Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

Oof. I have to wonder what Calesco's doing here. Yes, there are some parts of Keris's personality that are really bad and she definitely needs to confront that, but I'm not sure how that last section helps at all. It seems more like shooting her right in the trauma rather then anything that will actually help. Could just be an Adorjani soul thing I guess.
Calesco: "Don't worry, I'll help."
Also Calesco: *stabs Keris in deeply repressed memories*

You know, it occurs to me that Keris was at like 9 Limit last chapter and this probably didn't help.
Kimberyian Torment
You know, it occurs to me that Keris was at like 9 Limit last chapter and this probably didn't help.
Fun fact! Keris has a Kimberyian Urge now; the Urge to Drown. ("Dissolve the Realm's grasp upon the Anarchy", to be specific.) So to revise what @EarthScorpion detailed for the Malfean Torments...


The Great Mother is endlessly giving, beautiful and bounteous, and those who call her toxic and hate-filled are merely spite-filled infants, mewling their vile protests in the face of the Sea Who Marched Against the Flame. Still, there are dark currents within her, hidden secrets that at times will come welling to the surface to break like the waves before subsiding again. An Infernal with a Kimberyian Urge gains Limit whenever her beloved characters disappoint or fail her, or her reviled characters thwart her actions. This Limit gain only applies once a scene.

Act of Villainy (Kimberyian): Roll for Limit loss whenever the Infernal punishes or exacts vengeance upon a reviled character in the face of meaningful opposition. This Limit loss only applies once a scene.

The Torments of the Great Mother are listed below. Upon Limit Breaking and entering a state of Torment, the Infernal must select one of these manifestations, which immediately takes effect:

Bitter Heart Inversion

The hate of Kimbery is a terrible thing, and sometimes it will break the dams within her own heart, flooding her entire mind with nothing but loathing. The emotional context of every single positive Intimacy the Infernal has inverts, becoming a negative one. For the duration of this Limit Break, the Infernal may not gain positive Intimacies, nor work towards gaining them, and in addition she may not aid in any way the subjects of her negative intimacies, unless it would immediately help her. At the end of the Limit Break, the emotional context of the Intimacy returns to normal.

Partial Control: The wellsprings of hatred are dammed enough that the hatred is contained. Only abstract Intimacies are inverted by the Limit Break; for example, an Admiration of the Realm would become loathing, but Love of a specific inhabitant would remain the same. At least (Highest Virtue) Intimacies must still be flipped in context, however, so if there are insufficient abstract positive Intimacies, personal ones must also be changed. Primordials, as worlds-unto-themselves, always count as abstract Intimacies.

Duration: (Enlightenment - 5) days

Generous Mother's Benevolence

The Sea Who Marched Against the Flame is generous and giving beyond compare, she will reassure you, and at times she forgets the least bit of doubt or scepticism that her generosity might know. In this Torment, she gives away any and all of her worldly possessions to anyone who looks like they might need them, showering gifts on populations, loved one and enemies alike and doing favours for anyone who asks. This even includes magical artifacts, such as her daiklaive or a manse; allies would be wise to accept such things from her before others can get their hands on them. The Infernal ignore all previous enmity or suspicion that she might have during these times.

Partial Control: The Infernal need not give away things that she directly and immediately needs, and will listen to allies and attempts to dissuade her from particular acts of generosity.

Duration: One full day

Heart of the Artiste

Great wonders lie within Kimbery's depths, beautiful things that she has made or seen in her existence, and their beauty, alien though it may be, brings tears to the eyes of others. Is it any wonder that in times of stress, the Great Mother indulges in her imaginative side, throwing out wonder and wonder for the joy of creation?

While in Torment, the Infernal acts to create beauty and wonder in everything she comes across, and remove ugliness, using her magic and her resources to do this. She might commission every crafter she comes across to create artwork, or with Charms mutate mortals into living artwork, or rearrange the landscape to remove unpleasing aesthetics.

Partial Control: The Infernal need not work to re-design things that already exist unless their flaws are pointed out to her, although she will still work to create new things of beauty while the Torment lasts. Moreover, she can carry out other actions in order to protect herself or her possessions, although at a -1 internal penalty unless those actions also create art.

Duration: One full day.

Begging Desperate Respite

The very earliest details of the legend of the Sea Who Marched Against the Flame concern that terrible burning agony, that taught her how the universe worked as she writhed in agony. That pain still hides within the cold depths of Kimbery, and the trauma overcomes her sometimes, sending her weeping like a child to hide, begging respite from the agony, that she will do anything and that she is so sorry, if only she will not be burned again.

Overcome with agony, the Infernal flees, sobbing, to somewhere they feel safe or, barring that, somewhere dark and cold. She will attempt to flee if attacked, and if she cannot escape she cannot attack, and defends herself at a -2 internal penalty. If trapped and unable to escape, she will agree to anything and apologise for anything she has done to the one who has trapped her, if they will agree not to hurt her.

Partial Control: The character takes no initiative and constantly sobs from the pain, but she can defend herself normally and does not need to flee combat. However, she attacks at a -2 internal penalty and cannot use non-reflexive Social or Mental Abilities. She can only react to immediate circumstances, not plan or initiate complex actions

Duration: One scene in combat, or one day otherwise.

Dynastic Preservation Obsession

Children are the future, and the children who will be the future are those of the Great Mother. Obsessing over them, Kimbery acts to further their interests in every way, because their interests are her interests. During Torment, the Infernal acts selflessly and obsessively to aid and favour her beloved descendents best interests, as she sees them (regardless of what they think). She shows outright sociopathy and only cruelty towards anyone who does not descend from her, and will act to remove anyone who might possibly be a rival to her children, and focus only on this goal, ignoring everything else she could be doing. If she currently lacks extant beloved descendents, she will act towards getting them, acting against any who could be their rivals in the future. The mad light in her eyes inflicts a -2 internal penalty to any social rolls with others.

Partial Control: She can moderate her cruelty towards others, although she will still casually hurt them if it is the best way to enable her children and shows no kindness to those who are not their kin. However, she can restrain her sadism if her goals would be better served by other methods. She can, with prompting from others, focus on her current goals, but is at a -2 internal penalty to all actions which do not serve the cause of her descendents.

Duration: One scene
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Hmm... Keris did flee at the end of this chapter, which could be Begging Desperate Respite going off, or it could be Keris running away because it's Keris, running is her default response. I guess we'll see next chapter.
The sad irony is that a lot of the Controlled Limit Breaks are hard to tell apart from normal Keris behaviour under stress.

Anywho, what do people think of the morality of that chapter ending? I know people were saying they disliked Zanara for their deliberate stirring the pot, so I'm interested to hear if and how that's changed now that you know why they were doing it.
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Begging Desperate Respite

The very earliest details of the legend of the Sea Who Marched Against the Flame concern that terrible burning agony, that taught her how the universe worked as she writhed in agony. That pain still hides within the cold depths of Kimbery, and the trauma overcomes her sometimes, sending her weeping like a child to hide, begging respite from the agony, that she will do anything and that she is so sorry, if only she will not be burned again.

Overcome with agony, the Infernal flees, sobbing, to somewhere they feel safe or, barring that, somewhere dark and cold. She will attempt to flee if attacked, and if she cannot escape she cannot attack, and defends herself at a -2 internal penalty. If trapped and unable to escape, she will agree to anything and apologise for anything she has done to the one who has trapped her, if they will agree not to hurt her.

Partial Control: The character takes no initiative and constantly sobs from the pain, but she can defend herself normally and does not need to flee combat. However, she attacks at a -2 internal penalty and cannot use non-reflexive Social or Mental Abilities. She can only react to immediate circumstances, not plan or initiate complex actions

Duration: One scene in combat, or one day otherwise.

I'm guessing Keris is in this one, uncontrolled.

And now she's seperated from her allies. In an area under the control of a Demon Lord level fairy. In a state of mind where she'll agree to anything. While she knows charms that let her trap herself in mystic oaths.

I have some concerns.
Zanara is adorable. Their whole performance for this series of events have been a real treat to just go through. You can say that it was a cruel and self-serving act, but it was undeniably entertaining to watch go down. If you can't rip out and eat your sister's heart with some showmanship after all that build up what is there worth doing in life?

Also Aleph, what would become of Krisity if Haneyl did blow up and a superheated wave of mercury vapor hit the place?
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I'm guessing Keris is in this one, uncontrolled.

And now she's seperated from her allies. In an area under the control of a Demon Lord level fairy. In a state of mind where she'll agree to anything. While she knows charms that let her trap herself in mystic oaths.

I have some concerns.
She's going to run off to somewhere she feels safe, though. And it's very unlikely that the raksha can stop her.
Anywho, what do people think of the morality of that chapter ending? I know people were saying they disliked Zanara for their deliberate stirring the pot, so I'm interested to hear if and how that's changed now that you know why they were doing it.

Zanara is disturbing, amoral, and kind of a dick, but they had a point in this case. Haneyl was a barely stable explosive cocktail before literally poisonous envy was introduced into her system, letting her keep it could have gone very badly. And, like Zanara said, there's no way she would have let go of it willingly. If Keris had been brought in on the problem, it's possible she could have devised a less extreme solution, but that's unlikely. Keris is both really soft on her kids and tends to delude herself into thinking problems are not actually problems, so if Zanara had brought this to her she might have refused to fix it if said fix hurt Haneyl in any way. And not fixing it is pretty much the same as making it worse.
Well that was both horrifying and awesome. I guess that the secrets in the title are being revealed to Keris. There were references to Keris having to do things she hated to survive Nexus winters a while ago, but never elaborated upon in the story itself. I think that the next chapter might be Keris panicking at the bottom of the ocean while she has flashbacks of all of the things that she was trying to repress.

If this is Calesco trying to be cruel to be kind, I uh, look forward to her explanation.

Zanara might be due for a time out in Kerisity for a while. They've never been concerned with who they hurt in the name of art, so I'm surprised that they did this, but not surprised that they would do this. I don't think that Keris had a talk with them like she had a talk with Haneyl after she discovered her workshop.
Well that was both horrifying and awesome. I guess that the secrets in the title are being revealed to Keris. There were references to Keris having to do things she hated to survive Nexus winters a while ago, but never elaborated upon in the story itself. I think that the next chapter might be Keris panicking at the bottom of the ocean while she has flashbacks of all of the things that she was trying to repress.

If this is Calesco trying to be cruel to be kind, I uh, look forward to her explanation.

Zanara might be due for a time out in Kerisity for a while. They've never been concerned with who they hurt in the name of art, so I'm surprised that they did this, but not surprised that they would do this. I don't think that Keris had a talk with them like she had a talk with Haneyl after she discovered her workshop.
That wasn't just art, it was also medicine.

Eko wouldn't have helped with figuring out the how if it was only art, I don't think.

The Szorneny mercury was messing Haneyl up something fierce.
The sad irony is that a lot of the Controlled Limit Breaks are hard to tell apart from normal Keris behaviour under stress.

Anywho, what do people think of the morality of that chapter ending? I know people were saying they disliked Zanara for their deliberate stirring the pot, so I'm interested to hear if and how that's changed now that you know why they were doing it.
Like I said on the discord. I think this basically cements my idea of "Man, I just cannot even slightly sympathize with Zanara". It was totally worth doing imo, but honestly, they are just a little shit.

And I see no contradiction in saying that and agreeing that what they did was beneficial and necessary.

And that impression of "Well they're a little shit" is probably going to persist at this point. Which is cool! Not having reasons to have a positive opinion of all of the main cast and protagonists when done like this gives nice texture to a story. Sometimes you just gotta have the team asshole.
Okay. So, let's talk worst case.

Before we get started on what might have happened, we need to start with why and how it happened in the first place. That dream Rathan had back in Chapter 8 of Family Matters? Specifically this bit?
"And then there was a bit where I'd nearly got free and then there was this heat and hunger and it burned me, mama. And it was like I was fighting over something but then something else ate what I wanted before I could have it and left me alone in the dark all burned. It was scary. And mean."

That was Haneyl stealing part of Envious Heart, because she was Keris's envy and greed and made the (metaphysical) case that she had a better right to it than Rathan from a Principle viewpoint, even if he had better elemental resonance with it. As such, it got split in half - Rathan got the sapping ruinous envy that ruins and pulls down its targets to lower than him, while Haneyl got the burning self-improvement envy that builds itself up to exceed its target. What this meant was that Haneyl reacted to the mercury differently than the RAW Envious Heart mechanics, since she only had one half and her nature warped it more. Where Keris has the target-envy-outdo-regen-WP cycle, Haneyl accumulated mercury every time she saw someone better than her and subconsciously autotargeted them, then transmuted it into fuel if she surpassed them.

This fuel was, importantly, still mercury - just now in a metaphysically "burnable" state that contributed to her fuel gauge. This is part of why her romp through the South topped her up to horrific levels. She had more mercury than wood in her fuel stores by the end there; that's part of what was wrong.

More importantly, when she failed to surpass her targets, the mercury bioaccumulated in her flesh, making her more envious - and lowering the threshold at which the effect autotriggered when she saw someone with more X than her, where the constraints on "X" got broader and broader as well. At first it was just people like the Tengese Prince; way above her in wealth and political power; things she centrally wanted as part of her core nature. By the end it was people who were only a little better than her in unrelated or secondary things like fighting or acting cultured. Or, of course, the mere existence of her mother as someone who's simply more powerful than her at a metaphysical level.

So. What could have happened? Well, for a start, if the situation had been left as it was with no intervention, it would have been an even toss-up as to which would have happened first: the bioaccumulation making her collapse and start exhibiting palsy symptoms or her envy triggering a burning. In practice it leads to a burning either way, the coin toss just decides how badly poisoned she is and what the end result looks like afterwards.

If she'd undergone a burning, then, several things would have happened.

Firstly, all of the mercury in her fuel store would have gone up in one go, holy shit. In the real world, this instantly kills anyone nearby her when she goes off as she literally detonates in a Sapphire-Sorcery-scale cataclysm that would have poisoned the area and got mercury into the groundwater and probably also the ocean around Saata, like a major industrial accident. It wouldn't have had a major effect immediately, but that's because it's not in mercury's nature to be so obvious quickly - instead, anyone eating fish from the sea or drinking water from the contaminated wells around Saata (which everyone there does, there's not enough land to avoid either) would be building up neurological poison in the months and years to follow.

That's Creation, of course.

In Krisity it would have been much, much worse.

What would have been a Sapphire-scale detonation in the real world would have been the entire Swamp going up in flames inside Keris's soul, releasing all of that mercury-fuel as toxic vapour into the atmosphere. Spreading so much mercury through Keris's soul - which would have been blown counterclockwise around the Far Directions by the Cloud Wall - would have been very, very bad. It could easily have either poisoned - or maybe worse, tainted - her other souls, especially Sirelmiya and Calesco who are immediately downwind of the effects and Zanara, who's upwind but right next door. Rathan would have been safest, from upwind distance and mercury tolerance - but even he would have felt the effects of so much quicksilver getting forced into the water cycle and likely become ill in some way.

What about Haneyl herself? Well, most if not all of the plant life in the Swamp would have died off, depending on how badly she was poisoned before the burning. If it had killed off all of it, the Swamp would have stopped being the Swamp entirely, and the Metagaos in Haneyl would have died; turning her into a mad spirit of demonic fire and poison ruling over a bubbling toxic wasteland lit in green and constantly shrouded by fumes. Zanara would have probably been the one who regrew Metagaos, losing their own Szoreny in the process. Keris would have been changed by the reconceptualisation of her major Principles, and probably not in a healthy way. Also, she would have been really upset by one particular aspect of Haneyl's change, even above and beyond the fact she would now be a mad toxic spirit. It would have killed all her keruby, even if they were out of the blast. Apart from maybe the fleshless flames - Saji might have come through merely "changed", rather than "unmade". But she'd have lost Rounen and Elly for sure.

If some of the Swamp flora had survived, things would have been better... but still not good. Physically speaking, the bioaccumulation in Haney's tissues would have boiled, and probably "cooked" in her flesh - in the sense of permanently altering the makeup of the ingredients, a'la "you can't get the flour and sugar back out of a cake once it's baked". In its raw liquid state, Zanara was able to extract the mercury in its entirety by keeping Haneyl simmering but not actually burning long enough to draw it out into her blood (and then ripping it out along with her heart). By contrast, "cooked-in" mercury would probably have left Haneyl with permanent symptoms of mercury poisoning that would have required lifelong medication - represented and mirrored by the regrown Swamp plants being sickly and mercury-laced. This would almost certainly have resisted Poison/Crippling treatment due to being an affliction of her essential nature rather than her literal physical body - something more of a nature to Autochthon's sickness in how she would have made it part of who she was. It might have been curable, but at the very least it would have been an order of magnitude harder than just using anti-keyword Charms. Haneyl would in effect have become an ill girl waifu like Lilunu; scarred by her refusal to let go of something that was toxic to her.

Now, don't let this convince you that Zanara was fully in the right, either. Their motives were, in a very thematic way, two-faced. On the one hand they they were sincerely terrified for their big sister and wanted to help her by any means necessary. But on the other hand they wanted to steal Envious Heart and the Szoreny mind tree for themselves, and not lose it in favour of Metagaos. Both were true. Two reasons for the same action. Also, ironically, Zana is the closer one to Haneyl - which implies the "scared for big sis and wanting to help her" motivation was the Zana part of their personality, despite her usually being the bitchier of the Zana-Nara pair. Meanwhile Nara was the one who was, in a metaphysical sense, quietly stealing Rathan's rarely-worn clothes out of his wardrobe every time he went over without a hint of shame until he'd emptied the entire thing of Rathan's brief punk-rocker phase outfits.

Could Zanara have handled this better? Hard to say. Could they have handled it differently? Without a doubt. There were certainly other ways they could have done it. They didn't have to do what they did. But they didn't feel they could tell Keris and get her help with it because they know that the souls reflect Keris's feelings - and whatever else they might have lied about; they were damn right that Haneyl would never have given anything up willingly, even if told how it was harming her. With Keris out of the picture in case it tips off Haneyl, Vali and Calesco are immediately out for the same reason. They don't trust Dulmea enough, and they'd been stealing from Rathan too - he didn't seem to mind, but his Payback nature might have had him oppose their plan anyway, to say nothing of how he wouldn't really have been useful and if he wasn't needed they saw no point in risking a leak by telling him. And while they might very seriously have considered telling Lilunu, they didn't get to go back to Hell last Calibration, so there was no opportunity.

They did tell Eko; their opposite number and the other soul who's pulled off a complex soul-modification scheme. But even then, they only told her because they knew she'd help with the problem-solving bits out of concern for Haneyl, and then forget because she wouldn't want to think about doing mean things for her little sister even if they were necessary. That wasn't trust - they knew how to phrase it to get her to accept the need for action, agree to go along with their solution rather than spend more time on a hard and painful topic than absolutely necessary, and then not want to think about it any more.

And by Zanara's inherent nature, their solution was going to be big, showy, and melodramatic.

Thus you have it.
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If it had killed off all of it, the Swamp would have stopped being the Swamp entirely, and the Metagaos in Haneyl would have died; turning her into a mad spirit of demonic fire and poison ruling over a bubbling toxic wasteland lit in green and constantly shrouded by fumes.

In this case, I can imagine Haneyl stealing herself some Keruby. Could we get some kind of description of what kind of Keruby a boiling-mercury Haneyl would have?
So the takeaway here is be really careful about mixing Yozi essences, or you might damage people's soul structure. Which... Should maybe be obvious already, given Lilinu and assorted issues.

I wonder if Szoreny/Malfeas/Metagaos is inherently a dangerous cocktail or if it's specifically Haneyl's nature combined with those three that's the problem. I'm guessing the latter, or maybe a bit of both.

Also, Szoreny seems unnecessarily dangerous in general. I don't think introducing that into a person's soul structure is ever going to produce good results. Then again, Szoreny is the Yozi I have the lowest affinity with, personally, so maybe I'm biased? With the Yozis that fit my personality better I can see how the traits could turn out OK, but Szoreny I don't identify with and thus can't see any way to make things work in a non-terrible manner?
I think it's good moement to ask a question I was curious for several months now - if infernal personality is represented by his or her sould, does it means that personality is resistant to change? I.e.: let's take Haneyl. She is Keris's greed. Does it mean, that greed is locked by metaphysical 'weight' of Haneyl existence? That any attempt to overcome her greed and becoming more charitable would need to overcome that weight? Or in case of Sasi, does it not make it that much harder to make her more compassionate, when indulgence soul having strangehold on Sasi's compassion?

Yozi are more a less unchanging and inflexible. Infernals are Yozi in miniatures and strive to emulate their patrons. Does it mean they become narratively more and more 'frozen' in their personality and worldview as they grow in power?
I think it's good moement to ask a question I was curious for several months now - if infernal personality is represented by his or her sould, does it means that personality is resistant to change? I.e.: let's take Haneyl. She is Keris's greed. Does it mean, that greed is locked by metaphysical 'weight' of Haneyl existence? That any attempt to overcome her greed and becoming more charitable would need to overcome that weight? Or in case of Sasi, does it not make it that much harder to make her more compassionate, when indulgence soul having strangehold on Sasi's compassion?

Yozi are more a less unchanging and inflexible. Infernals are Yozi in miniatures and strive to emulate their patrons. Does it mean they become narratively more and more 'frozen' in their personality and worldview as they grow in power?
No. If you managed to get an Infernal to sit down and work through things without them using their social defenses to go "nananana I can't hear you" you could change their Principles and thus their souls.

Keris basically plans on it, since she's realizing how bad things are in Sasi's soul/how Sasi is kind of a mess.

There are certain things that can make certain changes difficult or impossible though, in the form of certain personality warping Yozi charms. For example, Sasi has to neurotically plan for everything because she has the SWLiHN charm that makes her extremely vulnerable to unforeseen events. Barring something very extreme to remove that Charm from her, Sasi will always have that be part of her (though any soul its connected to could shift).

Conversely, an Infernal with Freedom Lets Go could emulate Adorjan and flense away even highly-ranked Principles with souls attached if they so chose.
I think it's good moement to ask a question I was curious for several months now - if infernal personality is represented by his or her sould, does it means that personality is resistant to change? I.e.: let's take Haneyl. She is Keris's greed. Does it mean, that greed is locked by metaphysical 'weight' of Haneyl existence? That any attempt to overcome her greed and becoming more charitable would need to overcome that weight? Or in case of Sasi, does it not make it that much harder to make her more compassionate, when indulgence soul having strangehold on Sasi's compassion?

Yozi are more a less unchanging and inflexible. Infernals are Yozi in miniatures and strive to emulate their patrons. Does it mean they become narratively more and more 'frozen' in their personality and worldview as they grow in power?

Well, we've seen that Infernal souls can change, Rathan went from Revenge to Pay Each Man Back in Kind. This was a result of Keris's mindset shifting from "I like to hurt people who hurt me" to "I still like to hurt people who hurt me, but I also like being nice to people who are nice to me." And then there's Vali, who was originally "Nothing can constrain me" but is now "Family can constrain me, but nothing else can."

The main reason why an Infernal's personality would get "locked in" is a refusal to change on their part. For example, I'm pretty sure Keris is not going to be trying to change her greediness any time soon, so Haneyl is unlikely to change. Also Sasi's kinda locked in a death spiral with her devotion to the Yozis because it's the only way she can cope with being Anathema. Getting stuck in a mental rut means your souls will also get stuck in one mindset and won't be able to change.
I wonder if Szoreny/Malfeas/Metagaos is inherently a dangerous cocktail or if it's specifically Haneyl's nature combined with those three that's the problem. I'm guessing the latter, or maybe a bit of both.

Honestly, Szoreny-Malfeas is a dangerous cocktail, and Szoreny-Metagaos is a dangerous cocktail, so I can't imagine Szoreny-Malfeas-Metagaos being any better.

Now, admittedly, I'd guess at Malfeas-Metagaos being a dangerous cocktail too, but Haneyl makes it work, so take my views with a grain of salt.

In all honesty, though, Szoreny-anything is at least a somewhat dangerous cocktail. There's a reason that envy is considered as bad a sin as pride by the catholic church.
Honestly, Szoreny-Malfeas is a dangerous cocktail, and Szoreny-Metagaos is a dangerous cocktail, so I can't imagine Szoreny-Malfeas-Metagaos being any better.

Now, admittedly, I'd guess at Malfeas-Metagaos being a dangerous cocktail too, but Haneyl makes it work, so take my views with a grain of salt.

In all honesty, though, Szoreny-anything is at least a somewhat dangerous cocktail. There's a reason that envy is considered as bad a sin as pride by the catholic church.

Well, yes. And yet Keris has a lot of sympathy with Szoreny - as soon as the Charmset opened up, she dived into it.

The "trick" about Szoreny, really, is that charm-wise he's actually not that complicated. He has charm trees that almost map to Solar equivalents - he has a Medicine-like tree, Socialise-like and Presence-like, etc. He's a very simple Yozi to use. But the Accumulation mechanic is riddled through him, and that's the carrot he uses to make you stab yourself. There's hardly any sticks in the Szoreny set; just carrots that lead you down dangerous alleyways.

But the reason that Malfeas-Szoreny, particularly the parts of Malfeas that Haneyl has, is so dangerous is that those Malfeas bits are all about hierarchy and domination and tyranny. Haneyl has perma-on Insignificant Embers Intution, so whenever she looks at Keris, it's plain to see that she's more powerful than her. If you put Szoreny in the other part of Malfeas, the part that Vali has, it'd be a lot more... solid. You'd have even more self-destructive "work through the poisoning", of course, but Vali's like that anyway. Szoreny-ValiMalfeas is a lot more shounen-protag, while Szoreny-HaneylMalfeas is...

... well, it's Virgil. Complete with the V-stage where you're sick falling apart from what you've done to yourself.
Well, yes. And yet Keris has a lot of sympathy with Szoreny - as soon as the Charmset opened up, she dived into it.

The "trick" about Szoreny, really, is that charm-wise he's actually not that complicated. He has charm trees that almost map to Solar equivalents - he has a Medicine-like tree, Socialise-like and Presence-like, etc. He's a very simple Yozi to use. But the Accumulation mechanic is riddled through him, and that's the carrot he uses to make you stab yourself. There's hardly any sticks in the Szoreny set; just carrots that lead you down dangerous alleyways.

But the reason that Malfeas-Szoreny, particularly the parts of Malfeas that Haneyl has, is so dangerous is that those Malfeas bits are all about hierarchy and domination and tyranny. Haneyl has perma-on Insignificant Embers Intution, so whenever she looks at Keris, it's plain to see that she's more powerful than her. If you put Szoreny in the other part of Malfeas, the part that Vali has, it'd be a lot more... solid. You'd have even more self-destructive "work through the poisoning", of course, but Vali's like that anyway. Szoreny-ValiMalfeas is a lot more shounen-protag, while Szoreny-HaneylMalfeas is...

... well, it's Virgil. Complete with the V-stage where you're sick falling apart from what you've done to yourself.

Szoreny-Metagaos isn't much better, honestly. Metagaos's defining flaw - the thing that keeps him from just eating and taking and what-have-you - is his sloth. He's just too lazy to do much of anything. Szoreny, on the other hand, is all about surpassing others, by hook or by crook, and a big part of that is work ethic - the one thing that Metagaos lacks. Szoreny-Metagaos, therefore, is an envious, gluttonous, greedy thing that can't abide anybody else having anything at all, possibly including their lives. About the only way to make such an awful mixture any worse is to mix in a bit of Isidoros.