I like Aisha for Moonsilver.
Aisha is basically the obvious choice. We don't really have anyone else, and Aisha kinda needs exaltation if she wants to live a (semi-)normal life. Because Autochton will presumably be capable of that most wondrous of inventions, the OFF switch.
Missy is great for Exaltation... But is going to be expensive. Either we are going to have to fight the PRT and the YG in a court case (with appeals), we go on a POS adjustment campaign...which will be noticed eventually unless we are very good about it, or we openly defy the PRT and be branded "rouge/out of control assets" or villains outright.
We probably have enough political capital to get away with it if we have to. Given our powers and past history of heroism, PRT won't be branding us villains or anything for this one act, even if we do it completely rogue. So long as Vista wants it, we can also argue the benefits of it and how she would be safer and better able to deal with parahuman threats and so on.
So while it might indeed be somewhat "expensive" in favors and such, we are not talking massively disastrous costs here.
I like Piggot for Jade. You could make a case for Ms. Militia, but Piggot meets the requirements and qualifies as "broken".
Frankly, I don't really see whats interesting in Piggot. No parahuman shard so no cool new shard-charm. Not particularly close to Taylor or anyone in the assembly. Not truly spectacular in any unique way.
I'd like to propose a bold idea: we may not have a in our associates a good Ori choice. So, Let's acquire relevant Cauldron potions for some Social Tinker formula( along with a Retrocognitive formula so that our recruit can quickly learn our language and culture) and ask Auto-kun to assign us an existing Ori that is open to foreign ideas and conceps wants to change the directon of two worlds buy transforming "Glorious Robot Communism" ala the Soviet Union into "Glorious Robot Socialism" ala Canada, France or Sweeden.
Yeah, this seems a silly idea to be honest. Also I don't think we can really communicate with Auto like this (he is half-asleep). We also can't choose the power of the vial we get, and giving a non-converted shard to an alchemical would be problematic in multitude of ways. This is not a realistic option.
-Armsmaster has the potential to be a great candidate, but the common complaint against him is that he is still too self-absorbed and focused on personal glory to catalyze as someone who can see the Big Picture. How difficult would it be fore Moebot Prime to reconfigure this perspective, and would that kind of interference disqualify him?
So long as we use "natural mental influence" (in other word, words) to convince him to look at his actions and generally remind him what it means to be a hero and so on, he would not be disqualified. Trying to get him together with Dragon might also help him become a better person (worked in canon anyway).
Doing something like using POS on him or otherwise directly brainwashing him would obviously be disastrous (for one, he would be capable of breaking it after exalting, and he would hate us for it).
-What kind of ensoulment program can we set up? We've got a bunch of refugees sitting near Brockton Bay, how long would it take for us to have some combination of Iris/Prayer/Warden (souls/religious experience/propoganda) to set up a cult and attendant facilities?
Well, the trouble here is actually getting people to want souls to begin with. Note that the process of ensouling is agonizingly painfull even in Autochtonia, and we have Word of Gromweld that its even WORSE for Nowhereuniverse humas. Now Saki can use POS to erase the memory of the process, but its so bad that the soul still remembers, and so the person has occasional nightmares of it for the rest of his/her life. And unfortunately, the ensouling process thats on offer that Iris and Bonesaw develeoped does not really help. Gromweld said that its just a more automated and refined version of memory erasure. It does not actually solve the underlying problem. Finally everyone with a soul would have a huge gem permanently stuck to their foreheads, and mortals would not have a charm that could hide it, which is somewhat problematic on its own from cosmetic issue to people being attacked to get the gem to pre-existing religions committing hate crimes on those who claim to have been given souls by our machine god.
Now WE know that there are advantages (Exalted Willpower with free will and master resistance, potential to become a heroic mortal, stunting, virtue channeling, Essence usage, potentially Emerald Sorcery and Magical Kung Fu, etc). However no one else does, and we don't really have any way to prove any of it. And even the above are mostly hard to get and not obviously available, beyond Willpower usage to resist master effects. So really, we can't realistically start ensouling people because we almost certainly can't convince people to accept souls, unless we do it by force (which would get us labeled villains, and would certainly make sure our victims would not willingly worship us).
I figure we should try to start giving souls to people who would benefit from it, so we can actually prove that it helps. Capturing and giving a soul to Citrine/Butcher for example might potentially work great, since it would be observable and solid proof that Citrine could resist the master-effect of the Butcher post-soul MUCH better than she could before. After that, we might get volunteers and further tests could be done with PRT masters. Once it became known that a soul might give resistance to threats like Heartbreaker and Simurgh and so on, people might be more interested. Heroic mortals might be even more interested once things like stunting would become more known. And things would progress from there. Eventually once the planet was converted, we could start giving people with souls awakened essence, and teaching them Terrestrial Martial Arts and Sorcery.
All that is kinda long-term though. However I am unsure how we could do it faster. Atleast I can't really think of any other easy way of convincing people to undergo horrible agony and get a rock stuck to their foreheads on our word.
Convincing people to actually worship someone would have to come after that. It would probably be much easier, since if necessary we could paint it less as an actual cult-style cult, and more as a business transaction (they do the rituals of worship and focus on the target, we pay them money or offer something else in return). Thats how some worship happened in Creation (people of a village worship a god, who then protects/helps them in return for example). Obviously there were gods who forced worship by force and terror, but we don't really want to do that.
-If the Butcher shard stored full personalities, they are vulnerable to POS literally rewriting their Intimacies; POS puts everyone in that head in a place they cannot ignore. Same thing they did to new Butchers, so turnabout is fair play.
It seems most likely that the personalities are stored in the shard itself, rather than the current Butcher. Maybe its just somekind of one-time upload, but it would not surprise me if they are stored in the shard and the only way to remove them would be to develop a shard POS submodule.
-If it sees them as spirits, it can literally vacuum them up and store them away until Saki chooses to release them; Mind-Ripping Probe does that to spirits.
This I find highly unlikely. Spirits are exalted-verse thing. Just like there are no souls, there are surely no spirits. I figure its the personalities of the previous Butcher recorded and stored in the Butcher shard.
Still, ultimately we will find out once we manage to capture Citrine. It would be nice if it was easy, but I would not be surprised to learn that it was not.
The problem, though, is catching the Butcher without collateral damage.
Well, we do have several ways of potentially capturing Butcher. Hmm. Well, the obvious one would be to have Saki and Taylor go under Hidden Conclave Assembly and have Saki do a sneak attack to send Butcher to the pocket dimension. However it occurs to me that the shard might count Citrine disappearing from its sight as "death", and move to another host (either Saki or someone else). Same thing if we knock her out and have Taylor disable the shard by cloaking her.
Still, Optical Shroud would allow us to get close enough, and Saki does have tranqs in her scorpion tail, and we could probably prepare with other tinkertech containment devices.
-I don't think it's possible to write a story where canon GU is an ally as a human.
This is not canon, and alchemicals are not human. Besides, in canon GU did ally with humans in the end. Besides, if GU is so twisted that its impossible to make her friendly to humans, then she sure as heck neither deserves nor qualifies for alchemical exaltation.
-Grayboy can't undo his bubbles as far as I know.
I wonder if Iris could do it? Probably, but theres so much for Iris to do. ISF makes us immune, but I don't know if we can just reach into there and grab anything since everything else is stopped. Actually, did Gromweld not say something about how ISF would not work?
TOA could probably do it though.
The trouble remains that Missy is a child. And protection of children form adversity until adulthood is not only a trope of a cultural institution. You sould have to change all of American culture, not as a meme but as something much more fundamental. Can our moebots do it. Yes, and get bircages for trying to Master/Stranger the whole of America.
Don't confuse Worm universe with reality. The things you speak of don't apply the way you believe. Vista (and others of her age) as a ward regularly faced deadly threats, both in this quest and in canon. The changes you speak of have already happened atleast to some extent before the quest even started.