here is a sheet showing current skill totals and potential gains, next turn 11 is going to be very light on skill training, turn 12 onwards we can do a lot more on skill training and I have some of it plotted in but not all. Note both Medicine and Explosives have two skills that are 15 behind the third skill, so training each skill that is behind gets them caught up and then taking the SL with the trainer. I do see a way to get every all 50 by end of turn 13 with a lot of action slots left open on turn 12 and 13 right now.
Turn 11:
30 Major and Minor-
4(+1 free crystal) to Combat training to raise to 25
9 train Intrigue
7 Train Diplomacy
SL Mom (unlocks Advanced Education 20 perks and +2.5 to stat training rolls)
SL General (Tactics training, we have tactics tagged)
22 actions
Leaves 8 actions left, some used for shipbuilding, some for diplomacy (if we have any left train Security and Programming for Electronics All-50, SL Medicine and train Narcotics and First-Aid for Medicine All-50, SL Evasion for Evasion All-50)
Also have 14 invention actions (if we grab forging 160 and necessity 200- think this is doubled thanks to toolbots so that would be 28)
Turn 12: (assumption we hit stat all-25 and none for extra training above)
30 Major and Minor actions again
4 (+1 free crystal) to Control (keep on this until we get it to 50 ) raises to 35
4 train Learning ( at 30 we want this at 50 for more actions)
SL Dad (Speech which should be tagged with the all-25 tags and +2.5 to stat training rolls)
SL General (more tactics training, get us all-150 tactics)
SL Evasion (to get all 50)
Train Perception: Environment 6 time (what ever is needed to get it to 200 so we can transfer the tag to combat, forging gear should have hit 200 from level gain on turn 11 and that tag moved to one of the combats)
17 actions (5 less than last turn!) so 13 major and minor left over
19 invention actions (grabbing practical chain for another 5 invention actions)
Some combo of below based on available actions
SL Medecine + training narcotics and first-aid for all 50
SL Explosives
Train Programming and Security for Electronics-all 50
Any SL (for those below 4)
Training to keep skills even (outside perception and combat)- this lets our SL trainers and leveling finish tagged skills on the same turn and also hit the all-50, all-100 and so on the same turn.
That still leaves 15 or so minor and major plus all the invention actions from perks
And from there keep taking the SL for the trainer for tagged skills (so our dad for the next two turns), take sl for non-psykers below 5, train perception-object, Combat-stealth and combat-ranged so they hit 200 on the same turn (so we free up the 3 tags at the same time), keep 4 to 5 actions for training learning each turn, train control to 50 then start on combat using crystals.
Numbers will change based on level gain and what other actions demand our attention but this should get us tactics and speech 200 with some training on turn 13 or 14, fairly easy to get Evasion-100 .
Order of tags:
This turn- both perceptions so turn 11
Tactics-All 3
Turn 11:
Perception-Environment and Objects
Forging- Gear (either train or get the 5 needed by leveling once move to Combat stealth)
Tactics-All 3
Get 3 from All-25 Stat (place on Speech)
Turn 12:
Perception-Environment (train to 200, move to Combat:Ranged)
Speech-All 3
Tactics-All 3
Turn 13 or 14
Finish Speech and Tactics (move to Evasion and choice between Medicine, Explosives and Electronics)
Try to get combat stealth and ranged and perception objects done as well (make sure they finish at the same time so all three can be moved to a single skill category at once)
So if we do the extra training for combat and perception objects on turn 13 and 14 we can have only Evasion, Medicine, Explosives and Electronics left and have 3 of the 4 tagged