Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

I may have been unclear.

I agree, that Malfeas Mythos Exultant is broken and needs to be fixed.

However, I also think that [Yozi] Mythos Exultant is a really good way of showing fundamental ways in which the Yozi approaches problems. Using Malfeas as an example I stated that his mythos exultant shows that he always has power to spare. His approach to problem solving is not to be be clever or approach it at an oblique angle, but to just keep adding power until the problem is solved. He can do this because he has energy to spare.

For this reason I was advising against replacing all [Yozi] Mythos Exultant with Oramus Mythos Exultant. While OME works for Oramus, if every Yozi had that as their Exultant we would lose some of their coolest charms. Instead I believe they should each keep their own unique YME but we should get rid of the idea that it must be some form of recharge mechanism.

As an aside, I don't think just adding fire damage in place of mote regen would work, as it would limit MME to strictly combat applications. Instead maybe make it so that the extra motes awarded by MME must be spent on that action. This way Malfean Infernals are still throwing extra power around, but it can't be used to regenerate spent energy faster. As an added feature, it encourages them to go for the overkill approach, since the extra motes are going to disappear after the action anyway.

I don't really have a good head for homebrew though so it might be unbalanced.
You'd need to define it a bit better than "action" because there are two very different things both called an action: the time between your DV refreshes and the specific thing that you are doing in that time. Flurries further confuse the matter. It gets even worse when you introduce ES's mote reactor anima hack, because at least before you could just say that it gives you a full stunt reward of motes to be spent on charms enhancing the stunted roll no more than once per DV refresh.

It's certainly doable, and I like your idea much more than canon. It just means that you do need to take an hour or two to see how it can combine with, well, everything else and determine if it will break the game in some new and interesting way.

It would support Malfean Infernals throwing at least one real punch per DV refresh because it gets enough motes for a GSNF for effectively free.

As a side note, the first time I wrote that bit of crunch, I had left out the "no more than once per DV refresh" bit. It left me with a lasting mental image of Infernals who always augment their attacks with GSNF because it's basically free. And of course you'd attack as many times as possible, because that gives you the most chances to hit someone with your free GSNF.
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As an aside, I don't think just adding fire damage in place of mote regen would work, as it would limit MME to strictly combat applications. Instead maybe make it so that the extra motes awarded by MME must be spent on that action. This way Malfean Infernals are still throwing extra power around, but it can't be used to regenerate spent energy faster. As an added feature, it encourages them to go for the overkill approach, since the extra motes are going to disappear after the action anyway.

Yeah, no, I don't want to make combat lethality even worse by meaning Malfean Infernals can run mote neutral when spending 4m on offensive powers and 4m on whatever they want.

Moreover, given the nature of Excellencies - no, if it is to be a General Charm, the utility of the effect must be similar, and that is an unnecessary burden. Trust me, it is as hard as balls to devise new Mythoi by this point.

By contrast, if Malfean Mythos Exultant works like (O)ME, then its in-character stunting must be in-line with Malfeas' Excellency and his aesthetics. And that means that with that in effect, it's always valid to stunt "And the flammable paper walls started burning green from my sheer presence" and other such things. The point of a Mythos Exultant charm is to hammer the Yozis legend into the world. In-character stunting does that, in a balance-able way (as it's still stunting and so still veto-able by the ST if abused).
It gets even worse when you introduce ES's mote reactor anima hack, because at least before you could just say that it gives you a full stunt reward of motes to be spent on charms enhancing the stunted roll no more than once per DV refresh.
That was my basic idea, does the reactor hack get rid of that? If so we could just say it reinstated it if you have that charm, but they must be used immediately
Mote fuckery is very, very bad.

Charms that fuck with motes really should be given a very wary look, speaking as a Dragon-Blooded player who loves his broken "ha ha you haemorrhage motes on everything" Awareness Charm. :V
Yeah, no, I don't want to make combat lethality even worse by meaning Malfean Infernals can run mote neutral when spending 4m on offensive powers and 4m on whatever they want.

Moreover, given the nature of Excellencies - no, if it is to be a General Charm, the utility of the effect must be similar, and that is an unnecessary burden. Trust me, it is as hard as balls to devise new Mythoi by this point.

By contrast, if Malfean Mythos Exultant works like (O)ME, then its in-character stunting must be in-line with Malfeas' Excellency and his aesthetics. And that means that with that in effect, it's always valid to stunt "And the flammable paper walls started burning green from my sheer presence" and other such things. The point of a Mythos Exultant charm is to hammer the Yozis legend into the world. In-character stunting does that, in a balance-able way (as it's still stunting and so still veto-able by the ST if abused).
Honestly asking, I was thinking one mote per level of stunt so you'd only ever be able to get. Would that make a difference balance wise?

Also are they all unbalanced? I was under the impression only malfeas' was
Combat mote gain in Exalted is like extra actions in DnD - incredibly dangerous design space that's basically impossible to balance.
Do note that she's still fine with people hunting moths. She just didn't like sziromkeruby people setting them on fire to watch them burn.
It's wasn't the moths the prompted the animal rights activist comparison actually, (though they did contribute to the impression) It was this line from the segment opening:

There aren't many predators, which is really weird - and the ones that there are tend to envelop their prey instead of biting or stabbing them. The tar pits act as predator traps, though, which is really dangerous! Basically, some animals get stuck in them - or pretend to get stuck in them when they can actually move around easily - and then a predator will go after them and get stuck for real! And then can't get out! And the heat from the tar slowly cooks them, and they smell good, and even more predators get stuck trying to go after them!

Between that and the note that Calesco is surrounded by predators that stay close and won't eat due to their enthrallment with her in the session 52 notes, it paints the picture of the type of activist who promotes vegan cat diets, via means of convincing animals not to eat prey with her presence or warping the ecology to enact poetic justice on the ones who attempt predation within her borders.

(The comparison is, I realize, more than a little uncharitable. :( )

@Session 76:

By a complete and utter coincidence, the silver hairpin she's putting in chooses that moment to snap into three pieces and go flying across the room. It's probably a good omen.
Ah, an accord has been reached, everyone is able to sit down and discuss their problems, hobnobbing and festivities are imminent, and their Calibration Performance Review draws near.

Truly, it is a sign that this relationship has all gone to Hell. :V

(Conversely, woe betide the Infernal with a match made in Heaven. Especially if either of their bosses learn of it.)
Between that and the note that Calesco is surrounded by predators that stay close and won't eat due to their enthrallment with her in the session 52 notes, it paints the picture of the type of activist who promotes vegan cat diets, via means of convincing animals not to eat prey with her presence or warping the ecology to enact poetic justice on the ones who attempt predation within her borders.
Ahh, I getcha. Though I should point out that she doesn't do those two consciously (and in fact would rather the former didn't happen at all). It's just part of her nature that she's a predator trap who is kind to the weak and harsh to the strong (which is why her mezkeruby think she's gentle and tender and sweet while her interactions with Keris are... as they are).
(Conversely, woe betide the Infernal with a match made in Heaven. Especially if either of their bosses learn of it.)
*coughs awkwardly*


about that
Ahh, I getcha. Though I should point out that she doesn't do those two consciously (and in fact would rather the former didn't happen at all). It's just part of her nature that she's a predator trap who is kind to the weak and harsh to the strong (which is why her mezkeruby think she's gentle and tender and sweet while her interactions with Keris are... as they are).

It is quite telling about certain facts of Keris' nature that she put Calesco between Echo, who's casually homicidal for lulz and who's the manifestation of a Charm for killing everyone you go near, and Haneyl, who's the queen of a relentlessly carnivorous swamp where everything tries to eat everything else and who's the manifestation of a Charm for infecting people with yourself and taking them over from the inside.

Of course, it's also notable that the mezkeruby are vegetarians who nevertheless have to occasionally eat meat or they get sick, despite hating the taste. Which says something about Calesco, too. After all, she's Adorjan's daughter, just as much as Echo is.
It is quite telling about certain facts of Keris' nature that she put Calesco between Echo, who's casually homicidal for lulz and who's the manifestation of a Charm for killing everyone you go near, and Haneyl, who's the queen of a relentlessly carnivorous swamp where everything tries to eat everything else and who's the manifestation of a Charm for infecting people with yourself and taking them over from the inside.
Honestly, one of the really cool emergent things that I love about Keris's souls and the structure of her Empire's Directions is how it really does make sense in a bunch of ways. It's not just physical things like the way that the Empire is a progressive upward anticlockwise spiral of elevation; with the Sea being the deepest and then rising into the shallower Isles, the wetlands of the Swamp, the low-lying Meadows, the highlands of the Ruin and finally the mountainous Spires before dropping back down to the Sea again. It's also things like how you can see the logic behind why each soul is where it is and how their thematics blend into the next.
  • You can see Vali's refusal to be chained as the logical midpoint between Joy and Payback. He's free, but his freedom is something he clings to and values highly - he's not as carefree and whimsical as Echo, but neither is he quite as concerned with how he's seen as Rathan. Rather, he has a few things he considers very important, and responds to anything that tries to limit or attack them.

  • Echo's lands are between Vali and Calesco - Freedom and Compassion respectively. She's a joyful soul who loves to run and never stops moving, always active and often looking for new friends or matchmaking among the ones she has. Like Calesco, pain is part of her nature, but she mirrors Vali's relative acceptance of herself instead of emulating her sister's self-hatred.

  • Calesco sits between clever, loving Echo and greedy, ambitious Haneyl. Thematically, she has both the wealth to afford compassion and the kindness to pursue it. She's also set between Echo's genius intelligence and Haneyl's predatory, dog-eat-dog view of the world, leading to a cynical understanding of the world's ugly truths that she has no choice but to see.

  • The two souls that Haneyl borders are the two she least frequently attacks. Calesco's desire to Be A Better Person and Zanara's appreciation of beauty and drive to create beautiful things compliment her inherent nature as Keris's drive for self-improvement, and she falls halfway between Calesco's selfless altruism and Zanara's maddening performances in her prideful greed.

  • Zanara falls between Haneyl's desire to own beauty and Rathan's satisfaction with appreciating it. They're in many ways a polarised soul between Haneyl and Rathan - active and passive, ambitious and emotional, swamp and sea. Both touch on madness in their obsessions - Haneyl with her possessiveness and Rathan with his vengeance - and Zanara between them embodies that mindset in full.

  • Like Haneyl, Rathan's neighbours are the ones he gets along with. Vali has a similar singular nature and street-like view of "fairness", while Zanara compliments his appreciation of beauty and desire for attention. Rathan's emotional openness sits quite nicely between Art and Freedom, and his sense of payback strikes a balance between Zanara's diplomatic skills and Vali's "toughen up and endure it" attitude.
This sort of thing wasn't even intentional, really - or at least we never really sat down and planned it out. It just sort of happened organically; emerging as we developed each soul and thought about what and where they were and why. And I love it when that happens, at least to me. It feels more like discovering than writing, and makes - I feel - for both a much more interesting experience on my part and a much deeper and more cohesive "mythology" feel to the overall setting.
Like Haneyl, Rathan's neighbours are the ones he gets along with.

Yes. They're the boys (well, some of the time in Zanara's case). :p

Oh, Keris. Your view of gender and gender roles is more than a little twisted. I guess that childhood influence from Rat, where he was the fast-talking con artist and huckster while you were the muscle and the meathead, had its long-lasting effects. I guess that's why Rathan is a delicate pretty boy who doesn't like to get his hands dirty, while Echo is a killing machine, Haneyl would consider Azula to be a figure of emulation [1] and Calesco fights like a street rat and her siblings have found she both bites and goes for groin shots.

(Matters weren't helped by how Rat would dress up as a cute little flower girl and affect a lisp to sell stolen blossoms, while Keris would pretend to be a boy when it suited her and for safety)

[1] Haneyl: "Would not! Her fire was blue, not green! And lightning is Vali's, not mine. Though I wouldn't say no to my own lightning..."
1] Haneyl: "Would not! Her fire was blue, not green! And lightning is Vali's, not mine. Though I wouldn't say no to my own lightning..."

Now now Haneyl, its not Azula's fault that she was saddled with an inferior element to work with, and she's clearly gone to a lot of effort to get away from the red, orange, and yellows of normal fire to get blue fire, which you must admit is much closer to green than those lesser fires. Not her fault she started with lesser materials, so I'm sure there's something you could steal learn from her efforts.
Ahh, I getcha. Though I should point out that she doesn't do those two consciously (and in fact would rather the former didn't happen at all). It's just part of her nature that she's a predator trap who is kind to the weak and harsh to the strong (which is why her mezkeruby think she's gentle and tender and sweet while her interactions with Keris are... as they are).
Yeah. Honestly I get the sense that's where her Ebon Dragon side comes from:

Where The Ebon Dragon opposes light and virtue, shaping the world that he might one day be a shinma to it, Calesco looks the great powers and harsh truths of the world and says "That? Yeah, fuck that."

*coughs awkwardly*


about that
Ah, Yamal, why must you cause so much trouble for your new self?

Then again, your new self is Keris so that kind of answers itself.

On which note, I'm curious, have there been allusions to Arumoh, and Yamal's relationship to her, prior to the session google documents? All I can recall of her off the top of my head are Session 48 and Five Days Dreaming.

(Even between those two though there's a wealth of subtext that hints at their relationship. He honestly loved and respected her, she ended up joining the Bronze Faction, and even two thousand years after she, or at least her faction, killed him for the sake of the world her calling him her husband implies she did and still cares for him. Like, wow that's heartbreaking. :( )


(Okay an Infernal-Sidereal romance would be pretty interesting)
And now I have had a vision of the future:

Eventually, Keris will meet Arumoh.

The wave of memory that results will likely see her overtaken by Yamal. It will be awkward for everyone.

The thing is, Yamal is lonely by anyone's definition, he's a man trapped out of time and there in front of him is the woman who was once the love of his life, who he's likely feeling betrayed by and quite possibly very confused about. And Arumoh may well feel similarly confused about him. What's more his successor has her own mythos and any fighting, or just being present, will result in Fate being rather unhappy.

Now that's a Szelkeruby escape condition right there. Not only is it right next to the source of them but there's two targets. If this takes place of a Venusday then... well. Those two may be conflicted but those little bridesmaids will know exactly what they need to do.

I have no idea what their principles to each other will be at that point, but I can only imagine that Yamal's loss will be fresh, a mix of love and confusion and betrayal he never got to sort through, and Arumoh's will be likewise tainted and conflicted by the sudden impossibility of a seeing a man she never could have met again. Whether or not that is sufficient to make them susceptible to Love is in the Air I don't know.

(At this point, a perfect storm of Keruby is unlikely, but If Yamal is convinced at any point to use Loom Snarling Deception to assume his old form I can see that triggering the agyakeruby escape condition for the clay-keruby to be inducted into the Love is in the Air scheme.)

In any event should the scheme succeed, Keris may well wake up in bed with a Sidereal who she's feeling strangely affectionate towards while a pair of ribbon children are dancing in the breeze outside.

One can only imagine that any inquiries of just what happened will result in a sziomkeruby presenting her a book entitled "How the Sun King and the Star Guide got back together."
On which note, I'm curious, have there been allusions to Arumoh, and Yamal's relationship to her, prior to the session google documents? All I can recall of her off the top of my head are Session 48 and Five Days Dreaming.
Yes, she had a few flashbacks during the first time she raided Yamal's tomb.
In Yamal's tomb said:
And it feels right. That's the only way Keris can put it. As the sunlight dims and the sky is painted in red above, she can feel a sense of deja vu, a familiarity that

they have his children. He knows it's a trap, he damn well knows it is, but he's not going to leave them, and he once wouldn't have thought that Arumoh would hurt them, but she tried to kill him not one day ago without an expression on her face so of course she'd kill them, to get him. Well, he has Rosheah beside him, and she's braved the depths of Malfeas and emerged alive. If he goes, he might rescue them, or she might kill him and have no reason to kill them too. It's win win for him, and that's how he knows that his wife is behind it.

this is the right place as she looks at the skyline, the remnants of old Hollow the things she can see over the garden wall.
Later that night... said:
Keris's dreams that night are both far too real, and alien. Again and again, she sees faces, names, people that she's never met and yet knows intimately. And she is always there... the woman with the black hair, the woman with purple eyes which glitter with miniature constellations. The two of them watching the sunset in Meru, and her squirming and laughter under the sheets in the bedroom. The two of them sparring and duelling, and the betrayal as she lunged, emotionless, before flipping away as a barrage of Essence cannon blasts shrieked in. And that second, final meeting, where her Dragonblooded shadow-fingers riddled him with Essence blasts.

... yeah. As a result of which...
And now I have had a vision of the future
... I suspect you are being extremely optimistic about the reaction of a 2000+ year old veteran elder Bronze Faction Sidereal to finding out that her husband, who she killed for the good of all Creation, has been reincarnated as an Infernalist demon-tainted Exalt who is working directly for the Yozis, or at the very least for several of the Unquestionable.
... I suspect you are being extremely optimistic about the reaction of a 2000+ year old veteran elder Bronze Faction Sidereal to finding out that her husband, who she killed for the good of all Creation, has been reincarnated as an Infernalist demon-tainted Exalt who is working directly for the Yozis, or at the very least for several of the Unquestionable.

Good thing Keris is a combat wombat in a system that nuked the fuck out of Elder Exalts, eh?
... I suspect you are being extremely optimistic about the reaction of a 2000+ year old veteran elder Bronze Faction Sidereal to finding out that her husband, who she killed for the good of all Creation, has been reincarnated as an Infernalist demon-tainted Exalt who is working directly for the Yozis, or at the very least for several of the Unquestionable.
But of course!

Even without that clarifying information the fundamental fact of the matter is that that prediction is less suited to the themes and story of a tale of godlike heroes and their glories and tragedies and far more to a sitcom plot twist.

Though... Eh, in retrospect I really overdid the joke. :/ Typical really.
So one thing I've been wondering about:

What will happen if Keris finds a normal elemental demesne and decides to soak up the essence there?

Eg will Haneyl be able to nom on Fire/Wood essence to grow her Swamp
Malfean Torment
So one thing I've been wondering about:

What will happen if Keris finds a normal elemental demesne and decides to soak up the essence there?

Eg will Haneyl be able to nom on Fire/Wood essence to grow her Swamp

Well, Haneyl might be able to - but that's more of a product of the fact that Haneyl is by her nature a greedy, all-consuming imperialist. It's in her nature to absorb and subvert the power of others, because her root charm is Self Seed Infestation and she also touches on Malfeas' "relative power" stuff.

But anyway!

Something which has been mentioned a few times - and, indeed, some people might remember from Louise's Limit Break in AGSITV (yes, these rules are something I wrote a looooooooooong time ago, but haven't generally shown before).

Might be something worth noting for the next session...

The mind of a Primordial cannot normally conceive of any viewpoint except its own. They cannot accept actions that deny their cosmic truths, and cannot act in any manner save that dictated by the declaration that defines their true self. When the strain caused by inconsistency between the universe and their own conceptions of it build within the titanic mind to a breaking point, they enter a state called Torment. The Green Sun Princes, heirs to the Primordials, possess a similar flaw for the Yozis gave of themselves to grant their terrible power. The Great Curse does not afflict the Chosen of the Yozis because the changes to the Exaltation forced it into abeyance, but madness still takes them. To wield the might of the titans that forged the universe itself also leaves one vulnerable to their obsessions and insanities.

A Green Sun Prince always suffers the Torment of the Yozi that imprinted her Urge. Green Sun Princes gain one point of Limit the first time in each scene they resist UMI. When they suppress their Primary Virtue, they roll their primary Virtue and gain that number of points of Limit (like a Solar). In addition, when they work directly against their Urge, and experience the trigger conditions of their Urge Yozi, they gain a single point of Limit.

When the Infernal enters Torment, their player picks an appropriate Limit Break from the ones listed for their Urge Yozi. This can differ from Torment to Torment, and can even - if dramatically appropriate - shift within a single Torment with the appropriate stimuli. The madness of the Yozis is not as predictable as the insanities of the Exalted. Entering Torment resets the Infernal's Limit track to 0 and grants temporary Willpower as with Solar Limit Break. These Torments may be partially controlled, as a Solar one.

Each Yozi has a single Act of Villainy. Once per scene, when they fulfil the Act of Villainy of their Urge Yozi, they lose a single point of Limit. This is usually something that directly opposes the trigger condition of their Urge Yozi - just as they become mad when the universe contradicts their understanding of the world, forcing it back into shape sooths a titanic mind.

Malfeas is Demon King of the universe. His will is paramount; denying it unthinkable. This is incontestable, self-evident truth. All else is irrelevant before it. When the world proves this untrue, Malfeas knows madness. Infernals with a Malfean Urge gain Limit whenever their wills are thwarted and their titanic power was unleashed and found insufficient to the task. As a rule of thumb, any action which would have qualified for Malfeas' Excellency counts as sufficient to trigger the Limit gain. This Limit gain applies only once per scene. For example, a Slayer having her unstoppable attack combo blocked with Heavenly Guardian Defence would gain Limit, but any further instances within the scene, regardless of the target aimed at, would generate no Limit, as the Slayer has already been shown that her blows can be denied.

Act of Villiany (Malfean): Roll for Limit loss whenever a display of overwhelming power and force grants victory over meaningful opposition (defined as opposition that has a chance of winning - insignificant insects provide no satisfaction when crushed). This Limit loss may only apply once per scene.

The Torments of Malfeas are listed below. Upon Limit Breaking and entering a state of Torment, the Infernal must select one of these manifestations, which immediately takes effect.

Shattered Solipsism Awareness

Only in the depths of the torments of his psyche does Malfeas truly understand that there can be perspectives beyond his own, and in those moments, the terrifying awareness of such things is a cold radiance in his mind. To cope with such a state and such a multitude of different viewpoints is horrifying indeed. It is said that the Ebon Dragon sometimes conspires to approach Malfeas when he is in such a state, for it makes him more pliable.

For the duration of the Torment, the Infernal gives equal weight to the opinions of others as to his own. This is more than merely acknowledging that someone else's viewpoints matter; he internalises all that he hears, and acts as if it was his own opinion. If someone says "I like grapes", then the Infernal will act as if he likes them too; if someone later expresses a counter-opinion, the Infernal follow the most recent one he heard. This can lead to rapid fluxes in opinion; the Infernal ignores all contradictions that this would produce. The order to kill one's self remains Unacceptable, even in this state. However, other Charm-based Unacceptable Orders, such as the ones made Unacceptable by Impervious Mantle Primacy, cease to provide a defence.

Partial Control: The Infernal can take the source of the opinions into account, and ignore ones which come from people who he genuinely believes are actively conspiring against him with such sentiments. All other viewpoints are still mimicked.

Duration: One Scene

Ecstatic Freedom Gavotte

Dance, music, weakness; these are the secret pleasures of the Demon City which embarrass the Green Sun and cause him to turn his face from his greater self. The Demon Emperor neglects his crown and gives himself to the joys and pleasures which lessen him in his heart of hearts, as he waltzes through the streets.

The Infernal loses all of her self-control, and focuses only on pleasures, choosing ones which would embarrass or degrade her in her own eyes, if given a choice. The character will not listen to any attempts to dissuade her from such practices, shows no shame for the duration of the Limit Break, and will not postpone such activities even if there are greater deeds afoot.

Partial Control: The character can show discretion in her vices, and choose ones which will embarrass her less when she comes back to her senses, though she must still self-indulge. In addition, others may persuade her to carry out other necessary duties, although she will not do so willingly unprompted. She will attempt to fit as much self-indulgence as she can around her tasks, and will likely require frequent reminders to keep on-task.

Duration: One full day

Nothing-Is-Impossible Totality

Lost in the glories of ages which are no more, Malfeas sometimes walks within his own mind, when he was unchallenged and nothing was beyond him. At these times, the layers of Malfeas will shake, as he tries to pull himself across the sands of his sister, doing the impossible and breaking all barriers by the force of his burning will. For him waking is a terrible experience, though most demons rather prefer it when the layers of Malfeas do not shake with the earthquakes of his futile escape attempts.

The character loses all sense of what is, and what is not possible. There is only their will. All things that they want are possible; all things they do not cannot ever be done. All their decisions will be interpreted through this warped lens, and so they will place themselves at the forefront of battle to fight an overwhelming foe, thoughtlessly challenge their secretly-hated superiors, throw themselves into attempts to bring back a dead loved one in the certainty that they know the secret, and generally attempt the impossible in the genuine belief that they will succeed.

Partial Control: Their sense is not fully extinguished, though it is greatly weakened. They can be talked out of their futile quests by others, and will not attempt things if it is certain that they will die. They will still not take the possibility of failure into account in any of their actions, and will still act with no consideration of their own mortality against less than overwhelming odds.

Duration: One full day

Cast-Down King Rage

There are those who would refuse to acknowledge Malfeas as King. They are wrong. They have to be. Certainly, their destruction is a fit penitence for such an affront. Such is how Malfeas must challenge the shiver of fear which quakes in his burning heart whenever he thinks of his authority lost.

The character appears superficially normal, right up until anyone challenges their authority in any way. This can be anything from attacking them, to not acting quite fast enough to follow an order, to obstructing them in the street. Upon such an event, the Infernal attacks them as if in a Berserk Anger (as per the Solar Limit Break), attacking anything associated with them if they cannot reach their foe – killing the messenger if an insulting letter is sent, for example. Should the character beg for mercy and acknowledge their supremacy, the Infernal may moderate their actions with regards to their target once they have been chastised. Trying to prevent the murderous frenzy of the Infernal is a challenge to their authority.

Partial Control: The character can avoid attacking allies or people he is sure serve him completely, as long as they do not act to physically obstruct him in a major way. Slight disrespect – such as not using their title in full – can be tolerated; actively working against them brings on the rage.

Duration: One full day

Lonely-City-in-the-Desert Rejection

Malfeas was once the Holy Tyrant, the bodiless presence who disdained all others. Now he is a city of brass and basalt, five days travel from anywhere, with only his subjects and their lesser parts. In the depths of torment, he feels this meaninglessness, and it overwhelms him, closing him in within his layers that seal to restrict passage. This life is not a life; it is not existence. In such a mood, even the Green Sun dims, and those changed by Erembour dare the upper layers of the catacombs to celebrate.

The character closes in on themselves, refusing to respond to any external stimuli, entering an unresponsive catatonic state. In a stressful situation, the character cannot function, and merely stares vacantly. If attacked, he will defend himself, suffering the external penalty for blindness, but will not resist being dragged away from combat, and will not act under his own volition.

Partial Control: The character still will not take acts which require any form of forethought under his own initiative, but may defend normally, and only takes a two-dice internal penalty when attacking in self-defence.

Duration: One scene in combat, or five days otherwise. Should the character end up in a combat at any point, the Torment only lasts for the rest of the scene, no matter how long it would have lasted normally. Violence has a way of bringing Malfeas back to himself.
Oof, someone looks like they'll be having a terrible Calibration*. Or quite possibly everyone if it's Malfeas and not Keris or one of her subsouls who's at risk of undergoing Torment.

Hmmm... Was Hanely's act of burning down her swamp and spending a few days despondent and ashen, to the point where she had to be fed by one of her Sziomkeruby, way back when an application of Lonely-City-in-the-Desert Rejection?

Also, I spy that Keris has now has six four dot principles, and her "Be Loved" Principle has decayed to the point where it's no longer equivalent to life and death to her.

*Well, unless it's Ecstatic Freedom Gavotte in which case it will be a wonderful Calibration... for the day or so until retrospect is possible.
Having seen and discussed these rules before, that's one that unless you control it will go awfully.
Oh, definitely. Honestly, I can imagine that torment lending itself just as easily to "Okay god I need to stop (and do something productive), why can't I stop!", as "party before the hangover metaphor" and very easily flowing straight form mad passion into oh-my-god-what-did-I-just-do Lonely-City-in-the-Desert Rejection. (I get the feeling that that last one is five days long for good reason.) To say nothing of the consequences afterwards.
Oh, definitely. Honestly, I can imagine that torment lending itself just as easily to "Okay god I need to stop (and do something productive), why can't I stop!", as "party before the hangover metaphor" and very easily flowing straight form mad passion into oh-my-god-what-did-I-just-do Lonely-City-in-the-Desert Rejection. (I get the feeling that that last one is five days long for good reason.) To say nothing of the consequences afterwards.

No, it's, uh... dancing is the least of 'embarrassing' that can happen. Like, it can be stuff you'd normally find legit reprehensible.