Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

Speaking of Yharnam Blood, blood vials have it as well yes? and we have how many blood vials right now? So how would Yharnam Blood interact with Anderson's presumably... Unique biology?
Depends, I suppose. He never got that first transfusion, so it might very well not do anything for him. On the other hand, it might count as a first transfusion.
And I have another question. As the local reality will respond to Communion? I do not really know much about religion, but firmly remember the wine during Communion is referred to as the Blood of Christ. This can cause interesting connotations. Or perhaps the nature of reality around Anderson can intrude in Communion ...
And I have another question. As the local reality will respond to Communion? I do not really know much about religion, but firmly remember the wine during Communion is referred to as the Blood of Christ. This can cause interesting connotations. Or perhaps the nature of reality around Anderson can intrude in Communion ...
This is our greatest asset. We tell them who Christ actually is* and they'll be queuing up to join the Church to get his blood inside them. Just use very deep red wine and it'll fool em no end :p

*With appropriate levels of hyperbole of course.
This is our greatest asset. We tell them who Christ actually is* and they'll be queuing up to join the Church to get his blood inside them. Just use very deep red wine and it'll fool em no end :p

*With appropriate levels of hyperbole of course.
The problem is that the wine in the communion does not heal wounds and gives other effects as it makes the blood ...

On the other hand, we Father Alexander Anderson, most of our abilities is Thaumaturgy, We seal things with pages from the Bible, summon bayonets and so on. Most likely Communion conducted by Anderson will be not simply communion.
He's a Brick...Troll
It's a full five seconds after the gunman's assisted shuffle off the mortal coil before you notice that your shoulder is still bleeding. As far as you can tell, the wound's still closing, but at a noticeably retarded pace. It feels almost like the time that undead prick damn near blew your arm off in London, like there's something about the wound that's interfering with your regeneration.

What the hell do they make their bullets out of?

You're snapped out of your confusion by a particularly violent blow to the gates. Though the metal bar shoves through the handles is still holding strong, you can see it beginning to warp under the impacts.

Might be a good idea to nip this problem in the bud.

The blows continue to rain down at what you determine to be steady intervals, one every three seconds or so. By the sounds of too-heavy footsteps preceding each strike, he's gotten impatient and begun taking running starts. You can use that.

After the next earth-rattling strike, you pop the bar free, back off, and wait. You're rewarded soon after as a huge shape hurtles through the now-unresisting gate, stumbles, and skids a far distance on the stones.

He's nearly as big as the one with the axe, but the similarities end there. Rather than sleek armor, he's clad in torn strips of fabric on his upper body and thankfully-intact trousers from the waist down. He possesses a massive hump and, you note as he rises deliberately to his feet, a bandaged face twisted into rage that not even his deformities can hide.

The brick in his hands is dripping.

"Well, my friend, it's a good thing the LORD only cares about what's in yer heart."

Huh. You didn't think it was possibly for his face to get angrier, but there you go.

He rushes you with a wound-up swing that he doesn't so much telegraph as release trailers for in advance. You sidestep it with ease and he struggles to stop his own momentum, a venture made more difficult by the two bayonets you've shoved into his back.

Whatever's in that hump, though, it's not anything important and he rounds on you with a bestial snort. Apparently deciding that his earlier problem was that he just didn't swing hard enough, he winds up until he's almost side-on and pounds towards you.

He's so aggressive and massive that, when you step inside the blow with a bayonet in your hand, the handle is halfway into his forehead before he finally stops. Silently, he collapses, his head landing on your shoulder as the rest of him goes limp. Before you bump him off, you imagine it looks like a touching scene from a Hunchback of Notre Dame remake.

The still-smoldering flames add an extra layer of authenticity.

You walk through the gates to find yourself in another plaza, this one with a surprisingly tasteful and well-constructed fountain in the center amid the standard assortment of sandbags and broken carriages. Up and to the left, you can see the telltale smoke of an incense lantern, while the sound of men and dogs occupies the right.

[] To the left, to the left

[] To the right to rouse the rabble

[] Write in...
The house with the little girl is to the right up the stairs then to the left behind a gate we likely easily leap or kick down. To the immediate left is a home full of laughing woman who apperently pity you for being outside. I bet Anderson can barely get a word in with them saying how much they pity him.