Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

As pointed out, they could not be in that position, so no melee attack. And unless we really play our cards wrong, that cavalry would take Ready Fire on the way in. I really doubt his cavalry can charge right into the heart of our army and then survive attacks by the 16th, 45th and 72nd, as well as artillery fire, long enough to rout our cannons.
The decision is unlikely, but if it happens we aren't capable of fending them off. We don't have the ability to deal 15 cohesion damage while they are moving in.
The reason would be to prevent his halfling rangers from having any good targets. Moving the 45th might also cause him to waste an attack, since he would be attacking an empty hex. We move the unit back to avoid damage, to make two of his units essentially useless and to bait him to attack us in a manner very unlikely to be succesful.
You would be pulling this stunt to avoid 5 damage, if Wachenheim really commits to the flanking. The benefits are slim and the potential risk high.
108th getting disorg is unfortunate, and I just realized I was going to point this out before, but I forgot which is a bit frustrating.

Anyways, for the South I think it's likely that they're going to try and ready fire at the 13th lancers which is currently moving toward them. I think we could also charge the 14th with the 13th if we charge the 55th and then move them out of the way while the 13th charges. Arty fire will be painful, and this only really applies if the 14th doesn't move to the NE, after their half movement.

@Photomajig Isn't the 61st suppose to be hidden now, since they're blocked by enemy units?
-[]Draft Punishing A Withdrawl
-[] 251st: Disorganized
-[] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 77th Hum
-[] 200th Hob: Ready Fire [Med. Range,E]
-[] 72nd Hum: Brace
-[] 148th: Disorganized
-[] 42nd Elv: Resupply 45th
-[] 45th Elv: Hide [10 Conc., prevents revealing them baring shooting this tile]
-[] 16th Half: Ready Fire [Med. Range,E] {Not actually routed, correction in progress at time of writing}
-[] 28th Half: Routed
-[] 19th Half Pfd: Rapid Move E, Rest
-[] 28th Half Pfd: Routed
-[] 55th Elv. Hsr: Rest
-[] 108th Elv. Hsr: Disorganized
-[] 13th Hob Lanc. Move W,W
-[] 84th Elv. Art: Fire at 14th Half Jäg
-[] 31st Elv. Art: Fire at 14th Half Jäg
-[] 5th Hob H. Art: Fire at 177th Hum
-[] HQ: Resupply 84th

Explanation: An alternative plan, emphasizing casualties against the 177th. With the 31st and 84th not having better targets, both are firing against the squishy 14th rather than the units in defensive position. Slightly heavier casulties, while keeping our units in the same position to fall into the back if the actual withdrawal starts as predicted.
Also, I don't see the need to hide. If our concealment is enough to hide us this turn, I think it should be enough for next turn. Wouldn't they be better used by doing ready fire?
Hiding would prevent them from being detected by him using one of his units for spotting, right? If we don't hide, he can first Spot them and then shoot, I assume.
The decision is unlikely, but if it happens we aren't capable of fending them off. We don't have the ability to deal 15 cohesion damage while they are moving in.

We probably could but there would be a chance for them to get through on low rolls. I don't think the threat of a flank is that big anyway. (I will ignore the possibility of wachenheim currently withdrawing which I consider the most likely).

If wachenheim decides to switch approaches and wanted to attack the 5th from southwest(a stupid idea), he would have already started to support that push with his artillery. The 61st is in medium range, but he wasted it on a ready fire expecting... I have no idea what he expected if we ignore the retreat theory. That means he would put his entire artillery park on supporting the flanking push and still not have the full guarantee that it breaks.

Man, that wrong lancer command is really terrible :cry:
They've just made it back up the hill when the enemy guns open fire. The 100th Engelsburg Dwarven Regiment reforms in fine lines on the edge of the reverse slope. Feldspar Brückmann paces the line, inspecting his soldiers. There are no errant gaps or unsightly deviancies on display here. His dwarves stand in a line straight enough to be measured by ruler, which is exactly what he is doing.

Cannonballs begin to impact on the western slope of the hill. Their stony faces do not so much as flinch. Excellent. Let the elven officers do the same. The Nornish army would be nothing without its iron core of dwarven discipline.

"Incoming, sir!" shouts someone from the ranks as he passes.

"Sound discipline in the line!" Feldspar shouts back. He stops in his tracks. "No talking during inspection, soldier!"

"But, sir-!" the soldier says, a strange urgency to his tone. Feldspar becomes aware of a whistling sound in the air behind him.

The cannonball is the only one of the barrage to reach the 100th. It passes directly through the back of Feldspar Brückmann's skull and turns the contents within into a spray of shrapnel that tears into the soldiers before him, hits the top of the slope, bounces off, and manages to kill and shatter a good ten more dwarves before coming to a stop.

After the dust settles, there's a moment of quiet. Two captains exchange nervous looks. Their commanding officer's headless body remains standing like a defaced statue.

"Does this mean that the inspection is over...?" one of the captains asks.

"I wouldn't risk it," the other mutters, and keeps his eyes front. After a few minutes, Feldspar crumbles to the ground and begins rolling down the western slope.

In all the planning, I almost forgot I think the QM deserves praise as well. I think this section was quite funny and also provided some good worldbuilding by showing how dwarves in this setting behave. :)

Although this section also made me feel like dwarven units should suffer more serious consequences when losing their CO than other units, which I think was their original trait until it was changed.
Updated table of enemies, with this rounds information

177th Hum13/15
15-2 [R6]
102nd Dwa12/18
18-1 [R7]-5 [R8]
14th Hum15/15Def. Genius
100th Dwa1/18
18-2 [T5]-1 [T7]-11 [T8]-3[T9]
20th Half Jäg13/12
12+1 [T8]
Off. Genius
14th Half Jäg13/12
90th Elves6?-9?/11
[Routed T3, 1 Turn Movement, 3 T Rest near Nymphs?]
Nymp Rng3/11
[Routed T6, Feared]
Retroactive changes spoken later aside, what do the others think on:
"focus fire" on both 100th dwa & 90th elves?

We can routh 2 targets, and demoralize at least 2 others... That will be shoot if their friends runs away Sooner than planed.
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Retroactive changes spoken later aside, what do the others think on:
"focus fire" on both 100th dwa & 90th elves?

We can routh 2 targets, and demoralize at least 2 others... That will be shoot if their friends runs away Sooner than planed.
The 90th is outside the range of fire of our field artillery, only the horse artillery can shoot them in medium rang. Meanwhile, the 100th has a hill position, giving us a further -20 to ranged attacks. Meaning we only have 49% chance of dealing cohesion damage. We cold rout them with fire, but what would that really accomplish? The unit is mostly dead anyways, so we are just dealing some cohesion damage against the adjacent 14th and 20th. I can see why the idea makes sense from looking at the cohesion table, but I think we should focus more on inflicting casulties than routing at this point, therefore targeting softer units.
Anyways, might as well get the voting started.

-[X] Shooting Them In The Back
-[X] 251st: Disorganized
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 177th Hum
-[X] 200th Hob: Fire At 177th Hum
-[X] 72nd Hum: Fire At 177th Hum
-[X] 148th: Disorganized
-[X] 42nd Elv: Resupply 45th
-[X] 45th Elv: Hide [10 Conc., prevents revealing them baring shooting this tile]
-[X] 16th Half: Rest [->5/13]
-[X] 28th Half: Routed
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Rapid Move E, Rest [->4/13]
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: Routed
-[X] 55th Elv. Hsr: Rest [->6/13]
-[X] 108th Elv. Hsr: Disorganized
-[X] 13th Hob Lanc. Move W
-[X] 84th Elv. Art: Fire at 14th Half Jäg
-[X] 31st Elv. Art: Fire at 14th Half Jäg
-[X] 5th Hob H. Art: Fire at Nym Rng [Yes, I checked for LoS]
-[X] HQ: Resupply 84th

An alternative plan, emphasizing casualties against the 177th. With the 31st and 84th not having better targets, both are firing against the squishy 14th rather than the units in defensive position. Decently heavy casulties, while keeping our units in the same position to fall into the back if the actual withdrawal starts as predicted.
Edit: Due to the anticipated retreat, I made the 5th shot the quite valueable nymphs rather than the more replacable 177th. Additionally, I was more agressive with the village commands, shooting enemy units at long range for some free XP.

Expected damage of artillery fire
  • 10th against 177th Hum: 68% for 6 or more damage
  • 5th against Nymp Rng: 66% for 4 or more damage
  • 84th 31st: 54% against 14th Half Jäg for 2 damage [10/11]
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An alternative plan, emphasizing casualties against the 177th. With the 31st and 84th not having better targets, both are firing against the squishy 14th rather than the units in defensive position. Decently heavy casulties, while keeping our units in the same position to fall into the back if the actual withdrawal starts as predicted.
Hmm, why fire at the Halfling 14th who, as halflings, are resistant to ranged attack? This is reflected in your calculations, using two pieces of artillery for a 50% chance for 2 Cohesion damage is not very good...

The halflings are weak to melee and resistant to ranged attacks. However, in their current position they need the 100th Dwa, 14th Hum and 102nd Dwa to screen them against our cavalry. I would much rather shoot one of those units, preferably the 102th and 100th since the 14th is a defensive genius. Or just concentrate all firepower on the 177th.
Oh, @Photomajig , in addition to the stuff with the 16th, which you've obviously noted but just haven't had time to correct, the table doesn't correctly list that the 100th Dwarfen no longer has Rapid because their CO is dead.
Hmm, why fire at the Halfling 14th who, as halflings, are resistant to ranged attack? This is reflected in your calculations, using two pieces of artillery for a 50% chance for 2 Cohesion damage is not very good...
Because there isn't something better to shot at in medium range. We could shot the 14th Hum, who impose also disadvantage; the 20th in the forest (even worse at disadv. -40); or the nearly-dead dwarves in cover (-40; 63% for 1 damage, any surplus damage wasted). If we get lucky, we might be able to crit the half jäg and actually disrupt something, or weaken them for the upcoming battle.
I would much rather shoot one of those units, preferably the 102th and 100th since the 14th is a defensive genius. Or just concentrate all firepower on the 177th.
Again, all of those are out of range for the 84th and 31st as of this turn. Shooting at a unit at long-range is even worse than shooting at cover or with disadvantage (39% chance for 1 damage), so I'm picking the best of a bad target selection.
The halflings are weak to melee and resistant to ranged attacks. However, in their current position they need the 100th Dwa, 14th Hum and 102nd Dwa to screen them against our cavalry.
The issue with this is that any cavalry charge would need to face artillery fire during the charge. In terms of defence, the current infantry line isn't able to screen them [ready fire for infantry is in a single-direction; can't be used to reach cavalry]. Disabling the infantry isn't much use if the 75th and Dwa Vol Art can punish us, they have a good chance of dispersing any charge before it can connect.
The Nornish army would be nothing without its iron core of dwarven discipline.

I mean, he is not wrong! Imagine if all these dwarven units had been weakling elves, we would have already been moving towards Antreville now!

You note with dismay as the 251st Hob gets tangled in the retreating 148th Human in the north

This luckily doesnt matter beyond delaying the 148th resting. Does inspiring regenerate cohesion even while they are routing?

while the 13th Lancers are delayed in their movement south due to being blocked by the formed ranks of the 108th.

This was my bad, I just put in the wrong commands for the 13th

the retreating 28th run straight into the hussars

This is really bad, they should have just run into the 55th instead :(

while in the north von Wachenheim pulls back rather than capitalize on the momentary confusion of your line.

This is really strange and the more i look at it the more strange this is if he doesnt want to retreat.

75th Elv Art Fires on 16th Half!
>Hits: 76+10-20=66; 61 Casualties

Why did they not get a disadvantage?

Assume that he will focus on force preservation.

the thing is, his plan didnt focus on force preservation! He put his vulnerable halflings fully in front of our cavalry for no reason. This plan doesnt make sense under any approach we look at it

With this being said, I have a few possible approaches. While we can't rout the 14th for certain, we can still deal considerable damage to them with a charge by the 55th + 10th hum artillery fire. This does bring the risk of triggering artillery fire by the 75th, who have a reasonably chance of routing them, so that is a last resort.

If we want to charge, triggering the ready fires with the 55th would be great, as they are a defensive genius and already deal very small amounts of damage from casualties. they are also elves and can take the casualties better than the hobgoblin lancers
Why did they not get a disadvantage?
Offensive genius.
This luckily doesnt matter beyond delaying the 148th resting. Does inspiring regenerate cohesion even while they are routing?
Very explicitly not. +1 cohesion every turn, unless routed.
This is really strange and the more i look at it the more strange this is if he doesnt want to retreat.
Looking trough the combat log, his units were actually supposed to be pulled back further. The 177th was supposed to be pulled back one more east, but were blocked by the 15th Dwarves.
177th Hum Moves E, cannot Move E (blocked by 15th Dwa)
If he tried one of his few intact units back, I can only conclude he's about to retreat any moment now.
the thing is, his plan didnt focus on force preservation! He put his vulnerable halflings fully in front of our cavalry for no reason. This plan doesnt make sense under any approach we look at it
You mean "put the halflings in range of his artillery cover, where our own cavalry risks a rout before the charge can even happen". A charge would be a vulnerability, if charging didn't require our battered cavalry to take 2 artillery attacks. Additionally, this is the only way to get the Halflings to safety rather than having them captured. If we combine the information of "pulling the 177th even further east" with the strange movement of the Jägers, I think we are seeing an orderly retreat.
Because there isn't something better to shot at in medium range. We could shot the 14th Hum, who impose also disadvantage; the 20th in the forest (even worse at disadv. -40); or the nearly-dead dwarves in cover (-40; 63% for 1 damage, any surplus damage wasted). If we get lucky, we might be able to crit the half jäg and actually disrupt something, or weaken them for the upcoming battle.
I'd still prefer to rout the Dwarves, then. Even a nearly dead unit can damage our unit, better finish them off completely.

Again, all of those are out of range for the 84th and 31st as of this turn. Shooting at a unit at long-range is even worse than shooting at cover or with disadvantage (39% chance for 1 damage), so I'm picking the best of a bad target selection.
However, as this is the case and we expect him to retreat soon, why not move the artillery to better positions instead of using this turn to fire on suboptimal targets? Specifically, moving the 31 st NW to the road (where our headquarters currently are) would prepare for said artillery piece to continue with NW, bringing the 102nd and 177th into medium range. Sure, if he calls the retreat immediately now the 31st will not move quickly enough to matter, but if he still wants to keep fighting said repositioning might make a difference. And the only thing we would give up is one suboptimal attack.
This would be my proposed plan. The only difference to plan Shooting Them In The Back is what to do with our two artillery pieces in the south.

-[X] Reposition artillery
-[X] 251st: Disorganized
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 177th Hum
-[X] 200th Hob: Ready Fire [Med. Range,E]
-[X] 72nd Hum: Brace
-[X] 148th: Disorganized
-[X] 42nd Elv: Resupply 45th
-[X] 45th Elv: Hide [10 Conc., prevents revealing them baring shooting this tile]
-[X] 16th Half: Rest [->5/13]
-[X] 28th Half: Routed
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Rapid Move E, Rest [->4/13]
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: Routed
-[X] 55th Elv. Hsr: Rest [->6/13]
-[X] 108th Elv. Hsr: Disorganized
-[X] 13th Hob Lanc. Move W,W
-[X] 84th Elv. Art: Fire at 100th Dwa
-[X] 31st Elv. Art: Move NW
-[X] 5th Hob H. Art: Fire at 177th Hum
-[X] HQ: Move NE
I'd still prefer to rout the Dwarves, then. Even a nearly dead unit can damage our unit, better finish them off completely.

However, as this is the case and we expect him to retreat soon, why not move the artillery to better positions instead of using this turn to fire on suboptimal targets? Specifically, moving the 31 st NW to the road (where our headquarters currently are) would prepare for said artillery piece to continue with NW, bringing the 102nd and 177th into medium range. Sure, if he calls the retreat immediately now the 31st will not move quickly enough to matter, but if he still wants to keep fighting said repositioning might make a difference. And the only thing we would give up is one suboptimal attack.

That would give up 3 turns of attacks(2 times moving, 1 turn setting up
I'd still prefer to rout the Dwarves, then. Even a nearly dead unit can damage our unit, better finish them off completely.
They can't realistically damage our units, due to being disorganized this turn and getting a -30 on mid-ranged attacks, which they aren't in a position to make.
However, as this is the case and we expect him to retreat soon, why not move the artillery to better positions instead of using this turn to fire on suboptimal targets?
Are you familiar with the special rules for artillery? Rearranging the artillery takes a considerable amount of time and would make us miss out on making attacks. You need 1 turn of set-up after every move, 2-3 turns of movement for getting in range using the road, requiring 3-4 turns of movement overall. Additionally, firing with disadvantage reduces the chance of significant damage, but two lucky rolls with disadv. can do more damage due to not being capped by hard negative modifiers.
Specifically, moving the 31 st NW to the road (where our headquarters currently are) would prepare for said artillery piece to continue with NW, bringing the 102nd and 177th into medium range. Sure, if he calls the retreat immediately now the 31st will not move quickly enough to matter, but if he still wants to keep fighting said repositioning might make a difference. And the only thing we would give up is one suboptimal attack.
Moving the 31st 2*NW would increase their range by one, while forcing us to miss out on 3 possible attacks until we could theoretically fire again. By the time that is done, I would expect the enemy to not longer be in range. I don't think giving up on 3 XP for our most important units is a good idea.
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Moving the 31st 2*NW would increase their range by one, while forcing us to miss out on 3 possible attacks until we could theoretically fire again. By the time that is done, I would expect the enemy to not longer be in range. I don't think giving up on 3 XP for our most important units is a good idea.

thinking about this, are we confident enough in Wachenheim retreating to shoot with the 45st for xp this turn instead of hiding?

for the same rationale, do we want to fire at the nymphs with the 5th, who are experienced and as a small race way harder to replace?
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