Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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But not an Exalted Craftsman/Tinker. He might lose the ability to benefiting from multithreading, but he gains the ability to work with Magical Materials.
Uh, what?
Why do you think you need to be Exalted to work with MM?
And IC, other stuff's come up. Vista recovering from trauma, and been pretty much declared off limits by her foster family and the Youth Guard. We can get around it, but do we have the time? I'm under the impression that we need to get the next candidate to the Cradle, like right now.
We have somewhere around 3 months IIRC, starting from about when we got Marrow back.
Short, but not terribly so.
it would totally count if Armsmistress came out of the cradle that way due to miscommunication/charm misalignment.

Dragon might be upset about that. Assuming she is still interested anyway.

I believe that she'd be a great asset as a non-exalt because of how many shards she's collected over her active career that would be lost upon Exaltation(eg. can Grayboy undo his bubbles? if so the so can Ciara but not if we exalt her)

Naah, Gromweld confirmed that unlike the twins, she would not lose her ghosts (well she might lose the "ghosts", but not the powers).

EDIT: Actually, have we considered dealing with Grayboys bubbles? ISF would probably counter them, so we might potentially be able to just walk in and pull people out?

Though that might require TOA (atleast someone in our assembly should get that btw).
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Dragon might be upset about that. Assuming she is still interested anyway.
1.dragon doesn't have the plumbing so their relationship is more about minds.
2. Husk-scuplting apparatus would allow for changing back once properly aligned so it would only be a temporary joke (unless it turns out that the male exalt candidate preferred being female).
I like Aisha for Moonsilver. And there is a good medical quality of life reason to convert her.

Missy is great for Exaltation... But is going to be expensive. Either we are going to have to fight the PRT and the YG in a court case (with appeals), we go on a POS adjustment campaign...which will be noticed eventually unless we are very good about it, or we openly defy the PRT and be branded "rouge/out of control assets" or villains outright.

I like Piggot for Jade. You could make a case for Ms. Militia, but Piggot meets the requirements and qualifies as "broken".

I'd like to propose a bold idea: we may not have a in our associates a good Ori choice. So, Let's acquire relevant Cauldron potions for some Social Tinker formula( along with a Retrocognitive formula so that our recruit can quickly learn our language and culture) and ask Auto-kun to assign us an existing Ori that is open to foreign ideas and conceps wants to change the directon of two worlds buy transforming "Glorious Robot Communism" ala the Soviet Union into "Glorious Robot Socialism" ala Canada, France or Sweeden.
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I like Aisha for Moonsilver.
Missy is great for Exaltation... But is going to be expensive. Either we are going to have to fight the PRT and the YG in a court case (with appeals), we go on a POS adjustment campaign...which will be noticed eventually unless we are very good about it, or we openly defy the PRT and be branded "rouge/out of control assets" or villains outright.

I like Piggot for Jade. You could make a case for Ms. Militia, but Piggot meets the requirements and qualifies as "broken".

I'd like to propose a bold idea: we may not have a in our associates a good Ori choice. So, Let's acquire relevant Cauldron potions for some Social Tinker formula( along with a Retrocognitive formula so that our recruit can quickly learn our language and culture) and ask Auto-kun to assign us an existing Ori that is open to foreign ideas and conceps wants to change the directon of two worlds buy transforming "Glorious Robot Communism" ala the Soviet Union into "Glorious Robot Socialism" ala Canada, France or Sweeden.
I think you're underestimating how much our Social moe bot can do without POS. I also think you're overestimating the problems we'd have with exalting Vista, because while those may have been a problem if she was our first exalt it's less of a problem now.
A few thoughts, remarks and questions
-I think I would prefer GU as an allied mortal rather than our Orichalum candidate; she's powerful as-is, and while I'm sure she'd get a level-up I don't think she'd be worth the headaches of recruiting and keeping her.
-Armsmaster has the potential to be a great candidate, but the common complaint against him is that he is still too self-absorbed and focused on personal glory to catalyze as someone who can see the Big Picture. How difficult would it be fore Moebot Prime to reconfigure this perspective, and would that kind of interference disqualify him?
-What kind of ensoulment program can we set up? We've got a bunch of refugees sitting near Brockton Bay, how long would it take for us to have some combination of Iris/Prayer/Warden (souls/religious experience/propoganda) to set up a cult and attendant facilities?
-I am on the fence regarding Vista; she's awesome, but there's other good candidates like Miss Militia we could recruit.

So, if Administrator (Occult dots) and Accord (super planning no jutsu) were to design a cult regimen for unemployed/underemployed persons to maximize the amount of motes they could squeeze out of people for Iris, possibly with some sort of donation drive for people to help support those that Do Good (Agenda Recalibration Protocols to help promote productive attitudes here) like ending the Nine and releasing nanites to help keep the white hats alive and in top condition that both helps keep the monastery running and allows for the odd expansion or so (managed by competent and loyal mortals, such as an accounting firm perhaps?) we would still need either Riley and Iris to make the soul-injector devise or keep Warden on-hand to spike people for us every so often.

@Gromweld What kind of priority would Iris put on establishing himself a Cult background as part of an effort to support their efforts? "Yes, very helpful" or "that's nice kids, I just need to pass new legislation on the laws of reality for a bit"
There are several possibilities short of ensouling:
-If the Butcher shard stored full personalities, they are vulnerable to POS literally rewriting their Intimacies; POS puts everyone in that head in a place they cannot ignore. Same thing they did to new Butchers, so turnabout is fair play.
-If it sees them as spirits, it can literally vacuum them up and store them away until Saki chooses to release them; Mind-Ripping Probe does that to spirits.
The problem, though, is catching the Butcher without collateral damage.

Of course, if they aren't actually viable personalities, then all bets are off.
I believe that she'd be a great asset as a non-exalt because of how many shards she's collected over her active career that would be lost upon Exaltation(eg. can Grayboy undo his bubbles? if so the so can Ciara but not if we exalt her)
-I don't think it's possible to write a story where canon GU is an ally as a human.

-Grayboy can't undo his bubbles as far as I know.
Else Khepri should have attempted hitting those as well.
I think you're underestimating how much our Social moe bot can do without POS. I also think you're overestimating the problems we'd have with exalting Vista, because while those may have been a problem if she was our first exalt it's less of a problem now.

The trouble remains that Missy is a child. And protection of children form adversity until adulthood is not only a trope of a cultural institution. You sould have to change all of American culture, not as a meme but as something much more fundamental. Can our moebots do it. Yes, and get bircages for trying to Master/Stranger the whole of America.

If we want Missy, we'll likely need to buy a nemesis that could age Missy up as a part of an "attack". The PRT being slaves to PR and since it would be awkward to have an "adult child" in the Wards. (creapy, it goes against the desired message, makes witnesses/fans/ paying consumers/parents feel awkward.) Then Missy just needs to make a public case of it. Adult!Misssy is an adult, of course she can concent why is the PRT stymieing her?
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The trouble remains that Missy is a child.
13, going on 14.
Allowed to fight at EB attacks.
Earth Bet is not the RL United States.

Earth Bet is where the canon PRT could send Weld and Flechette, both acknowledged minors, to BB after Leviathan to help police the joint.
Where they had the same Vista on patrol at the time.
Where she was allowed to volunteer for Leviathan, and later for the Nine.

This should really not an issue unless we want to make it one.
And we just acquired Moebot Prime for a reason.
If we want Missy, we'll likely need to buy a nemesis that could age Missy up as a part of an "attack".
You make things entirely more complicated than they have to be.
The mature minor doctrine is established law in parts of the RL United States; if you can be proven capable of taking decisions in your own best interest, you can make medical decisions despite being a minor.
I like Aisha for Moonsilver.

Aisha is basically the obvious choice. We don't really have anyone else, and Aisha kinda needs exaltation if she wants to live a (semi-)normal life. Because Autochton will presumably be capable of that most wondrous of inventions, the OFF switch.

Missy is great for Exaltation... But is going to be expensive. Either we are going to have to fight the PRT and the YG in a court case (with appeals), we go on a POS adjustment campaign...which will be noticed eventually unless we are very good about it, or we openly defy the PRT and be branded "rouge/out of control assets" or villains outright.

We probably have enough political capital to get away with it if we have to. Given our powers and past history of heroism, PRT won't be branding us villains or anything for this one act, even if we do it completely rogue. So long as Vista wants it, we can also argue the benefits of it and how she would be safer and better able to deal with parahuman threats and so on.

So while it might indeed be somewhat "expensive" in favors and such, we are not talking massively disastrous costs here.

I like Piggot for Jade. You could make a case for Ms. Militia, but Piggot meets the requirements and qualifies as "broken".

Frankly, I don't really see whats interesting in Piggot. No parahuman shard so no cool new shard-charm. Not particularly close to Taylor or anyone in the assembly. Not truly spectacular in any unique way.

I'd like to propose a bold idea: we may not have a in our associates a good Ori choice. So, Let's acquire relevant Cauldron potions for some Social Tinker formula( along with a Retrocognitive formula so that our recruit can quickly learn our language and culture) and ask Auto-kun to assign us an existing Ori that is open to foreign ideas and conceps wants to change the directon of two worlds buy transforming "Glorious Robot Communism" ala the Soviet Union into "Glorious Robot Socialism" ala Canada, France or Sweeden.

Yeah, this seems a silly idea to be honest. Also I don't think we can really communicate with Auto like this (he is half-asleep). We also can't choose the power of the vial we get, and giving a non-converted shard to an alchemical would be problematic in multitude of ways. This is not a realistic option.

-Armsmaster has the potential to be a great candidate, but the common complaint against him is that he is still too self-absorbed and focused on personal glory to catalyze as someone who can see the Big Picture. How difficult would it be fore Moebot Prime to reconfigure this perspective, and would that kind of interference disqualify him?

So long as we use "natural mental influence" (in other word, words) to convince him to look at his actions and generally remind him what it means to be a hero and so on, he would not be disqualified. Trying to get him together with Dragon might also help him become a better person (worked in canon anyway).

Doing something like using POS on him or otherwise directly brainwashing him would obviously be disastrous (for one, he would be capable of breaking it after exalting, and he would hate us for it).

-What kind of ensoulment program can we set up? We've got a bunch of refugees sitting near Brockton Bay, how long would it take for us to have some combination of Iris/Prayer/Warden (souls/religious experience/propoganda) to set up a cult and attendant facilities?

Well, the trouble here is actually getting people to want souls to begin with. Note that the process of ensouling is agonizingly painfull even in Autochtonia, and we have Word of Gromweld that its even WORSE for Nowhereuniverse humas. Now Saki can use POS to erase the memory of the process, but its so bad that the soul still remembers, and so the person has occasional nightmares of it for the rest of his/her life. And unfortunately, the ensouling process thats on offer that Iris and Bonesaw develeoped does not really help. Gromweld said that its just a more automated and refined version of memory erasure. It does not actually solve the underlying problem. Finally everyone with a soul would have a huge gem permanently stuck to their foreheads, and mortals would not have a charm that could hide it, which is somewhat problematic on its own from cosmetic issue to people being attacked to get the gem to pre-existing religions committing hate crimes on those who claim to have been given souls by our machine god.

Now WE know that there are advantages (Exalted Willpower with free will and master resistance, potential to become a heroic mortal, stunting, virtue channeling, Essence usage, potentially Emerald Sorcery and Magical Kung Fu, etc). However no one else does, and we don't really have any way to prove any of it. And even the above are mostly hard to get and not obviously available, beyond Willpower usage to resist master effects. So really, we can't realistically start ensouling people because we almost certainly can't convince people to accept souls, unless we do it by force (which would get us labeled villains, and would certainly make sure our victims would not willingly worship us).

I figure we should try to start giving souls to people who would benefit from it, so we can actually prove that it helps. Capturing and giving a soul to Citrine/Butcher for example might potentially work great, since it would be observable and solid proof that Citrine could resist the master-effect of the Butcher post-soul MUCH better than she could before. After that, we might get volunteers and further tests could be done with PRT masters. Once it became known that a soul might give resistance to threats like Heartbreaker and Simurgh and so on, people might be more interested. Heroic mortals might be even more interested once things like stunting would become more known. And things would progress from there. Eventually once the planet was converted, we could start giving people with souls awakened essence, and teaching them Terrestrial Martial Arts and Sorcery.

All that is kinda long-term though. However I am unsure how we could do it faster. Atleast I can't really think of any other easy way of convincing people to undergo horrible agony and get a rock stuck to their foreheads on our word.

Convincing people to actually worship someone would have to come after that. It would probably be much easier, since if necessary we could paint it less as an actual cult-style cult, and more as a business transaction (they do the rituals of worship and focus on the target, we pay them money or offer something else in return). Thats how some worship happened in Creation (people of a village worship a god, who then protects/helps them in return for example). Obviously there were gods who forced worship by force and terror, but we don't really want to do that.

-If the Butcher shard stored full personalities, they are vulnerable to POS literally rewriting their Intimacies; POS puts everyone in that head in a place they cannot ignore. Same thing they did to new Butchers, so turnabout is fair play.

It seems most likely that the personalities are stored in the shard itself, rather than the current Butcher. Maybe its just somekind of one-time upload, but it would not surprise me if they are stored in the shard and the only way to remove them would be to develop a shard POS submodule.

-If it sees them as spirits, it can literally vacuum them up and store them away until Saki chooses to release them; Mind-Ripping Probe does that to spirits.

This I find highly unlikely. Spirits are exalted-verse thing. Just like there are no souls, there are surely no spirits. I figure its the personalities of the previous Butcher recorded and stored in the Butcher shard.

Still, ultimately we will find out once we manage to capture Citrine. It would be nice if it was easy, but I would not be surprised to learn that it was not.

The problem, though, is catching the Butcher without collateral damage.

Well, we do have several ways of potentially capturing Butcher. Hmm. Well, the obvious one would be to have Saki and Taylor go under Hidden Conclave Assembly and have Saki do a sneak attack to send Butcher to the pocket dimension. However it occurs to me that the shard might count Citrine disappearing from its sight as "death", and move to another host (either Saki or someone else). Same thing if we knock her out and have Taylor disable the shard by cloaking her.

Still, Optical Shroud would allow us to get close enough, and Saki does have tranqs in her scorpion tail, and we could probably prepare with other tinkertech containment devices.

-I don't think it's possible to write a story where canon GU is an ally as a human.

This is not canon, and alchemicals are not human. Besides, in canon GU did ally with humans in the end. Besides, if GU is so twisted that its impossible to make her friendly to humans, then she sure as heck neither deserves nor qualifies for alchemical exaltation.

-Grayboy can't undo his bubbles as far as I know.

I wonder if Iris could do it? Probably, but theres so much for Iris to do. ISF makes us immune, but I don't know if we can just reach into there and grab anything since everything else is stopped. Actually, did Gromweld not say something about how ISF would not work?

TOA could probably do it though.

The trouble remains that Missy is a child. And protection of children form adversity until adulthood is not only a trope of a cultural institution. You sould have to change all of American culture, not as a meme but as something much more fundamental. Can our moebots do it. Yes, and get bircages for trying to Master/Stranger the whole of America.

Don't confuse Worm universe with reality. The things you speak of don't apply the way you believe. Vista (and others of her age) as a ward regularly faced deadly threats, both in this quest and in canon. The changes you speak of have already happened atleast to some extent before the quest even started.
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It seems most likely that the personalities are stored in the shard itself, rather than the current Butcher. Maybe its just somekind of one-time upload, but it would not surprise me if they are stored in the shard and the only way to remove them would be to develop a shard POS submodule.
Like I said, if they are full personalities, then they are definitely susceptible to POS.
Part/most of Alexandria's personality runs on her shard, which is why she was immune to Ziz.
And there are Breakers like Shadow Stalker, the Custodian, and even Cenotaph, whose personalities are most definitely not running on BrainCPU when they are in their Breaker state.

Hell, does Sanguine even have a brain?
Word of Grom is that he/she's a T-1000 made of blood.

If they are basically limited programs, though, different matter.
But their characterization suggests they are full personalities.
This I find highly unlikely. Spirits are exalted-verse thing. Just like there are no souls, there are surely no spirits. I figure its the personalities of the previous Butcher recorded and stored in the Butcher shard.
If it sees them as spirits.
Humans here have no souls, and yet TIE sees them as humans, which is why we don't simply dump living people into TIE.
Disembodied personalities with no physical body run the chance of being modelled as spirits/ghosts.

Still, ultimately we will find out once we manage to capture Citrine.
Let's not count our poultry while they're still in the eggcrates.

This is not canon, and alchemicals are not human. Besides, in canon GU did ally with humans in the end. Besides, if GU is so twisted that its impossible to make her friendly to humans, then she sure as heck neither deserves nor qualifies for alchemical exaltation.
Is there any indication that this GU is different from canon?
That her powers are? No? Then I'll keep scaling from canon.

And no, I'm not talking about personality.
I'm talking story mechanics. Contessa is not at our beck and call either for much the same reason.
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For the record, Cult is almost certainly not going to work thanks to setting conceits: Earth-Bet is not made of motes and humans weren't designed to be weak little prayer batteries.

That's fine. I feel, judging by the responses, that there are still quite a few present that desire Missy to be our Jade.
You're goddamn right there are! Best little sister or bust!
I'm pretty sure if you gave Earth-Bet human souls, they could do the whole Cult thing. That's half the point. The issue is that they have no way of hiding the gem in their forheads.

We do have WoG that we will get to decide how we want to remake reality. Do we want to just copy how Creation was? Or shall we just take concepts and create a different design to handle souls.
Like I said, if they are full personalities, then they are definitely susceptible to POS.

Eh, maybe. I figure it depends on how it goes. I mean it could be that they are basically "AI" of sorts running on the shard, and not directly in Citrines mind in any way beyond the shard link. POS would presumably do nothing in that case, since POS can't modify the shard itself.

Or it could be that the shard basically has dormant copies of the previous butcher memories/personalities, and uploaded those personalities to Citrine the moment she killed the previous Butcher. If so, POS could modify (and possibly erase) those personalities. However it would not surprise me if the shard would just upload the personalities back in the event that happened.

Part/most of Alexandria's personality runs on her shard, which is why she was immune to Ziz.

Would not surprise me if Alexandria was immune to standard POS too for this very same reason. Well, I mean the spike would probably not penetrate without something like Mantles entity-bane but you get what I mean.

I wonder actually what the effects of separating Alexandria from her shard will be. Odds are she will undergo significant personality change and probably lose a large portion of her memories when we take her to the pocket dimension for healing.

And there are Breakers like Shadow Stalker, the Custodian, and even Cenotaph, whose personalities are most definitely not running on BrainCPU when they are in their Breaker state.

I would actually suspect there is atleast some degree of shard-storage when the brains are in a breaker state. I mean if you change enough so that you don't HAVE a brain, how can your mind be running on said brain? Then again, the shard is what makes the whole breaker state possible, so thats probably semantics. Still, I figure whats happening there is the same kind of effect as with C53s who don't have bodies capable of maintaining life, and who Gromweld has said would die if their shard contact was broken without somekind of external life support. The shard probably occasionally takes care of the details when BrainCPU is somehow unable to do so, but not all the time.

I suspect that if you took Shadow Stalker (or someone like her) and had Taylor apply Hidden Assembly Conclave WHILE SS was in her breaker state, she would likely die (or Legend while he was in his light-state). The shard connection would break abruptly, SS would be stuck in a state incapable of human life, and without the life support functions of the shard or without the shard to do a controlled reversal of the transformation, would instantly perish. Like C53s whose bodies are too different from human to survive on their own would perish when cloaked.

If it sees them as spirits.
Humans here have no souls, and yet TIE sees them as humans, which is why we don't simply dump living people into TIE.
Disembodied personalities with no physical body run the chance of being modelled as spirits/ghosts.

Maybe. However TIE might see them as humans because Auto would have programmed it that way. He would have been aware of the nature of Nowhereuniverse humans afterall. Unless QA or the other shards contained info about the Butcher shard, Auto would presumably have had no idea about how the Butcher shard worked, and so presumably would not have designed POS to recognize such uploaded personalities as spirits.

Could calibrating the charms help? Maybe. Taylors TIE did not recognize Dragon as alive at first (Auto did not know about her), but after calibration, TIE does. Is POS capable of self-learning to the point where it would recognize what might essentially be AIs in a shard as spirits? Maybe, but I would not be surprised if the difference is big enough that it would require specialised research and a new submodule.

And no, I'm not talking about personality.
I'm talking story mechanics. Contessa is not at our beck and call either for much the same reason.

Ultimately this depends entirely on how much effort we would be willing to spend on it. No one is ever going to be at our "beck and call", not even members of our assembly, but if we jumped fully to Cauldron and got Backing 5 there and went nuts, we could probably call on Contessas services to realistic degree.

Same effect likely applies with GU. If we wanted a mortal GU working with us, we could certainly achieve it by spending enough time and effort on it. Especially if we offered a soul (and if the effects of souls were known) and possibly Emerald Sorcery (if essence conversion was underway). Heck, one of the ways you have suggested getting GU to agree is by convincing her that Scion is a deadend path and that Auto is a better parent/god to follow than Scion. If we did that fully, she would side with Auto even without exaltation (If we could not fully turn her from Scion with words, how could we possibly trust her not to go rogue if she was chosen as an Ori, and try to use her new abilities to help Scion recover and fix the cycle or somesuch).

Ofcourse that would mean we would not be spending time on other things, and would come with losses in reputation from working with a known killer. Just like going Backing 5 with Cauldron would mean we would basically be in a position to set policy in their conspiracy, but at a price and consequences that few in this thread are willing to pay.

I'm pretty sure if you gave Earth-Bet human souls, they could do the whole Cult thing. That's half the point. The issue is that they have no way of hiding the gem in their forheads.

Yeah, giving people souls would almost certainly allow cult. The annoyance is that while 1 dot Cult can be acquired with as little as half a dozen worshippers, it does not give motes! It just gives 1 extra willpower each morning. Limited utility at best.

Dot 2 cult is where 2 motes/hour comes in, but that takes several hundred people. Sticking soulgems to hundreds and convincing them all to worship up is not a simple thing. Maybe we could have Iris figure out a way to infuse souls directly without the soulgem (Creation humans did not have soulgems, so soulgems are arguably the less natural state), but that also means the soul is probably lost or something if the person dies.

Or worse, without a system like Lethe to handle reincarnation and with Oblivion far away in another universe, there might not be anywhere for the soul to go, causing the the death to produce a ghost. And since Earths sun is just light and does not come from Unconquered Sun, it would likely not have any effecton the ghost. Which means we would have ghosts (of both varieties) who would presumably be free to run around all day without trouble. So getting rid of soulgems would just shift the problem.

We do have WoG that we will get to decide how we want to remake reality. Do we want to just copy how Creation was? Or shall we just take concepts and create a different design to handle souls.

I recall that Gromweld stated that Causality-aspected demesnes don't create souls on their own atleast. Though if we manage to convert the planet, Iris would probably have enough juice to start flashforging magical materials including soulsteel (and presumably souls).
So... One of the things I'd like to point out to the Missy/Vista naysayers based on her age is that her being a veteran of the cape scene, and yet being passed up for promotion and other such considerations because of her age was a big part of her Canon backstory and storyline, and you guys are kinda making the same mistakes here that the canon PRT was making in regards to her.
Gromweld just said its more than that. It actually REVERSES aging. If we give it to a 90 year old man, he transforms into a 25 year old.
It's not, like, "POOF! YOU'RE YOUNG AGAIN!" You basically get gradually 'healed' to that age depending on varying factors (how much needs to be changed, how much raw materials are present in the body, etc.). But yes, it's a pretty big deal.

Not sure if even Solars in first age were capable of full age reversal like this? I wonder if it only works because its tinkertech? @Gromweld, would the nanites still work on mortal people that have souls and who work with essence-based physics?
It is the nature of the soul to try to restore its vessel to equilibrium. Yes, this Tinkertech would work on someone with a soul, but the soul will try to revert them to the age it thinks is 'proper' over time - the Tinkertech will win, of course, but the person will likely have body-image problems and other oddness until years go by and the soul eventually considers their de-aged form to be 'normal' for them. Better to hit them with the MedNanites and THEN put a soul in 'em.

Still, while this is big enough to cause major waves, its still probably the best choice. From what Gromweld said, the soulgem thing can probably be replicated by just traditional implants+POS memory erasure.
I'm clearly not explaining this correctly, it seems.

THIS IS THE ONLY WAY IRIS KNOWS HOW TO PUT SOULS IN MEAT-ROBOTS WITHOUT THEM TURNING INTO HUNGRY-GHOST ZOMBIE-PEOPLE. Riley's help allows it to be more meat-bot friendly than Iris would normally consider, as well as including the excising of the memory from the recipient's brain so only the Soul has a partial memory of the event.

If we don't choose this option now we can potentially develop other ways to modify the procedure later, but ultimately the 'Gem With Half-Soul Goes In Forehead, Other Half Of Soul Formed Through Specialized Essence-Discharge Charm, Lots Of Pain For Recipient' is ALWAYS going to be a component.
Would you be willing to comment on the possibility of us trying to arrange a "research agreement" with Cauldron, where they give us a vial or vials for Iris, Taylor and/or Bonesaw to research? And by that I don't mean the type of vials they have refined to be capable of actually creating parahumans, but basically vials they don't think would be worth selling or are 99.9% would be horribly fatal/mutating and would only be worth it for study purposes. And/or possibly pieces of Edens body and perhaps dead people who died upon ingesting a vial and such. Maybe even access to the research they have already done?

All this with the understanding that we would share any results with them, while trying to figure out how to both stop more C53s and help heal the pre-existing ones. This would potentially be mutually beneficial arrangement that would be helping them as much as, if not more, than it would us. Assuming we go with some obviously major choice such as say fixing&reversing aging, Cauldron would presumably have atleast a decent belief that we might actually be able to deliver results that would make it well worth it.
Riley, Iris, and Taylor are all in super-duper quarantine/jail and being studied nearly constantly for the whole past week. How in the world do you think they'd get a vial to work with, let alone actually work on it without having to explain what it is, where they got it, and what they're planning on doing with it to the PRT at large?

Vial study/research is a potential avenue to explore, but not for this vote which is covering last week.

Out of curiosity, who would have ownership of it? PRT? Riley?
Iris isn't considered a person, so Riley could get it if Taylor doesn't want to claim it herself. There are pros and cons to both those tactics, of course.
Also, could the targeted age be changed if we wanted to (though 24-25 is probably optimal).
The person can basically choose what age they want to be, but ~23-25 is the default targeted age range.
What about if he had additional power though? Like for example lets say we did create a demesne near the cradle. If he was in that demesne, would he not have access to a new source of power to fuel him, rather than relying solely on Taylor and SoPA.

I mean I recall you said that until Earth is converted as a whole, all demesnes are 1 dot ones yes. But at the same time, we don't need him to terraform the entire east coast. Just fix some of the damage Behemoth caused around the Cradle, and make the area livable.

Assuming access to a 1 dot demesne (and possible injections of essence from Saki to give him that tiny bit more power), could he fix the area around the Cradle? Especially since we don't need him to do it in a single minute.
This issue is that since Earth-Bet is not made of Essence, the vast majority his 'charms' (which are just flat-out large-scope Sorcery or Wyld-Shaping Techniques in many cases) fail due to not being able to translate. He's able to 'brute force' it in some cases by basically converting the material into essence and then shaping that, but... that is horrifically costly and inefficient. To the tune of 'soak up Taylor, Prayer, and Saki's essence for two whole days to reshape a house'.
As a side-note, this would probably also apply to any tinker-exalts, so if Armsmaster for example was chosen as an Ori, his tinkertech library would likely have most bugs and deliberate flaws removed by Auto.
It's worth noting that parahuman shard's typically aren't 'Tinker shards' or 'Blaster shards' or whatnot, except in some rare cases. Instead, the shard manifests its abilities in a specific way depending on the person, so where Armsmaster got a Tinker power from his shard someone else could have gotten a Shaker power or another got a Changer power.

Choosing a Tinker to exalt isn't "giving Autochthon a Tinker database" because ALL shards are basically Tinker databases in a way. Instead, choosing a Tinker to exalt means we're telling Autobot that we want this shard to be turned into a Tinker-esque charm - this actually diminishes the shard's capabilities in many ways, because Autobot trims out all the extraneous stuff, but that's how he's able to focus them to be better at what that 'power' did.
Almost certainly. And not just this. For the cost of 2xp, its possible to program new substances to the Hypodermic. Heck, it was revealed that even by standard, there are over 200 potential KNOWN drugs that could be injected (giving lots of homebrew possibilities).
Saki would have to go into the vat within Lord Grasp to get a new template installed, and there would need to be some tweaking of the MediNanite blueprints to account for the fact that they'd be made of essence now, but it could be done, yes.

Might be smart to start with animal testing. :p

Would not surprise me if it does nothing though. I doubt it would do anything positive atleast.
I've said what happens to Earth-Bet humans if they're just simply exposed to Essence for a while. Hint: Look Up.
I mean why was Taylor surprised? Did she hear Autochton somehow (even though it was Saki meditating on what happened)?
The 'end' of meditations usually results in the anima abruptly cutting out completely, but Taylor never actually was around for Prayer's meditations to see it first-hand.

EDIT: Actually, have we considered dealing with Grayboys bubbles? ISF would probably counter them, so we might potentially be able to just walk in and pull people out?

Regarding POS and Butcher, Case 53s, etc... I'm just going to let you folk find out in-story, since I'm not going to bother repeating myself.

Anyway, working on the character sheet updates now - I'll post a note when I'm done updating the Chapter and Index.

Though that might require TOA (atleast someone in our assembly should get that btw).
Grayboy doesn't make bubbles, he just locks a specific person/thing in a time-loop that his shard secretly maintains (even after he's dead). ISF wouldn't help with that, but Optical Shroud's Hidden Assembly Conclave might... but the shard might instead just restart the loop when the victim comes out of stealth. Something to find out in-story!
@Gromweld What kind of priority would Iris put on establishing himself a Cult background as part of an effort to support their efforts? "Yes, very helpful" or "that's nice kids, I just need to pass new legislation on the laws of reality for a bit"
"Can you get me Cult 5? No? Not worth my time, then."
The idea that Auto-kun trims Armsmaster's shard down doesn't bother me so much. Still want to see a tinker shard-charm.
@which character to exalt discussion:

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong but I recall reading somewhere in the past threads, that converting capes to alchemicals to takes a lot more out of Autochthon than most exaltations, taking something on the order of months off his life expectancy. Was that addressed somewhere later where I didn't see it?

Because if not, I'd really want to look into a way to counteract or compensate for that damage before exalting more capes.
If we don't choose this option now we can potentially develop other ways to modify the procedure later, but ultimately the 'Gem With Half-Soul Goes In Forehead, Other Half Of Soul Formed Through Specialized Essence-Discharge Charm, Lots Of Pain For Recipient' is ALWAYS going to be a component.
Several billion people on Earth Bet alone, let alone the other Earths.
Yeah, that's going to be an issue.

Choosing a Tinker to exalt isn't "giving Autochthon a Tinker database" because ALL shards are basically Tinker databases in a way. Instead, choosing a Tinker to exalt means we're telling Autobot that we want this shard to be turned into a Tinker-esque charm - this actually diminishes the shard's capabilities in many ways, because Autobot trims out all the extraneous stuff, but that's how he's able to focus them to be better at what that 'power' did.
Settles that for me.

Saki would have to go into the vat within Lord Grasp to get a new template installed, and there would need to be some tweaking of the MediNanite blueprints to account for the fact that they'd be made of essence now, but it could be done, yes.
Someone make a note of this.
When she goes in for an upgrade, we need to pull this off.
Of course, there's the risk of Essence exposure = hungry ghost zombies to adjudicate.....

The 'end' of meditations usually results in the anima abruptly cutting out completely, but Taylor never actually was around for Prayer's meditations to see it first-hand.
Thank you for clearing that up.

Grayboy doesn't make bubbles, he just locks a specific person/thing in a time-loop that his shard secretly maintains (even after he's dead). ISF wouldn't help with that, but Optical Shroud's Hidden Assembly Conclave might... but the shard might instead just restart the loop when the victim comes out of stealth. Something to find out in-story!
And I know just the right person to perform human medical trials on!
Bakuda is still inside that time bubble in Philly PRTHQ, right?
What would the difference be between creating the nanites as they are now, and managing to create a version of them that runs on Essence for Saki to use?

Also, I remember reading about medicine 5 Essence conversion Nanites. Do people mean nanites that actually convert someone to Essence physics, even if they don't have a soul in their forehead?