[X] Enter Ship. While you'd be at some minor risk, you doubt this Warboss was strong enough to really give you much trouble when you had your new suit of armor. Bonus Loot Roll if successful. Full Dreadnought Hull from intact Hulk if successful.
As if I could ever say no to loot? Frankly, I want more shenanigans like the Shadowed Space Hulk debacle. Perhaps not THAT crazy, but more shoutouts or tributes or such.
BTW, did we ever get out hands on Starfleet Phaser tech? Particle beam weapons powered by microreactors just make me all tingly.
Loot glorious loot! We're anxious to study it! Fresh picked off the dead ones!
I'd like to request a full work up of this song in that style of lyrics. Ironically, I was going to try and cover "Savages" ala Disney's Pocahontas for 40K.
"Heretics! Heretics! Traitors, Spawns, and Mutants! Heretics! Heretics!
Kill them by the score!"
It occurs to me this near crit has made it so we have destroyed every Space capable orc in the sector, we just rid the sector we are going to conquer of one of its greatest nuisances and removed orc piracy as a problem. I guess this roll did benefit us on a high result.
Ironically, yeah! We practically purged the entire sector of orks in one fell swoop, and there is NO way word of that isn't going to spread.
Alas, I'm a PINCH saddened by the lack of more description regarding the results of our psychic rolls. With that roll, we practically used a warpstorm on that orkish fleet, then collapsed it.
Heh, just imaging the ork fleet coming out of warp only for a massive Jaws-shaped warpstorm to chomp on most of their fleet...
That, and the sheer scale seems... a bit off? Space Hulks don't grow on trees, and IIRC there was ONE involved in the Armageddon campaign, which was a massive conflict in 40K (Yes, I know it's 40K not 30K, but space hulks are HUGE, hell, we're getting ONE dreadnought hull out of ONE of them, and space hulks are said to be comprised of nigh-countless numbers of derelict hulls...).
Combine that with the fact that unlike Imperium fleets, we apparently do not have 30K-tier ships (EG Battlefleet Gothic Chaos ships, since those were used in the Great Crusade. They're all adamantium and such, and we only just rediscovered it) just ships of our own design? I'm surprised we did as well as we have.
Now when we finish Orichalcix and make a variant capable of serving as a structural support? THEN we're in business. If we make a superstructure out of THAT, then plate it with adamantium until we can buff production enough to make ships entirely out of it like the eldar do...
But what schematic to use... any thoughts out there?
That, and this LUDICROUS luck is going to get... INTERESTING when Tzeentch starts acting against us, unless this is all according to his plan. With Tzeentch's access to precog daemons, I can't BELIEVE he doesn't know about us yet...