Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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"Ah," Miss Militia blinks, then nods in apparent understanding. "Did it involve Clockblocker?"

Wait what? "Uh… I... yes?"

"I hope he hasn't been too poor of an influence on the two of you," she sighs, shaking her head. "I tried to find out how you were all doing while I was stationed at the Refugee Camp, but reports were slim. Clockblocker tended to act up during high-stress situations, so I worried that he might get up to trouble after the move."
You know, I just realized belatedly, Saki's technical truth: Clockblocker was one of the victims.

Actually, now that you can sense
all your charms a bit better, there's… a big one lurking at the bottom of the lines. Not as big as your charm-ified relocation power (teleportationnever really felt right, even before), which is somehow attached above the essence spirals...
Hmm, interesting. That's how permanent charms are described?
We'll see when she installs the Kung Fu plugin.
"Right. I also talked with him about your containment, and we both agreed that it'd be against everyone's best interests for the Youth Guard to get on his case about your extended containment after your… recovery…" she smiles, tone light, "and that you'd be happy not to press the issue if we could get a head start on your meditation at the same time that the scientists are studying your anima."

You note the wary side-eye that Dr. Rose is giving Taylor at this admission, but you are more surprised that she would willingly work with the Youth Guard like this; you and Sakura had lost count of the number of times that she'd gone on a grumbling rant about them wasting her time over the last month. Maybe she thinks that redirecting them back at the PRT will get them off her case?
Simple cooperation and building goodwill to burn on important things.

Here, she took a hit on the Youth Guard...and implicitly threatened the Director with them, to allow early charm calibration and getting Autochton's message. The good Doctor figured this out and is slightly uncomfortable with the bureaucratic strongarming going on here. Sure, it's not outright a Master effect, but it's almost as nasty.
It's… a little colder than you remember from your last time up here, though that is likely due to the fact that you don't have any clothes on right now.

You required more Clarity to accept Taylor's reasoning - that your charms needed space to reconfigure, which both she and Prayer had encountered in their own meditations - and the fact that both she and Prayer had done the same helped put away the suspicion that she is just trying to embarrass you.

Ultimately, it was your memory that Sakura had won your argument and declared Taylor's base form 'not lewd' (Barbie dolls are boring, not pervy) which allowed you to step out onto the south-west corner Cape Receiving Pad and disrobe, handing over your jumpsuit to Lord Grasp...
Sakura has great wisdom.

...she's going to be running around like that in Autochtonia?
… who promptly shredded it with a blurring of his pincers before anyone could protest, then let the remains catch a gust of wind to carry them off the roof.

"I'd set it on fire, but it doesn't deserve the honor."
To be fair the generic PRT jumpsuit costumes are fugly.
"It's alright," she sighs, offering a light smile, "controlling anima was difficult for me until I had everything configured. On the bright side… you probably have the most unassuming totemic anima out of all of us - even Prayer's moon has spooked some people."

You nod, and reason that Prayer has some kind of lunar display for her anima and not that people were scared of her exposed butt.

The way Prayer shuffles slightly from Taylor's comment, you are going to refrain from making that joke for the time being… especially because you want to confirm whether Aisha or Dennis have beat you to it.
Her 'Moon' could crush steel.

It is worthy of fear.
In a sudden eruption that feels like a desperate gasp, power flows up from the machine world and through your mind, body, and soul.

There is a scream beside you, from a girl with your face.

Your mirror reaches out, as you do the same, but she is flung into the distance and into the horizon as you plummet into the abyss of the Eye.
And now Saki knows about Sakura.




Okay, and now we have the official IC alert.
We already know about this time limit OOC for a long time now, but it's good to know it IC.

Nothing to do with what we send across, at least, not in a mechanical sense, but we are alerted to get Saki's ass in gear, priority 1: Obtaining permission and consent from candidates.
Yeah but I am not entirely clear how finishing the assembly is gonna help him?
..I mean immediately.
He has some years to go yet. His warning is that he can't keep the connection open that much longer, not under his own power. He'd fall back to sleep again when the timer runs out.
And wait, are we sure that it was the shard conversion that had the massive negative effect on Autochthon? I got the impression that he's dying for independent reasons.
He's dying for independent reasons. Converting shards both give him a lot of information, and greatly exhaust him, so it's a double edged sword. There are unseen benefits depending on the shards we send him.

He gets insight and inspiration, which is GOOD, because those are the things which strengthen him conceptually.
-Shard of Perfect Administration should be helping with his coordination and intervention on his Ex Machina to buy more time.
-Shard of Excised Imperfections should be helping with his Gremlin/dead zone problem. Better means to isolate and purge them.
-Shard of Transcendental Imprisonment should be helping with the dimensional transit portal, and probably further helping to contain the gremlin problem.

All of them make him more tired, but they also help stave off certain subsets of problems.
So shard conversions are not DIRECTLY responsible. However shard conversion presumably make things somewhat worse, since its a major undertaking on his part.

To use an analogy, its like asking a cancer patient to go out and run a marathon. Marathons are not in any way deadly, but it would not exactly be the best thing for someone very sick to do. Auto is very weak since his sickness has had so much time to get worse.

However if he was fully incapable of converting shards, or if he was in EXTREME danger from it, he would presumably have warned us, so I figure he can handle 3 (or even 4, if we throw in a vial with the last one) more shard conversions.
Basically yeah
That's a Full Metal Alchemist-style homunculus, isn't it?
Just made in Riley's form.

Like to see a continuation for this.
The grapefruit-sized drone floats about waist-high, the top part folded open in several parts to display crystals and lenses - which are lit up, projecting Taylor's undersuit-clad upper half. She's still in full Alch-mode, not even hiding her charms anymore and her glowing 'veins' are still noticeable even though she's a semi-transparent, blue-and-white hologram.
This was a Star Wars reference, wasn't it?
Dunno how I missed it first time.

"... when I was starting out, it scrambled anything electronic pointed at me, too. Prayer's anima is different: it changes recordings and memories to make her look like something else."
That gets you to turn to the giant blue crystal woman in shock.
"After the moment has passed," she bows her head, solemnly, "all who bore witness saw the Great Maker in action."
I am increasingly convinced that PRT team leader is not the right choice for the lady who literally evokes the Great Maker in action.
Let the [inquisitor-priest]woman of faith do something about putting together a church.

Yes, she has average Charisma, but we can improve that, and her Presence is pretty good.
And she does have her anima power to fall back on.
"I think, Tatsu…" she begins, nodding slowly with a growing, relieved smile, "that your dimension is now natively essence-derived, so a spirit like Crushing Grasp would be able to recover their motes there. It's not infinite, or Autochthon wouldn't need us in the first place, but it could be a big help towards enriching some materials or places here on Earth with essence."
This will be very useful for helping Iris recharge, stacking both the Essence from Taylor and that from SoTI.
Provided the link between him and Taylor is not cut by the effect.

Now… you can barely relocate as much as you can lift. Prayer could resist getting pulled in, though Industrial Survival Frame blocked the relocation completely. The first few scientists couldn't resist, but eventually they started being able to (if only slightly, because noodle arms), and trying to relocate more than one trying to resist quickly became impossible. The Power Testing Dummy, however, was sucked up immediately, as were any empty boxes or light testing weights.
There are multi-action penalties for trying to grab more than one (resisting)person?
That's something to work on.

"Right. I also talked with him about your containment, and we both agreed that it'd be against everyone's best interests for the Youth Guard to get on his case about your extended containment after your… recovery…" she smiles, tone light, "and that you'd be happy not to press the issue if we could get a head start on your meditation at the same time that the scientists are studying your anima."
Did Taylor just blackmail the New York PRT Director?
Bureaucracy 3, everyone.
Office politics is a superpower in it's own right.

You note the wary side-eye that Dr. Rose is giving Taylor at this admission, but you are more surprised that she would willingly work with the Youth Guard like this; you and Sakura had lost count of the number of times that she'd gone on a grumbling rant about them wasting her time over the last month. Maybe she thinks that redirecting them back at the PRT will get them off her case?
Taylor has studied the Tao of Office Politics since you went away, Saki.
Her Martial Arts rating might still be 0, but her Bureaucratic Judo specialty is maxed out.
That could be an actual specialty, btw.

The good doctor realizes exactly how much pull and skill it must take to both get a conference call with the NY PRT Director at basically an hour's notice, and then get him to change his mind. And it scares him.
You've never minded them, after all, since Ms. Keyworth (your case worker) had managed to get the two of you a few weeks to settle into Philadelphia before your cape personas were publicly revealed. She'd even helped go over your patrol schedules and paths to help limit how much fighting you needed to do.
You hope she made it out of the fighting alright, and try to make a mental note to ask Taylor about her later.
Love this.
The example of a YG case worker who is intimately involved in her subject's cape lives is everything that the Youth Guard are there to accomplish.
Not everyone is the hypermature, independent Taylor, who knows what she wants and has little compunction in pushing for it.

While many have been rebuilt or replaced since then, the emphasis towards reinforcement and survivability since then has led to the New York skyline filled with sturdy towers of metal instead of glass or stone.
Noone builds mostly with metal.
Not unless the Earth Bet construction techbase is significantly different from RL.

Concrete and steel; they'd just change the designs.
And maybe incorporate forcefields of some sort; 2013 Earth Bet had defensive forcefields over New York, though we don't know when they were installed.
The glass has probably been replaced by some sort of composite, though.

You required more Clarity to accept Taylor's reasoning - that your charms needed space to reconfigure, which both she and Prayer had encountered in their own meditations - and the fact that both she and Prayer had done the same helped put away the suspicion that she is just trying to embarrass you.
Projecting, Saki?
Methinks you spend too much time with Aisha.

Ultimately, it was your memory that Sakura had won your argument and declared Taylor's base form 'not lewd' (Barbie dolls are boring, not pervy) which allowed you to step out onto the south-west corner Cape Receiving Pad and disrobe, handing over your jumpsuit to Lord Grasp...
… who promptly shredded it with a blurring of his pincers before anyone could protest, then let the remains catch a gust of wind to carry them off the roof.
"I'd set it on fire, but it doesn't deserve the honor."

That had led to some awkwardness from the scientists as they tried to set up the monitoring equipment around you, though observing them you began to suspect that their was more to their caution than that simple display of irreverence. Understandable, since even you are still wrapping your head around the notion of spirits, but you think it might be best to watch his Power Testing video after all your own testing is done.
Then probably get to watch video of the attack on Protectorate Island; that's probably on Youtube, or whatever the Earth Bet equivalent is.

"Before you start meditating, Tatsu, let's slowly build up your anima so that there aren't any major surprises," she begins, ignoring the suspicious look your mechanical companion is giving her drone. "Let's try to keep it gradual, so don't let the essence go wild when you pull at it - focus on your essence pool and let it trickle out without powering any charms."
I lol'd.

There are shouts of surprise and concern from the gathered scientists, though they're mostly drowned out by the thrumming hum and crackling power you're generating at the moment. Still, you're able to make out their staggering forms easily through the semi-transparent fog that you're generating, as well as Taylor, Prayer, and Lord Grasp - all three of whom don't appear to have reacted much to the display.
Instead, they're just looking up
Normal humans freaking out, while the Alchemicals and spirit maintain silence as they stand still and look UP.
Not creepy. Nope.
Not at all.

You crane your neck to follow their gaze.
No monstrous creature or terrifying display fills the sky above you, so your initial fear is quickly replaced by momentary confusion.
A black magatama, nearly as large as a blimp, floats serenely in the sky above you.
Yeah, if the PRT was even attempting to keep Saki's return quiet, the appearance of a new totemic anima above their NY headquarters has pretty obviously blown that clear out of the water. If nothing else, the police/Protectorate switchboard is going to blow up with 911 calls, and the Protectorate/PRT will have to make some sort of preliminary statement.
After which the media frenzy starts.

"It's alright," she sighs, offering a light smile, "controlling anima was difficult for me until I had everything configured. On the bright side… you probably have the most unassuming totemic anima out of all of us - even Prayer's moon has spooked some people."
You nod, and reason that Prayer has some kind of lunar display for her anima and not that people were scared of her exposed butt.

"Right," Taylor continues, clapping her hands together, "now, supposedly your anima power is…" she pauses, smile straining a bit, "... actually helpful. Could you try… moving around a bit? Maybe throw a punch or two?"
Carefully not reacting to the way Prayer twitches at Taylor's words, you simply nod and follow her command - settling into a relaxed stance feel almost reflexive, now, and throwing a punch-
:facepalm: Taylor.
She's probably referring to her own anima power, but I can see where Prayer might be a little sensitive about hers after mind-whammying everyone watching TV when the Nine attacked Protectorate Island.

You stop to look at her, but you are not… jealous. She managed to avoid everything you did while wearing hundreds of pounds of crystalline armor, dodging and weaving through your strikes like they weren't even there. You may as well have been flailing through molasses for all it appeared to matter to her.
You are envious. People always get those two mixed up.
I can see the foreshadowing for magic kungfu here.

"I do not prefer to fight," you voice, looking back up at the other two Alchemicals and Lord Grasp. Not that he can understand you - in fact, Lord Grasp would likely scoff at such a notion. Instead, he still seems to be studying you and the yin symbol hanging in the sky with clear confusion.
I guess he's wondering why it's incomplete, since the yin-yang symbol is indigenous to Creation as well.
Has anyone even told him that Saki has a sister yet?

Heroes and PRT choppers have come and gone during the tests, usually lingering until being shooed away by Prayer informing them that you are (technically) still in Master/Stranger Protocol Confinement. Legend even passes through briefly at one point, but only to wave and smile before his blue-and-white form shoots off into the east.
Yup, the news is well and properly out.
Cue all the gawkers.

… and heartbreaking pain.
Oceans of shimmering oil littered with curdling flotsam. Thinned clouds of billowing steam pumping from pipes outnumbered by their silent brethren. Spires of crystal marred by jagged fractures.
The oily blood of a god pours from the rheumy Eye in unending tears.
The Deus Machina swivels slightly and the enormous Eye of the Primordial shifts to push through the pain and illness… to stare at you.
Poor Auto is in worse shape than when we left him.

We need to hustle.

Your eyes snap open to cold, cloudless night sky. The sounds of life echo up from the streets below, and the lights from the City That Never Sleeps drown out the stars.
Opening your mouth, you turn your head until you find Taylor staring back at you in surprise.
"Uh oh."
So it's nightfall, and something happened in the meantime.

Okay, so we need to finish Assembly really fucking fast? Well then.
I still really really really dislike adding more kids to Assembly, so who are our adult candidates?
The thematics of Worm does center around teenage protagonists.
Even Dragon is chronologically between 6 and 10 years of age, depending on when you think Richter started operating.
Given the time pressures, I propose the following Exaltation order:

1. Aisha/Who- Moonsilver: I've been won over to this. She's willing, has no parents, and Exaltation will dramatically improve her quality of life. All of this ensures little bureaucratic bullshit we might have to go through to get this done. And worse comes to worse, the bureaucrats can just forget that she exists and we can Exalt her behind everyone's back.

2. Armsmaster-Oricalchum. This is a guy might see becoming more of a robot as a bonus. He's influential in the PRT, famous, and can decide to put his forehead onto the portal with no bureaucratic interference. We'd also need less XP for abilities and attributes. He already comes with high Intelligence, Stamina, Dexterity, and decent Strength. and I assume he has high Craft and Melee. And we can dump him with Exemplar Charms like Weaving Protocols, and either no one will notice the difference, or it'll actually be an improvement.

People might be afraid that he'll try to usurp leadership of the Circle, but I think he's always been more about respect and status than actual day to day leadership. He'd be happy enough to be acknowledged as one of the greatest heroes in the world and be an outward facing symbol of the Circle. and Dragon can keep his more obnoxious traits under wraps.

3. Chevalier- Jade. This is the most controversial. I like Vista too, but I think it'll take too much wrangling with the Youth Guard and her foster parents-that's all time we don't have, and effort that could be better spent elsewhere. Are we even sure that Vista wants this? How old is she anyway? Someone upthread said that she started at 12 and is 15-16 now, but that seems off to me. There's no way three years have passed in this quest. Anyway, we know Vista wants to be respected like an adult and competent, experienced cape, but does she really want to be a magical robot? It wouldn't be a complete improvement of her quality of life like it would be for a Case 53 or for Who. Maybe we should let her grow a little older before deciding whether or not to be biological. There will be other Circles made.

As for Chevalier, despite being touted as an Orichalcum candidate, I think he's just as good a fit for Jade. The Stalwart Champion of the People thing fits him to a T. His power, to combine materials and to see Shards would be really interesting converted into a charm. Maybe not quite as cool as Vista's scenery bending, but still really cool and with tons of applications. Also, like Armsmaster, he's already got high Attributes and Abilities.

Other candidates, and I'm just throwing things at the wall here: Faultline's crew.

Labyrinth's power can be game breaking, and maybe the Exaltation can help keep her sane. Faultline's power is kinda lame, but she's really smart, skilled, and resourceful.
I actually really want to bring Piggot on board as our Ori. Sure she doesn't have a power, but we were just shown that Autochthon is under enormous strain so that might not be as big a downside as we might have seen it as previously. This quest's Piggot is a badass hardass who isn't so much biased against parahumans as she is sick and tired of their bullshit; she's also tsundere for competence.

Piggot gives us someone intimate and well-connected with the civilian side of the vast PRT machine. As a former PRT director this means that people that hold the Pod People hypothesis would see it as no big loss as while Piggot has connections she no longer has any real power, conversely those that think that we're the same people with sweet robot upgrades will see this as a plus as Piggot gives them an in to keep tabs on the inner workings of our assembly.
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So, a thought:

If holding the Cradle open is stressing Auto's energy reserves, perhaps he has set up Saki and Sakura to run their own portal? Obviously she hasn't worked out all the controls yet, but beforehand they could transport a whole buliding.

Sudden thought: has Autochthon just created the tools he plans to use to bring his body to the universe of Earth Bet? Obviously not without a lot of intervening prep work, but maybe we have something to build on now.
Just making sure, do we know if the apparently shortened timeline is the countdown to when Auto can't make any more Alchemicals or the countdown to when he dies and we fail? He's in pretty terrible shape, from the look of things, so from what I can tell it could easily be the latter. Also, what do we actually need in order to bring him over, beyond converting the Nowhereverse to motonic physics? And how necessary is creating new Alchemicals to those objectives?
Piggot gives us someone intimate and well-connected with the civilian side of the vast PRT machine. As a former PRT director this means that people that hold the Pod People hypothesis would see it as no big loss as while Piggot has connections she no longer has any real power, conversely those that think that we're the same people with sweet robot upgrades will see this as a plus as Piggot gives them an in to keep tabs on the inner workings of our assembly.

*conflict of interests intensifies*
Same goes for my favorite Chevalier, probably...
Also, Piggot is hell of a heroic mortal, I guess. She would probably bring her own Wits and Intelligence and some Manipulation, plus Bureaucracy...again, my headcanon is that she was not given shard not because she had no willpower, but because she was too sane, stable and mentally resilient for Scion to consider it.
she started at 12 and is 15-16 now
He said she was 13 in cannon and 15-16 in cannon's S9000. She is 12-13 in this quest.

Isn't alexandria heavily injured in this quest?
That gives another reason to throw her in the poertal.
We can fix her in Saki's shard world without Exaltation.

Just making sure, do we know if the apparently shortened timeline is the countdown to when Auto can't make any more Alchemicals or the countdown to when he dies and we fail? He's in pretty terrible shape, from the look of things, so from what I can tell it could easily be the latter. Also, what do we actually need in order to bring him over, beyond converting the Nowhereverse to motonic physics? And how necessary is creating new Alchemicals to those objectives?
If it was his Death Timer he wouldn't have given us orders to complete the Assembly, it is probably his "coma" timer after which he can no longer Exalt people or really help as at all. He is trying to set us up as well as he can before he either goes back into his "slumber" or will no longer be able to operate the Cradle.
As for what we need? With essence all you need is essence, presumably Iris would be able to set everything perfectly up with enough essence to work with. If there was other preparation work to be done, then Iris would have had them on his "todo list". Also we should probably not have every world obliterated by Scion. That's probably important too.

Re: exalting people.
I'm against Exalting Vista. She is too young.
I'm against Exalting Vista. She is too young.

Seconded. But other possible Jades can have some conflict of interests with previous lives.

I'm for Exalting Vista Age doesn't really matter in the face of what she brings to the table, and I've been waiting to Exalt her for something like 2 years IRL.

If age didn't matter, Saki would not gain 4 goddamn Clarity from mere power testing.
As things are, for all her super-stats she is waste of resources because mentally she is not ready to use POS or other things. Until she grows up mentally, her more scary charms might as well not exist at all; she is semi-useless.
And this is why I am against Exalting children.

EDIT: inb4 Taylor: canon Taylor had more DETERMINATION that probably Solars can have - she literally resisted being overcome by alien Cthulhu in her brain because she was not done with her mission yet. Don't measure other kids by her resolve.
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If age didn't matter, Saki would not gain 4 goddamn Clarity from mere power testing.
As things are, for all her super-stats she is waste of resources because mentally she is not ready to use POS or other things. Until she grows up mentally, her more scary charms might as well not exist at all; she is semi-useless.
And this is why I am against Exalting children.
Your point re: Clarity is invalid since uncalibrated Exaltation means things don't work right initially.
2. Armsmaster-Oricalchum.
I'm still not convinced that Autobot would find him suitable.
Or that he's willing to follow someone else's lead.
The point was made back during the Nine attack that he would accept an Exaltation, but that his current goals are more personal than for the Greater Good.

A normal hero can be focused on personal glory; no problem. An Alchemical should not.
It's not as if we can't already get use out of him now as a Tinker.

What role is he supposed to play?
What is your vision of his place in our assembly as a Jade?

Taylor is Soulsteel crisis manager/general/craftsperson.
The Twins are Starmetal moebots.
Aisha is Moonsilver infiltrator/intelligence specialist.
Prayer is Adamant offensive beatstick/monster cape liaison.
Vista is Jade defensive beatstick/coordinator.
GU is Orichalcum sorcerer/cleric.
Piggot is Orichalcum special op soldier/politician.
Miss Militia is Orichalcum/Jade adviser/teacher/cleric.
Accord is Orichalcum planner/craftsperson.

So what role is Chevy supposed to play as a Jade in our assembly? That isn't already covered by someone else?
Make your case.

Note also that you are proposing him against the second-most voted Alchemical candidate in the history of this quest; it was her and Dragon.
And it was Taylor's IC assessment that Vista was perfect except for maybe age.
The only reason we put off Exalting her first was because some of us said to wait; else we'd have eaten the penalty and gone with it anyway.

If age didn't matter, Saki would not gain 4 goddamn Clarity from mere power testing.
I'm sorry, but this is rubbish.
Clarity gain has nothing to do with age or experience, and everything to do with the person involved.
Taylor did not gain Clarity from power testing, and she is two years younger than Saki.

Saki is not Calibrated; her charms, Exaltation and soul are not in tune with each other.
And for her she's still recovering from being turned into a backpack.
Give her time.
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Your point re: Clarity is invalid since uncalibrated Exaltation means things don't work right initially.

But didn't she gain at least some of it from just thinking about implications of her charms? Like, she gained at least 1 from learning what POS is, at least 1 when asked to undress...this is not how mature person which is sometime to brainwash people into submission (and she will have to at some point) should react.
If age didn't matter, Saki would not gain 4 goddamn Clarity from mere power testing.
As things are, for all her super-stats she is waste of resources because mentally she is not ready to use POS or other things. Until she grows up mentally, her more scary charms might as well not exist at all; she is semi-useless.
And this is why I am against Exalting children.
POS and TBP would give anyone that we'd want to Exalt and was born in a earth problems, so that isn't an issue.
you'd need to be a sociopath to not have any second thoughts about those two charms.
also as Landcollector rightly points out Charity doesn't work right until the Exaltation is aligned correctly.
not only was her Exaltation not calibrated she's got an Exemplar Charm which exacerbates the clarity issues.
But didn't she gain at least some of it from just thinking about implications of her charms? Like, she gained at least 1 from learning what POS is, at least 1 when asked to undress...this is not how mature person which is sometime to brainwash people into submission (and she will have to at some point) should react.
Saki isn't SV, and she is rightfully wary of POS's implications.
Vista is probably closer in terms of mental resilience to Taylor than Saki, but I agree she's too young.

I generally prefer adults and/or Case 53s.
I'm sorry, but this is rubbish.
Clarity gain has nothing to do with age or experience, and everything to do with the person involved.
Taylor did not gain Clarity from power testing, and she is two years younger than Saki.

I already edited it in there: Taylor is, personality-wise, hilarious outlier; she is more resilient than majority of adults in the setting, case in point: Viator.
I don't consider Taylor as a valid example of teenager willpower, sorry.

Saki isn't SV, and she is rightfully wary of POS's implications.

Who is SV of Worm then? :V Accord? Cauldron?
But didn't she gain at least some of it from just thinking about implications of her charms? Like, she gained at least 1 from learning what POS is, at least 1 when asked to undress...this is not how mature person which is sometime to brainwash people into submission (and she will have to at some point) should react.
Brainwashing is a touchy subject and I'd rather have someone that is wary about using it that someone that's trigger happy.
Noone builds mostly with metal.
Not unless the Earth Bet construction techbase is significantly different from RL.

Concrete and steel; they'd just change the designs.
And maybe incorporate forcefields of some sort; 2013 Earth Bet had defensive forcefields over New York, though we don't know when they were installed.
The glass has probably been replaced by some sort of composite, though.
Maybe not mostly metal, but note that we're viewing from Saki's PoV, and she's not one of the most informed in that respect. The point is still conveyed effectively however, that they'd be using a lot less giant glass window facings.
I guess he's wondering why it's incomplete, since the yin-yang symbol is indigenous to Creation as well.
Has anyone even told him that Saki has a sister yet?
I believe he has been told pretty early on.
Just making sure, do we know if the apparently shortened timeline is the countdown to when Auto can't make any more Alchemicals or the countdown to when he dies and we fail? He's in pretty terrible shape, from the look of things, so from what I can tell it could easily be the latter. Also, what do we actually need in order to bring him over, beyond converting the Nowhereverse to motonic physics? And how necessary is creating new Alchemicals to those objectives?
Coma. This is not news guys, not for a long time. We've known for a year IRL that Autochton will not be able to make new Alchemicals, regardless of if we exalt them quickly or slowly, after about 3 months IC. Less, now.

Not a matter of the strain of exaltation. He's woken up more or less by force of will, but is falling asleep again. Which, I may note, is not actually a minus at this point. A completed Assembly has all the tools needed to finish the job. A comatose Autochton would consume less energy and resources while we solve the problem.
If age didn't matter, Saki would not gain 4 goddamn Clarity from mere power testing.
As things are, for all her super-stats she is waste of resources because mentally she is not ready to use POS or other things. Until she grows up mentally, her more scary charms might as well not exist at all; she is semi-useless.

No, Saki gained Clarity in a hurry because:
-Her Exaltation is miscalibrated. Taylor herself picked up Clarity at nearly thrice the speed in the same circumstances.
-She is missing her primary emotional support: Sakura. She feels painfully incomplete. Sakura handled all the talking to people, the taking of responsibility. Saki did the planning and plotting. They did everything together since they were born, and now she's missing.
-She's had an absolutely horrendous time. Kyushu gone. Grown up in the shithole that's Brockton Bay. And then it's gone too, with her parents. Then the Nine. Then missing her twin. Then put into limited solitary confinement(I would note that solitary confinement is one of the more stressful things a prisoner can face). At that point she was facing the irrational but warranted fear of going back into confinement when testing her charms. Adult or child, you can break nearly anyone with that. Most would have long broken by the Nine, rather than still resisting despite being functionally a mangled corpse by then.

How many people lose their entire family, social network, then repeat the process again and still can keep nice and cool?
Noting that Taylor herself after Brockton Bay leaned very heavily on Clarity and actively resisted lowering it for a long time due to miscalibration. It feels good because you don't feel the hurting from just caring.
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