Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

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I mean, he couldn't have ready fires set up just behind his infantry. His artillery is 5 tiles away from the deployment zone, meaning they could be at this position with 5 ap on moving and 1 on set up (6 = 2 turns of AP), assuming he put them in front of his deployment zone rather than slightly behind. I'm not what exact point you're making here either, I don't think anyone proposes standing in medium range of his battery.

Oh wait I misremembered the enemy deployment zone.

I'm not making any kind of point, I'm not reading the thread cause I want to try doing von Trothas possible turn as unbiased as possible
Oh wait I misremembered the enemy deployment zone.

I'm not making any kind of point, I'm not reading the thread cause I want to try doing von Trothas possible turn as unbiased as possible
Ok, fair enough. Good general advice to give, I just thought you were commenting on the plans for the current turn.
[X] Plan Fire and Step north
-[X] Visualization
-[X] Infantry
-[X]200th Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace ) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
-[X]251st Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
-[X] 148th Hum: 2*Move (NW, NE), Brace
-[X] 72nd Hum: 2*Move (2*NW), Brace
-[X] 45th Elv: 2* Move (NE,NW), Brace
-[X] 42nd Elves: 3 Move (2 NW)
-[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2*Move (NW), Ready Fire (any infantry units move into medium range)
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Move (NW), 2*Ready Fire (any infantry units move into medium range)
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: 3*Move (NE, 2 NW)
-[X] Cavalry
-[X] Guillory Hussars: Withdraw to southern hill range, charge and disengage unprepared enemy infantry emerging on the forest edge
-[X] 13th Hob Lanc: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 500m range of you]
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr: Ready (Charge, Move) (towards tile SE of original position ) IF [any enemy non-artillery unit moves 400m close to horse artillery in line over open terrain] ELSE Ready Move (SE)
-[X] 108th Elv Hsr: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 500m range of you]
-[X] Artillery
-[X] 5th h. Hob. Art.: Move NE, (Set up NW), Fire on 31st Dwa (Ambush, 73% for at least 50 casualties, avg. +12 stress and 30% for rout)
-[X] 31st Elv Art: Set Up (NE), Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy moving into medium range]
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)
-[X] 84th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)

Grey icons represent the current position, red represents the charge range, red triangles represent the ready charge area for cavalry, the red arrow represents firing orders.
Inkscape file, if you want to make your own version.

Illustration of the enemy artillery range next turn, assuming Trotha put artillery 5* forward (5*move, setup). Note that except for the 55th and horse artillery which we can pull back, we are still out of range and ready to trigger ambush fire on any approach.

A somewhat cautious plan that does unexceptional things on the flanks (exchanging G. Hussars for infantry and putting the Halflings into position) with one slightly complex element in the centre. Our artillery is ordered to ready fire, with the main position steeping one tile forward if Trotha doesn't move forward on his own. This should decently adapt to his plans, ensuring we remain at a safe distance next turn. The horse artillery is covered by the 55th who intercepts or otherwise steps 1 tile back. The interception is probably unnecessary considering Trotha isn't the type for hit-and-run attacks, but better to be safe in that case. Let me know any criticism or clarifiying questions you have.
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That plan looks good but I'm not sure how I feel about "Ready Brace" as an action conceptually. Like - if you can Brace on the enemy's turn instead of your own that's the better option in 99% of cases, since you're denying the enemy info about which units are braced for essentially no downside.

I don't think it's necessarily 'overpowered' but I can see the end result being a system where charges are a guessing game (because half the units in the line brace and the other half go full 3x ready fire, and you're hoping to hit the unbraced units) and that just feels a little off to me? Not knowing if the Readied units are set to counter-charge, shoot or fall back if charged opens up interesting play but not knowing whether units are braced doesn't seem like the interesting kind of uncertainty, yknow?
That plan looks good but I'm not sure how I feel about "Ready Brace" as an action conceptually. Like - if you can Brace on the enemy's turn instead of your own that's the better option in 99% of cases, since you're denying the enemy info about which units are braced for essentially no downside.

I don't think it's necessarily 'overpowered' but I can see the end result being a system where charges are a guessing game (because half the units in the line brace and the other half go full 3x ready fire, and you're hoping to hit the unbraced units) and that just feels a little off to me? Not knowing if the Readied units are set to counter-charge, shoot or fall back if charged opens up interesting play but not knowing whether units are braced doesn't seem like the interesting kind of uncertainty, yknow?
I'm not necessarily sure if it changes much, I'm kind of always assuming an infantry line prepares against a charge if they aren't busy moving. Admittedly, I'm still kind of used to the old system where you knew nothing about the enemy and had to guess if they ready-fired or stayed in position. It's not a very difficult guess to make, infantry doesn't have much to do much else once they are about where you want them to be.
-[] 55th Elv Hsr: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position ) IF [any enemy non-artillery unit moves 400m close to horse artillery in line over open terrain]
Hmm, I am still slightly unhappy with this set of orders, as it would lead to use spending the turn in the enemy line of fire. Going to switch that to: Ready (Charge, Move) ... ElSE Move SE. That way, they are outside the line of fire if no enemy goes for an aggressive move and just set firing positions up. Why leave those things to chance when we can opt for slightly less melee damage?

Outside of that, might as well start the voting process.
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Not sure if this matters since the visualization exists, but the orders are a bit vague to where Guillory is suppose to go, "directly north of the wolf holes" would be more clear.
I mean, we are supposed to keep orders to allied units vague due to them being outside our direct control. Plus I don't really want them in a specific position, hills would probably be ideal but any tile that is 2 moves away from the forest would be fine for what I am trying to do.

Edit: I forgot about the changed movement for hussars, nevermind. The position needs to be a bit closer, but it's still fine if they spend 2 orders on charging for intimidation rather than damage.
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I'm not necessarily sure if it changes much, I'm kind of always assuming an infantry line prepares against a charge if they aren't busy moving. Admittedly, I'm still kind of used to the old system where you knew nothing about the enemy and had to guess if they ready-fired or stayed in position. It's not a very difficult guess to make, infantry doesn't have much to do much else once they are about where you want them to be.
Fair point. I guess it just feels like a strange middle ground between the two options. If the thinking's that Bracing is the kind of thing that you can't really hide, that the enemy should be able to see it and plan accordingly, being able to dodge that by doing it as a Ready Action instead is just a loophole. And if the thinking is that Bracing shouldn't be visible after all then it'd make sense to make normal Bracing hidden too instead of leaving Ready Brace as the default option.

It's definitely not game-breaking by any stretch of the imagination, yeah. It's a very minor thing.
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