Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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I feel like... we should consider normal humans for the next 1 or 2 alchemicals, because it seems to me like adapting parahuman powers takes a lot more out of Autochthon than not.

I agree. Piggot for Alchemical! :D

Okay, I'm slightly joking (I just like the idea of her as an Alchemical, is all). I do think she would be a decent candidate though!
Why not Chevalier? He is one of most...determinator-ish of parahumans.

Or Piggot, but, from my limited understanding of Exalted, she is not the best Jade candidate.
Or is she? After all, she does like her cooperation, enduring and keeping on going despite the odds.
There's plenty of candidates for Jade, and some for Ori.
For Moonsilver, so far there's only Aisha really, though I have to admit I'm not so certain of what kind of person would fit. Maybe Miss Militia would work as well.
Aren't there enough older people who can fill the requirements and have decent power?
Like, say, wouldn't Chevalier or MM be good enough to fit by both metrics?
About "want to see more of"...well, no arguing about tastes.
My take is that making 12-year old child into magical robot whose favored stat is Stamina is rather dubious.
And I just like reading about adults more, let alone on the front line, but that's another matter.

Can somebody more versed in Exalted clarify what is typical role and mindset of Jade? From wiki-crawl they seem to be some humble cooperative determinators whose main..thing is "ENDURE FOR THE GLORY OF COMMUNITY".
sure Chevalier and Militia work, but we're better off with keeping them human.
Chevalier is the Head of a Protectorate branch and is really useful to have on our side while still being human.
Militia's power is less useful than Vista's,
She also doesn't have the same level of bond with Taylor that Vista does.
and Finally Grom said that we can win with only Taylor as exalted and that we should pick for who we wish to see more off, which for me is Vista over all of the other Jade candidates.
and Aisha for Moonsilver(Earned her exaltation, fixes her power, Power is strong and synergizes with an Moonsilver Infiltration loadout, loyal to Taylor, and someone I wish to see more of).
I agree. Piggot for Alchemical! :D

Okay, I'm slightly joking (I just like the idea of her as an Alchemical, is all). I do think she would be a decent candidate though!
I wasn't joking when I added her to my list of potential Orihalcums.
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It's an anagathic.
Exalted has had those types of drugs since forever; expensive, but available.

Gromweld just said its more than that. It actually REVERSES aging. If we give it to a 90 year old man, he transforms into a 25 year old.

Anagathics in exalted (like the one Saki has) just increase lifespan by 25%, and even then require you take them all the time. The nanite injection is apparently a one time massive aging-reversal. It has huge implications. And while its true that a lot of it (overpopulation and so on) is a longterm issue due to Scion, most people don't know about Scion. So they will be more focused on it than anything else.

Not sure if even Solars in first age were capable of full age reversal like this? I wonder if it only works because its tinkertech? @Gromweld, would the nanites still work on mortal people that have souls and who work with essence-based physics?

Either way, sociopolitical impact is not going to be an issue in this Quest; longterm implications are longterm.

It might be an issue in the sense that everyone will want it. A rich 90 year old who does not have long to live would probably do much to gain access to a nanite drug that would literally transform him into a young and healthy man again. Including trying to apply pressure, blackmail, kidnapping, anything if simple bribery won't be sufficient. A poor 60 year old man with bad heart might be willing to do anything to get it too. Etc. We already encounted this issue slightly, in that every C53 after Marrow wanted to be exalted. This expands that to every human wanting this treatment.

Still, while this is big enough to cause major waves, its still probably the best choice. From what Gromweld said, the soulgem thing can probably be replicated by just traditional implants+POS memory erasure.

They'd need a Case 53 to study/DO SCIENCE TO, or vial. Neither were available during this time frame (Prayer did not let them have Bulldozer).

Would you be willing to comment on the possibility of us trying to arrange a "research agreement" with Cauldron, where they give us a vial or vials for Iris, Taylor and/or Bonesaw to research? And by that I don't mean the type of vials they have refined to be capable of actually creating parahumans, but basically vials they don't think would be worth selling or are 99.9% would be horribly fatal/mutating and would only be worth it for study purposes. And/or possibly pieces of Edens body and perhaps dead people who died upon ingesting a vial and such. Maybe even access to the research they have already done?

All this with the understanding that we would share any results with them, while trying to figure out how to both stop more C53s and help heal the pre-existing ones. This would potentially be mutually beneficial arrangement that would be helping them as much as, if not more, than it would us. Assuming we go with some obviously major choice such as say fixing&reversing aging, Cauldron would presumably have atleast a decent belief that we might actually be able to deliver results that would make it well worth it.

I wonder if you think trying to think of this kind of write-in is worth it? Funky is right in that it would probably make Prayer quite a bit happier if part of our association with Cauldron was trying to figure out how to help other C53s the way Auto helped her. And I can't see any rational reason for Cauldron to oppose anything that would improve their vials or even allow C53s to be healed. While there are lots of problems, they don't do things for the EVULZ!

Also, is it still true in this story that Legend thinks that Manton was responsible for the C53s? Or does he know that Doctor Mother was responsible for it all along, and also vivisecting the failures while they were conscious.

That IS the way Autochthon has been doing it. It's trimmed down a bit because Iris doesn't have quite that amount of resources at his disposal, but otherwise the steps are the same. I'm not including anything about POS in this because that's something to figure out in-story and Iris/Riley wouldn't have planned for it.

It does make this pretty unattractive compared to the others though. I mean presumably Iris WOULD know that giving souls causes a lot of pain, and also that POS can remove memories. At this point, its unlikely we would plan to start giving souls to people in large quantities, so Iris+Saki(POS) could basically do more or less the exact same thing for the rare cases where we would think giving souls would be worth it (Accord, Citrine, others where theres a strong argument for exalted Willpower). Unless we underestimate Sakis reaction and he basically goes rogue upon learning about Bonesaw, this seems the least desirable since it replicates what we can already do without.

Unless I am missing something obvious here?

Targeted age is ~24-25, since that's generally the optimum age for human genetics and development. Not terribly hard to produce, but it'll be in Tinkertech testing for a bit... and then medical trials if we want to go public with it.

Out of curiosity, who would have ownership of it? PRT? Riley?

Also, could the targeted age be changed if we wanted to (though 24-25 is probably optimal).

"Powers that work on a scale of 'the size of a castle' and scale up from there" means that fiddly stuff is hard, man.

Excuses! :p Vat complexes are a lot bigger than castles. Iris is obviously just being lazy! (kidding! :D).

If Earth-Bet was saturated with essence, he could literally terraform Brockton Bay in a few minutes.... and then the rest of the East Coast that afternoon. That's, like, what the Eye of Autochthon is known for. Earth-Bet matter is basically inert to most charms and powers, so he has to do stuff the hard way and his powers are largely neutered. He is simply less vocal (for many reasons) about his dislike of Earth than Lord Grasp.

What about if he had additional power though? Like for example lets say we did create a demesne near the cradle. If he was in that demesne, would he not have access to a new source of power to fuel him, rather than relying solely on Taylor and SoPA.

I mean I recall you said that until Earth is converted as a whole, all demesnes are 1 dot ones yes. But at the same time, we don't need him to terraform the entire east coast. Just fix some of the damage Behemoth caused around the Cradle, and make the area livable.

Assuming access to a 1 dot demesne (and possible injections of essence from Saki to give him that tiny bit more power), could he fix the area around the Cradle? Especially since we don't need him to do it in a single minute.

-It was developed by Bonesaw, and unlike the nanites has no immediately obvious benefits. This is not a good thing if we want people to be comfortable with the idea of Essence-conversion.

The two big benefits are these:

1. The person who gets a soul starts working on exalted physics. That means Exalted Willpower (Accord being able to resist his shard better has been brought up, but this would likely work on all Unnatural Mental Influence). Also exalted stunting, WP and virtues and so on for heroic mortals. Also they will have an essence score, so they can potentially get awakened essence, and learn Emerald Sorcery and Terrestrial MA.

2. If enough people get souls, we could convince them to start worshipping someone such as Taylor or Iris. This means cult, which means more willpower and motes. We could even portray it more as a "business transaction" if necessary. Giving Iris say 2 dot cult would mean he would have a steady flow of 2 more motes per hour to work with. That would presumably speed up basically everything slightly.

Ofcourse the catch is that it would require giving souls for several hundred people, which frankly does not seem all that plausible. We could probably arrange a dot 1 cult (heck, we could probably help by making our alchemicals pray to Iris) more easily, but unfortunately 1 dot cults don't give motes (which is the thing that would actually be valuable).

Trait Effects:
• You have a small but devoted cult. Perhaps a halfdozen full-time priests or nuns tend a few shrines and make offerings to you. Every morning when you awaken, you automatically gain one additional point of temporary Willpower.

•• The members of one large community or several small ones worship you. Several hundred people make daily prayers and small offerings to you. You gain a point of temporary Willpower every morning and also regain two motes of Essence per hour from worship.

••• You are venerated in a large region. Several thousand people daily seek your favor or forbearance. (Characters who are god-kings of a single city have this level of worship.) You may regain one point of temporary Willpower once every 24 hours as a refl exive action. You gain three additional motes of Essence per hour from the power of the cult. The Realm has heard rumors of your worship.

•••• An entire nation honors you. Tens of thousands revere you as one of their primary deities. Regional festivals in your name draw merchants and traders from surrounding lands. You may have a city sacred to you where you rule either symbolically or in truth. Once every 12 hours, you may gain back a point of temporary Willpower, and your cult gives you four additional Essence motes per hour. The Wyld Hunt certainly knows of you and will soon attempt to destroy you.

••••• Many people throughout one of the four quarters of Creation worship you. There, you are the deity of some major sphere of life such as hunting, war or procreation. The people hold seasonal festivals in your honor, children bear your name, and many claim that their actions are done to aid you and your cult. Every six hours, you gain a point of temporary Willpower, and you regain six motes per hour from the constant prayers. The entire Realm will soon mobilize against you, and even the gods grow jealous of your power.

-Riley automatically gets a soul. While I'll readily admit I'm not familiar with much of Exalted beyond the basics and what's available online, I'm worried that an ensouled Riley would be at risk for Apostasy unless we can redeem her first - and a week of mundane therapy is not going to cut it.

Riley would have no clue about apostasy, nor could she be infected by it or anything, unless we were to exalt her. Basically, Autochton is sick, and that sickness has spread through his body and charmset. Those that are linked to him directly and who share in his power (alchemical exalted) can be infected. Mortals (especially those living on a different universe) arent really at risk of this. Simply having a soul would not make Bonesaw at risk of becoming a void worshipper. Heck, she would not even know such a thing exist, unless we told her.

Also, I think we could choose NOT to give her a soul if we wanted to aswell.

Frankly though, the number of people that would benefit from souls at this stage is pretty small. And Gromweld stated that this process is basically just a slightly better and smoother version of doing the standard Gem-in-the-head + Erase memory of pain thing. Iris can certainly implant a soulgem, and Saki has POS that can do memory erasure (and would probably be OK with it since these would be rare special cases).

Someone pointed out on this page or the previous that taylor had to relearn english.
This made me realize something, Autocthon is basically making his own Akuma.

Akuma are very different from alchemical exalted (we would not have motivations in our charsheets if we were akuma for example). Odds are that as a primordial, Auto COULD create Akuma, but Alchemicals don't qualify.

I understand that Tinker tech is very, very difficult to replicate and maintain, but even if all the normies can do is have a prefabrication wing that gets all the ducks lined up in a row before assembly and then cart it off to wherever it's being stored (presumably in a super-secure Swiss-style bank vault), that both should count towards boosting production and restoring the local economy.

One thing of note is that tinkertech is probably so hard to replicate and maintain by design. The tech originates from the entities, who presumably don't WANT their test subject to truly understand the science behind everything or be able to flood the world with more and more advanced technology. Its likely that all entity-tinkertech have subtle and hidden flaws to cause things to break down abnormally fast and require far more maintenance and so on.

Iris however is probably capable of understanding tinkertech at sufficient levels to replicate things without any of these flaws. So while we would obviously still be dealing with very advanced tech that would be hard to manufacture and would require maintenance, its likely that anything Iris (or Taylor to a lesser extent) has helped with would require it far less than is normal for tinkertech.

As a side-note, this would probably also apply to any tinker-exalts, so if Armsmaster for example was chosen as an Ori, his tinkertech library would likely have most bugs and deliberate flaws removed by Auto.

Two, I'm wondering if Warden of Reflected Infinities can distribute these nanite techs in her cute scorpion tail.

Almost certainly. And not just this. For the cost of 2xp, its possible to program new substances to the Hypodermic. Heck, it was revealed that even by standard, there are over 200 potential KNOWN drugs that could be injected (giving lots of homebrew possibilities).

I seem to also recall that Gromweld mentioned that he might be willing to accept new substances we come up with, so if you (or anyone) has any ideas on new custom drugs for Sakis scorpion tail, feel free to suggest them. So long as Gromweld does not veto them, we could presumably either have Iris program them in or just have them installed in the vat in Lord Grasp.

While we're on the subject of our fabulous drug dispenser, we should do some Science and see what happens when we use the Essence Infusion concoction to give people motes.

Might be smart to start with animal testing. :p

Would not surprise me if it does nothing though. I doubt it would do anything positive atleast.

To put it simply?

Autochthon just told you to get your asses in gear.

I mean why was Taylor surprised? Did she hear Autochton somehow (even though it was Saki meditating on what happened)?

Okay, so we need to finish Assembly really fucking fast? Well then.
I still really really really dislike adding more kids to Assembly, so who are our adult candidates?

Eh, Who would be a good candidate IMHO. Her shard screws her over by causing everyone forget her if she fails to focus, which would probably make it much easier to get permission (we could for example point out how Chevalier once basically walked past her dying body, and then mention that Auto could probably install an off-switch). Exaltation would probably improve Whos life considerably.

Whats more, she would arguably fill a role of "super-spy" and exceptional infiltrator in our assembly. Optical shroud is pretty good, but people forgetting you even exist whenever you want is even more broken (not to mention we could give OS for Who for double whammy).

Vista would be a lot harder to get permission for though, since unlike Who, she does not really suffer from any major negatives (beyond the standard conflict instincts) from her shard. On the other hand, would she be disappointed/angry if she was not chosen? She is one of the older friends Taylor has. And while she does not suffer from shard-problems, her power is still exceptionally powerfull and usefull.

I wonder if once both their charms were fully calibrated, Alchemical!Vista could warp reality in Sakis dimension to the point of possibly allowing contact and transfer of materials/people between Earth and Autochton and so on?

On the other hand, having a human friend as a "clarity-sink" is also important, and we do have ways of enhancing humans (nanite healing/immortality, souls, etc).

I think it's more 'he doesn't have much time left to finish the Assembly'. Finishing the Assembly won't help in the immediate term, but it would help in the long term with completing our mission.

Yeah. I think we had 3 months or so at some point? I wonder if doing a dual-exaltation (Saki AND Sakura) has decreased the time available more than normal? Ofcourse the trouble is that we don't really have lots of XP, so if we were to say exalt Who right now (with Saki just out), we can't really afford to buy as much charms and upgrades as would be desirable.

Should we perhaps stop spending XP already in preparation for the next exaltation?
Vista would be a lot harder to get permission for though, since unlike Who, she does not really suffer from any major negatives (beyond the standard conflict instincts) from her shard. On the other hand, would she be disappointed/angry if she was not chosen? She is one of the older friends Taylor has. And while she does not suffer from shard-problems, her power is still exceptionally powerfull and usefull.

I wonder if once both their charms were fully calibrated, Alchemical!Vista could warp reality in Sakis dimension to the point of possibly allowing contact and transfer of materials/people between Earth and Autochton and so on?

Hm. I think that if Saki does not have corresponding submodules, such mechanical benefit of Alch!Vista may make sense.
I wonder what would be Chevalier's Shard-Charm? He kind of is one of my most favourite characters, so I am a bit biased.

I still think Alexandria is a good choice to Exalt.

Not Jade; she and humility aren't really on speaking terms.
I'd prefer some more adults in the Assembly for now. We exalted the twins because they were really messed up by Bonesaw, but we don't have any such excuses for Vista.
Old Auto seems to be in worse condition than last time.
We might need to move up the timetable.
I'd prefer some more adults in the Assembly for now. We exalted the twins because they were really messed up by Bonesaw, but we don't have any such excuses for Vista.
You seem to be under the impression that we need excuses usually. We don't.
Just the informed consent of the minor candidate and maybe their legal guardian.
Legally, that's all we need; anyone else can(respectfully) go piss up a rope.
As I recall, the thing we were told was that the primary thing we should consider is if we want to see a bunch more of a given character. (Well, and they have to fit whatever the caste is)

Vista fits for me, and is pretty much the most non-debated option.

Yeah, Vista is cool. I would not be at all opposed to her. :)

Her power is also pretty awesome. Especially if Auto can reduce (or remove at higher essence levels) the manton limits from it. :p

Like, say, wouldn't Chevalier or MM be good enough to fit by both metrics?

Well, we would also have to get people to agree. Would Chevalier or MM agree? I do think that Chevalier for example is a good guy that I don't have any opposition to.

My take is that making 12-year old child into magical robot whose favored stat is Stamina is rather dubious.

Eh, stamina augments are a thing, so the age is not a limitation in that sense. Admittedly it IS true that most of our assembly are kids. However it does admittedly make sense too that Taylor would choose the people she is close to, and that readers would choose people we have most read about in the quest (Taylors friends).

What castes would Chevalier and MM qualify for anyway?

Can somebody more versed in Exalted clarify what is typical role and mindset of Jade? From wiki-crawl they seem to be some humble cooperative determinators whose main..thing is "ENDURE FOR THE GLORY OF COMMUNITY".

Well, the official descriptions are in the wiki:

Alchemical Castes - Alchemical Solutions Wiki

Who exactly qualifies for what is ultimately up to Gromweld though. We do know that if we try to exalt someone who does not fit, he just does not remove the soulgem and throws the prepared alchemical corpse through. So we would end up with an ensouled mortal and some Magical Materials.

I feel like... we should consider normal humans for the next 1 or 2 alchemicals, because it seems to me like adapting parahuman powers takes a lot more out of Autochthon than not.

Auto is going to run out of power to do conversion one way or another, so doing it for normal humans seems a waste. Especially since he probably won't give us more alchemicals than a full assembly no matter what. Heck, depending on our XP reserves, it might be worth considering the idea of getting a vial from Cauldron and sending that through the cradle with one alchemical (I atleast seem to recall Gromwel saying that Auto could then give that alchemical two shard-charms, but at the cost of reducing time left). Ofcourse it might be worth more to try and get a demesne connected before Autos power runs out to see what happens, which would probably be impossible if we send a vial through. Still, sending an extra vial with the very last alchemical is something that might be worth thinking about when that time comes.

Vista or MM fit pretty well for Jade.

We could always exalt Doctor Mother as Ori in a surprise twist. :V

Heh. Cauldron would go berserk and DM would go rogue almost immediately. :)

I agree. Piggot for Alchemical! :D

You know, Piggot would probably benefit a lot from the nanites. While I would not go so far as to make her an Alchemical, turning her into a badass normal soldier is not impossible. :)

She would probably also qualify as a heroic mortal if she got a soul.

Hmm. If Saki visited to give Piggot exalted healing injection, would that fix her health issues I wonder?

Chevalier is the Head of a Protectorate branch and is really useful to have on our side while still being human.

On the other hand, if he kept his job, having more assembly members in top positions would make it easier to drive through any change we want. :)

Militia's power is less useful than Vista's,

I do think Vista would probably be more handy. However Miss Militias power would be unlikely to be useless. Its likely that Auto would fill the shard-charms databank with all sorts of advanced weaponry. Would not surprise me if exalted MM could start pulling out artifact level gear with her shard-charm. And possibly more than just weapons with higher submodules (I could see her being able to create artifact armor and even artifact tools at E4/E5).

Vistas space-warping would still be better though.

I wasn't joking when I added her to my list of potential Orihalcums.

Doubt she has the slightest chance of winning. She also lacks a parahuman power, which makes her less desirable.

I still think Alexandria is a good choice to Exalt.

Frankly, I don't really trust her.

I figure she would do her best to take over leadership of the assembly due to being used to being in charge, and if she failed, she would have a high chance of going rogue and generally siding with Cauldron over Assembly.

I would prefer for Taylor to remain in charge. I am not all that filled with enthusiasism over GU (I don't particularly find Ciara to be interesting) Ori, but unlike Sainen, I would actually pick GU over Alexandria.

Hm. I think that if Saki does not have corresponding submodules, such mechanical benefit of Alch!Vista may make sense.

Probably unlikely that Saki has such submods. From the name of the charm atleast, it seems that Sakis charm is more focused in imprisonment, with teleportation being a handy side-benefit. Odds are then that submodules would follow that theme. I could obviously be wrong though.

I wonder what would be Chevalier's Shard-Charm? He kind of is one of my most favourite characters, so I am a bit biased.

Chevalier is cool enough. Would he qualify as an Ori I wonder? If so, I would probably like him over GU and Alexandria both.

Not Jade; she and humility aren't really on speaking terms.

Alexandria is basically one of our Ori candidates. Not one I want personally though.

Also we can choose our exalts in any order. Ori is likely to be the last one due to there not being any obvious choice or strong consensus. Technically though, we could stick Accord/Armsmaster/GU/etc in tomorrow and he/she would come out as Ori, with the rest of the castes still available.

I could see Aisha being the next one. She fits a slot that does not have many other options, and she does suffer from the issues caused by her shard, making it easier to justify compared to Vista (both morally and to the PRT). And her parahuman power is pretty damn good. I also like her well enough and would not mind reading more about her.

Lisa is a potential issue in exalting Aisha though, since she is convinced that the returning Aisha would be a podperson.

You seem to be under the impression that we need excuses usually. We don't.
Just the informed consent of the minor candidate and maybe their legal guardian.
Legally, that's all we need; anyone else can(respectfully) go piss up a rope.

While true, it would obviously be best to atleast try to get PRT onboard with things so as not to burn our bridges. But yeah, at the end of the day, if we are willing to deal with consequences, we only need the candidate to agree.

If Lisa convinces Brian to refuse but Aisha is willing, we could ignore his refusal. There would be some backlash from that though. Especially since we have probably lost some "political capital" due to VoV and Bonesaw. Ofcourse, taking out S9 and (assuming it wins) super-nanites would help recover some though.
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The top reason for Vista as Jade and Who as Moonsilver is that it avoids circular arguments about whom to Exalt. Yes, I'd maybe prefer Chevalier for Jade because having two early teenagers in the Assembly is not ideal, but hey, Autochthon chose a 16-year-old in the first place, so he shouldn't complain. All of our Ori candidates (except Wyld, who's 17 IIRC) are adults.

I still think Alexandria is a good choice to Exalt.

(1) divided loyalties, (2) Eden shard, and (3) position as ultimate betrayal of PRT are all massive issues with that. Divided loyalties has been discussed plenty, but I think people are forgetting that Exalting Marrow had unknown effects on Eden's body and Exalting Alexandria would probably have bigger ones, and that we don't want our Assembly to be completely buried in the Cauldron revelations when they come, with Alexandria being at the epicenter of said stinkbomb.

My opinion on Orichalcum is: Armsmaster>Wyld>Accord>Piggot>None>>>>GU>Alexandria>Ziz>Lustrum. In terms of order, I think Aisha->Ori->Vista would be reasonable: the last Exalt must be a surefire candidate, right? And apparently we know Vista fits Jade.

As for the Iris-Bonesaw project, either souls or nanites sounds like a major help. Souls apparently help our main goal, which we've kind of been neglecting. Nanites are a game-changer in the Nowhereverse, but we're short on time. I'm genuinely not sure, but I want to say souls. Either body doubles or a new Charm just feel of much lower value.

And wait, are we sure that it was the shard conversion that had the massive negative effect on Autochthon? I got the impression that he's dying for independent reasons.
As for the Iris-Bonesaw project, either souls or nanites sounds like a major help. Souls apparently help our main goal, which we've kind of been neglecting. Nanites are a game-changer in the Nowhereverse, but we're short on time. I'm genuinely not sure, but I want to say souls. Either body doubles or a new Charm just feel of much lower value.

Nanites is IMHO the far better choice, because the soul option we already have.

Gromweld said that the Soul option is Soulgem implantation followed by memory erasure. This is basically the same as Iris implanting a soulgem, followed by Saki using POS to do the memory erasure. Yes, the process might be slightly quicker, faster and more refined if soul option wins, but ultimately its nothing we can't already do anyway.

If it eliminated the pain entirely or somehow hid the soulgem or did something like that, soul option might be worth it. However unless Saki decides to abandon us entirely due to Bonesaw (losing us POS access), soul option would simply be redundant waste.

Note that write-in was also an option. Vat storage was not available, but if someone has some other ideas, now is the time!

And wait, are we sure that it was the shard conversion that had the massive negative effect on Autochthon? I got the impression that he's dying for independent reasons.

Yes and no. Auto is dying, and infact has been dying all his life. His sickness is an integral part of his being. Before exiling himself to Elsewhere, he could however maintain remission on his sickness with sufficient resources so he was not in danger of dying. Then he had the brilliant idea of going into Elsewhere (empty nothingness without resources), and going to hibernation. He slept for 5000 years or so, while his sickness continued to get worse and worse. And while he was sleeping, Creation and Wyld were destroyed, losing him access to the resources he would need to drive his sickness back.

So shard conversions are not DIRECTLY responsible. However shard conversion presumably make things somewhat worse, since its a major undertaking on his part.

To use an analogy, its like asking a cancer patient to go out and run a marathon. Marathons are not in any way deadly, but it would not exactly be the best thing for someone very sick to do. Auto is very weak since his sickness has had so much time to get worse.

However if he was fully incapable of converting shards, or if he was in EXTREME danger from it, he would presumably have warned us, so I figure he can handle 3 (or even 4, if we throw in a vial with the last one) more shard conversions.

After that, its up to us to summon him to Nowhereuniverse, so he will once again have access to resources he can use to start fixing the damage his sickness has caused.
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The entire planet shifts, splits, and opens, revealing it to be a living, mechanical Eye.

The oily blood of a god pours from the rheumy Eye in unending tears.

In a sudden eruption that feels like a desperate gasp, power flows up from the machine world and through your mind, body, and soul.
The language/tone here is very concerning.

Opening your mouth, you turn your head until you find Taylor staring back at you in surprise.

"Uh oh."
There are multiple ways to interpret who is saying this and what about, imo. All the same, with the implied urgency we need to start swaying Brian and Missy's foster parents to give permission at the earliest opportunity.

Not sure if even Solars in first age were capable of full age reversal like this?
Yes. they could. Youth-Restoring Benison- an Essence 7, Medicine 7 charm.
While true, it would obviously be best to atleast try to get PRT onboard with things so as not to burn our bridges. But yeah, at the end of the day, if we are willing to deal with consequences, we only need the candidate to agree.
Oh sure.
But remember why we are so accommodating with the PRT? When we accept quarantine, and choose to stay a Ward, and talk Iris into allowing them to quarantine him? We are banking favors for precisely occasions like this, when we need/want things that might be controversial otherwise .
This qualifies.

If Lisa convinces Brian to refuse but Aisha is willing, we could ignore his refusal. There would be some backlash from that though. Especially since we have probably lost some "political capital" due to VoV and Bonesaw. Ofcourse, taking out S9 and (assuming it wins) super-nanites would help recover some though.
Mature Minor statutes, and the doctrine of judicial bypass.
If it can be demonstrated in court that a minor is capable of making informed decisions in their own best interests, it's all good.

Aisha and Vista both are demonstrably old enough to provide informed consent to medical procedures on their own cognizance.
They both fought in one S-class event each, and were judged to be able to make informed decisions therein; you can't argue otherwise in a court of law without getting crushed by a half-way competent lawyer.

Note that mature minor is not the same thing as emancipated minor.
In terms of order, I think Aisha->Ori->Vista would be reasonable: the last Exalt must be a surefire candidate, right? And apparently we know Vista fits Jade.
Probably this order.
Also because IIRC, Vista is younger than all the other candidates by at least a couple months.

There are multiple ways to interpret who is saying this and what about, imo. All the same, with the implied urgency we need to start swaying Brian and Missy's foster parents to give permission at the earliest opportunity.
Ten to one Aisha has already been talking to her brother.
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Vista is like 12. :/ I'm all for more adults in the Assembly.

We can exalt non-parahumans, right? Maybe not having Auto convert a planet on top of the exaltation will buy more time / more exalteds?
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Actually, i wouldn't mind this.
To clarify, not a surprise to Cauldron. A surprise to everyone out of story, though. I don't think the idea's even been considered. Not saying it's a good idea*, but that it hasn't been considered.

*as amusing as it is, I kind of doubt it.​
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I wonder if exalting someone with the potential to trigger (like Doctor Mother) would still result in their (potential) shard getting transformed.

Also: Piggot for Moonsilver!
Vista is like 12. :/ I'm all for more adults in the Assembly.
At the beginning of canon, Vista was 13.
Vista, MissyThe youngest member of the local team at thirteen years of age, Vista can bend, stretch, compress and distort non-living matter, effectively warping space. Missy has been heavily affected by the recent, intense and tragic events to strike the city and the local superhero teams, feeling the loss of her first crush and teammate Gallant in particular. Vista wears a teal and green costume with a short dress, leggings and panels of body armor, including a breastplate. Has a green visor across her eyes.

As of the S9000 Arc, she was 15/16.