. This is why she pokes her nose into thing she shouldn't, that she's so driven to control An Teng and that she's genuinely fanatical as being a priestess of the Yozis. And these drives often come into conflict.

Testolagh wouldn't have so many high-level Principles, because bluntly he's a lot saner and more well-balanced than Keris or Sasi put together - and he hasn't experimented with this Charmtech, either. But if he had demons, they'd be more like Sasi's "2CD-alikes" than Keris' "sitcom characters who happen to be powerful demons".


Now Keris is totally recognized as a sovereign state.

Well, trufax - her soul is larger than the Federated States of Micronesia, and only slightly smaller than Singapore.

(Krisity is a theoretically absolute monarchy, let down only by the fact that the absolute monarch doesn't involve herself in most of the day-to-day running of the place. As a result, it's actually practically a feudal society, ie everyone feuds all the time with each other)
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She doesn't just see Keris as beautiful, incidentally. Keris's voice is lovely to her ears, her natural scent is really nice, her skin feels luxuriously decadent, etc. A lot of their personal time involves Sasi quietly stroking Keris's hair or skin with her super-sensitive mind-hands and enjoying the feeling as Keris works on art.
Mind-hands, eh?

Just how many fingers do they have?
@EarthScorpion , I've been wondering, how do Appearance modifying charms like Demonic Primacy of Essence, My Dark Lady and Endlessly Wailing Flutist interact with Kerisgame Hacks?

"Appearance" is simply a result of Styles for Presence/Expression which play off your looks. Sasi has an appearance Style based around the fact that she's very much in line with the traditional ideas of Earth-aspected beauty in the Realm, Keris has one based around the fact that she's a mongrel [1] who manages to look exotic basically wherever she goes, and so on. Since they're regular Styles, you avoid Sexy Wasp Syndrome (since Styles are narrower).

So, basically, you have to convert Charms on a Charm by Charm basis to preserve their original intent - you can't just straight port them, sorry.

DPoE basically does two things. Firstly, it makes other people's Appearance-based styles inapplicable to you, because you don't find physical appearance attractive. Instead, people with higher Enlightenment than you get "phantom" Style dots equal to the difference in your Enlightenment (subject to the usual cap). Notice that under the Enlightenment System, Infernals are much better off than in canon when dealing with this because they're starting off with higher Enlightenment than 99+% of stuff in the system, so you don't get the canon problem of "shit, that's a sexy Essence 4 teodozija and I'm an Essence 2 Infernal". Instead, they basically find other Celestials and powerful gods and demons and so on potentially attractive. So you're getting a pretty good deal from this Charm, if you don't mind hitting Enlightenment 10 and finding no one in the setting is hotter than you and that everyone who isn't E10 is an ugly peon.

My Dark Lady (and other Charms that remove the cap on difference in Appearance), I tend to convert by changing them so they instead reduce the number of scenes by one you need to build/destroy a Principle in someone else in some limited area related to the intent of the Charm. So My Dark Lady, which is basically the "I'm a noir femme fatale Charm", reduces the number of scenes required to build desire-Principles towards you or towards vices you offer, or to reduce people's Virtues. It's the Charm for the beautiful woman who walks into a grizzled PI's office with a murder case, and he finds himself falling for her even though he knows she's trouble.

(It's not an intercourse Charm, because "sex" is less important to a noir femme fatale than desire. It helps you make people want you, or want the things you offer, so you can use them as patsies - and it makes it easier to corrode their virtues so their moral principles don't get in the way of you using them and discarding them.)

Endlessly Wailing Flutist probably doesn't get anything, because "Use Performance in place of Appearance" is basically a side benefit attached to this Charm to allow your mad hobo musicians to not have to be supermodels just to captivate people with their music. Since you don't need to be a supermodel to be socially effective with the Kerisgame attributes, there's no need for it.

[1] If you converted her parents' ethnicities into Earth ones, her father would look basically Persian and her mother looks Somalian, so Keris is sort of Afro-Iranian. Then Haneyl and Vali have some of Sasi's sort-of-Chinese look in them, Rathan has a Slavic edge, and Echo and Calesco are... um, Reidorjani.
Leaving aside the Wasp puns... :p

@EarthScorpion- under this system, could you give us an example of an Appearance-Type Style? Or at least an indicator of how you determine what a character is attracted to- is it Intimacies, home culture, or.,,
Leaving aside the Wasp puns... :p

@EarthScorpion- under this system, could you give us an example of an Appearance-Type Style? Or at least an indicator of how you determine what a character is attracted to- is it Intimacies, home culture, or.,,

Okay, so, remember here - the default assumption is that players can basically make sure their Styles are usually applicable, as long as they stunt them right. So as long as the character is acting in-theme for their Style, they have the dice. With Sweeping Valleys Style, wearing a low-cut dress and using your attributes socially to draw attention means you get the dice from it.

The general rules on Stunting, however, mean you can't contradict things established in a scene. So if a character's Principles go against the stunt, the defender can go "No, sorry, you don't get the dice for Sweeping Valleys Style even though you're wearing a low cut dress, because my character is flamboyantly gay". This means the character has displayed that Principle in the scene and other characters can roll to notice it, going "Hey, wow, he really is just looking at her face, and not at her neckline that reaches the navel. I think he's probably gay".

(As part of the 'implicit Principles of a normal human being' we can assume that human characters by default are attracted to the humanoid form. So seduction attempts by a giant crystal and gold wasp aren't applicable to the vast majority of humans and probably have to be explicitly justified on the character sheet, like "Wasps Are So Sexy". On the other hand, seduction attempts by, say, a neomah or a god are going to be by-default applicable - barring things like an Immaculate monk's vow of chastity and hatred of demons)

So, we can take a look at Keris' one:

Exotic Beauty Style (Presence)
The lure of the exotic is a powerful one, and even those who have never left their hometown may be stirred when adventure and far-away places come second-hand to their door. Those who make use of this style - whether honestly or by calculated design - rarely do so near their birthplaces. They invariably hail from far-off countries, and stay only a short time in any one place before moving on. The thrill of their company comes from their exciting tales from overseas, the customs and cultures that few have heard of, and the shocking way they stand out in dress and appearance from the norm.
1: +1 to first impressions when arriving wreathed in style and foreign opulence.
2: +1 to the introduction of fads and customs from overseas - whether real or fake.
3: Treat Principles cultivated during your stay as 1 dot higher after announcing your imminent departure.

As long as she doesn't look like she belongs, this is probably applicable - especially if she's also wearing foreign styles and has an accent. These kinds of things are all props which enable the use of the Style, by making it in-theme.

However, An Teng is notably racist and looks down on foreigners, especially ones who aren't from the Realm. So if she goes to a conservative little Tengese village, she might run into someone who has a Principle of "Foreigners (Xenophobia)", and they can use that to invalidate her stunt where she sweeps in bedecked in gold and with tyrant lizard feathers from the North in her hair. And so she doesn't get the three dice from Exotic Beauty Style.

I mean, Keris is still pretty social so she's probably still going to beat some racist xenophobic Tengese peasant - and might even notice that he doesn't trust foreigners and spend a few scenes eroding that Principle if he's someone important she needs on side, with the end result that he can't use it as he now accepts that there are some good foreigners who are generous and helped cure his daughter of sweating fever.

This is, incidentally, one advantage to mixing and matching Styles rather than just relying on one thing. If your stunt combines multiple Styles - like, say, being an Exotic Beauty who then flares her anima to full terrifying power and demands obedience going full Galadriel in a love-me-and-fear-me way with Prince-of-Hell Style - then invalidating one source of stunt dice doesn't prevent the other one. You can use multiple Styles together - you can just only get +3 main dice and one bonus dice at any one time.

And just as another example, the stunt can matter. Consider "Shirtless Hunk Style" being used by a male character against another male character who's straight. Using Shirtless Hunk Style with a stunt about how he's really sexy and the target is attracted to him will run into his sexual alignment Principle. However, if the Shirtless Hunk instead makes the stunt about how he's a cool bro who other men want to be like, sexuality isn't a defence because the stunt is aimed towards the idea that other men want abs like that.

(Shirtless Hunk Style is often practiced by Fire Aspects and Solars whose internal essence flows means they don't get cold in normal climates, and in the case of the Fire Aspect they often look pre-oiled-up)
...and now I'm curious what Sasi's looks like as a point of comparison. But yeah, that all makes sense, and gives me ideas of how I might build a few of my own characters using these systems.
...and now I'm curious what Sasi's looks like as a point of comparison. But yeah, that all makes sense, and gives me ideas of how I might build a few of my own characters using these systems.
Face-of-Pasiap Style (Presence, Expression)
"These are the markers of beauty for those blessed by the Earth Dragon: a triangular face with a stubborn jawline that reminds us of the beauty of Mt Meru, a statuesque build that is solid and not excessively slender, and skin that is cool to the touch. The hair should be naturally straight - waviness indicates too much sympathy with water or wood. The eyes may either resemble precious gems, or be the colour of stone. In both sexes, the shoulders should be broad as to carry their responsibilities; in a woman, so should the hips. The nature of such a child well-suits command, so teach them to be as unyielding as granite when all else is uncertain and lesser men will obey them without doubt."

1: +1 to social rolls against characters native to cultures whose aesthetic values were set by the Realm.
2: +1 to appearing calm and unflappable during times of crisis
3: When giving orders to characters loyal to the Face-of-Pasiap, treat the loyalty Principle as being one level higher.

Note that it's not exactly an "appearance" Style, though your looks are a major bit of it. Look at the bonuses: they're "the Realm has been culturally imperialistic and told you that people who look like this are attractive", "they raised me to not show my feelings because I'm expected to be calm at all times" and "because of how I look and how I was trained, I'm very good at giving orders to people who are already loyal to me". Characters who have the looks, but don't have the training can only get one dot in this Style. And that's true for a lot of "appearance" Styles - they're still Styles which are trained things, so you need to know how to use your looks too.