An Unknown Future

[x][Rafts] Ask them to explore the hard to navigate Ocean Forest
[x][Rafts] Turn their 'secret camp' into an actual proper camp

Hoping for canoes or the like, which would have more immediate benefits, which could then snowball into long-term benefits.
That said, I the second camp might not be bad, either, by giving more room for population to grow, and possibly giving us some experience in administering multiple camps.

Though, I think we can consider this update a bit of a hint that we should go for something like being creative, making ornaments, or further scouting the area in the next turn.
[X][Rafts] Ask them to explore the hard to navigate Ocean Forest

We need flint, loads of flint. All the flint.
[X][Rafts] Turn their 'secret camp' into an actual proper camp
[X][Rafts] Ask them to explore the hard to navigate Ocean Forest
[x][Rafts] Ask them to explore the hard to navigate Ocean Forest
[x][Rafts] Turn their 'secret camp' into an actual proper camp
*Sees discussion and different votes before he logged off yesterday.*

*Gets excited and comes on today to see bandwagon and less discussion.*

Blast, so close.
*Sees discussion and different votes before he logged off yesterday.*

*Gets excited and comes on today to see bandwagon and less discussion.*

Blast, so close.
I think I succeeded in convincing everyone thats all... most people understand the hierarchy I mentioned earlier.
remember guys, the core things that make a nation powerful and it needs the most in order go like this.

1) Population/food for that population

2) A powerful Economy (Monetary economy is a useful short term boost but long term you need an industry focused economy) and the resources to fuel it.

3) Technology

These are what make a nation powerful, though having the less important parts far in excess of anyone else can put your nation ahead of nations with the first 2 parts, this will eventually collapse as technology is easier to be copied than to get new tech, and its easier to build up industry than it is to get a bigger population.

which puts those big ships well below the industry gained from having more tools or a tool innovation.
Archive: Civilization Stat sheet for " Raft Punk "; (Update 7.1/ Threadmark 12)

Rafts: Too Many!

Culture: Very Little
Prestige: None
Population: Low
Authority: Low
-Omnivore: Access to all types of food.
-Playful Fox: Bonus to social interactions.
A Better Way
When someone is forced between hard choices and a need to sacrifice something, it is because they have not found the correct trail on which to travel.
Pros: More options when facing a crises.
Cons: More things are considered a crises by your population.

The world is mighty and its challenges great and numerous, perhaps even impossible. When working together and helping one another, those challenges become easier, more realistic, and possible.
Pros: Gain a bonus to actions based on population.
Cons: Population cap decreased.
Organization Type:
Primitive Despotic Tribe:
A form of government where there is one individual who the tribe all look to for jobs and chores to do. This individual does not have any tradition that gives them a leadership over the Tribe, but there is something about the culture that puts an immense amount of power in their hands to the point where there might as well be.

Leadership: Story Teller
-Advanced Stoneworking

-Early Tribal Shelters

-Hunting and Gathering

-Early Rafts

-Stone Seeing
-Primitive Singing
-Fishing Grounds
-Flint Outcrop (Extremely Distant)
Fish Bay: A large bay teeming with fish. It is the current location of your tribe.

Flint Outcrop: A distant outcrop that contains high quality stone for tool making. Very hard to get to, however, and taking a lot of fox's attention.

Ocean Forest River: Said to be a great river that runs into the Ocean Forest, it is located extremely far from your camp and few foxes have seen it. There is also said to be a deposit of high quality stone there.

Ocean Forest: A large forest, seemingly sunk into the ocean, full of bugs and strange creatures. Also very hard to navigate.

The Mist: A distant white cloud along one shoreline, reminiscent of the crests of waves. It takes up much of the horizon and warm winds seem to come from this direction.
Rafts: Too Many!

We boatquest now?
I mean, if you keep on building rafts like this and scouting along the coast or somewhere similar such at every opportunity. Not to mention the immediate settling of fish bay which usurped the hunter/gather positions and made your tribe primarily fishers. And of course there's your first option in the game was basically 'rafts, save us!'

I feel I should mention that you've been putting a rather significant amount of emphasis on the importance of fishers in your tribe lately.
Racing Games
[Rafts] Ask them to explore the hard to navigate Ocean Forest
Racing Games

The idea for the Great Raft Race quickly spread throughout the camp, and before long every fox seemed incredibly eager and looking forward to it. The race found many of the younger fishers participating, ready to impress young vixens by being the first to go through the storied Ocean Forest and find the route to the Flint Outcrop. The vixens, meanwhile, were excited for an event to break the monotony of daily life.

The race began at the first light of dawn and the chorus of foxes and birds greeting the sun. Some of the rafts were small and meant for maneuverability. Others larger, but more durable. And then there were the few brave foxes who took large, relatively flat rafts out in the belief that they would easily reach the Flint outcrop easily, and sought glory in bringing back the most flint rather than the first.

It was a few days later when the foxes started returning, but not with stories of success. Finding the entrance to the river had been relatively easy, as there had been a rare solid bit of land surrounding it, but once they went into the ocean forest from there, they started facing problems. The river seemed to change what it actually was, alter in strange ways, sometimes even disappearing and then reappearing a distance later. The confusing strangeness of it all saw many a fox decide to head back with minimal exploring. And then, there were all the bugs, the strange animals that they could smell, but never saw, except for a few out of the corner of their eyes, all leaving strange sense of wrong in many foxes' minds.

In the end, many rafts were wrecked beyond repair on hidden bits of land or plants, and no fox managed to make it to the other side of the forest.

No fox ended up dying in the race either, however, and so the foxes in large were determined to try again next year.

Next year's Great Raft Race, saw foxes having rethought their strategy. Many more favored smaller and more maneuverable or sturdy rafts, with a few foxes trying to combine the two design ideas, experimenting with different types of wood used for the rafts.

They also started sabotaging each other.

The already dangerous and unknown route found itself laid with submerged spears and ropes, meant to scuttle and break any other rafts. The elders did not take kindly to this when they found out, many yelling and berating the foxes for defying the spirit of togetherness that would actually let them find the route and instead letting their recklessness and need to win override them.

So next year saw three teams of foxes, each team sharing a large, oversized raft. None could control such oversized rafts, however, so next year they still had teams, but instead there were smaller rafts with one or two foxes working together.

This continued year after year, each year seeing fewer and less elaborate rafts as the fox's weren't allowed the use of extra stone tools to make new rafts, much to their annoyance.

Then, a fox finally did make it to the outcrop of flint, and discovered something interesting and peculiar to many of the foxes in the area. The river, shortly after entering into the more solid land parts of the ocean forest, split off, suggesting there were more paths throughout the hard to navigate terrain.

Unfortunately, there weren't enough rafts to safely keep up the race while still having a fair number for fishing by that point, but the foxes had found their route to the Flint Outcrop by river.

With what many foxes were starting to call the 'racing generation', coming to a close along with their rafts, it was now time for a new group of foxes to take the reigns.

Choose two actions from the list bellow. Use the [Action] tag to denote your choices for this and put a x2 next to any option you wish to take a second time.
  • Be Creative: Encourage discussion, storytelling, whatever people can think of in order to enrich the lives of your people.
  • Build Rafts: Use tools to make extra rafts to allow you to travel much farther to get far away resources and explore further, as long as it is along a waterway.
  • Craft Ornaments: Create extra decorative pieces with which to adorn people and their dwellings.
  • Craft Tools: Create a stockpile of tools with which to work on major projects.
  • Forget Story: Some songs are best forgotten, ornaments best left buried where the next generation can't see. Make an effort to forget several traditions. (Current Targets Available: A Better Way, Together)
  • Insult: Show your greatness by insulting another group and showing they can not respond to you. (Current Target Available: None)
  • Meet: Sit down and talk with a group to exchange stories and gifts. (Current Target Available: None)
  • Migrate: Perhaps, this land is not good for your people. Migrate to a new land. (Current Targets Available: Inland Fish Bay, Mistward Fish Bay, Flint Stone Outcrop)
  • New Camp: Use tools to construct more permanent shelters so your Foxes can live more comfortably. (Target Location: Inland Fish Bay, Mistward Fish Bay, Flint Stone Outcrop)
  • Raid: Someone has stuff that you want or need. Go take it. (Current Target Available: None)
  • Refine Story: Discuss the true meaning of a story and how your family should interpret it. (Current Target Available: A Better Way, Together)
  • Scout: Explore your surroundings to see what you can find.
  • Tell New Story: Songs can be steered to teach new lessons and ornaments new meanings where they had none before.
Hint: Prestige effects how both others and your own population sees your group.

QM/Note: Well, this will be the last time I say 'I'm not happy with the result, but I'm happy I got it out,' here, as that seems to be a running theme and nothing of note anymore as a result. Just know that I'm trying to improve in the background.

On a happier note, the end of this week will mark the one month quest length for this quest! One of my milestones is within reach!
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quick question, what do our people use for Ornaments? like pearls, bone, metal, what?

either way I think a new camp by the flint outcrop soon would be a good idea, but for now I think refining our together story would be for the best. That should help prevent more splinter groups from popping up.
quick question, what do our people use for Ornaments? like pearls, bone, metal, what?

either way I think a new camp by the flint outcrop soon would be a good idea, but for now I think refining our together story would be for the best. That should help prevent more splinter groups from popping up.
At the moment, colorful shells, sometimes fish bones, and maybe pretty rocks, but there aren't too many of those.
[x][action] Craft Ornaments
[x][action] Build Rafts

Curious what ornaments will do; hoping it might be culture or maybe prestige. Rafts kinda seems like a must-have, though, since it was just hinted in the update that our numbers in that regard took a fairly steep dive due to losses from the exploration-race, leaving us little more than what we need for fishing. So we'll need more rafts, both for exploration and the like, and for maintaining contact via travel, trade, etc, once we set up the second camp.
I really want to be creative because we need better raft tech so we don't lose them every other turn.
I really want to be creative because we need better raft tech so we don't lose them every other turn.
we already have a bit too many rafts though.... maybe wait a turn before making more?

[X] [action] Refine Story: {Together}

[X] [Action] Be Creative

this should get us the best result for refining the story as well as a good amount of culture.

also @bluefur87 is there a way to get extra food to help ensure pop growth or is food/pop growth something that simply happens naturally for now?
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we already have a bit too many rafts though.... maybe wait a turn before making more?

[X] [action] Refine Story: {Together}

[X] [Action] Be Creative

this should get us the best result for refining the story as well as a good amount of culture.

also @bluefur87 is there a way to get extra food to help ensure pop growth or is food/pop growth something that simply happens naturally for now?
We do not have too many rafts.
also @bluefur87 is there a way to get extra food to help ensure pop growth or is food/pop growth something that simply happens naturally for now?
You have plenty of food to grow in your location, what you lack is room for new families. Technically you have more room, but your tribe feels no need to grow beyond the current boundaries of your camp.

Edit: Basically, your camp is effectively full at the moment.
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You have plenty of food to grow in your location, what you lack is room for new families. Technically you have more room, but your tribe feels no need to grow beyond the current boundaries of your camp.

Edit: Basically, your camp is effectively full at the moment.
ok guys either we build a new camp now or we do it next turn... which do you think we should do?
[X][Action] Build Rafts
[X][Action] Refine Story - A Better Way

We have the route. Just replenish the rafts and grab the outcrop camp next turn.
This turn we have a good opportunity to refine A Better Way.
See, all the sabotage during the race is due to A Better Way, the foxes felt that sabotaging each other was A Better Way to win the race than working harder to meet the task.
Which made us take longer to reach the destination and miss out the other paths

Thus refinement is the lesson that trying new ways to succeed is better than making others fail.