Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

It's nice to see the hinted-at Kalaska sub-plot begin.

I'm happy to see Haneyl again. She has a fun dynamic with the rest of Keris' family. I'm looking forward to seeing the businesswoman side of her.

I'm looking forward to merging the Kuha and Misbegotten storylines. The story feels like it's consolidating a few things so that it's easy to keep them in focus. I really hope that Darling Yellow didn't die while Keris was at the other side of Creation. I wonder if Keris will end up merging a few bird species together before she enlarges them. A pigeon/albatross mix would be pretty spectacular at navigation/long distance flight.

Haneyl know what she wants, and how to get it.

She also has no time for her siblings' romantic crushes and great love affairs. She knows what she wants, and doesn't feel love has much to do with it.

Nice to see the ancient (or it feels like it at least, with it being bonkers long ago we last saw Sasi) dangling plot thread of Kalaska come back.

I mean, Keris did know that Sasi wasn't exactly the happiest person and was kind of mucked up on the inside. But now she kind of has a clue on just how ridic messed up Sasi's mindset is.

Sure, Keris has her own issues, but she mostly admits to them and she's honestly a lot healthier than she used to be. All that work in raising her kids/souls right has done her quite a lot of good.

Whereas it defs feels like all of Sasi's growth has been built on foundations of (silver) sand.

It is funny how looking after her souls and bringing them into harmony has helped Keris grow up.

Whelp Sasi's coadjudicator is living on borrowed time if she can figure out the Po accession.

On that note is there a write up of the heroic agate who ended up being utterly mismatched?

Here you are.

It's nice to see the hinted-at Kalaska sub-plot begin.

I'm happy to see Haneyl again. She has a fun dynamic with the rest of Keris' family. I'm looking forward to seeing the businesswoman side of her.

Haneyl is fun. She makes plot happen, and pushes Keris to make plot happen, because she's a very active, agency-having character. And Keris can hand her tasks to do and she'll probably get them done, although may well make new problems along the way.
Session 125
Session 125 gets us the rest of the way to Saata! But... not without losses.


:( :( :(

o7 Darling Yellow

You will be deeply, deeply missed.

[spoilery territory]

[more spoilery territory]

[oh my, oh wow, such spoiler, much amaze]


EarthScorpion: So, how was that?
Aleph: I'm loving Molian. : D
EarthScorpion: Oh?
Aleph: oh dragon aides <3
Aleph: The way she took the initiative to just... steal the divine placement. She's a much more Kerisian dragon aide than the fairly stuffy Rounen.
Aleph: She'd be a terrible assistant for Keris, but I suspect she'll be a very good administrator for her.
EarthScorpion: Yes, I tried to tutorialise that they all have personalities and the adult form doesn't overwrite them. :p
EarthScorpion: And yes, she's got the Haneyl side of "creative improvisations".
Aleph: Sigh. And if she gets promoted twice, Keris has a dragon aide monitoring all the reports of what happens with the misbegotten.
EarthScorpion: ... also, she was lying on her front on the shrine, chin on her hands, legs in the air, listening to the prayers.
Aleph: : D
Aleph: I noticed.
Aleph: She is as shameless as her patron.
EarthScorpion: In some ways, yes, she's a more Haneylish dragon aide.
Aleph: ^_^
EarthScorpion: And she's "proven" she's not a demon.
EarthScorpion: ...
EarthScorpion: also i kind of like her too
EarthScorpion: so gave her a husbando
Aleph: and yes
Aleph: they will be supah kewt
EarthScorpion: She's basically the long-term set-up for the god stuff you wanted.
Aleph: ^_^
EarthScorpion: Heh. Dragon aides have the very... unplanned property that they're excellent divine infiltrators.
Aleph: : D
EarthScorpion: And might only produce suspicion by being too good at their jobs.
Aleph: Sigh. And they naturally look pretty human - and thus a god's clothes and panoply items can make them look like a pretty good approximation of a real god holding that role.
EarthScorpion: They've got the giveaway "aspect markings", but noone knows what that means yet.
Aleph: ... also if anyone does discover they're a demon, the problem quite often takes care of itself as the discoverer is foolish enough to say so immediately and promptly get eaten by a furious draconic monster.
EarthScorpion: :D
Aleph: Hmm.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: wait
Aleph: does
Aleph: does that mean that keris is taking over the bureaucratic government that runs the world with a behind-the-scenes conspiracy
Aleph: of infiltrating lizard-men?
EarthScorpion: lol
Keris: "Please."
Keris: "Lizard-women started it."​
Aleph: god dammit keris
Aleph: literally
Aleph: the worst


Aleph: Heh. The initial dragon aide/mercurial artisan couple.
Aleph: The first of a fairly successful breed of relationship.
EarthScorpion: Calesco is finding herself surrounded by DISGUSTING HET, though
Aleph: poor calesco
EarthScorpion: And yes, the second holdasszony is much less Kerisian.
Aleph: Hee. Helped by the fact that he's much more equal to his partner and doesn't need to fear competition as much.
EarthScorpion: Yes, that too.
EarthScorpion: Oula literally used aunty Keris to dispose of a rival.
Aleph: : D


EarthScorpion: Any other thoughts about how that went?
Aleph: Hmm. Darling Yellow's death hit me unexpectedly hard - I mean, it was good; it was great.
Aleph: But I nearly teared up writing Keris's reaction to it.
Aleph: Poor Keris. : (
Aleph: Fresh off the boat from losing her parents all over again, and then she gets blindsided by this.
EarthScorpion: There was really no one she could blame, too.
Aleph: yeah
Aleph: It was even pretty much what she'd have wanted for her.
Aleph: Just... she didn't get to properly say goodbye.
Aleph: : (
EarthScorpion: She knows that even if she'd been there, odds are she would have missed it


Aleph: heh, you know, I actually forgot for a moment why Haneyl would need medical stuff
Aleph: lawl
EarthScorpion: Lol : D
Aleph: hush ye
EarthScorpion: But yeah, I see you caught the idea that this place had a good chance of becoming the Cinnamon HQ.
Aleph: ^_^
EarthScorpion: Haneyl: "Cinnamon pays me rent."
Aleph: Lavish apartments (rentable for a night~) above, with grand performance halls below.
EarthScorpion: Oh Haneyl. She very much sees the advantage of having a separate ID to Cinnamon and Little River.
Session 125 gets us the rest of the way to Saata! But... not without losses.


:( :( :(

o7 Darling Yellow

You will be deeply, deeply missed.
On the one hand, I like it alot.

On the other, ES managed to jar my SoD a bit with this line:
"Oh, child," Dulmea says sadly. "Death is always hard. But she got the quiet, peaceful death that many demons only dream of. I would not have thought that you would have preferred that she linger."
Death by Adorjan may be quiet, but it's generally pretty much the exact opposite of peaceful.

Also I can't wait until Calesco in her divine guise gets summoned to Yu Shan and promptly starts laying into everyone about the slacking and the extortion rackets and all the other shit the gods do instead of their jobs.
The most hilarious part for me was Molian, and how vexed she was at goddess's improper paperwork.

So the question becomes when which dragon aid will shank the no doubt soon to be assigned city goddess.

Well that and or a Sidreal being extremely tempted to cry in horror at a deva perfect for godly bureaucracy
The most hilarious part for me was Molian, and how vexed she was at goddess's improper paperwork.

So the question becomes when which dragon aid will shank the no doubt soon to be assigned city goddess.

Well that and or a Sidreal being extremely tempted to cry in horror at a deva perfect for godly bureaucracy

I'd give it 50/50 between crying in horror and scheming to get dragon aides loyal to the Bureau of Destiny and then replace all the gods with them. (Note: if I was a Sid this would totally be my plan).
The Dragon Aides give a vaguely Invasion of the Body Snatchers feel (being plant-ish entity replacements) in their move to take over heavenly bureaucracy and I adore it. The plot is insidious and very much a Night application of bureaucrats.
Sidereal to his circle: I've discovered a horrible plot against Heaven!
Circle: What is it now?
Sid: A group of demons killing god's and usurping their roles.
Circle: That's... Pretty normal really.
Sid: The horrible bit is they're doing the job so much better than the gods were! That's why I even visited them and discovered the plot! Their indulgences aren't even any worse really than what the gods did!
Circle: Okay, now that is a problem...
Other Circle Member: Actually... It might be an opportunity...
Ah Darling Yellow. I thought it would happen but it's still sad. At least before she died she got to see her family get a real home and real safety. Excellent job with Keris' reaction @Aleph.

I'm definitely looking forward to more Pirate-Queen Keris. As I recall, she still needs to find a sources of hearthstones for fuel for the Baisha in order to operate independently. Keris has had a little more practice being a social tidal wave so I'm eager to see her deal with the Hui Cha

The thing with Molian taking over the divine role by taking the divine panoply makes me think of something @EarthScorpion was mulling over in the general thread. The idea was that there weren't an solid lines dividing what is an elemental and what is a god, so they should be the same type of being. An elemental given a divine office title becomes more "god-like" in personality and a god that loses their office becomes more feral. I hadn't thought to extend that to demons taking a god's panoply to become divine in mien, but it's a pretty neat idea. It also suggests interesting things for ghosts that get there hands on someone's panoply.

Good to see Haneyl get her merchant princess on. I know that there's a dance school in Saata that is doing poorly that is ripe for being assimilated and then handed to Zanara for improvement.
Session 126
Clearly, the absolute most important part of Part 126 is the fact that Iris has learned to express herself with occult-rainbow-fire emoji.

But yeah, some other stuff happened as well.

So, first off we get a look at the blue masters of the Hui Cha, with @EarthScorpion launching a massive longpost at me that he'd been preparing for weeks. This is the sort of thing he and I adore; spreading a hand of interesting, distinct and identifiable characters with a range of goals and motivations and personalities and focuses and then dropping Keris in the middle of them to make what she will of the situation. At the moment I'm leaning towards killing Red Leaf, since he and Sea Eagle are the big threats and killing him off will get Peaceful Wave onboard - but then, on the other hand, Sea Eagle is smart and unpredictable and worrying. He is, in fact, basically the Keris of the blue sea masters; the mercurial born-poor occultist who succeeds through opportunism and values women. And he's racist as fuck, so he'll react very badly if the truth of her comes out.

But Red Leaf is sour and ambitious and vain and cruel, and more than that he's also young. He has a fair span of years ahead of him, while Sea Eagle is an old man. So I think it's going to be him that dies and Sea Eagle that stays on as the most dangerous of Keris's blue sea masters (both to her and to others). We will see!

Anyway, with that out of the way and a nice refreshing of Keris's conspiracy with Pale Branch settled; we get the long-awaited maturations of Elly and Saji! @EarthScorpion can post writeups of the three breeds of matured sziromkeruby now that we've seen all of them. Aaaaand with Saji, we also get the accidental arson of Keris's main living space. Dammit. Yeah, that's on me; I should have seen it coming. @EarthScorpion trolled me; he trolled me but good (the dastard). Keris prods herself in the trauma to spare her daughter the grief of losing a friend and almost gives herself a possession-triggered panic attack, then realises with Eko's help that she's angry at Sasi and literally does have a panic attack at the concept that she might be mad at her girlfriend for justifiable reasons. Because... well, the concept of being so angry at a person that you forget how much you love them is one that has some pretty obvious hot buttons attached for Keris.

I hope I'm portraying the damage Maryam left her with well; so please, weigh in on how it comes across. Especially those with experience who know what they're talking about, which I freely admit I don't.

The adorable stuff with Ogin is adorable, and the planning segment is notable for how it signals that we're going to be moving into strategic play now - probably from the next session onwards. All of Keris's souls have their respective projects (admittedly's Rathan's is "R&R in the Domain" for the most part), and we immediately see that Keris is far better a leader than Sasi in one crucial respect, which is delegating. Even if it does get her bullied by Haneyl and Rounen; her ability to rely on her subordinates and spread out responsibilities will probably make her quite a strong force to be reckoned with in the long-term compared to Sasi's micromanagement which peaks higher but puts far more stress on the central piece involved.

Oh, and we also have the reveal of exactly what Keris's painting does. Haha, oh man, I've been waiting for this for ages. I literally laughed hysterically when Keris had that realisation about Taira and was so offended by it. Hee. :D

... and yeah, you can probably guess, but that painting is going to be a major boon in Sasi and Keris maintaining a semi-long-distance relationship. Not to mention... ah, but there we drift into the realm of even-more-spoilery spoilers, which I can't mention even within the bounds of a spoiler box.

You'll just have to wait and see. :3
Haneyl's Adult Keruby
So, yes, we now have all of Haneyl's keruby emerged. She's quite the little prodigy, isn't she? Quite precocious.

So here they are:

Fogszentkae, the Hungry Ones
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Flower Maiden
Maturation of the Dancers of Flame and Flowers

As some of the sziromkeruby age, their fires gutter and dim. The petal-cherub eats and eats and eats, trying to re-ignite their flame, but if it goes out they collapse and rapidly decompose into plant-slurry that seeps into the ground. Seven days later the mature fogsventka crawls from their earthen womb, howling their hunger to the sky.

When their bellies are empty the fogszentkae take the form of horse-sized hyenas made of thorns and petals; when they feast they can transform themselves into beautiful men and women with sharp teeth. Their hair and eyes are the colour of the flames they had as children and their skin is the colour of their former leaves. When their stomachs empty their flowers and thorns start to sprout from their skin as they lose the ability to maintain the lie of humanity. They greatly value fine clothing for their human form, but they tear such garments when they transform and will seldom willingly assume their true skin without first stripping and hiding their silks somewhere safe.

In either of their forms, the hungry ones are predators. In the swamps they stalk silently through the undergrowth or lurk in rivers - for there is also something crocodilian about them. When they walk among men or other demons, their quick eyes know the value of all they see and how much it can profit them. They might not be the most silver-tongued of demons, but their sharp minds and predatory whispers make them keen bargainers and ruthless merchants. They can taste profit in the air and sniff out thefts and corruption by those who would deny them their due. Such unfortunates are usually eaten.

The ignorant believe that the fogszentkae hunt when they are hungry and trade when they are full. No; these demons can never be sated. Their greed is a physical emptiness that gnaws at them. The full hunger of the Flower Maiden dwells in them, driving them onwards. They might stalk the hellish swamp that is their home or plot and connive for honour in their lady's court, but the same urge always drives them. Sziromkeruby throng around their older siblings, working in their enterprises in settlements and riding on their backs out in the wilds.

Fogsventkae also have the caution of predators. These demons know that to be hurt risks hungry weeks or months while they cannot hunt, and hate to be injured unless the reward for is overwhelming. Demons who cross the swamps where feral hungry ones dwell bribe them with offerings of meat, pretty things and music; at court they pay tribute to the princess's fine gentlemen and ladies in exchange for their protection. Those they count as part of their pack are shown generosity - and knowing hunger so well, they hate to see others starve. Unlike many other demons in their anarchic homeland, the fogsventkae form clear hierarchies, and to feed another in their time of hunger forms a solid alliance.

Demonologists invoke the hungry ones for their gluttony or for their greed. Though they can serve on the battlefield, they are best used as scouts and elite raiders who sack villages and hunt down scouts. If well-fed, they can pass as human and function as a sorcerer's procurers and merchants, literally hunting down good trades or those who would steal from them. Careful sorcerers remember, though, that binding has no hold on a starving fogsventka (hunger penalty of -4 or more) and in addition they suffer one point of Limit for each ten minutes spent in that state. A hungry one can slip from their hellish home realm when the blood of a prey animal is shed upon a fortune whilst on sodden land.

Maglyaszentkae, the Fleshless Flames
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Flower Maiden
Maturation of the Dancers of Flame and Flowers

Some of the sziromkeruby burn too brightly and too hot, embracing the passions of the Flower Maiden. The fires at their core consume them in the end, their bud-heads splitting open and their vine-bones turning to ash. So hot is their final childish fire that the embers keep on smouldering for a week. In seven days time a fire the size of a tyrant lizard erupts, consuming all within its path; the maglyaszentka reborn.

These demons hide inside the bodies of others, for their flame-selves are tenebrous and vaporous. They envelop their would-be host, and rush into their mouth, eyes and nose. The strong-willed can cough them up, and for that reason they prefer to target those who are sleep, or otherwise distracted by strong emotions. Their host's eyes reflect distant suns, and the passions within leave them flushed and feverish.

Some fleshless flames prefer to possess animals and mindless demon-beasts. The thoughts of such inferior creatures are consumed for fuel by the maglyaszentka, who nurtures their embers within its heart. Others instead creep into the minds of mortals and other demons, nudging their host and serving as muses. The host dreams the dreams of the demon, and the fleshless flame fans their wants and desires.

When threatened, a maglyazentka can explode forth from their host as a colossal burning demon of flame. Their current body dangles from the head of this great flame beast. Such fury exhausts them, and within a few minutes they will collapse back down into a dormancy, sleeping for a week within their host while they regain their strength.

These demons are melodramatic creatures, with a supernatural allure that draws others to them like moths to a flame. In the face of rivals or anyone who would equal their skill they only redouble their efforts, for they are driven to be the best at whatever they turn their hand to. When a band of these creatures put on a performance, they will either make a marvel to leave princes in awe, or melt down in a firestorm of clashing egos and mutual recriminations. Their loves and their hates burn as bright as they do. Within their home realm some are fine nobles at the court of their mercurial princess, but others wander the lands as travelling singers and actors - for their white-hot words scorch the mind and make them hard to forget. These spoiled demons demand high prices for their services, though, because they are fully aware of their own brightly-burning brilliance and they require fuel for their vices. Their younger siblings flock around them, looking for roles as understudies and stagehands.

Sorcerers evoke the fleshless flames for their capacity to stir crowds and captivate an audience. As tale-tellers, they scorch stories into the minds of listeners, who struggle to put their words out of mind for days. Their unleashed fury is too short-lived for them to be much use as warriors, though some summoners have used them to breach wooden walls or destroy the houses of their rivals. Heavy dull lead is anathema to their mercurial spirits, and its touch inflicts one point of lethal damage and one point of Limit on them for each scene they remain in contact with it. The touch of lead also makes their presence in a possessed victim Obvious to onlookers. They can escape into Creation when a mortal burns their tongue on hot wax on the evening before a great performance. The demon takes up residence in their new host, the wax serving to seal an unspoken agreement.

Rendszentkae, the Dragon Aides
Demon of the First Circle
Progeny of the Flower Maiden
Maturation of the Dancers of Flame and Flowers

Some of the sziromkeruby let their love of books fill up their heads. Their bud bulges with facts and knowledge and standards of behaviour, leaving room for little else. In their obsession they do not eat and their fire gutters and dies. In the end they dessicate, leaving only a dried husk behind. Seven days later, the husk is revealed to be a chrysalis which splits at the seams. Wet and fleshy, the reborn rendszenkta crawls from the shell of their former self as a creature with two skins.

In their human form, dragon aides appear as a demonic mockery of the Terrestrial Exalted. They wear the forms of well-formed men and women, often with features that suggest the blood of the Realm. Their eyes always match the colour of the flames they had in their larval form; their hair matches the petals. The embers and ravenous blossoms of the Flower Maiden bedeck them, impersonating the aspect markings of the Princes of the Earth. Rendszentkae hold themselves with a quiet, commanding dignity that deceives mortals. When that facade cracks and they act intemperately, onlookers can see their slitted eyes, two rows of crocodilian teeth, and savage expressions.

When pushed beyond their limit or insulted, a rendsventka moults and assumes the shape of a great horned river dragon that exhales the clinging liquid fire of the Flower Maiden. They hate to be seen this way, however, and will only do so willingly if they believe that they will not be leaving any witnesses or if they are enraged beyond belief. The thing the dragon aides hate most of all is the title of 'demon'. In their own eyes, they are a superior class of being, no mere "demon of the first circle" and the most reliable way to get one to shed its human facade is to address it as such over its protestations.

Dragon aides are neurotic creatures who need constant affirmation from superiors or peers. Their pride is a paper-thin thing, constantly worried by the standards and tales they have internalised from their reading. For that reason a rendsventka's perfect world is one where it is the most trusted underling of a mighty prince. They hoard knowledge and books- the rarer the knowledge, the better. Almost all of them will keep a sziromkerub retainer whose sole purpose is to seek out new tomes for them.

In the court of their lady, dragon aides are the Flower Maiden's military bureaucracy. They write her self-favouring histories, plan her imperial campaigns, and serve as officers in her plundering armies. Others suspect the bureaucracy was devised by Haneyl to give her rendsventkae an outlet for their energies, for it is a warren of one-upmanship, gossip, and duelling over minor differences in status.

Those who are shamed or feel slighted instead lurk in the border marches of their homeland. Many simply hide themselves in bayous, staying in river dragon form where the compulsions of proper behaviour have no hold on them. Some instead insinuate themselves into raider bands, often making those groups substantially more dangerous, and take their pay in stolen books.

Sorcerers find the dragon aides to be born sycophants well-suited for managing other demons or serving as their own assistants. Though they have a talent for command, their personal combat skills in human form are usually mediocre and they hate assuming their river dragon forms unless they are alone. A dragon aide gains one point of limit for each week that passes without the recognition of a superior or peer, and an additional point for each time they are directly addressed as a demon. This formality and propriety is also how they escape into Creation - should a well-mannered person be humiliated by louts who have risen above their status and be left without friends, a rendsventka may appear to aid their path back to power so that proper standards can be maintained.
Wait if your only publishing Hanyel kerub maturations now that all of them have been released , does that mean Rathan still has more evolutions to see?
(Edit: called Rathan nathan due to autocorrect)
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It's funny, I was just looking up their old write ups from the Exalted thread. It's interesting to see how much they've changed since then.
The Dragon Aides are very interesting... Because they seem to be made in the mold of 'What the original plan for the Gods behaviour's is... So would be a great benefit to anyone in Creation except maybe the forces of the Dead... Because they are less concerned about the realities and more what they believe to be the proper standards of behaviour for the current situation.
Sessions 127 & 128
And now we move properly into strategic time with Part 127 and Part 128! Which I am posting together because they're pretty interlinked anyway and I hate having a buffer. Expect the next chapter within a few days, because I have that stored too.

So, lots happening here. We get a look at Haneyl's nature as a lieutenant and her pros and cons. If you look at Keris's three "delegation" children; Rathan, Haneyl and Zanara, there's a theme there. Rathan is very much her defensive operator; he deflects negative things away from Keris and prevents bad things from happening. Haneyl, by contrast, is an offensive lieutenant - she's the one Keris sends to go take over an island or bring in the good shit. And then Zanara is what you might call counter-offensive - to use intelligence-gathering as an example, Haneyl would put spies in someone else's camp, Rathan would stop spies in Keris's from finding anything wrong, but Zanara would subvert or make examples out of the spies they found.

The positives of Haneyl's very aggressive approach is that... well, she gets things done, and is Keris-level excellent at spotting and exploiting opportunities on her own initiative. The downsides are that just like Rounen, she isn't always available and gets erratic if she doesn't feel appreciated (and then makes everyone else's lives miserable until she feels better). Also she embarrasses Keris by sharing details about her three-way Thing with Rounen and Elly. Which is adorable. :D

Lucky Wolf and Graceful Petal go well, and Keris is now a landowner! Who's legitimately bought and paid for a whole great big estate! With money she legitimately stole from a Solar god-king in another country! (Keris does not quite understand how the law works.) It's a bit run down, but... eh. She is, however, stretching herself increasingly thin - and it's only because she has Gales and multiple loyal demon-lord lieutenants who can operate in human society and get along with one another that she's able to keep up with a village-size estate, the reconstruction of a performing hall, the founding of a silver smithy and the takeover of the triads all while caring for three dependent children. Who are adorable. Ogin not trusting the written word is hilarious - and mostly due to the fact that he's way ahead of his physical age in mental development thanks to training Charms, so he's grappling with the concept of books at an age where he still can't focus on the words very well.

Then we get Sinasana Ba-le. She's interesting, and I suspect she's going to be fun. She's a "friendly rival" character like Ney... but where Ney is Keris's rival, Ba-le is Little River's. She's also tied Iris to the Little River identity, because Iris is a naughty little dragon who doesn't obey mama's orders about staying hidden. Thought will need to be put into how to occupy her while Keris is being Cinnamon, when that identity shows up in Saata. Extensive thought, I fear.

At the moment Keris is a bit limited with what she can do with her estate - which I've decided will be called Silver Lotus Blooms Beside the Sea; a traditionally Tengese sort of name that can have several meanings. Read one way, it's that a Tengese silversmith exiled from An Teng is coming into her own after Exalting as a Water Aspect. Read another, it's that the daughter of a silver-themed Exalt whose natural habitat is the water is being raised as the heir to An Teng. It compresses nicely to "Silver Lotus", which is tied neatly to just "rich" and "Tengese"... and finally the fact that it's not a Golden Lotus is a hint that its owner doesn't follow the Golden Lord but may perhaps lean more towards the Pale Mistress.

A lovely little name, all in all. : 3

Anyway, she can't operate openly there before securing the safety of the estate by, hah, cult-ivating a loyal group, which... uh... is something Keris has never actually had before, I think. Like, she's been dragging a small entourage for a while, but I don't think she's ever had a whole village where everyone will go "no guv'nor, s'just Little River and her babe 'ere, no others" to any outsider. The most she's had is her servants in Hell, who wouldn't go against the Unquestionable for her - she wasn't even part of a gang in Nexus. So what she's aiming for is a group of followers who may know everything or may only know a little, but who have a general principle of "the lady's secrets are hers to keep", and so they just calmly accept that if there's a strange bronze-skinned boy roaming around, it doesn't matter who he is and they don't need to know. That's the best sort of attitude to cultivate for what she needs. The general idea that no, they don't know everything and yes, Little River is more than she seems - and even have a lot of them know, in that "unspoken secret that a lot of people have worked out" sort of way, that "Little River" probably isn't her real face... but that it doesn't matter, because she's still the woman they're loyal to, who's given them so much, who's fiercely protective of her people, etc, and her secrets are hers and honour/loyalty/etc is to just nod respectfully and not put any effort into working out the things she's hiding.

It will be fun to see, no doubt!

We're getting a lot more Zanara development now, and we had a discussion about how their sides are distinguished - the Artist creates, the Art displays. Where Zana is "arouse the audience", Nara is "enthral the crowd" - she whips up emotional highs, he keeps them fixated on him. To a large extent, honestly, Zanara's drive for attention? Their need for people to look at them? That's more Nara than Zana. The Artist is about others; poking at people and playing with minds and provoking reactions. The Art is about themselves; holding attention, changing their own appearance - socially as well as physically - and shifting to match the local aesthetic. To whit; Zana wants people to react to her, while Nara wants people to focus on him. If they were being the monster in a horror film, Zana would be fine never actually appearing on-screen but shaping the reactions and feelings and behaviour of the victims by all the psychological horror and noises behind the walls that they're desperately looking for the source of and so on, while Nara would much more want to be the terrible creature that you get to see and which is frightful and terrifying and gets all the focus. The standing issue with him at the moment is that he's got limited ways to interact with normal humans. He can't do what Zana does, and appear as a normal girl (apart from always having some kind of heterochromia and colour duality, which Zana compulsively always does), so I'm going to have to get him a magical robe to parallel Eko's ribbon-dress fairly soon.

Finally, we get a Sasi scene where we find out the second power of Keris's marvellous painting - it's a 3-dot Sanctum. And we also see Keris manage to slip yet another high-success stealth-social attack under a powerful Exalt's nose - this time aimed at turning Marenolo and Moneha on La. And prodding Kalaska to be even more opposed to him than she already is. We also see that Sasi is riding at a similarly high-Limit state to Keris right now - enough that Salina is bleeding through in her dreams. And since Sasi has Past Life 5, if not n/a, @EarthScorpion might well be writing up a rule that lets a sufficiently powerful Past Life flashback substitute for a Limit Break, to give Keris more opportunities to meet the Mentor Sasi is so reluctant to release under normal circumstances.

Oh. And one more thing. I do believe we're approaching the ETA for Keris's family and the Lionesses arriving at the end of Wood. Well, late Falling Wood to early Rising Fire - Bronze Age travel across that kind of distance is an imprecise science, so the best Keris can do is "it'll be closer to that new moon than either of the ones around it, probably". But yeah. It's coming up soon.

Won't that be fun? :D
The positives of Haneyl's very aggressive approach is that... well, she gets things done, and is Keris-level excellent at spotting and exploiting opportunities on her own initiative. The downsides are that just like Rounen, she isn't always available and gets erratic if she doesn't feel appreciated (and then makes everyone else's lives miserable until she feels better).

Any similarity to her mothers in how she acts is, of course, purely a coincidence.

Also, much like Sasi, Haneyl gets sulky if she has to spend too long in rural places without an entourage and without what she defines as the benefits of civilisation, like hot baths, many different food-sellers, and suchlike. If sent into the countryside to do something like build a manse, she will either create a demon court to entertain herself, or take over the nearest set of humans to "bring civilisation" to them.

Basically, she falls into the "effective, but high maintenance" category of demon lords,

Lucky Wolf and Graceful Petal go well, and Keris is now a landowner! Who's legitimately bought and paid for a whole great big estate! With money she legitimately stole from a Solar god-king in another country! (Keris does not quite understand how the law works.)

Keris: "Law... that's something you eat, right?"

She's also tied Iris to the Little River identity, because Iris is a naughty little dragon who doesn't obey mama's orders about staying hidden.

Unfair! You can hardly blame her that she saw a big white dragon on Ba-le and wanted to go talk to them so they could be friends!

(Iris may not quite have realised yet that not all tattoos are alive)
Session 129
Bah, no responses at all? Fine, back to one chapter at a time. Make way for Part 129! I'm sure it will entertain you all. It certainly entertained @EarthScorpion, who has apparently decided that Keris being a subtle and subversive force of corruptive social influence among the Tengese triads has gotten boring, and has decided to throw an unexploded bomb into my lap to liven things up somewhat.

Oh and also some other stuff happened. Read on and find out!

Some extras again, since I managed to wrestle them off of Skype's frankly awful new iteration for you all:
Aleph: Oh, yes, question I've been meaning to ask. So, the scale of "fleet" is kinda variable. Zamar of the Raraan Ge has only two cutters, and the Padua Family's pride and joy is eight vessels and a four-mast flagship.
Aleph: Keris, in total, had nine 15m single-mast junks and seven 20m double-mast junks, plus a 50m four-master and a 65-metre five-master that was split in two down the hull. That was enough to put her hypothetically equal to or even slightly above the strongest of the blue sea masters.
Aleph: So, hmm, can I get a number on how many of her little ships she gave to Lucky Wolf to bring him "back up to par", and therefore how many she has left?
EarthScorpion: So, my thought broadly is that as a core thing, ships here are expensive. They're a big capital investment, and get more so when they're a) built for speed, and b) the more masts they have. Also, with the blue sea masters, remember - they have people reporting to them. So what they basically have is a few small squadrons for doing their personal things, and then subordinates who have their own fleets reporting to them.
EarthScorpion: So an operational squadron is usually 3 or so ships - so the war ship part of a BSM fleet is probably only ten or so ships, mostly 1 and 2 masters with maybe a three master flagship
Aleph: Cool. About what I'd expected.
Aleph: Hence why Keris skipped the expensive "build ships" stage and just stole a bunch from the Realm.
EarthScorpion: Yep. :p
EarthScorpion: Let's say she gave up 5 1-masters and 3 2-masters
Aleph: Cool.
Aleph: Four left of each, then. Still a pretty respectable fleet, especially with the 50-metre four-master.
Aleph: And if she can get the Mercy of Hesiesh repaired, she's in business.
Aleph: Hmm. That's got a split hull, and has been in the Domain with child-keruby for long enough that it's basically going to need to be completely rebuilt using the old hull as a frame. I'll have to dump it on an out-of-the-way island with a bunch of demon shipbuilders.
EarthScorpion: Honestly, it may be ruined as anything less than scrap and some of the fittings
Aleph: Tch. Pity.
Aleph: Still, the four-master is a very nice official flagship. And Neride will have finished sounding out the region on that scouting trip Keris gave her and be expecting some search-and-destroy orders, which Keris will happily give her by pointing at the Zu Tak and going "kill".


EarthScorpion: keris's kerisgenes come from her family
Aleph: both sides of it, it would seem : P
EarthScorpion: :D
EarthScorpion: So, how was that?
Aleph: I'm really liking the strategic play, mwaa haa
EarthScorpion: :D
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris
EarthScorpion: The whole Firisutu thing was because yeah, she is picking up a bunch of kerub sidekicks, and most of them, apart from Saji, are super useful.
Aleph: Yes. Hee.
Aleph: Hmm. Once I'm more secure I might summon him into a private part of the estate.
EarthScorpion: Hmm. Saji has probably gone home. Haneyl, sigh, is still a bit irked with her
EarthScorpion: Also, hee, you seem to like Elly.
Aleph: Yes. Hee.
Aleph: Where Rounen speaks to Keris's hun traits, Elly is very good at stroking her po.
Keris's Id really likes being treated with absolute respect as an apex predator who doesn't get argued with at all.
Aleph: ... or, to put it another way
Aleph: part of her actually quite likes being Unquestionable : V
EarthScorpion: Keris's Id likes being queen bitch.
EarthScorpion: And yes, the Haneyl bit was tutorialising that in strategic play, Haneyl and the other souls are not going to always be around for Trivial actions.
EarthScorpion: In the case of Haneyl, sometimes she's just on her period and also in a low fuel moment and so wants to be hugged and fed by Elly.
EarthScorpion: Heh. Elly is fun, because she just... does what Keris says. And thus while Rounen will argue, and while remaining polite still give the impression that he thinks Keris is being silly, Elly will just do whatever plan Keris thinks of, especially if it's immediately profitable or gets her food
Aleph: : D
Aleph: She very much likes this kind of job for her queen.
Aleph: And appreciates that if Keris finds an easy and fairly risk-free way to make money that requires some set-up or business acumen or time she just doesn't have, she'll generally just summon Elly and point her at it.
EarthScorpion: Also, heh, Keris now realises why Rounen showed up to her place to "have a strategic meeting with her".
EarthScorpion: He just was escaping Haneyl by pretending he had to cover his duties with Keris, and left Elly to handle a PMSing, burned out Haneyl
Aleph: hahahaha, lol
EarthScorpion: This is, indeed, one of the downsides of Haneyl as a strategic asset. Just like Rounen, she gets erratic if she doesn't feel appreciated
EarthScorpion: (then she makes everyone else's life miserable until she feels better)
EarthScorpion: Heh. Keris doesn't make people miserable like Haneyl does because she's too scared of making them hate her.
Aleph: ...
Aleph: *glances at Taym Matah*
Aleph: maybe not like Haneyl does
Aleph: but she still makes people feel pretty damn miserable when she's grumpy and annoyed and feels like a pick-me-up
Aleph: generally by stealing all of their valuables and gloating


Aleph: Ney: "Hi Kiss."
Keris: <flat stare>
Keris: "No. Bullshit. I refuse to acknowledge this. Get out of my city and breach the walls again, this time in a way that makes some fucking sense goddammit!"
EarthScorpion: Ney: "Actually, we were in your city all along. They were a distraction by a troupe of mimes I hired."


EarthScorpion: Hee. It really is amusing how Keris is a hot mess when viewed from her PoV, but a terrifying corrupter and assassin when you can't see her trying to stop Kali getting food in her brother's tails.
Aleph: It's one of my favourite parts of it, yes : D
Aleph: And it's helped a lot by how catlike she is.
Aleph: So a lot of times the scary impossible saboteur shit she pulls like "virtually singlehandedly toppled Nexus for unclear goals that may have been linked to the demon prince Jacinct" is actually explained by "shit went completely fucked and Keris managed by dint of Reaction 5 and personal lethality to come out of it intact and on her feet, then played it all off as if she'd meant for that to happen."
EarthScorpion: Ney says she's a really hot mess
Aleph: *eyeroll*
EarthScorpion: And then there's her thing with Ney, where she corrupted the head of counter Intel, then stole huge amounts of wealth and information and several priceless irreplaceable artifacts.
Aleph: :D
EarthScorpion: Sigh. And Ney knows she didn't plan it.
Aleph: She basically did do it mostly by accident.
EarthScorpion: But can't convince anyone else of it because he's compromised.
Aleph: lol :p
Aleph: God. It's one of the reasons he likes her.
Aleph: I mean, he's probably kind of mad about it, but he also privately thinks it's hilarious that she so perfectly managed to compromise him largely by accident, and basically just stumbled blindly through one of the most effective and successful attacks there's ever been on Malra, and which could have been worse still.
EarthScorpion: An assassin who's as good as he is, and two demon lords.
So Ney is going to be coming back next chapter that's going to be great, yes I know that he might not actually show up with her family but I can still hope. It was a fun chapter and has some nice set up but with the ending the way it is I'm just waiting for the next chapter.
Aleph: Ney: "Hi Kiss."
Keris: <flat stare>
Keris: "No. Bullshit. I refuse to acknowledge this. Get out of my city and breach the walls again, this time in a way that makes some fucking sense goddammit!"
EarthScorpion: Ney: "Actually, we were in your city all along. They were a distraction by a troupe of mimes I hired."

Where is that from? I've seen the gif before, but I really want to watch whatever it's from.

Also, poor poor Keris. She's got all of these plans set up to subvert and take control of the Hui Cha and then her family shows up to complicate things.

Her other family, not the demon family that's been very helpful.
Hey, my internet is down, so I can't hop on discord and react in real time, so I'm just recording my thoughts as I go along.
Oh Rounen, what have you been wrapped into?

Keris, what are you planning? Does Exquisite Bride Aquisition work on a ally?

Watching Keris break the news to her family should prove interesting.

Keris is still Tsuntsun for Ney. Why do I have a foreboding feeling?

Birdshit. Several meters worth of Birdshit. Wonderful.

I wonder if ES has you rolling in the background to see if you ever get a disguise mixed up. That would be fun to watch you try to salvage.

She stole Rathan's trick! That monster.

You gotta love botches, particularly if you aren't the one suffering.