An Unknown Future

I do like the idea of playing kitsune and crafting tools are important. Also I'm trying to decide between Be Creative and Craft Ornaments; one seems to focus on forming a culture and another makes our people happier and possibly produces potential trade goods.
Come on people, you all voted for a moratorium of some kind. Feel free to discuss the options, even if it's only saying what you want and why. You might shake lose some ideas by talking with each other.

Edit: Already ninja'd in my own thread... sort of.
I want to do [][Beastfolk] Badger because I haven't seen Badger people before whereas I have seen fox people before.
@veekie Your thoughts on doing [][Beastfolk] Badger?
Part of the reason for picking Fox was:
-Fluffy in a way that I like to imagine while reading.

Badgers are by contrast:
-Mixed Solitary/Communal depending on the subspecies

So overall its not hitting me on the personal appeal, but I suspect the Stubborness may have some difficulty with our social value of Find A Better Way though.
What about Beavers? Its less appealing to me than Fox, but I'd be open to Approval Voting it with Fox.
Part of the reason for picking Fox was:
-Fluffy in a way that I like to imagine while reading.

Badgers are by contrast:
-Mixed Solitary/Communal depending on the subspecies

So overall its not hitting me on the personal appeal, but I suspect the Stubborness may have some difficulty with our social value of Find A Better Way though.
What about Beavers? Its less appealing to me than Fox, but I'd be open to Approval Voting it with Fox.

Badgers appeal to me more than Fox so I would be open to approval voting Beaver alongside Badger.
  • Be Creative: Encourage discussion, storytelling, whatever people can think of in order to enrich the lives of your people.
Maybe synergies with our new new value.
  • Craft Ornaments: Create extra decorative pieces with which to adorn people and their dwellings.
Ornaments are nice but we have just arrived to this new place and we need to have all the basics before the luxuries
  • Craft Tools: Create a stockpile of tools with which to work on major projects.
Something we absolutely need. Good for making spears (hunting), repairing/building the rafts (fishing/moving) or just building huts and shelters.
  • Migrate: Perhaps, this land is not good for your people. Migrate to a new land. (Current Targets are the White Mist Coast, the Rocky Mountain Coast, and Upriver)
Don't really see a reason to do this yet. We need to stock up on food and repair our rafts before this becomes a option.
  • Refine Story: Discuss the true meaning of a story and how your family should interpret it. (Current Target is A Better Way)
Could be good for getting new or updated values. But ones again I would argue for the basics of survival first.
  • Scout: Explore your surroundings to see what you can find.
Also extremely important as it allows us to both find out more about the people who live here and how hospitable this place is. The most important thing is actually that this would allow us to find water and food sources.

As we only have two choices as to what to do I think that there is only one viable alternative.
[][Action] Scout
[][Action] Craft Tools

As for what animal to pick I have no idea but it has to be communal and omnivorous would be good. But we can absolutely not be locked to a meat only diet as that would cripple our population.
Anyways, two hours have passed and vote is now open. To alert people and provide some information, have some rules regarding how I will be handling Omakes in this quest.

Omakes are a stories that players have written themselves about the world and setting at large. For the purpose of this quest they are to encourage further world building than what I participate in. That said, the mechanics of the quest are not built for bonuses being haphazardly thrown in so I can not offer direct numerical bonuses to them.

I can, however, offer other benefits. I am more than willing to make Omakes canon for the quest, and if players are clever they can get in some benefits or effect the narrative of the quest as a result of this. Omakes will be roughly judged on the following criteria.
  • How well it fits within current canon.
  • How well written it is.
  • What the magic eight ball tells me to rate it as.
Please do note that length is not in that list.

All Omakes that I accept will be put into two categories. Sidestory and Apocrypha. Sidestories are canon, Apocrypha are non-canon.

These rules are on the front page now, under the rules section.
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[X][Beastfolk] Beaver
[X][Beastfolk] Badger
[X][Action] Scout
[X][Action] Craft Tools
[X][Beastfolk] Fox
[X][Action] Scout
[X][Action] Craft Tools

Let's get settled in and secure before anything else.
[X][Beastfolk] Black Cat.
[X][Beastfolk] Dog
[X][Action] Scout
[X][Action] Craft Tools


why cats? Because Cute.. that is all.

Edit: Tho Dogs are even more cute
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[X][Beastfolk] Bear
[X][Beastfolk] Beaver
[X][Beastfolk] Badger
[X][Action] Scout
[X][Action] Craft Tools

Going with bear, for an omnivore tribe. I'm worried what a full carnivore beast tribe actually means. This choice might cause a full change in diet effectively limiting quite a few plants and other resources from a carnivore diet.

Edit: I did not realize foxes are omnivores. Ah well, I 'll vote for what I like.

edit2: dropped fox for beaver. I've seen fox people, beaver people would be new.
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Hmm, we're getting a lot of different base animals to draw from, while the actions seem rather set.

Anyone got any questions for me? I can't answer everything, of course, but I will try to answer what I can.
You guys sadden me, looking only into use, not aesthetic qualities
What about the cat girls? The CAT GIRLS!?
Foxes don't have the cuteness of Cats, hang on, need to get an image of a cat girl!
Your telling me you don't want this!? :p
Why aren't you using Khajit? THere could be a full beastly look instead of rwby faunus look. Best to believe the animal will be extreme animal like instead of human with animal aesthetic ears.

I'd like lion beast men, but carnivore lifestyle mix with low pop for top predator... Fox people are everywhere and fluffy, trickster archetype. Beaver people would be nice to focus tool crafting with.

The beaver people have built the fortress city Dam Geyser!
The river 15554321, or better known as Bersa River, no longer exists.
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Archive: Civilization Stat sheet for " A New Land " choices (update 2.1 / threadmark 2).


Tools: No Extra
Culture: Very Low
Prestige: None
Population: Very Low

-Beast Trait: TBD

A Better Way
When someone is forced between hard choices and a need to sacrifice something, it is because they have not found the correct trail on which to travel.
Pros: More options when facing a crises.
Cons: More things are considered a crises by your population.

Organization Type: Family
Leadership: Yelling Loudly

-Advanced Stoneworking

-Hunting and Gathering

-Primitive Rafts

No notable ones yet

River Valley: A large river flanked by heavily wooded hills. It is the current residence of your family.
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You guys sadden me, looking only into use, not aesthetic qualities
What about the cat girls? The CAT GIRLS!?

Part of the reason for picking Fox was:
-Fluffy in a way that I like to imagine while reading.
That said, the main thing against cats is that they're solitary carnivores, which makes it hard to make a society out of the likely traits(also Spirit Quest currently has a civilization made almost entirely out of swole catgirls anyways) we can get out of it.