Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

While she's thinking about it, you can puzzle out the logistics of Steffon firing a laser leg. Your current solution involves Djura picking him up and aiming him like a ballerina.


[X] "What Heathen bullshit can ye tell me, ya right bastard? Is there any point in me keeping you alive?"
-[X] "Keep Talking, bug."
--[X] "Well, I reckon you've proved yourself. Let me give you the proper blessings. I'm going to have to change things up a bit, though since you're not a Christian."
---[X]Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.
----[X] In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, exstinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónem gloriósae et sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariea, ejusqye inclytu Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelelórum, Archangelórum, Patriarchárum, Prophetárum, Apostolorum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Virginum, atque ómnium simul Sanctórum.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
-----[X] Christe eléison.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
------[X] There it is, you've given the fucker last rights.
[X] "What is the unladen flight speed of a swallow?"
-[X] Punt him into the sky as hard as you can while shouting "Pull!", and then apply laser to face.
--[X] "Not exactly skeet shooting, but it'll do."
Wait a second, are the lasors the Amygdala shoot concussive? Because if they are, Alexandria can get a prosthetic that can punch people with a fist made of lasors!
[X] "What Heathen bullshit can ye tellme, ya right bastard? Is there any point in me keeping you alive?"
-[X] "Keep Talking, bug."
--[X] "Well, I reckon you've proved yourself. Let me give you the properblessings. I'm going to have to change things up a bit, though since you're not a Christian."
---[X]Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam,indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.
----[X] In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, exstinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónemgloriósae et sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariea, ejusqye inclytu Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelelórum, Archangelórum,Patriarchárum, Prophetárum,Apostolorum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Virginum, atque ómnium simulSanctórum.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
-----[X] Christe eléison.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
------[X] There it is, you've given the fucker last rights.
[X] "What Heathen bullshit can ye tell me, ya right bastard? Is there any point in me keeping you alive?"
-[X] "Keep Talking, bug."
--[X] "Well, I reckon you've proved yourself. Let me give you the proper blessings. I'm going to have to change things up a bit, though since you're not a Christian."
---[X]Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.
----[X] In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, exstinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónem gloriósae et sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariea, ejusqye inclytu Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelelórum, Archangelórum, Patriarchárum, Prophetárum, Apostolorum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Virginum, atque ómnium simul Sanctórum.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
-----[X] Christe eléison.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
------[X] There it is, you've given the fucker last rights.
[X] "What Heathen bullshit can ye tell me, ya right bastard? Is there any point in me keeping you alive?"
-[X] "Keep Talking, bug."
--[X] "Well, I reckon you've proved yourself. Let me give you the proper blessings. I'm going to have to change things up a bit, though since you're not a Christian."
---[X]Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.
----[X] In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, exstinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónem gloriósae et sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariea, ejusqye inclytu Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelelórum, Archangelórum, Patriarchárum, Prophetárum, Apostolorum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Virginum, atque ómnium simul Sanctórum.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
-----[X] Christe eléison.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
------[X] There it is, you've given the fucker last rights.
[X] "Sounds good to me. Got a few conditions, though."
-[X] "First of all, die."
--[X] Kill him.
[X] "Sounds good to me. Got a few conditions, though."
-[X] "First of all, die."
--[X] Kill him.

The fucker is annoying enough to not deserve... ceremonies.
[X] "Sounds good to me. Got a few conditions, though."
-[X] "First of all, die."
--[X] Kill him.

Best not to give the little shit time to run away.
[X] Cut of one of his limbs and beat him to death with it while making need a hand puns.
-[X] And the ever obligatory 'why are you hitting yourself' just for good measure.
[X] Cut of one of his limbs and beat him to death with it while making need a hand puns.
-[X] And the ever obligatory 'why are you hitting yourself' just for good measure.
[X] Cut of one of his limbs and beat him to death with it while making need a hand puns.
-[X] And the ever obligatory 'why are you hitting yourself' just for good measure.
[x] Grab him.
-[x] Stuff him firmly in your sleeves.
-[x] Do not remove him.
[X] Cut of one of his limbs and beat him to death with it while making need a hand puns.
-[X] And the ever obligatory 'why are you hitting yourself' just for good measure.
[X] Cut of one of his limbs and beat him to death with it while making need a hand puns.
-[X] And the ever obligatory 'why are you hitting yourself' just for good measure.
[X] "What Heathen bullshit can ye tell me, ya right bastard? Is there any point in me keeping you alive?"
-[X] "Keep Talking, bug."
--[X] "Well, I reckon you've proved yourself. Let me give you the proper blessings. I'm going to have to change things up a bit, though since you're not a Christian."
---[X]Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti.
----[X] In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti, exstinguátur in te omnis virtus diáboli per impositiónem mánuum nostrárum, et per invocatiónem gloriósae et sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariea, ejusqye inclytu Sponsi Joseph, et ómnium sanctórum Angelelórum, Archangelórum, Patriarchárum, Prophetárum, Apostolorum, Mártyrum, Confessórum, Virginum, atque ómnium simul Sanctórum.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
-----[X] Christe eléison.
-----[X] Kyrie eléison.
------[X] There it is, you've given the fucker last rights.