Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Don't know about his feelings on Sasi, but Deveh hates Keris every bit as much as she hates him.

They're like reverse soul mates, instead of love at first sight it's blind seething hatred.
(Deveh's She Who Lives In Her Name and Adorjan, aka the sort of person who is distant and unbothered by rivals until he's very abruptly not)

Honestly it's mildly impressive that by all indications, they hate each other so much that neither has used Tragic Love Amusement to fall in love with the other to get better at hating them. Because that'd mean falling in love with them.
Started to read this again. A little. Chronologically a little before her time working for Ipthymia. It is very good for Keris that Balanodo is a boy or she would totally have fallen into Nodo's orbit. Just one of her flaws at before the Golden Coin is that she does not treat spending time with pretty demon princesses as carefully as she should.
Started to read this again. A little. Chronologically a little before her time working for Ipthymia. It is very good for Keris that Balanodo is a boy or she would totally have fallen into Nodo's orbit. Just one of her flaws at before the Golden Coin is that she does not treat spending time with pretty demon princesses as carefully as she should.

I'd actually say that's untrue. The reason Balanodo is so relatively lacking in interest for Keris is that he reduces other people, in effect, to being roles in his power fantasy life. He doesn't respect people for what they are, though he goes through the forms; he only likes them for what they bring to his story. And he's boring to her; he has little internality, no internal conflict, no spikes.

And that is why Ipithymia is so dangerous; she wants all of Keris, and is willing to go to lengths to have that. And that kind of focus and acceptance is a close relative to certain forms of love.
I just reread To Follow A Star and Zanyira's gossip-witchery is just great. I especially liked the retrospective realization that Keris's tendency to surprise people by coming up with a plan at the last minute has struck again!
"I'll wait," [Calesco] says. "Mother's... very unlikely to do anything recklessly violent before the end of the year, and it'll take me a while to get back. And the more I know about the harm she caused, the better I can aim it."
Guess who pulled off a ginormous attack on the port infrastructure of Choson! Sure, Calesco said that Keris isn't likely to do anything recklessly violent, but what she doesn't know she can't spill to her aunt, and Keris didn't even intentionally hide it because she only came up with the plan to wreck Choson while she was on vacation from her stressful season of harlotry. If you only make plans at the last minute, no one can figure out that you're going to do something in time to do anything about it!

Really though, it takes a special sort of person to spice up their vacation with a little devastation of enemy ships and desecration of immaculate temples.

Zanyi is a sidereal who knows Keris, who pumped her daughter for information, and still can't figure out when she's going to go on a rampage. That's an unpredictable Scourge right there!
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Random thought: If Sasimana has to deal with Noh on a regular basis - which there is no real textual evidence for or against - she'd probably feel somewhat similar to how Testolagh feels when dealing with the lying and bullshitting that Moneha makes Sasimana do. Sasimana likes her environment to be predictable and ordered, and to be able to anticipate how other people will react to her words and actions - Noh defies that. Testolagh likes to be honest and forthright and to be around people who are similarly honest - Sasimana is unwilling to be forthright and honest.

There's plenty of reasons that Sasimana might want to interact with Noh - as the Fetich soul of the Ebon Dragon, Noh obviously has lots of stuff to offer a shadow-government secret-master type of Infernal. But only if Noh wants to offer those things, which she might be completely uninterested in doing.
Some thoughts. I think a major impact of the first Arcs not being available is that it means we see Keris start in a pretty happy and stable spot before things start going downhill. Since the story began Keris has definitely had moments of joy but nothing as stable and long lasting as what she had working for Sasi in An-Teng. This is overall probably a good bit of storytelling but it does make the parts where she embraces Szorenic quicksilver a little odd the first time through because a lot of Keris's negative traits are obscured during the early Arcs. I think that the part of the flashback arc where Keris expresses anger at the Immaculate Monks for being content does a good job of showing that side of her without the influence of her Exaltion.

Edit: Also. I remember seeing that Eko's kerubs will eventually have a third evolution. Does this hold true for all of their breeds or only the originals?speculation?

Edit: How good is Sasimana's ability to disguise her essence as that of a Solar? Because she has some custom Charm tech with that effect. I'm asking because it's possible she could be compatible with the Realm Defense Grid*. If I remember correctly that the Grid in your version requires the essence signature of a Primordial War era Exalt and an honest desire to do what is best for Creation. And if Sasi could duplicate the essence signature I think she has low enough self esteem to pull it off. Though I think there are other safeguards involved related to mind control and corruption which would be another obstacle.

*Not a likely plotline but the idea did occur to me.

Edit: Hopefully last edit. Would it have been possible to resolve the Haenyl Szorenzy poison situation by somehow fusing her with a Mercurial Artisan? I don't think this would have been a great solution because it would seriously change who Haenyl was but letting her externalize her quicksilver seems plausible.
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Mercury is as integral a part of artisans as blood is of humans; their bodies naturally generate it. Yes, humans can externalise their blood. That doesn't mean they stop being dependent on it. "Fusing her with an artisan" would have been massively invasive radical soul-surgery that would have caused massive personality changes, arguably killed one or both subjects in the death-of-personality sense and made the mercury problem permanent.
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Haneyl was never going to cope with Szoreny in the long run. The results might not have been Neylia, but they were never going to be good.

That is because Haneyl is Keris's masterpiece in balancing the worst aspects of two Yozis against each other in a way which makes them more than the sum of their parts. More than any of the other children, she's made of "bad" components - Malfeas's raw power and destructive nature fused to the hunger and ever-spreading new flesh of Metagaos - and yet manages to become something much more than the sum of her parts. Those two opposing forces are set against each other in a self-dampening cycle; her growth will burn, from the ashes of the old comes new. She disarms two very dangerous conceptual spaces, and from that makes a fire ecology that never expands too far or burns too hot.

But mercury is a bioaccumlative and volatile. When it's eaten, it passes up the food chain. When it burns, you get all kinds of nasty compounds and nasty mercury vapour. Haneyl is set up to dampen Metagaos and Malfeas, but Szoreny isn't dampened, he's self-reinforced. The mercury builds and builds and builds and builds until the fire comes and that fire is enough to break the entire previous system...

... and that's how you get Neylia.

Keris's souls aren't Infernals. They don't have the Infernal capacity to rationalise and handle all kinds of mixed Yozi-natures being jammed into them.
The way you two use alchemy as an element of the story is fascinating (thought that explanation might be part of another field). It makes it possibly to actually think about how in world problems might be solved via in world solutions.I would guess that Zanara comes after Haneyl when it comes to combining potentially unstable Yozi aspects?

Edit: I am glad you didn't kill the cuttlefish. And I have really enjoyed Choseon. Is it a canon location or something the two of you came up with?
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Haneyl was never going to cope with Szoreny in the long run. The results might not have been Neylia, but they were never going to be good.

That is because Haneyl is Keris's masterpiece in balancing the worst aspects of two Yozis against each other in a way which makes them more than the sum of their parts. More than any of the other children, she's made of "bad" components - Malfeas's raw power and destructive nature fused to the hunger and ever-spreading new flesh of Metagaos - and yet manages to become something much more than the sum of her parts. Those two opposing forces are set against each other in a self-dampening cycle; her growth will burn, from the ashes of the old comes new. She disarms two very dangerous conceptual spaces, and from that makes a fire ecology that never expands too far or burns too hot.

But mercury is a bioaccumlative and volatile. When it's eaten, it passes up the food chain. When it burns, you get all kinds of nasty compounds and nasty mercury vapour. Haneyl is set up to dampen Metagaos and Malfeas, but Szoreny isn't dampened, he's self-reinforced. The mercury builds and builds and builds and builds until the fire comes and that fire is enough to break the entire previous system...

... and that's how you get Neylia.

Keris's souls aren't Infernals. They don't have the Infernal capacity to rationalise and handle all kinds of mixed Yozi-natures being jammed into them.

It's probably a good thing Szoreny's charms weren't available when Keris Exalted; I don't think back then she was as good at managing various Yozi natures in her soul as she is currently, and Haneyl's part of the older half of Keris's children. If she'd gotten Szoreny that early, without a Zanara to pull it out of her before things got too bad... Although maybe that would've forced Zanara to be born earlier?
It's probably a good thing Szoreny's charms weren't available when Keris Exalted; I don't think back then she was as good at managing various Yozi natures in her soul as she is currently, and Haneyl's part of the older half of Keris's children. If she'd gotten Szoreny that early, without a Zanara to pull it out of her before things got too bad... Although maybe that would've forced Zanara to be born earlier?

The flip side would have been this: she probably wouldn't have bundled Szoreny, Metagaos and Malfeas into the same soul. You might have gotten a Szoreny/Metagaos soul, for example, who is Maximum Tree-themed and who keeps their envy under control through biological means and locking up the poison in petrified wood. Which wouldn't have the volatile nature of Malfeas to cause the explosive releases.
That, or it would have all gone into Rathan, who would have been the first dual-natured soul - a toxic, poisonous Szoreny/Kimbery mirror-moon.
Five Calibrations Pass - Calibration I, 775
Yeah, so a lot is happening this Calibration! Enough that the days (and in fact hours; we have a 5x25 chart) matter. So expect several chapters for this year's Althing, the first of which is Calibration I, which contains more of your favourite girl doing your favourite thing: being corruptive and seductive and delightfully good at subverting people.

Extras! said:
EarthScorpion: Former Directorates who are down people:
  • 17th Seat Raziyr Gham (Southern Directorate) -> Lejine the Fox
  • 24th Seat Fang (Central Directorate) -> ??? (replacement got spawncamped, replacement's replacement not Exalted yet)
  • 39th Seat Captain Gyrfalcon (Northern Directorate, former Director) -> Ixy Crystreet
  • 45th Seat Yoshia Uhi (Heavenly Affairs Special Directorate) -> Suriani bi-Musa
EarthScorpion: Current Directorate Counts:
  • Anti-Deathlord (Special): 2
  • Blessed Isles/Central: 5
  • Eastern: 7
  • Heavenly Affairs (Special): 2
  • North Eastern: 3
  • North Western: 3
  • Northern: 4
  • Realm Succession (Special): 2
  • South Eastern: 5
  • South Western (Lower): 2
  • South Western (Upper): 3
  • Southern: 3
  • Western: 3
Aleph: Hmm. Okay. So Southern and Western will both be looking for new members to bring them up to par, Northern might be looking for a replacement, and Heavenly Affairs might try to poach an experienced Infernal from someone else (I'm safe on that front at least; nobody wants Testolagh).

<Attack of the Hack Author Fangirl!>
ST rolled 16d10s7c10 = 10 <10; 4; 5; 8; 6; 9; 9; 5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 5; 7; 3; 5> #wait who's making that observation
EarthScorpion: make a Reaction + Politics roll here
Aleph: 5+4+2 Coadj+2 stunt=13
Keris rolled 13d10s7c10 = 6 <3; 8; 8; 7; 10; 3; 4; 1; 4; 5; 3; 5; 8> #Keris Politics Roll
Aleph: Shit, you weren't kidding when you said "at any point", were you?
EarthScorpion: Your conversation partner just jumped to E9 from E5.
Aleph: Whooph.
EarthScorpion: Yeah, Haqia is a vessel her mother put a lot into, she's as magically potent as a weak 2CD, devoted entirely to being a hack author. There's probably the talents and skills of a bunch of skilled mortals and maybe even some parentage of a DB or a Lunar.
Aleph: Goddammit with that much power you could make an actually good author. Urgh.
Aleph: Ohasei: The Actual Worst
EarthScorpion: Ohasei can't make an actually good author. It's who she is. :p
EarthScorpion: Just to check, is this actually a Heartwood's Patronage offer?
Aleph: … YES
Aleph: 5+4+3 Wolf-as-Lamb+2 stunt+4 Szoreny ExSux {poisoner, false friend, toxic gifts, meet expectations, sacrificing own identity, basically most of the clauses in the excellency; this is a very Szorenic thing to do}=14+4.
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10+4 = 13 <7; 10; 8; 5; 10; 2; 5; 1; 9; 1; 9; 9; 2; 6> #I'm Giving You What You Want~
Aleph: Hitting her with MOE and BOT.
Aleph: Pre+Exp=5+5+3 Perfumed Smoke+2 stunt+4 BOT autosux=15+4
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+4 = 10 <3; 5; 9; 2; 10; 2; 9; 8; 1; 2; 2; 3; 9; 3; 5> #Beauty Over Truth

<And Then There's This Bitch Vixen>
Aleph: Divining the Soul combo; IEI/WWOF/FHE combo for power, envy and fear.
EarthScorpion: Roll for it - from now on, I think these things need to beat their Guile (which means there's now an avenue to defend).
Aleph: Makes sense, yeah. 14 dice.
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 4 <4; 7; 8; 9; 3; 2; 5; 1; 3; 2; 9; 5; 2; 4> #Assessing Ixy
Aleph: Bluh. Below par. Well, hopefully her Guile is low.
EarthScorpion: OK, so amusingly you beat her base Guile and thus get the IEI and WWOF, but can't manage it for FHE.
Aleph: Ooooo~
Aleph: Mow that's fun. Yeah, this alone makes me instantly like this new way of doing it vs Guile. What's her proudest trait?
EarthScorpion: Proudest trait is Endurance 5 - she Does Not Stop and Does Not Lie Down
Aleph: ... interesting.
Aleph: Okay, I don't think I can activate all of these in one action (so Keris is giving her a long, silent, measured look), but I'm hitting her with FHE again, then FtFF for her expectations and hopes of Keris's behaviour, and lastly Heartwood's Patronage.
EarthScorpion: OK, make them rolls.
Aleph: Cool, so I'm down to 30 motes, 6wp; this combo will cost 6m 1wp.
  • FHE: Reaction + Awareness = 14 dice vs her Guile.
  • FtFF: Reaction 5 + Pol 4 + Wolf-as-Lamb 3 + stunt 2 + Coadj 2 = 16 vs her Guile.
  • Heartwood's Patronage: Persuasion 5 + Politics 4 + Perfumed Smoke 3 + stunt 2 - [external penalty equal to her Guile] = 14 [-?] at base Difficulty.
Aleph: Hmm. And I will drop a 4m Szoreny Excellency on each of the FHE and HP rolls, bringing me down to, oof, 16 motes in the tank. Might wanna flare my caste mark soon.
Keris rolled 18d10s7c10 = 13 <10; 4; 10; 1; 8; 7; 10; 8; 4; 1; 4; 2; 1; 4; 10; 5; 9; 9> #Second look at her fears
Keris rolled 16d10s7c10 = 6 <3; 10; 9; 4; 1; 2; 3; 3; 6; 2; 8; 5; 7; 5; 8; 6> #What does she expect and hope for from me?
Keris rolled 18d10s7c10 = 6 <6; 8; 8; 10; 5; 8; 2; 6; 9; 3; 5; 2; 1; 6; 6; 4; 2; 1> #What's the price of her soul?
EarthScorpion: OK, so, in order before I do the IC-ness:
EarthScorpion: FHE + Read Intentions
  • (Charm) Yes, fears Keris, but there's something indistinct there. Not so much that she fears Keris personally, but rather she fears Keris as part of a greater group of some kind.
  • (Charm) Greatest fear is being too weak to protect the things she cares about, and so being helpless.
  • (RI) Yeah, she's fronting hard - she's as taut as a wire here, surrounded by all these demons and people she knows are more powerful than her.
  • (RI) She knows Keris is much more powerful than her, and Keris saw the green glint in her eyes of IEI.
  • (RI) She's not as brave as she lets on - Valour 3 - and right now she's being driven as much by fear as bravery.
  • (RI) She doesn't trust demons, but she also doesn't trust humans.
EarthScorpion: FtFF:
  • She expects Keris to crush her or beat her down if she shows any sign of fear or weakness; that she's going to ruthlessly exploit any vulnerability she shows, and that as a big woman she's looking to just use anyone she can to advance her own interests.
  • If she handles it well, she expects to get out of this without getting hurt and without making any promises she can't run away from.
EarthScorpion: HP:
  • You missed the Guile, but only by 1, and so you do get a half-refracted hint; there's someone out there, someone who means something to her, in the hands of someone she hates. What she wants of it, and of them... is beyond your understanding.
Aleph: iiiinteresting
Aleph: Combo-ing Carmine Mantled Emissary and Hidden Depths Temptress to get Ixy away from the party. Enhancing with Ancient and Firstborn - she believes Keris about her motives being to help Lilunu.
Aleph: and fuck me, that took out more than a third of the motes I had left; I am starting to run dangerously low
Aleph: CME roll is 5+4+3 Perfumed Smoke+2 stunt + 4 CME autosux=14+4
Aleph: Convincing her to come with: Per+Pres = 15 dice x2 HDT
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10+4 = 11 <9; 6; 6; 7; 10; 4; 1; 8; 3; 5; 5; 7; 5; 8> #I've Never Done Anything Bad Or Threatening Ever
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 12 <10; 3; 9; 3; 2; 7; 6; 9; 9; 3; 10; 4; 8; 10; 8> #(x2) Let's Get Out Of Here
Aleph: Ixy can detect Keris's 4-dot "Pay Each Man Back In Kind" if she wants.
EarthScorpion: Keris is bashing her head into the fact that Ixy is, in some ways, just as crazy as her when it comes to iron hard beliefs.
Aleph: Hee~
Aleph: Such fun.

<Flirty Mele Romance>
ST rolled 13d10s7c9c10 = 4 <7; 3; 5; 7; 6; 9; 2; 1; 4; 1; 2; 5; 2> #Mele never stops pushing
EarthScorpion: OK, 4 successes on his flirting, but her Resolve is... 0 in the face of the TLA principle for him, unless she has some reason to hold off and not be seduced :p
EarthScorpion: If you want to do a social attack here, you have both Beauty without Malice and your TED and Kimmy stuff, and can show off that you're an idol in both senses of the word.
EarthScorpion: If not a very seiso one.
Aleph: yessss mwaa haa
Aleph: Yeah, I'll throw down Beauty Without Malice and Attention Holding Grace to double-dip on "look at me", and also use Darkling Grace Complete to add to the melody from the shadows with some SFX.
Aleph: I have 18 motes left and I'm dipping out after this to go have sex with Mele and possibly caste-mark flare to recover my motes, BWM+AHG is 10, so... fuck it, I'll drop the last 8 on Kimmy Excellency and make this impressive
Aleph: Does Mele give me any extra dice?
ST rolled 13d10s7c9c10-3 = 2 <3; 2; 6; 9; 7; 4; 2; 5; 5; 5; 10; 1; 6> #Mele teamwork, can increase 1 dice by 1 number
EarthScorpion: He gives you +3 dice
Aleph: Yay! Persuasion 5 + Presence 5 + Exotic Beauty 3 + stunt 2 + Mele 3 + Kimmy ExD 8 = 26.
Keris rolled 26d10s7c10 = 8 <9; 1; 9; 10; 7; 6; 6; 7; 1; 4; 6; 5; 7; 1; 4; 1; 6; 1; 3; 3; 3; 5; 9; 5; 6; 1> #Dancing With Mele
Aleph: Bah. Presumably she's paying more attention to Mele than her dancing.
EarthScorpion: What was the social attack you're making?
Aleph: "Look at her, she's so pretty, we're so lucky to have such a beautiful performer as our Mistress of Ceremonies."

<Magenta time!>
EarthScorpion: What is the theme of the new outfit Keris has taken up now?
  • Full on Hellish decadent
  • Secretly Pehkijira themed, all figure-hugging snakeskin and silver feathers
  • Twisted Realm lady, in the same style that Zana adores
  • Ultra futch steppy boss
  • Something else
Aleph: Hmm. For this, with Magenta… probably option 2. : 3
ST rolled 15d10s7c10 = 5 <7; 6; 10; 2; 4; 6; 4; 2; 10; 6; 2; 3; 6; 1; 6> #Magenta reading Keris
EarthScorpion: Roll me Reaction + Politics on your part to try to read her.
Aleph: 5+4+3 Wolf As Lamb+2 stunt+2 Coadj=16
Keris rolled 16d10s7c10 = 8 <9; 10; 4; 4; 10; 7; 5; 6; 6; 1; 9; 4; 1; 4; 8; 3> #Reading Magenta
EarthScorpion: So, she's using Reflection on Insight to understand what Keris's looking for when she tries to persuade her to drop the topic of how Sasimana is. So what's a one sentence summary of what Keris is looking for in her efforts there? And how does Keris both expect and desire Magenta to act in the current scene
Aleph: Keris's intention is to prevent her from trying to usurp Sasimana's Director position, or at least convince her to delay efforts to do so long enough that there'll be no point in taking over the soon-to-conclude Realm Succession Directorate and better gains to be had in scheming to supplant someone else.
Aleph: She expects Magenta to ambitiously jump at the chance to gain more power in a cool new exclusive type of Charmtech that only Keris can teach her, and hopes that she will be willing to show it off to Khereon Ul and will take well to it so Keris has yummy new data to continue her research with.
Aleph: Cog 3 + Politics 4 + Malfean Scholar 3 + 2 stunt, and unfortunately she hasn't had enough time to regen many motes yet because it's only been a couple of hours since she tapped herself out, so no Excellency dice. 12 dice.
Keris rolled 12d10s7c10 = 3 <4; 3; 1; 6; 4; 5; 5; 8; 3; 10; 5; 1> #Ferand and Uasdi
Aleph: bleh
ST rolled 15d10s7c10 = 3 <3; 10; 2; 3; 6; 3; 5; 3; 2; 2; 2; 6; 9; 6; 3> #Magenta's own research ahead of time
Aleph: Lol, she knows as much as I do, then.
EarthScorpion: Quick roll of Reaction + Politics to read motivation her reaction to Ferand.
Keris rolled 13d10s7c10 = 2 <2; 4; 3; 3; 9; 5; 1; 6; 2; 1; 3; 7; 5> #Reading Magenta
ST rolled 24d10s7c10 = 6 <8; 1; 4; 1; 2; 5; 1; 1; 8; 4; 4; 4; 5; 7; 2; 4; 1; 3; 8; 4; 3; 7; 9; 3> #First round Ferand showboating
ST rolled 16d10s7c10+2 = 9 <6; 8; 3; 7; 3; 6; 3; 1; 1; 1; 9; 8; 10; 1; 8; 4> #Angry snake-bunny
ST rolled 24d10s7c10 = 13 <6; 3; 2; 6; 10; 8; 9; 4; 7; 9; 5; 1; 7; 6; 8; 1; 4; 10; 1; 1; 9; 10; 2; 2> #Ferand waxes wroth
ST rolled 16d10s7c10+2 = 9 <2; 3; 8; 1; 6; 8; 8; 4; 8; 3; 2; 8; 3; 4; 3; 10> #go go bun bun
ST rolled 24d10s7c10 = 15 <8; 1; 2; 3; 7; 7; 2; 8; 5; 7; 4; 10; 8; 1; 9; 9; 1; 9; 9; 7; 5; 1; 7; 9> #Chariot goes brrr
ST rolled 16d10s7c10+2 = 5 <9; 1; 1; 9; 5; 1; 3; 3; 1; 3; 3; 2; 3; 1; 3; 8> #Bun bun goes grrr

<Offering forbidden teachings>
EarthScorpion: This sounds like it's going to be an attempt to bargain (and pull the wool over her eyes) so that'll probably take a charm enhanced roll.
Aleph: Keris is... still tired and low on motes, lol, so I can't just slam expensive Excellencies at this, blaaargh. Gotta use more efficient charmtech. Hidden Depths Temptress it is! I know she wants power and connections and is ambitious, which means "the Motivation or a known-to-the-Infernal Principle of the target is in line with the social attack", so it's 2m.
Aleph: Per+Pres = 15 x2
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10 = 9 <5; 10; 4; 7; 4; 6; 3; 10; 3; 3; 1; 7; 2; 10; 8> #(x2) Be A Test Subject, Magenta!
ST rolled 8d10s7c10+2 = 8 <10; 3; 8; 4; 9; 8; 9; 6> #Magenta cog + occult, 2ExS
EarthScorpion: Yeah so Magenta used Reflection Upon Insight again, got that Keris wants to bring her into this without owing her a favour and that it's not hostile to her and her motivation, and basically went "yeah I could probably extract more favours from her but I already have two and I don't want her to feel that our relationship is built on me extracting things from her"
Aleph: :D
Aleph: Suck it, Bloss.
EarthScorpion: It's the Dynastic training that really acknowledges the power of soft power and unspoken relationships. Magenta wants Keris to feel that while she owes Magenta, the wagers are part of their friendly habit of bets (that Magenta tends to win) and that she can get Magenta to do things without having a hold over her.
EarthScorpion: (Because this means Keris isn't so incentivised to get a hold over Magenta :p)
Aleph: Yup. ^_^
Aleph: She's a much better student of Keris than she would be of Bloss.

<Alchemy is better when done with friends!>
ST rolled 12d10s7c10+2 = 9 <5; 6; 8; 10; 9; 4; 5; 8; 6; 7; 2; 9> #Magenta Cog + Occult + TST dice + 2ExS to understand Keris's explanation
ST rolled 23d10s7c10 = 11 <5; 2; 8; 3; 10; 3; 5; 3; 4; 10; 9; 9; 5; 1; 8; 6; 1; 3; 6; 1; 5; 10; 9> #Reading Keris's reaction
EarthScorpion: Magenta has 11 successes on her Read Intentions roll to read Keris's reaction here, vs Keris's Guile
ST rolled 24d10s7c10 = 9 <4; 2; 6; 6; 9; 2; 8; 9; 2; 1; 4; 9; 10; 3; 8; 4; 2; 4; 4; 8; 6; 7; 2; 2> #Khereon Ul's casual examination
ST rolled 12d10s7c10+2 = 8 <1; 4; 6; 5; 8; 6; 5; 5; 9; 10; 7; 8> #Magenta Not Embarassing Herself Stance
ST rolled 13d10s7c10+5 = 14 <3; 5; 7; 2; 8; 8; 7; 8; 5; 4; 7; 10; 8> #otome-powered not-passing-out prana
ST rolled 13d10s7c10 = 5 <7; 10; 3; 5; 9; 5; 3; 9; 4; 2; 6; 3; 1> #can so much otome power be contained?
EarthScorpion: Roll me Endurance + Athletics vs an environmental hazard.
ST rolled 9d10s7c10 = 5 <1; 10; 3; 3; 7; 10; 1; 4; 4> #Khereon Ul resistance
Aleph: Oh dear. Do any of my Styles apply?
EarthScorpion: No, but, ah, you can use Physique instead because Threat Monitoring Excitement lets you be forewarned, and because you're warned you can get your left hand raised and that'll reduce damage taken by 1
Aleph: waha~
Aleph: then 5+5+2 stunt = 12
Keris rolled 12d10s7c10 = 0 <3; 1; 3; 1; 6; 2; 6; 4; 3; 5; 3; 6> #Don't Worry I'm Sure This Is Perfectly Safe-
Aleph: .............
Aleph: .............................................
EarthScorpion: Well.
EarthScorpion: Um.
Aleph: *sad harmonica noises*
Aleph: Clearly she was too busy nerding out to dodge ;_;
EarthScorpion: I guess your left hand does protect you against the worst consequences of the botch, but yes, Keris was too busy staring at it to dodge.
Aleph: Reaction+Occult = 5+5+2 stunt+2 Coadj=14
Keris rolled 14d10s7c10 = 10 <6; 3; 9; 4; 9; 4; 7; 7; 1; 10; 6; 9; 7; 10> #In Fact It's Absolutely FascinatAAAAAAGH
EarthScorpion: The long-term damage (i.e ignoring the bashing, which'll heal quickly) is 5L, reduced to 4 by your hand.
EarthScorpion: (Khereon Ul takes 3L and is also quite scorched)
Aleph: ouchie >_<

<Heretical theories afterwards>
ST rolled 14d10s7c10+5 = 9 <7; 2; 5; 3; 7; 7; 5; 3; 1; 9; 1; 5; 3; 1> #KU occult ponderings
ST rolled 9d10s7c10 = 5 <7; 6; 9; 7; 3; 9; 9; 6; 1> #Reading Keris
EarthScorpion: Doesn't quite beat your Guile, but they at least suspect you have souls.
Aleph: Using Heartwood's Patronage to assess Khereon Ul's price and also Envious Heart to envy them for their alchemy skills. HP roll against their Guile is Persuasion + Politics = 5+4+3 Perfumed Smoke+3 stunt [EH] + 4 Envious Heart auto successes=15 +4.
Keris rolled 15d10s7c10+4 = 13 <1; 3; 7; 2; 3; 7; 8; 9; 4; 9; 7; 10; 2; 7; 6> #The Alchemist's Twisted Heart
Aleph: : 3
Aleph: I think perhaps it does not matter what Khereon Ul's exact Guile is. :V
Aleph: Cog 3 + Occult 5 + Malfean Scholar 3 + stunt 2 = 13 to recognise the names they dropped.
Keris rolled 13d10s7c10 = 5 <7; 3; 2; 3; 7; 2; 6; 9; 3; 8; 3; 4; 8> #Who Dat, Sounds Heretical
EarthScorpion: Yeah so you barely hit the difficulty, so what you have is vague allusions in old books in Orabilis's libraries that those two are in the list of the foremost pantheonic servants of the Traitor Autochthon, who Keris only knows vaguely knows was a "sickly crippled smith" Primordial who sided with the gods against his own kin; nothing more.
Yeah, Khereon Ul is super controversial to even tangentially mention the traitor Autochthon to an Infernal. I feel like discussing the designer of the Exaltations who the Primordials disliked and made fun of and hated even before he betrayed the Yozi is probably on the no-no list.
Is it weird that I don't like Mele? Like he does some real kind stuffand in a lot of ways good for Keris but I find the nature of the Tidal Raiders sort of disconcerting. Though I can't say that he is taking advantage of Keris given how careful he has been and the general balance of power between them.
One thing I've realized about the Mele arc is how Keris's behavior has shifted since Eko decided to accept herself; she's much more giggly, bubbly and giddy in the 'romance' bits imo.
There have been some funny moments surrounding Mele and I also like the romance as a big signal that the demon brood have graduated beyond just being a bunch of cute nieces and nephews, but I also don't really vibe with him that much overall.
Unlike all the other romances he is also someone who doesn't have shit preventing him from just being there in every arc, so that's a bit awkward.
Tales of the Wyld-Dark Sea
For anyone who likes Kerisgame, and particularly the keruby, I'd like to recommend Tales of the Wyld-Dark Sea; a 3e game being run by my friend @Kaiya. It follows two Solars (and later a Sidereal) played by @emeralis00, @Maugan Ra and @Omicron respectively, down at the very southern end of the Dreaming Sea, dealing with faerie kingdoms and the infernalist sorcerers of Ysyr and a lot of other fun nasties. While it doesn't share a universe with Kerisgame, there are keruby in the plot - indeed, one of the PCs has a mez familiar - and they don't seem to be any kind of Hellish demon...

It's really good, and I thoroughly recommend it if you like the kind of published game logs that Kerisgame falls under. Go check it out!
I try not to post every idea that pops into my head. But I had one I thought was good. A few times there has been discussion of the Kerisity interacting with Earth. Including the fact the whole Rathan as a magical girl villain. Just, I like the idea of Keris's souls setting up on earth and each of them being the villain of a different story. So Rathan sets up as a japanese idol and when the magical girl team confronts him he gets bailed out by Haenyl the new Empress of Brazil.

Also, could Keris develop a Shintai where she merges with Dulmea as a counterpart to snek mode? Just Coadjutator and Po share the can't be summoned thing (which goes double for the Po) but Pekhijira gets a chance to play in the real world sometimes. Not certain what her speciality would be.
For anyone who likes Kerisgame, and particularly the keruby, I'd like to recommend Tales of the Wyld-Dark Sea; a 3e game being run by my friend @Kaiya. It follows two Solars (and later a Sidereal) played by @emeralis00, @Maugan Ra and @Omicron respectively, down at the very southern end of the Dreaming Sea, dealing with faerie kingdoms and the infernalist sorcerers of Ysyr and a lot of other fun nasties. While it doesn't share a universe with Kerisgame, there are keruby in the plot - indeed, one of the PCs has a mez familiar - and they don't seem to be any kind of Hellish demon...

It's really good, and I thoroughly recommend it if you like the kind of published game logs that Kerisgame falls under. Go check it out!
That totally sounds like something I might enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation!
I try not to post every idea that pops into my head. But I had one I thought was good. A few times there has been discussion of the Kerisity interacting with Earth. Including the fact the whole Rathan as a magical girl villain. Just, I like the idea of Keris's souls setting up on earth and each of them being the villain of a different story. So Rathan sets up as a japanese idol and when the magical girl team confronts him he gets bailed out by Haenyl the new Empress of Brazil.

Also, could Keris develop a Shintai where she merges with Dulmea as a counterpart to snek mode? Just Coadjutator and Po share the can't be summoned thing (which goes double for the Po) but Pekhijira gets a chance to play in the real world sometimes. Not certain what her speciality would be.

So, the mechanical possibility exists, because a lot of the coadjutor and po design space is mirrored.

But Keris probably won't ever do it, because it's outside her axioms and paradigm. She merges with Pekhijira, because the Serpent Queen is her oldest and best friend, her eternal companion. Dulmea is her sagely guide and teacher-mother in her head.