Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

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I wonder if Durand's own actions (both the crushing of the Royalist Army at the Mauvais Plain to the point where both Nornish Legions got captured and the Leveler 'Grenade' publishing of the King's letters) affected the Nornish decision-making to declare war early.

It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.

[X] Plan Taking A Sledgehammer into The Gunfight
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It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.
Hmm, not sure I agree. On paper, the initial push had what it took to succeed: Von Trotha and Wachenheim outnumbered Durand 2 to 1, and their armies were not, in theory, considerably lower quality than the 5th.

Their mistake was splitting up, allowing Durand to defeat them in detail. But even then, Brutet was such a disaster that I do not think anyone could have predicted it. One of two armies getting deleted has a way to flip the board.
What is the reason for the 5th to move west instead of going to Rotholz Turn to fire? Rotholz means we are safe from any random charges and we are also more forward for fire support next turn.

I also still don't understand the hob movement.

If they want to intercept random cavalry attacks then ready fire is wholly unsuited for the job. You can get an interception by routing the enemy but that there will be quite a good chance you don't roll good enough for morale.

Simply having them ready charge instead would allow them to actually prevent cavalry charges into us and you do not need to spend pretty much all ap of both hobs on readying actions if you decide to ready charge.

As an example, having the 200th do Move NW, NE, Ready Charge cavalry in range, Ready Fire cavalry in range would prevent a charge by the 8th already
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I wonder if Durand's own actions (both the crushing of the Royalist Army at the Mauvais Plain to the point where both Nornish Legions got captured and the Leveler 'Grenade' publishing of the King's letters) affected the Nornish decision-making to declare war early.

It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.
I think the letter and the announcement that the King will be put on trial give Norn a good reason to move fast, yeah. Even a high level of dithering by the Convention can probably only push a verdict back a few months, and they could always be quicker than that or have it taken out of their hands by the mob. They don't really have weeks to spare if they're hoping to push far enough into Arné to threaten Loutharc, scatter the Convention and free the King.

And it does seem like they weren't expecting much resistance, which actually feels sort of reasonable? Arné is not in a great state for war-fighting at the moment. The army's stretched thin and poorly supported, the economy's a mess, political chaos is everywhere. Even if the King wasn't in immediate jeopardy it'd make sense to strike when the iron's hot instead of giving us time to remobilize and get our act together.

Their plan of attack against us made sense, I think. I can see another universe where Brutet is indecisive, von Trotha makes it across the river and marches to Antreville, and our army ends up cut off. A more conventional general in our place might've feared that scenario and decided to wait for Guillory before making any moves, ceding the initiative and allowing Norn to make some solid gains.

It'll be interesting to see how the strategic picture looks in the near future. This front is going well for now, but overall things will probably get worse before they get better. Arné should be able to raise a bunch more troops, but they're going to be needed all over the place. If/when the King's executed that'll probably cause a major escalation in the war. I'd expect that to trigger a wider coalition against the Revolution (probably Bruttia jumping in considering how they've already been funding royalist forces, possibly Ivernia, though they're pretty isolationist, and an even stronger commitment from Norn and their satellite states), along with more royalist unrest tying down troops at home.
Dear Berenicy de Toucy, Commanding Officer of the 55th,

I would like to send my thanks to you for saving my brother at Mauvis Plain and my congratulations on your well deserved promotion. I will forever be grateful for your actions on that fateful battle. My mother and father both died in service to the Revolution, and I do not believe my heart can take anymore news about the deaths of those I love.

So if it is at all possible, then I ask of you to advise my brother to be a more prudent solider. I have long given up on trying to have my brother serve the Revolution in a less dangerous role, so I only wish for him to be less reckless. If my brother wants be a soldier, then so be it, for I can not deny the joy he expresses when he protects the Revolution with his service nor the happiness in which he described seeing the surrender of the Norn invaders. However, I do not believe it will be possible for him to leave his life as a soldier alive if he continues on this path. So I hope you are able to temper his bravery and boldness with a degree of caution.

Bursaux Solle
@Photomajig, letter sent. And if it is reasonable, then I would also like to see Toucy have some time in an update.
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Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Photomajig on Feb 11, 2025 at 12:35 PM, finished with 93 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Taking A Sledgehammer into The Gunfight
    -[X] Visualization
    -[X] Infantry
    -[X] 200th Hob: Move 2 E, NE Facing NW, Brace, Ready Charge (any moving unit in range) / move on final tile after 55th Elv Hussars
    -[X] 251st Hob: Brace, 2*Ready Charge (any moving unit in range)
    -[X] 148th: 2* Charge 31st, Melee (3 checks) / WAIT for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
    -[X] 72nd Hum: 1*Move (NW), 2* Charge (3 NW, W) / WAIT with the charge for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
    -[X] 42nd Elv: 3*Move (NW, 2W)
    -[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2* Move (NE, NW), Fire 3 NE [90% for routing]
    -[X] Cavalry
    -[X] Guillory Hussars: Charge into the rear of the 33rd Dwa and near battery via hill, engage enemy cavalry if they are intercepting you [assuming one of them gets through and charges + melees, guaranteed rout due to the 1 disadv. + 3 morale checks (melee + 2 rear attacks)]
    -[X] 55th Elv Hussars 2* Charge 31st (W, 5 NW, 2NE, E, NE), Melee 75th (same deal with the 31st, guarantueed rout thanks to 15th being certain to rout) /WAIT for 16th Half to move and shoot
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: 2* Charge (W, 4 NW, NE, 2 NW, 4 NE) /WAIT for the 16th Half to move and shoot
    -[X] Artillery
    -[X] 5th Hob H. Art.: Move 2W, Fire at 31st Dwa
    -[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
    -[X] 84th Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
Correspondence Corner: Berenice de Toucy, 22nd Beltiale, Year Two New
Bursaux Solle said:
Dear Berenicy de Toucy, Commanding Officer of the 55th,

I would like to send my thanks to you for saving my brother at Mauvis Plain and my congratulations on your well deserved promotion. I will forever be grateful for your actions on that fateful battle. My mother and father both died in service to the Revolution, and I do not believe my heart can take anymore news about the deaths of those I love.

So if it is at all possible, then I ask of you to advise my brother to be a more prudent solider. I have long given up on trying to have my brother serve the Revolution in a less dangerous role, so I only wish for him to be less reckless. If my brother wants be a soldier, then so be it, for I can not deny the joy he expresses when he protects the Revolution with his service nor the happiness in which he described seeing the surrender of the Norn invaders. However, I do not believe it will be possible for him to leave his life as a soldier alive if he continues on this path. So I hope you are able to temper his bravery and boldness with a degree of caution.

Bursaux Solle


Dear Citizen Solle,

I hope this letter finds you in fine health and spirit. Your favor of the 20th and the kind words contained within were most appreciated. I was honored and not a little surprised to receive your letter, but it was all the more welcome for it. I did not expect you to remember me, for I believe we only met for a short while when I called upon your brother last Sacriale.

I fear your brother may have grossly exaggerated my actions at Mauvais, for in truth I did very little in that furious melee which engulfed us, even as I was privileged to fight for a time at his side and together fend off a royalist push. I regret his resignation from the Fifth Army after the battle, though I understand he has found a new commission at the head of the 17th Hussars under General Le Maingre - a fortunate posting indeed, for the 17th are a regiment of fine reputation!

As for your request, I fear there is little I can do. You know your brother as a loving sister does, and thus your desire to safeguard him from harm is natural and much to your credit. But I know him as a comrade in arms does, and so could not in good conscience embark upon the path you have so earnestly requested of me. To do so would be to hold him back from his nature and his calling.

These are new days of glory, and the Nation calls upon its sons and daughters to act as did heroes of old. Your brother rides into battle utterly without fear, and I believe it is his great delight to meet foe-men in close and personal combat. To advise him against these things would be to render him despondent. Furthermore, I believe your brother to be one of those rare souls particularly loved by God. Yes, he may be brash, but I have never met a man so possessed of good fortune and evident providence as Thibault-Clovis. I am certain he is destined for greatness, and so fear not this nightmare of him falling before his time: it is not the lot of heroes to perish before their work is done.

Nevertheless, I dread the thought of my words causing a lady of your evident sensibility and affection any further grief or worry, so I pledge now to do what I can to assuage your fears. I shall write to your brother forthwith and press upon him the foolishness of taking undue risks and making sport of war, as he is given to do. I shall also ask of him to write home with more regularity, as I sense from your words that he has neglected his letters.

Should you wish to write to me again, know that further correspondence would be most welcome. I believe we shall see battle within the week and hope to write to you again after the victory that assuredly awaits us.

Respectfully yours,

Citizen Berenice de Toucy, Chevalier
Colonel of the 55th Regiment of Elven Hussars, Fifth Army

Don't think I'll get far with the update today, but hopefully tomorrow. For now, have a letter!
Dear Brother,

Your decisions have repeatedly vexed me, but recent events and actions have shown that you are perhaps wiser than I had ever thought. When you volunteered to fight in the War of the Grand Alliance, I was afraid that you would get yourself killed permanently in battle. However, you showed yourself to be an excellent soldier. When you and the 108th Elven Hussars refused to charge the angry mobs on the streets of Loutharc and defected to the Convention, I thought that you had tossed away a promising military career or worse. When that Hobgoblin Durand published that horrid letter that set the kingdom ablaze, I feared that you would support her madness, but you resigned instead. I do not know your reasons for that, but I am glad you did.

Things are in chaos in Loutharc. My husband went on a wild rant cursing his Majesty foolishly letting everything get so bad and then begging foreign powers to fix his own problems for him. I have never heard him say such things before although I do know he did have some friends among the Constitutionalists. Worse, I actually agreed with some of the things he had to say about the King. My husband urged his Constitutionalist friends to try to get the King to abdicate to one of his sons before things got even worse. However, the Constitutionalists were too shocked and divided to make a coherent response to the situation caused by Durand's letter and now I fear the situation is out of their hands. Every day in Loutharc, the anger against the King from even people I respect grows and the horrid cries from the Loutharc mob for the King's head grows ever louder. I still believe that the monarchy is the finest form of government, but I have lost all faith in our King, and I do not believe that a Nornish invasion will improve things. Honestly, I am terrified for the future of our country and our families. If Arné becoming a republic is inevitable, I would much rather it be led by the likes of you and your friends than by the likes of Durand and the leaders of the bloodthirsty mob.

My brother, you may be our family's best hope of getting through these troubled times. Do you have any plans for your next steps? Surely, your talents and fighting record could get you a new position in the army away from that radical Durand or be leveraged into a political career that could help steer our country in the right direction. If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know because if Arné ends up in the hands of the wrong people such as Durand, I believe that the only logical choice for me and my family will be to flee the country.

Your sister Bathilde de Guerchy
Here is a letter to the brilliant elven cavalry officer who resigned and who led others to resign from Durand's army after the Battle of Mauvais Plains for you @Photomajig
Daurstein: Round 6 New
[X] Plan Taking A Sledgehammer into The Gunfight
-[X] Visualization
-[X] Infantry
-[X] 200th Hob: Move 2 E, NE Facing NW, Brace, Ready Charge (any moving unit in range) / move on final tile after 55th Elv Hussars
-[X] 251st Hob: Brace, 2*Ready Charge (any moving unit in range)
-[X] 148th: 2* Charge 31st, Melee (3 checks) / WAIT for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
-[X] 72nd Hum: 1*Move (NW), 2* Charge (3 NW, W) / WAIT with the charge for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
-[X] 42nd Elv: 3*Move (NW, 2W)
-[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2* Move (NE, NW), Fire 3 NE [90% for routing]
-[X] Cavalry
-[X] Guillory Hussars: Charge into the rear of the 33rd Dwa and near battery via hill, engage enemy cavalry if they are intercepting you [assuming one of them gets through and charges + melees, guaranteed rout due to the 1 disadv. + 3 morale checks (melee + 2 rear attacks)]
-[X] 55th Elv Hussars 2* Charge 31st (W, 5 NW, 2NE, E, NE), Melee 75th (same deal with the 31st, guarantueed rout thanks to 15th being certain to rout) /WAIT for 16th Half to move and shoot
-[X] 108th Elv Hsr: 2* Charge (W, 4 NW, NE, 2 NW, 4 NE) /WAIT for the 16th Half to move and shoot
-[X] Artillery
-[X] 5th Hob H. Art.: Move 2W, Fire at 31st Dwa
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
-[X] 84th Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
-[X] 31st Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace

Berenice de Toucy leads his cavalry to press against the cover of the hillside, surging forth like something amorphous into clouds of smoke and through the sheltering shadow of trees. The enemy has very little hope of a clear shot at his 55th, and that is exactly how he likes it.

The tide has definitely turned. He can feel it in the wind that tugs at the collars of his cavalry jacket, smell it in the powder and blood now permeating the length of the field. There is a fear on the faces of the enemy he can see. It is as if the world knows already what will come to pass, but by some unspoken compulsion, none can speak it aloud. The enemy do not know it yet, but they are already dead.

It reminds him of a line from the Song of the Taming of the Earth, a description of the terrible quiet which comes over the field just before Clotairus at last slays the dragon Anaxater with one great blow of his sword. How did it go, exactly? Ah; Suddenly all became still, and the air drew back its breath, and the trees held silent their leaves, and the sun was hidden away, and fear itself shuddered to look upon him, for Death was in him.

De Maistre of the 84th Artillery had scoffed at the scene when he'd brought it up once. Apparently, real dragons could not be slain by mere swords, however heroic their wielders supposedly were. It was simply not materially possible. You needed at least a 6-pounder to breach the scales. Berenice had always suspected artillery command drained all the poetry out of a man's soul.

They pass the fortified hill and break into a charge. The enemy artillery thunders, but the angle of his approach robs them of their prepared killing ground. The close-range volley is terrifying, regardless, and he feels as much as sees good men mangled, unhorsed and killed as the cannonballs bounce through them. Undaunted, they press towards the Nornish dwarves with fierce cries of Long live the Revolution!

He does not kill the first dwarf with one mere blow of his sabre, but that is fine. A hundred cuts more follow behind.


Guillory's cavalry falls upon the enemy flank on your right, while the infantry and your 55th Hussars follow the massed barrage of your artillery into the centre. The enemy's desperate defense does not even slow them down. If von Trotha had some hope of his infantry delaying you long enough for his guns to be withdrawn, you dash it pretty thoroughly now.

There's a moment that can be felt, in which the retreat turns into a rout, like a rockfall reaching the critical point of tension which begins a cascading avalanche. All across the enemy line, the orderly Nornish ranks shudder and shake violently, then erupt into utter bedlam and frenzied movement away, away from Arnése steel. The lines between regiments blur, as do those between kin and horses, living and dead, curling smoke and dying men. It is in moments like these that you sometimes think you can see a shadow rise over the battlefield, vast and terrible, and with rough violence cast men and women this way and that in blind animal panic.

"Neatly done, very nice," Guillory notes behind you. He has helped himself to a bottle of wine from the mansion cellar. "My people performed rather well, don't you think? Fine riding, from what I could see, and I used them pretty deftly there in the woods. Shame I couldn't be at their head. I'd have liked to give my sabre a taste of royalist blood."

"It's not over yet," you say, though it pretty much is. Much of the enemy force will escape, but they are leaving a great many dead and captured in their wake. Now, to catch as many of them as you can.

Your Turn

19th Half Pfd Moves SE, SW (Routing)
45th Elv Moves x2 SW, SW (Routing)

251st Hob Braces, Readies Action
200th Hob Moves E, NE, Braces, Readies Action

16th Half Pfd Moves x2 NE, NW, Fires at Hex 3NW
16th Half Pfd Fires on 8th Elv Hsr! (Ambush Advantage)
>8th Elv Hsr Morale Check (Ambushed): 12+1-15-1-3=0; ROUTED!
>Hits: 16, 43-20+10=33; 30 Casualties

5th Hob H Art Moves W, W, Fires at 31st Dwa
5th Hob H Art Fires on 31st Dwa! (Ambush Advantage)
>31st Dwa Morale Check (Ambushed): 11+5-3-1=12; takes 4 Stress!
>Hits: 50-20+30=60; 38 Casualties

10th Hum Art Fires on 31st Dwa!
>Hits: 57, 88-50+30=68; 58 Casualties
>31st Dwa Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 14+5-3-2-4=10; takes 5 Stress!
10th Hum Art Braces

84th Elv Art Fires on 31st Dwa!
>Hits: 1-50+10=0
84th Elv Art Braces

31st Elv Art Fires on 31st Dwa!
>Hits: 89-50+10=49; 36 Casualties
>31st Dwa Morale Check (100+ Casualties): 4, 2+5-3-2-9=0; ROUTED!
31st Elv Art Braces

>15th Dwa Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 19+3-3-22=0; ROUTED!
>75th Elv Art Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 8+2-3=7; takes 6 Stress!
>??? Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): ???

>HM's 1st Elv Hsr Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 11+3-3+6=17; takes 1 Stress!

55th Elv Hsr Moves W, NW*5, Charges NE, NE, E, NE at 31st Dwa
Prov Elv Art Ready Action (Fire) if enemy approaches on the plain within 700m triggered!
Prov Elv Art Fires on 55th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 44-20+10=34; 31 Casualties

75th Elv Art Ready Action (Fire, Move NW) if enemy moves within 400m triggered!
75th Elv Art Fires on 55th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 72, 33+20=53; 51 Casualties
>55th Elv Hsr Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 16, 1+5+3=9; takes 5 Stress!

55th Elv Hsr Charges 31st Dwa! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 4, 49+10=59; 15 Casualties

75th Elv Art Moves NW
55th Elv Hsr would Attack 75th Elv Art, but 75th Elv Art no longer in range

108th Elv Hsr Moves W, 4*NW, NE, NW, Charges NW, 4*NE at 8th Elv Hsr!
108th Elv Hsr Charges 8th Elv Hsr! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 41, 94+10=104; 56 Casualties

350th Elv Hsr Charges NW, W, W, W at 33rd Dwa & Attacks 33rd Dwa x2
HM's 1st Elv Hsr Ready Action (Charge, Charge) if enemy cavalry comes within 200m triggered!
HM's 1st Elv Hsr would Charge, but no distance, Attacks instead
HM's 1st Elv Hsr Attacks 350th Elv Hsr!

>Hits: 66-20+20=66; 32 Casualties
350th Elv Hsr Charges 33rd Dwa! (Charge Advantage & Ambush Advantage)
>33rd Dwa Morale Check (Flanked): 14+3-3-2=12; takes 4 Stress!
>33rd Dwa Morale Check (Charged): 17, 1+3-3-2-4=0; ROUTED!
>Hits: 67, 81, 88; 26 Casualties

HM's 1st Elv Hsr Attacks 350th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 44-20+20=44; 23 Casualties
>350th Elv Hsr Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 5+3-3=5; takes 7 Stress!

350th Elv Hsr Attacks 33rd Dwa!
>Hits: 81; 31 Casualties
350th Elv Hsr Attacks 33rd Dwa!
>Hits: 37; 12 Casualties

341st Elv Hsr Moves 4*NW, Charges SW at HM's 1st Elv Hsr & Attacks HM's 1st Elv Hsr
341st Elv Hsr Charges HM's 1st Elv Hsr! (Charge Advantage)
>HM's 1st Elv Hsr Morale Check (Flanked): 20, 20+3-3-7=13; takes 3 Stress!
>HM's 1st Elv Hsr Morale Check (Charged): 18, 2+3-3-10=0; ROUTED!
>Hits: 35, 51; 37 Casualties

>Prov Elv Art Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 2+2-3=1; takes 9 Stress!

341st Elv Hsr Attacks HM's 1st Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 40; 17 Casualties

148th Hum Moves NW, NW, Charges NW, NW at 31st Dwa & Attacks 31st Dwa
148th Hum Charges 31st Dwa! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 61, 86; 27 Casualties
148th Hum Attacks 31st Dwa!
>Hits: 52; 17 Casualties

72nd Hum Moves x2 NW, NW, NW, Charges NW, W at 31st Dwa
72nd Hum Charges 31st Dwa! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 13, 95+20=115; 35 Casualties

42nd Elv Moves x3 NW, W, W

13th Hob Lan Rests
28th Half Pfd Rests

Momentum increased by +6!


8th Elv Hsr spotted!
9th Elv Hsr spotted!
28th Elv Art spotted!
Prov Elv Art spotted!
14th Elv H Art spotted!
66th Elv Art spotted!
60th Elv Art spotted!
109th Hob spotted!

Enemy Turn

Enemy Orders only shown if they've been spotted by you at the start of their turn or reveal themselves by attacking or becoming adjacent.

9th Elv Hsr Moves x3 NW, NE, NW, retreats off-map (Routing)
155th Elv Moves x3 NE, ??? (Routing)
74th Elv Moves x3 NE, NW, NW (Routing)
HM's 1st Elv Hsr Moves x3 NW, NW, NE, NE, NW, retreats off-map (Routing)
1st Roy Elv Lan Moves x3 NW, NE*4, NW, retreats off-map (Routing)
4th Hum Moves x3 NE*5, retreats off-map (Routing)
8th Elv Hsr Moves x3 NW, ??? (Routing)
31st Dwa Moves x3 NW, NW, ???, NE, NE (Routing)
15th Dwa Moves x3 NW, NW, ???, NE, NE, NW (Routing)
33rd Dwa Moves x3 NW, NW, NE, NE, NE, NW (Routing)
20th Dwa Moves x3 NW, NE, NE, NW, NE, NE

66th Elv Art Moves NE, NW, ???

Prov Elv Art Fires on 350th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 77, 96+10-20=86; 75 Casualties
>350th Elv Hsr Morale Check: 17-7+9=19; no effect
Prov Elv Art Moves W

28th Elv Art Moves NW, NE, NE
109th Hob Moves NE, ???
14th Elv H Art Moves NE,
75th Elv Art Moves NW, Braces
17th Hum Moves NE, ???, ???, NE, Braces

60th Elv Art FIres on 55th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 98, 75+10=85; 76 Casualties
>55th Elv Hsr Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 14+5+9-1=27; no effect
60th Elv Art Moves NW


66th Elv Art lost!
31st Dwa lost!
15th Dwa lost!
31st Dwa lost!
33rd Dwa lost!
8th Elv Hsr lost!


16th Half Pfd gained +1 XP.
5th Hob H Art gained +1 XP.
10th Hum Art gained +1 XP.
84th Elv Art gained +1 XP.
31st Elv Art gained +1 XP.
55th Elv Hsr gained +1 XP.
108th Elv Hsr gained +1 XP.
148th Hum gained +1 XP.
72nd Hum gained +1 XP.

+Primary Objective: Defeat the Army of the Centre.


Vote by plan, please!

200th Hobgoblin Fusiliers Regiment:
72nd Human Regiment of Foot:
148th Human Regiment of Foot:
42nd Elven Regiment of Foot:
45th Elven Regiment of Foot:
[-] REST.
251st Hobgoblin Fusiliers Regiment:
16th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
19th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
[-] REST.
28th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
55th Elven Hussars Regiment:
108th Elven Hussars Regiment:
13th Hobgoblin Lancers Regiment:
84th Elven Artillery Battery:
10th Human Artillery Battery:
31st Elven Artillery Battery:
Hobgoblin Horse Artillery Battery:

Orders for Guillory's Hussars?
[] Write-in.


Momentum: +9​

Our Units

Str.APMorale Mod.Stress
251st Hob6/5
882/10003+412-10*9/105/5072Cabot Musket
HobgoblinVeka Bonheur
200th Hob2/20
963/10003+60+209/105/5052Cabot Musket
HobgoblinAlho Kléber
Offensive Genius
72nd Hum9/10
1000/10003+101+206/105/5052Cabot Musket
HumanGereon Oberlin
148th Hum6/3
908/10003+812+08/105/5052Cabot Musket
HumanLiberté Chastain
42nd Elv1/20
1000/10003+50+1010/105/5072Cabot Musket
ElvenM. de Montmorency
45th Elv4/20
+109/105/5072Cabot Musket
ElvenJean de Sangeaux
16th Half Pfd2/10
1000/10003+50+107/105/5252Falke Rifle
HalflingMaiwen Firmin
19th Half Pfd5/10
949/10003 1+512
+109/105/5254Canard Rifle
HalflingSophie Tasse
28th Half Pfd4/10
919/10003+50+1010/104/5252Canard Rifle
HalflingGeorges Villiers
55th Elv Hsr8/20
342/5003+55+0*-5/5077SabresElvenBerenice de Toucy
Defensive Genius
108th Elv Hsr12/40
385/5002+60+10*-4/5077SabresElvenAugustin de Goyon
Loud KIA

13th Hob Lan2/10
307/5003+50+0*-3/5-155LancesHobgoblinKaro Bonnaire
10th Hum Art4/20
18/503+110+308/105/5051Field ArtilleryHumanDavid Granger
Offensive Genius
84th Elv Art12/20
50/503+50+106/105/5091Field ArtilleryElvenJules de Maistre
31st Elv Art13/20
50/503+50+109/127/7071Field ArtilleryElvenMarie de Lamartine
5th Hob H Art29/40
50/503+70+303/83/3054Horse ArtilleryHobgoblinArka Faucher
*Affected by Casualties
**+2 from Inspired Command March Event
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage
Cabot Musket: Wounding +2, Range 100m/200m/400m
Field Artillery: Wounding +5, Range 200m/700m/1400m
Canard Rifle: Wounding +2, Range 200m/300m/500m
Falke Rifle: Wounding +3, Range 100m/300m/500m
Horse Artillery: Wounding +4, Movement +3, Range 200m/600m/1200m, may Set Up for free


Allied Units

UnitXPStr.APMorale Mod.StressCombatMun.Spl.Con.Spt.Mov.EquipmentTraitsCO
350th Elv HsrTrained500/5003+00+0-5/5077SabresElven
Mana Bosquet
341st Elv HsrTrained359/5003+07-10*-5/5077SabresElven
Giovanni di Mirova
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0


Enemy Units

Str.APMorale Mod.Stress
HM's 1st Elv HsrProfessional398/5003+310
1st Roy Elv LanProfessional429/5003+39
Son 8th Elv HsrTrained262/5003+115
Son 9th Elv HsrTrained447/5003+113
Mrk Nym RngProfessional834/10003+3?+10*??052Falke Rifle
Ott 4th HumTrained897/10003+012
-10*??052Erlkönig Musket
Ott 17th HumTrained1000/10003+014+0??052Erlkönig Musket
HumanDefensive Genius
Ott 109th HobTrained892/10003+0?
-10*??042Erlkönig Musket
Standard Lost
Wür 15th DwaTrained988/10003+322
+0??042Erlkönig Musket
Wür 31st DwaTrained^653/10003+3 (+5)^9
-20 (+10)*^??052Erlkönig Musket
Wür 33rd DwaTrained713/10002+316
-20*??052Erlkönig Musket
Neu 20th DwaTrained888/10002+312
-10*??052Erlkönig Musket
Neu 155th ElvTrained804/10003+119
-10*??072Erlkönig Musket
Son 74th ElvTrained864/10003+113
-10*??072Erlkönig Musket
28th Elv ArtExperienced16/503+4
+30??271Field ArtilleryElven
60th Elv ArtRegular50/503+25+10??071Field ArtilleryElven
66th Elv ArtRegular50/503+20+10??071Field ArtilleryElven
75th Elv ArtProfessional50/503+36+20??071Field ArtilleryElven
Prov. Elv ArtRegular50/503+29+10??071Field ArtilleryElven
Offensive Genius
Hum Vol ArtTrained50/503+00+0??071Field ArtilleryElven
14th Elv H ArtExperienced50/503+30+30??074Horse ArtilleryElven
^Affected by Brilliant
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Erlkönig Musket: Wounding +2, Range 100m/200m/400m
Falke Rifle: Wounding +3, Range 100m/300m/500m
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage
Field Artillery: Wounding +5, Range 200m/700m/1400m
Horse Artillery: Wounding +4, Movement +3, Range 200m/600m/1200m, may Set Up for free

GG. Hope there are no big mistakes, had a bit bad record-keeping at points.
So, the enemy took 1945 casualties so far, and because we hold the field I assume, @Photomajig , that enemy casualty recovery will be significantly lower than if they won and were both able to move their wounded and recover their dead Elves.

E: Our Casualties so far are only 831.
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Holy shit, Trotha still has a battery positioned rather than escaping? That's certainly remarkable, props to him for keeping it together. But yeah, last turn actually went off without a hitch, thanks to some good luck against the 31st. His infantry is going to escape as a unit, but we have the position to make his battery bleed. Aside from the horse artillery, none of the ones in the centre are going to escape.

@Photomajig So, question regarding the surrender mechanics: You mentioned that units that rout and can't see a way to flee surrender instead. What is the criteria for seeing a way to flee, having a route to escape without facing melee attacks? Second question, is the tile NW of the 14th a full forest tile or just plains?
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Alright, basic considerations I'm writing out. The 28th is well-positioned against cavalry attacks due to being in a village, meaning I would recommend eliminating with an infantry unit. About a 75% of killing with the 72nd moving to the hill and shooting, better than the 50-50 of them being eliminated via charge. The horse artillery could be encircled from above via Guillory, something that should also cut off their exit routs while triggering 4 checks . We might actually get their battery yet, if we are lucky. The provincial elven artillery is just going to be charged and killed with the 42nd, no reason to worry about them. The 60th can be pinned with the 148th via charge + routing. Our horse artillery could support fire against the Prov Elv Art or 60th, at (-20-50+30 = -40) in medium range, which could be worthwile. I'm leaning towards doing this against the 60th, their fate is more up in the air. The 108th can't flank, but could also charge in the centre. I'm leaning towards also charging the horse artillery with them, for good measure.
Correspondence Corner: Philippe-Grimoald de Guerchy, 17th Beltiale, Year Two New
Bathilde de Guerchy said:
Dear Brother,

Your decisions have repeatedly vexed me, but recent events and actions have shown that you are perhaps wiser than I had ever thought. When you volunteered to fight in the War of the Grand Alliance, I was afraid that you would get yourself killed permanently in battle. However, you showed yourself to be an excellent soldier. When you and the 108th Elven Hussars refused to charge the angry mobs on the streets of Loutharc and defected to the Convention, I thought that you had tossed away a promising military career or worse. When that Hobgoblin Durand published that horrid letter that set the kingdom ablaze, I feared that you would support her madness, but you resigned instead. I do not know your reasons for that, but I am glad you did.

Things are in chaos in Loutharc. My husband went on a wild rant cursing his Majesty foolishly letting everything get so bad and then begging foreign powers to fix his own problems for him. I have never heard him say such things before although I do know he did have some friends among the Constitutionalists. Worse, I actually agreed with some of the things he had to say about the King. My husband urged his Constitutionalist friends to try to get the King to abdicate to one of his sons before things got even worse. However, the Constitutionalists were too shocked and divided to make a coherent response to the situation caused by Durand's letter and now I fear the situation is out of their hands. Every day in Loutharc, the anger against the King from even people I respect grows and the horrid cries from the Loutharc mob for the King's head grows ever louder. I still believe that the monarchy is the finest form of government, but I have lost all faith in our King, and I do not believe that a Nornish invasion will improve things. Honestly, I am terrified for the future of our country and our families. If Arné becoming a republic is inevitable, I would much rather it be led by the likes of you and your friends than by the likes of Durand and the leaders of the bloodthirsty mob.

My brother, you may be our family's best hope of getting through these troubled times. Do you have any plans for your next steps? Surely, your talents and fighting record could get you a new position in the army away from that radical Durand or be leveraged into a political career that could help steer our country in the right direction. If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know because if Arné ends up in the hands of the wrong people such as Durand, I believe that the only logical choice for me and my family will be to flee the country.

Your sister Bathilde de Guerchy

Dear Sister,

I must confess that your last letter has been a cause of some consternation and embarassment for me. Do not be frightened by the harshness of tone in this response, such as it may be, for my hand is guided only by the desire to educate and advise in the spirit of brotherly affection.

Have you been to see Doctor Holzmann recently? I believe he may have something to soothe your agitation. These fits of passion are unbecoming of a rational woman-Citizen of our Revolutionary age. No doubt your husband's timid character has allowed for the malign growth of this present hysteria (though I am pleased to hear that he seems somewhat improved in this regard).

General Durand has shown herself to be a radical. But though she is dangerously misguided, and has by her actions stained the noble banner of our Revolution in blood and savagery, I cannot countenance the unworthy fearmongering and suspicions that you have chosen to espouse. The danger facing our Nation calls us all to work towards unity, not division. If the restlessness in Loutharc affects you so strongly, I would then propose that you take up lodgings with our cousins in Noures; country air will do you good.

Take heart. The Revolution is built on solid foundations and cannot be so easily shaken. The mob is not and never will be the supreme authority of the Nation and her People. Let them howl their fury and stomp their feet. I have every confidence in the Convention to continue steering us towards a just, rational and peaceful Republic. I am certainly prepared to offer my sword to its service, should this endeavour come to be threatened from within as well as without.

I am pleased that you and your husband are finally beginning to see the light in regards to His Majesty. The age of elven-kings is over - and I say good riddance! Soon, His Majesty shall be made to abdicate and see trial (but rest easy that he shall suffer exile, at worst - a civilized nation is not in the business of putting kings to death, despite what you might be hearing there). I will ask some friends in Loutharc to pay you a visit and explain these matters properly.

As for my own prospects, I have been in correspondence with Citizen Polverél of the Convention. He assures me that my record has not been blackened by the moral stand I took after Mauvais, nor has General Durand (to her credit) made any apparent move to tar my name. Citizen Polverél has suggested that I could soon be favored with a high position in an expeditionary force set to depart for Saint-Hippolyte in the spring (owing to the Herculian threat and the recent unpleasantness there), or whenever the war situation so allows.

Though I cannot claim to be enthused at the prospect of taking charge of such a restless, miasmatic backwater of a colony, this posting would come with a promotion and a chance for further advancement. If you truly wish to aid me, then give up all this talk of fleeing the country. Nothing would endanger my prospects more than a familial connection to an émigré. Instead study the works of Polverél, Martel and de Chabon, take up attendance at the Club Républicain, and associate no longer with friends like the Mademoiselle de Grivons and the Madame de Trefoileur, if you do still entertain such odious company. Regardless of your actual beliefs, which I hope time shall improve, keeping the right sort of appearances is right now vital for the family's future.

Your loving brother,

Alright, basic considerations I'm writing out. The 28th is well-positioned against cavalry attacks due to being in a village, meaning I would recommend eliminating with an infantry unit. About a 75% of killing with the 72nd moving to the hill and shooting, better than the 50-50 of them being eliminated via charge. The horse artillery could be encircled from above via Guillory, something that should also cut off their exit routs while triggering 4 checks . We might actually get their battery yet, if we are lucky. The provincial elven artillery is just going to be charged and killed with the 42nd, no reason to worry about them. The 60th can be pinned with the 148th via charge + routing. Our horse artillery could support fire against the Prov Elv Art or 60th, at (-20-50+30 = -40) in medium range, which could be worthwile. I'm leaning towards doing this against the 60th, their fate is more up in the air. The 108th can't flank, but could also charge in the centre. I'm leaning towards also charging the horse artillery with them, for good measure.

We also need to make sure to get the 17th, that would be a good prize between the Defensive Genius and that it's another thousand men off the board.
I hope we are able to break that last holdout without our hob infantry and guillory, cause the hobs are way too far away and if we need guillory we let I think 4 units escape.
So, the enemy took 1945 casualties so far, and because we hold the field I assume, @Photomajig , that enemy casualty recovery will be significantly lower than if they won and were both able to move their wounded and recover their dead Elves.

E: Our Casualties so far are only 831.
Hmm, interesting. We took only around 40% of their casulties, which is a decent result. Not out of line for being the defender, but Trotha did have a lot of firepower which we denied him good use of. Not a masterstroke, but the basic idea did work.
We also need to make sure to get the 17th, that would be a good prize between the Defensive Genius and that it's another thousand men off the board.
Yeah, though I am assuming the 17th will surrender if we encircle the artillery position from the north. As long as we have a blocker on the road to Sommern, they can't escape.
Phew. I was a little worried about the off chance of really bad luck throwing a wrench into things (Guillory's hussars routing or more artillery shots than we expected getting very, very lucky) but it didn't come to pass. If Von Trotha had just one more round to rest some units and stabilize he probably could've withdrawn in good order. Poor guy.

Bulk of his infantry should be able to escape but that's fine - this is still a very decisive victory, they'll be in no fighting shape at all. I like that retreats are less punishing with the new move speeds.

Capturing the H. Arty is technically possible but difficult. I think cutting them off effectively requires 4 units, one on every open tile, and that's most of what we have available for pursuit. They have possible paths off-map in every direction. Then again even with their XP + terrain bonus it might be possible to just kill them with a big pile of cavalry attacks.
expeditionary force set to depart for Saint-Hippolyte in the spring (owing to the Herculian threat and the recent unpleasantness there),
Your loving brother,
Your loving brother, future assassination target and hated oppressor of anti colonial insurgency Philippe-Grimoald
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Capturing the H. Arty is technically possible but difficult. I think cutting them off effectively requires 4 units, one on every open tile, and that's most of what we have available for pursuit. They have possible paths off-map in every direction. Then again even with their XP + terrain bonus it might be possible to just kill them with a big pile of cavalry attacks.
I think you are overestimating the difficulty of blocking their escape rout. Yes, they could move into any direction, but most of these direction also lead to a forest where they get stuck due to movement penalties (2 tiles of forest = 10/14 movement, especially bad with the movement penalty). As long as we block them from moving NW or E, destroying them should be feasible. It doesn't matter if they can move away for a turn, so long as we can encircle them somewhat they would be stuck due to forest and penalties for trying to move out of melee.
Hmm, interesting. We took only around 40% of their casulties, which is a decent result. Not out of line for being the defender, but Trotha did have a lot of firepower which we denied him good use of. Not a masterstroke, but the basic idea did work.

Yeah, though I am assuming the 17th will surrender if we encircle the artillery position from the north. As long as we have a blocker on the road to Sommern, they can't escape.

It's going to be less than that if we can capture the 17th, and because we hold the field. It could be as low as, like, 20% of the casualties.
It's going to be less than that if we can capture the 17th, and because we hold the field. It could be as low as, like, 20% of the casualties.
Yeah, probably. I am a bit unsure how relevant the provincial army are to the next phase with actual armies, but they certainly took a very bloody beating. It depends how much we can do this turn, but if we take a decent portion of Trotha's guns, he is going to be unable to play a role in the coming days.
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