Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

Everyone and their mother seems to have a bad idea on how to handle the fight

But none of them want to do the obvious thing and tackle the cripple so that he cant do anything while Anderson wails on him

Everyone and their mother seems to have a bad idea on how to handle the fight

But none of them want to do the obvious thing and tackle the cripple so that he cant do anything while Anderson wails on him

Ah yes the 'cripple' who'se by far one of the toughest fights in game from what I recall multiple people saying, will go down and be rendered completely helpless by being tackled. :rolleyes:
Ah yes the 'cripple' who'se by far one of the toughest fights in game from what I recall multiple people saying, will go down and be rendered completely helpless by being tackled. :rolleyes:

He fights with a bigass Scythe, with his lanky ass arms, which means that once you get into his metaphorical deadzone he wont be able to wind up the Burial Blade to carve up Anderson anymore. Given that his teleportation is dependent upon highly advanced conventional speed rather than Anderson's versions immateriability then once he gets pinned down he no longer has his speed advantage.

And as a cripple lacking even the benefits of a peg leg, he'll lack the ability to leverage his body to jackknife Anderson off of him.

Given that he is, inhuman skill aside, mostly still human. This means that he also has human limitations.

So barring Gehrman taking the time to take the head off the Burial Blade and swatting it at him after he's already prone, then Anderson will more or less win the fight the moment he takes it to the mat and engages things in CQC. Preferably while humming "IT'S AAAAAAAAAAALL IN A DREAM, SNAKE EAAAAAAAAATEEEER!"

Of course, if Anderson also takes the time to send the metal edge of the Burial Blade off into the distance so that it's out of easy reach, then Gehrman will have no other options than to take his beating, or shanking. Or even just applying a Ward directly to his body so that he doesn't try any funny business.

It's literally that simple. I'm sure that if Bloodbourne had a Goldburg-style Spear mechanic it would have utterly trivialized the Gehrman fight.

Just like a jump mechanic would have trivialized a good portion of the game's puzzles and stuff.
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[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'

Also because, speaking from experience, its the best way to fight a guy trying to beat the shit out of you with only one leg :V
What can I say? I'm a sucker for experience. :V
Like, in all seriousness

I've been right for nearly every other difficult fight thus far in this Quest. The Pig, the Mediocre One, that one Chuuni asshole with the katana, the assault on the Church, the Orphan, and even the Wet Nurse just now,

Is it really so hard to believe that at this point I'm not just talking out of my ass here? Especially when I back it up with sound reasoning?
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Like, in all seriousness

I've been right for nearly every other difficult fight thus far in this Quest. The Pig, the Mediocre One, that one Chuuni asshole with the katana, the assault on the Church, the Orphan, and even the Wet Nurse just now,

Is it really so hard to believe that at this point I'm not just talking out of my ass here? Especially when I back it up with sound reasoning?
Well when you say it like an ass yes it is hard to believe you.
[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'

Yay for physical violence against the crippled!
People have raised a good point in that Anderson hasn't seen Gehrman use the Art of Quickening yet. He has seen other hunters use quick dashes to maneuver around beasts, so it's not out of character for him to anticipate great agility from Gehrman.

So here's a revision of my post.

[x] Make the sign of the cross with your bayonets. Start to quote Proverbs 22:8. Halfway through your quotation, hurl a wall of bayonets at Gehrman. As he parries them, close the gap.

[x] Get in close, be aggressive, don't give him a chance to breathe. Use your bayonets to parry his Scythe at the shaft. Keep pushing inside his weapon's reach until he dashes back to gain space. Pull out Laser Club, set everything on fire. Find Gerhman again and keep pummeling him.

[x] Whoever Gehrman is...he's been hunting since the beginning. He's left his mark on all the Hunters you've encountered in this twisted, f**ked up, heartbreaking, entertaining place. Eileen, Djura, Steffon, Simon, Yurie, Logarius, Maria...remember all the times you fought together. Remember all the times they stabbed you to make you shut up. Use all those experiences (and your current clash) to analyze how Gehrman fights, so you can anticipate his moves at a vital instant.

I do like the CQC suggestions people have been suggesting...I just feel they'll work best (and be the most dramatic) at the end of the fight, when Gehrman's been worn down.
I'm enjoying the discussion, but I feel the need to intervene.

TehChron, there's a difference between starting the most popular bandwagon and being "right." You've been bragging about how many of your write-ins got accepted and acting smug and arrogant. I'm not saying turning it into a ground fight is a bad idea, but saying "listen to me because I'm always right" like you've been doing is toxic. The entire point of this whole stupid adventure is to have fun together.
[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'
[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'
-[x] While beating, talk about how he said "we" instead of "you". That mean he doesn't wanna fight either, doesn't it?
[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'
-[x] While beating, talk about how he said "we" instead of "you". That mean he doesn't wanna fight either, doesn't it?
I don't think tackling will work. One of the most basic things anyone who fights learns is how to avoid being knocked down, I mean we can try it, but I'm pretty sure that Gerhman has contingency plans for that (Possibly involving his wheel chair shooting a laser into our back). My plan is more or less to pressure him but in a way that gives us options to deal with whatever he pulls out.
I just want to point out the whole "he said 'we' instead of 'you'" thing already.
I have no real idea on which battle plan is better.
[X] Wait for an opening through whatever bullshit he throws at ye
-[X] Tackle 'em to the ground, exploiting tha universal weakness of all one-legged fighters
--[X] Beat on 'em like a drum, see if ye can get a proper rhythm goin'
[x] Get In close, be aggressive, don't give him a chance to breathe. Use they bayonets to parry and catch his weapon as needed. Keep pushing until he teleports to get space. Pull out Laser Club, set everything on fire. Find Gerhman again and keep pummeling him.
[X]. Take away his fucking scythe at the first opportunity. All the badass hunters we've fought (the Bloody Crow, The Holy Blade) have had magic weapons, and Gerhman probably has literal tons of experience with his weapon. But nobody around seems to know how to throw a good *punch* like Alexander fucking Anderson.
Violation of Rule 3: "be civil to other users" - good ways to try responding to someone's post saying part of your post is toxic behaviour: not this post with that edit
I'm enjoying the discussion, but I feel the need to intervene.

TehChron, there's a difference between starting the most popular bandwagon and being "right." You've been bragging about how many of your write-ins got accepted and acting smug and arrogant. I'm not saying turning it into a ground fight is a bad idea, but saying "listen to me because I'm always right" like you've been doing is toxic. The entire point of this whole stupid adventure is to have fun together.
And you'd be right if thats all I was doing, instead of doing that in response to such well thought out criticism as "your idea would never work" and "this idea is stupid" or other such witty repartees after I already laid out long posts explaining my logic in generally neutral terms

Everyone and their mother seems to have a bad idea on how to handle the fight

But none of them want to do the obvious thing and tackle the cripple so that he cant do anything while Anderson wails on him

This is an example of me trying to provoke discussion

Ah yes the 'cripple' who'se by far one of the toughest fights in game from what I recall multiple people saying, will go down and be rendered completely helpless by being tackled. :rolleyes:
This is an example of a well thought out response to which i then address with your cited issue
Like, in all seriousness

I've been right for nearly every other difficult fight thus far in this Quest. The Pig, the Mediocre One, that one Chuuni asshole with the katana, the assault on the Church, the Orphan, and even the Wet Nurse just now,

Is it really so hard to believe that at this point I'm not just talking out of my ass here? Especially when I back it up with sound reasoning?
After posting


He fights with a bigass Scythe, with his lanky ass arms, which means that once you get into his metaphorical deadzone he wont be able to wind up the Burial Blade to carve up Anderson anymore. Given that his teleportation is dependent upon highly advanced conventional speed rather than Anderson's versions immateriability then once he gets pinned down he no longer has his speed advantage.

And as a cripple lacking even the benefits of a peg leg, he'll lack the ability to leverage his body to jackknife Anderson off of him.

Given that he is, inhuman skill aside, mostly still human. This means that he also has human limitations.

So barring Gehrman taking the time to take the head off the Burial Blade and swatting it at him after he's already prone, then Anderson will more or less win the fight the moment he takes it to the mat and engages things in CQC. Preferably while humming "IT'S AAAAAAAAAAALL IN A DREAM, SNAKE EAAAAAAAAATEEEER!"

Of course, if Anderson also takes the time to send the metal edge of the Burial Blade off into the distance so that it's out of easy reach, then Gehrman will have no other options than to take his beating, or shanking. Or even just applying a Ward directly to his body so that he doesn't try any funny business.

It's literally that simple. I'm sure that if Bloodbourne had a Goldburg-style Spear mechanic it would have utterly trivialized the Gehrman fight.

Just like a jump mechanic would have trivialized a good portion of the game's puzzles and stuff.
So while the call out is your prerogative, if you wanted me to tone down a specific argument you would've been better suited to sending me a PM to knock it off.

Edit: Additionally, if I actually did claim to "always be right" i wouldnt cede ground on votes where i wasnt winning. Instead, I would say "you guys fell apart without me" rather than "it paid off when you listened to me before" like I have been.

Yes, im aware that luck is a factor, but callouts not only encourage the toxic behavior you're so deriding, they also breed resentment in the targeted party. I resent the lack of courtesy you've shown in your first response being so heavy handed, as an example. I also resent you mischaracterizing my position that way.

Will I do anything about? Of course not because having such a mindset is stupid.

But there is a world of difference between asking for faith and trust based on previous success in comparison to demanding acquiescence in the name of rampant egoism. That you saw the need to paint me in such a light paints an unflattering picture of you as a person, Tricia.
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But there is a world of difference between asking for faith and trust based on previous success in comparison to demanding acquiescence in the name of rampant egoism. That you saw the need to paint me in such a light paints an unflattering picture of you as a person, Tricia.
... You invalidate the argument you're trying to make, right there.
... You invalidate the argument you're trying to make, right there.
I'm not saying I'm some flawless individual, here.

But I at least try to be even handed. By making that lecture open like that Tricia invited a response that was equally public. Does it make it right? Of course not. But Tricia should at least be cognizant of what their chosen approach leads to. Two wrongs don't make a right.
long ass quote parade
Never thought I would be sending hugs to TehChron of all people, but there you go. :V
"generally neutral terms"

"Everyone and their mother seems to have a bad idea on how to handle the fight...smfh"

Pick one.
Uhm, Tricia, I apologize if this insults you, but do you know what platform you're on?
It's the Internet. Do you honestly expect everything to be sunshine and politeness all the time?