Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

My crazy theory is that Testolagh will start developing them now that he's literally met Keris' souls and can probably connect some of their behaviors with facets of Keris' own personality. It won't be a conscious thing; more that his unconscious mind now sees developing a soul hierarchy as a natural consequence of his increasing power, which harmonizes with how soul hierarchies are an inherent part of a Primordial's power.

Basically, he'll be blindsided by it.
My crazy theory is that Testolagh will start developing them now that he's literally met Keris' souls and can probably connect some of their behaviors with facets of Keris' own personality. It won't be a conscious thing; more that his unconscious mind now sees developing a soul hierarchy as a natural consequence of his increasing power, which harmonizes with how soul hierarchies are an inherent part of a Primordial's power.

Basically, he'll be blindsided by it.
I'm of another opinion: Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if any development of Testoloagh's souls ends up going down a completely different route than Keris's and Sasi's did. (Assuming he goes down that route at any time at all before the story ends.)

Like, with Keris you can very much tie her souls development into her desire to be loved, via generating and connecting with a family within her own soul. It's part of why that method is comparatively healthy for Keris, as she plays into it really well and is always spending time with her own souls. Compare that to, say, what we've seen and heard of Sasi's inner family life, where, lacking the drive Keris has, she doesn't seem to connect with her inner world as much, to the point of being neglectful.

For Testolagh's part I recall one of his statements pretty heavily implying that he wouldn't want to follow that development path. (IIRC Something during Calibration about finding it to be "a hassle")

I don't have a good enough read on Testolagh and his particular drives to guess how those would play out, but for an unrelated hypothetical to show the range of possible differences, it's occurred to me that someone with a powerful drive towards self-understanding could have their third circles that begin as a series of masks and roles that they use to understand various aspects of themselves that later develop into real beings in their own right. (And thereafter progress to the point that each aspect themselves started questioning their nature, via the lenses of seven questions.)

Thinking further, it wouldn't surprise me much if it turned out that a 5 dot principle was a big part of starting off a new development path from (heh) first principles. After all, if something is as important to you as life itself, and you have the power to do so, it seems reasonable that your souls might warp in a way such that it was always with you.
Do you have Compassion 5 as a thing that exists among mortals at all?

Most mortals with a Principle at 5 don't last very long, because it means that you're put in a hard situation every time you run up against a choice between that Principle and your life. Level 5 Principles are things you can compel to override someone's survival instinct, they care about them that much.
Compassion 5 also seems like it would have some interesting interactions with the mental changes caused by the Kimbery Charm: Intolerable Burning Truths.
An Abyssal with Compassion 5 would be terrifying.

No, an Abyssal with Compassion 5 is a genuinely kind person who hates to see suffering or the weak victimised. "Destroy everything" involves killing so many innocents and helpless people, so they're going to have to suppress Compassion so many times - and with the Principles system, suppressing a Virtue-Principle is a scene spent weakening it. You won't be Compassion 5 very long if you keep on wrestling it down.
Pantheon-Anchored charm ideas: (under construction)

-A Shintai that turns your body into a living melody, like Dulmea herself, but played by up to (Enlightenment) facsimiles of you.
-A charm that lets you suppress any negative Principles the listeners have towards you, as long as you're playing music.
-A social charm that invokes Dulmea's status as Queen to force others to do things through charisma, and build an appropriate Principle towards you.

-A geomantic Charm that lets you create a labyrinth filled with extremely disorienting mist.
-A social charm that invokes Pekhijira's position as King to force others to do things through intimidation, and build an appropriate Principle toward you.
-An object appraisal charm.

-A charm that lets you enhance an attack with Echo's winds, dealing extra damage according to their highest-rated negative Principle and slightly eroding said Principle.
-A charm that lets you heal others by flensing the wounds away in Echo's winds.

-A charm that lets you temporarily give its target a Principle of "Rapturous Admiration" toward you.
-A charm that passively increases your maximum Appearance modifier based on the magnitude of the subjected characters' "Rapturous Admiration" Principles toward you.

-A charm that lets you substitute Haneyli fire for regular fire when using fire-based Sorcery.
-A Shintai that lets you reflexively shift between three different forms while it lasts: a dragon, a mass of burning plants, and a phoenix.

-A lie detector Charm that works better than FDA, but compels you to expose the lie or confront the liar about it.
-A charm that lets you substitute Calescoan fire for regular fire when using fire-based Sorcery.
-A charm that expands your Limit Track passively.

-A Charm that increases your max Excellency boost by 1 per purchase, as long as you're not using any Second Excellencies.
-A geomantic charm that lets you mimic the Spires.
-A charm that lets you substitute Valiant fire for regular fire when using fire-based Sorcery, or Valiant lightning for regular lightning when using lightning-based Sorcery.

-A charm that lets you substitute Zanaran fire for regular fire when using fire-based Sorcery.
-A sorcerous charm that conjures a mutagenic paintstorm.
-A geomantic charm that basically randomizes the landscape.
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Parenthood teaser - Midnight Augury
So this is not a canonical Kerisgame extra. It may or may not happen. Certainly, it assumes things about the point-of-view character, starting with the axiom that she's still alive. Depending on what Baisha is like if and when Keris reaches it on Orange Blossom's information, this piece of fiction is a dream that may never be sent, or may be sent to a different person, or may be sent bearing a different message.

Think of it as a teaser for a possible direction the next arc of the game may go in, and enjoy.

Midnight Augury
a mother's vision

The woman dreams.

In her dream, she is young again. She sits under the Tairan sky at the edge of the river, in the village she settled in two decades past. The air is peaceful and still, the silence broken only by the laughter and squeals of a child playing by the riverbank.

Her eyes drift to the child naturally, and it is her child; her little lost daughter. Her Keris, no older than the last time the woman saw her. A smile comes to the woman's lips, soft and sweet and unbearably sad.

Keris pays her no mind; thoroughly engrossed in levering a log upright from where it is half-sunk in the river mud. A stick in her hand serves as a spear, and she swipes enthusiastically at the air with it in imitation of her elders before jabbing her mud-covered wooden foe.

"So this is what Mother was like as a child. I suppose some things never change."

The woman isn't surprised, and turns to the figure suddenly beside her with the calm acceptance of a dream.

"She was always energetic," she agrees. The figure is probably female, but so utterly wrapped in dark mourning colours that she can say no more than that. Even its face is veiled behind blood-soaked silk, and as the woman stares at it an awful premonition wells up within her.

To raise a hand against this figure would bring doom down upon herself and all she loves. She knows it in her very bones.

"She was always violent, too," the figure - the goddess? - sighs. "But was that innate, or did she learn it from you, Grandmother? It's you she emulates when she takes up the spear, whether she knows it or not. What becomes of a child whose mother's dowry was murder?"

With a creaking groan, the log succumbs to Keris's ineffectual jabs and tips over, falling into the river with a mighty splash. Rather than lying there or floating away, it dissolves - and the waters run red with blood from within it. The supply is seemingly endless, and the stain spreads with terrible speed until the river is a charnel trough. The woman can see flickering fires reflected in it, and the sound of running water twists into the ring of steel, the crackling of flames and the screaming of villagers.

A chill goes up her back from memories a decade and a half old.

"I try to keep her contained," the goddess continues mercilessly. "But I don't know if I can, now. I can hope that they all deserve it, but I don't know how far she'll go or where she'll draw the line. I don't know if she'll stop."

"What..." the woman whispers. "What do you mean?"

It's little Keris who answers, waving from the bank of the blood-river and picking her way over to them; jumping from stone to stone in the mud and scrambling up the bank. Her hair has turned blood-red to match the river, the woman realises. When had it done that? The hazy logic of the dream had stopped her from noticing.

She reaches them and flops over her mother's lap like she always used to, and for a moment the woman reaches out to draw her into a hug. But then the little girl looks up, and her eyes...

... her eyes...

Her eyes are grey, but it's the shining grey of sword and spearhead, and behind that there is blood - so much blood; an endless tide of it pouring from a hundred thousand corpses. There are wrathful flames, fierce and hot and hungry, and an ocean of cold, caustic hatred. There is pain and power and beauty and horror and glory; on and on and on with no respite or mercy, because this is not a child. This is nothing like a child. This is something inconceivably vast and impossibly strong and intensely passionate, and already it is overflowing the fragile little form that houses it.

"Mama," says the thing wearing the face of her daughter, and its words shake the very mountains. "Mama, I've found you."

Behind it, a scarlet rain begins to fall upwards from the blood-river, rising towards the sky. The sun is tinted red, but despite its presence the sky begins to darken. The wind picks up, carrying mad, delighted laughter to the woman's ears.

"I'm coming to get you, Mama," says the Keris-avatar. "I'll be there soon. I'll hunt down the ones who took you away and I'll kill them all."

The river screams, and before the woman's eyes it tears itself from its bed and pours upwards in a waterfall towards the night sky's crimson stars. The ground shudders with every word from the little girl's mouth, and the woman feels each syllable reverberate through her bones. The implacable resolve in the voice is as awful as it is terrifying.

"I'll kill the ones who took you and I'll kill the ones who they sent you to and I'll kill the ones who have you now. I'll kill and kill and kill until I reach you, Mama," says the thing. A god? A demon? But the figure beside her is a spirit, and her voice doesn't make the sky fracture like a sheet of struck glass or open rents in the cliffs around them. The being speaking through the happy, smiling face of a five-year old child is something more.

"And then we'll be together again," it says in adoring tones that feel like hammer blows. "I've missed you. I never stopped missing you."

It blinks, and its eyes are windows into another world; alien and beautiful, strange and twisted, teeming with life that bears no resemblance to anything the woman knows.

Then it blinks again, and its eyes are the ones she remembers. Not worlds, not bottomless pools of carnage. Just the simple slate grey of her husband's gaze.

"I love you, Mama," Keris says, and hugs her. "I'll see you soon."
Ah, at long last, the stunning sequel to "But I can't be a demon lord!" it's: "But my child can't be an elder god!"

...You know, while Keris definitely puts a lot of work into her mother's day gifts, I can't help but wonder if she might not be better off going with something... a little lower key.
Ah, at long last, the stunning sequel to "But I can't be a demon lord!" it's: "But my child can't be an elder god!"

...You know, while Keris definitely puts a lot of work into her mother's day gifts, I can't help but wonder if she might not be better off going with something... a little lower key.
I know... whatever happened to a plate of pancakes and a messy kitchen??
In all fairness, it was probably meant to be a reassuring and sweet assurance that the woman was dearly loved and sorely missed and that help was coming. It just... diverged slightly.

This is what happens when an infant god-titan sends a message of impending bloody salvation to a mere mortal, carried by an old-school-aesthetics angel. Shit gets Old Testament.
A question about sub souls. How do you handle the intimacies each forms and how it reflects/effects keris' own feelings? The easiest way seems to just have I'm them folded under Keris' existing intimacy towards her souls (i.e. since she views them as children you can simply uses her Intimacy of love towards them to model how she behaves towards say, one of there crushes). So if she treats one of her children's friends as a mother would treat any friends of their child's. On the other hand, they aren't actually her children, so you could make the argument that if her souls make friends then she should also gain an intimacy of friendship towards that person as well, no?

Unrelated question while I'm here, but how do each of her souls fight? I imagine Vali punches things and Calesco uses arrows, but that could be very off base.
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Keris soul fighting styles
Unrelated question while I'm here, but how do each of her souls fight? I imagine Vali punches things and Calesco uses arrows, but that could be very off base.
Interesting question! Let's see...

Echo fights much like Keris herself, meaning she is a wickedly fast murderblender of stabbing and slashing who's impossible to hit and never stops moving or launching AoE attacks. Of all Keris's sub-souls, she's probably closest to Keris's usual style, and <3s her Friagem Serpent Style (and also her "Whirly Twirly Smashy Style" since meeting Wyldeater). She is without question the deadliest of all Keris's souls in combat, and is in fact not far behind Keris herself in terms of pure lethality.

Rathan fights like a Sailor Moon villain, which is to say that for the most part he doesn't. He much prefers to do graceful anime leaps up onto high vantage points whenever someone throws an attack at him and then send in his minions to fight for him. In the event that he does have to enter combat himself, he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, and will either launch attacks via mind-hand or go the Loki route and use his magical trident to sway his foes to love him and join his side.

Haneyl takes to combat like a proper regal Dynast, using a combination of Five, Fire and Wood Dragon Styles with super-pretty wooden form weapons and armour that she made herself. If you push her too far, though, her armour will ignite and she'll start blending more bestial moves in and infecting her weapons to bite through them. Should she feel genuinely threatened, she'll discard her humanity entirely and become the monstrous dragon; burning and hungry and savage.

Calesco is indeed an archer by preference, and likes to take to the air and use her three types of arrowhead - shadows for sleep, starlight for pain, amber for death - to strike from range while circling out of reach. When she is pulled into close quarters combat she's actually pretty fragile; the smallest and slightest of the siblings for flight. Thus she has absolutely no shame whatsoever and uses Wild Alleycat Style to claw, scratch, bite, gouge, headbutt and generally fight dirty.

Vali is a crude brawler who self-limits on top of that (fights between him and Haneyl are some shounen "this isn't even my final form"/"I'm only using half my true power" bullshit). He fights in bursts of fast movement and force with lots of shockingly fast charges and bone-breaking blows, but has stamina issues if a fight drags out too long. He likes fast-crafting weapons in mid-combat from junk, and relies on his healing factor to soak most of the damage that comes his way.

Zanara is a martial artist; emphasis on the "art". They go for the beauty and grace in killing, and treat it like a dance - one they have a bad habit of extending for too long instead of finishing off their opponent. They often mutate themselves to have deadly "unarmed" weapons, and are actually intimidatingly good in terms of pure skill. Sometimes they also bring their works of art to life to fight alongside them; a painted lion or a claw strider statue acting as maddening familiars.

Obviously, not all of these are "finished" yet - Rathan doesn't have his trident or his mind-hands yet, and if Zanara has started showing an interest in the Art of War, they're keeping it a secret for now. But this is about where they'll end up, I'd say. Give or take a few details.
We gain more information about Keris, and it both reduces the withdrawal symptoms, and increases the desire for the story to start up again... I can't wait for Keris' story to resume...

Uh... Speaking of that... Any idea on when you are going to take Keris off Hiatus @Aleph?
Interesting question! Let's see...

Echo fights much like Keris herself, meaning she is a wickedly fast murderblender of stabbing and slashing who's impossible to hit and never stops moving or launching AoE attacks. Of all Keris's sub-souls, she's probably closest to Keris's usual style, and <3s her Friagem Serpent Style (and also her "Whirly Twirly Smashy Style" since meeting Wyldeater. She is without question the deadliest of all Keris's souls in combat, and is in fact not far behind Keris herself in terms of pure lethality.

Rathan fights like a Sailor Moon villain, which is to say that for the most part he doesn't. He much prefers to do graceful anime leaps up onto high vantage points whenever someone throws an attack at him and then send in his minions to fight for him. In the event that he does have to enter combat himself, he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, and will either launch attacks via mind-hand or go the Loki route and use his magical trident to sway his foes to love him and join his side.

Haneyl takes to combat like a proper regal Dynast, using a combination of Five, Fire and Wood Dragon Styles with super-pretty wooden form weapons and armour that she made herself. If you push her too far, though, her armour will ignite and she'll start blending more bestial moves in and infecting her weapons to bite through them. Should she feel genuinely threatened, she'll discard her humanity entirely and become the monstrous dragon; burning and hungry and savage.

Calesco is indeed an archer by preference, and likes to take to the air and use her three types of arrowhead - shadows for sleep, starlight for pain, amber for death - to strike from range while circling out of reach. When she is pulled into close quarters combat she's actually pretty fragile; the smallest and slightest of the siblings for flight. Thus she has absolutely no shame whatsoever and uses Wild Alleycat Style to claw, scratch, bite, gouge, headbutt and generally fight dirty.

Vali is a crude brawler who self-limits on top of that (fights between him and Haneyl are some shounen "this isn't even my final form"/"I'm only using half my true power" bullshit). He fights in bursts of fast movement and force with lots of shockingly fast charges and bone-breaking blows, but has stamina issues if a fight drags out too long. He likes fast-crafting weapons in mid-combat from junk, and relies on his healing factor to soak most of the damage that comes his way.

Zanara is a martial artist; emphasis on the "art". They go for the beauty and grace in killing, and treat it like a dance - one they have a bad habit of extending for too long instead of finishing off their opponent. They often mutate themselves to have deadly "unarmed" weapons, and are actually intimidatingly good in terms of pure skill. Sometimes they also bring their works of art to life to fight alongside them; a painted lion or a claw strider statue acting as maddening familiars.

Obviously, not all of these are "finished" yet - Rathan doesn't have his trident or his mind-hands yet, and if Zanara has started showing an interest in the Art of War, they're keeping it a secret for now. But this is about where they'll end up, I'd say. Give or take a few details.
This was really informative! I really like the idea of Vali forging weapons mid combat, that sounds really cool!

EDIT: Would you mind answering the same question but for Sasi's souls?
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This was really informative! I really like the idea of Vali forging weapons mid combat, that sounds really cool!

EDIT: Would you mind answering the same question but for Sasi's souls?
"I will hit this signpost in just the right way that most of the sign breaks off and the rest is a warscythe"

"I will knife-hand this fencepost to give it a cutting edge and use it as a daiklave"

"I will jam a pole down this guy's throat and use him as a goremaul"
