Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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Also it's possible that if Auto did create an off switch/removal option in the Exaltations, the other Primordials would be able to use/hack said feature and the rebellion would never have gotten off the ground.
THIS is the terminal fuckup of Creation. I'm increasingly convinced Exaltation was profoundly shitty design. Things would probably have not ceased existing with the Primordials in charge. Auto build weapons that broke what amounted to the fundamental tenants of reality without a plan to remove them once the need was gone. I consider this an unforgivable sin. It is the mistake from which all the problems in Creation follow.
You are entitled to your opinion.
But the idea that fighting the architects of reality is something that could be done with godweapons that had an obvious killswitch that was under the control of one of the weakest Primordials never really passed the smell test.

Humanity pulled the trigger on Creation. Not gods, not raksha, not demons or jadeborn or Dragon Kings or Yozi or Neverborn. Humanity.It was Humanity that crippled the Yozi and imprisoned them to fester. It was also Humanity that managed to drive away or cripple their allies from the Primordial War. It was Humanity that awoke the Neverborn from their slumber.

It was Humanity that facilitated the Reclamation.

And while Abyssals did the final deed, I will point out they were supported by other humans and Exalts after just a couple years of rule by the Ebon Dragon. One Yozi. Prior to the Primordial War there were at least 26 of the things running around the place.
So Fuck Auto, not for screwing up his 3CD's, but for inventing Exaltation.
Humanity were created as prayer cattle in Creation.
The attentions of the Ebon Dragon got a bunch of people to desttoy Creation rather than live at his mercy; during the Age of Glory there were twenty six different Primordials walking Creation.

They and their subsouls all had the run of the place.
How exactly do you think it was to live there?

No seriously, let's assume you're right and they win the Primordial War and Autobot promptly takes the Exaltations away. Somehow.
How exactly would Humanity have survived the Afterstrike War? Or the Balorean Crusade?

This is like being handed a set of weapons to free oneself from oppression by kin to the oppressors, and then threatening the person who gave you the weapons so he runs off into the wilderness.

Then after several thousand years during which you use those weapons to defend against raksha invasion and Primordial attack, and to build a prosperous society, you wreck your home, kill your family and yourself.

And then blame the original weapon builder for not taking the weapon away.
That's honestly rather perverse in my eyes, and an abdication of responsibility.
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I don't mind her immaturity, but you're going a little over the top with it. Just for the most obvious example she basically put the entire building full of people under master stranger quarantine because she can't help but to constantly fuck with people with her powers. And with her powers having such a long range effect now Saki can't even let them know properly that they don't have a reason to go into Master stranger quarantine because she almost has her powers on constantly. There's a line between mischievous prankster, and casually going out of her way to fuck over dozens of peoples Day evening whatever it is. People who won't be going home to their families never mind the Ward's themselves.

Casually using her powers the fuck with the villains especially the falling that's perfectly fine be is sadistic and as callous as she wants and call it pranking. But seriously she needs to calm the fuck down with her powers when she's around the PRT and her friends. More so now that she no longer is constantly fighting to hold her powers off instead she can keep them off whenever she wants.
THIS. She's not just fucking with people, in many cases she's fucking them over. She's done things without seeming to care how said things inconvenience other people who aren't her enemies, and she's done them multiple times in quick succession.

Do remember that Aisha has just spent the last four days inactive on her brother's request.
The girl has been more controlled than one would normally expect.
Okay, this is a fair point. Maybe if Grue hadn't tried to dam up the mayhem we wouldn't be getting this flood of it - if that's the case, I imagine her rate of mischief will settle to something that won't make me feel uncomfortable once she gets this out of her system.

Mmm. Too a degree, I understand the feeling. Aisha's been MAXIMUM TROLL this update because she got stuck in a hole by Brian for a few days, but... well, without spoiling too much, the current outline has Missy being the 'okay reel it in' transition, with (bizarrely) GU and Missy keeping her irreverence in check during the upcoming impromptu patrol.

The concern I'm having, now that Aisha appears to be overstaying her welcome POV-wise, is there's at least another 10k words in this Chapter if I stick to my outline. I mean... yes, this last part is actually fairly solid as a stopping-point for Chapter 10.5 (it'd be ~17k words if I stopped now), but we haven't really gotten to the big parts we voted for (Aisha's patrol attitude and seeing Missy).

Hmm. Idea: quick vote to end chapter here and have 10.6 be from Prayer's POV as she skedaddles over to join Aisha, Missy, and Ciara on their patrol, or keep going with what's left of 10.5 with Aisha. Does that sound reasonable?
Keep going. If Missy can get her to dial it down a bit, then it should be fine. Maybe put a Missy interlude or something in between 10.5 and 10.6 if Aisha's mischief level is still a bit too high at the end of 10.5. If Aisha learns to be more responsible with her fuckery by the end of Arc 10, I will be content.

I'm still waiting for Aisha to terrorize that guy in his shower. "I don't know who you are either!"
Those are two different incidents - "I don't know who you are either!" is vs. Valefor, while the 'Seven days =^._.^=∫' bathroom mirror mind game is vs. Bastard Son. I'm looking forward to both of them!

Meanwhile, over at the Cradle, Iris has no mouth and he must sigh.
Ailments: Being A Sphere
ponse properly: you are correct that it's a grammatical error, but it's an intentional error for multiple reasons. The most obvious, of course, were to preserve the "Who's On First" joke while also reinforcing that 'Memory' serves her, but my thought process when picking the name also considered that the grammar issue wouldn't be there in Old Realm - which has all sorts of parallels with her new Alchemical nature and her past, as well as with her feelings about Nowhere versus Autochthonia - so I felt sufficient justification to keep the error. And if there's gonna be an Alchemical with a grammar issue in their name, it'd be Aisha.
The linguist in me approves greatly of "pun works in the original language". Thanks for clearing it up! :)
So what's your solution then?
But the idea that fighting the architects of reality is something that could be done with godweapons that had an obvious killswitch that was under the control of one of the weakest Primordials never really passed the smell test.
Not have a rebellion. They at least managed to keep reality stable, and could do so indefinitely.
Humanity were created as prayer cattle in Creation.
The attentions of the Ebon Dragon got a bunch of people to desttoy Creation rather than live at his mercy; during the Age of Glory there were twenty six different Primordials walking Creation.

They and their subsouls all had the run of the place.
How exactly do you think it was to live there?
Unlikely to destroy and person in particular, and also pre-war waaaaaaay less pissed at everyone. Afterward they were actively hostile, before they just didn't give a fuck.
That's a non-starter given the Primordials' general behavior before the War. Not Giving A Fuck (which includes carelessly causing mass death and terrain destruction, gee what a surprise) isn't much better than active Hostility.
Don't forget the first reality they built, Zen-Mu, when they got bored and it stopped being novel they just wandered off leaving the reality to fend for itself to seek the "Shining Answer".
THIS is the terminal fuckup of Creation. I'm increasingly convinced Exaltation was profoundly shitty design. Things would probably have not ceased existing with the Primordials in charge. Auto build weapons that broke what amounted to the fundamental tenants of reality without a plan to remove them once the need was gone. I consider this an unforgivable sin. It is the mistake from which all the problems in Creation follow.
No, the terminal fuck up of Creation was that somehow, despite all the tools at their disposal, no ever noticed and did anything about the Great Curse.

Saying it was the exalteds fault for being mindraped is just disingenuous.

Not have a rebellion. They at least managed to keep reality stable, and could do so indefinitely.
They literally, explicitly had a rebellion against them. That is what the Exalted were created to do.

As in, the gods, who were created to find satisfaction in their tasks and bound to never harm them still created weapons to murder them anyway.

Because they were just that bad.

Unlikely to destroy and person in particular, and also pre-war waaaaaaay less pissed at everyone. Afterward they were actively hostile, before they just didn't give a fuck.
The Ebon Dragon, who by the by actually caused the end of Creation in this story, has always been actively antagonistic to everyone and everything. That is his defining characteristic.
Not that it matters, because the primordials were, as described above, provably terrible at the job of governing Creation.
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Not have a rebellion. They at least managed to keep reality stable, and could do so indefinitely.
Until they get bored. Or get a bright idea and decide to remodel.
Humanity were not people, they were designed as prayer cattle. And as far as I recall, not the first model either. You don't take the opinions of livestock into consideration when making decisions about redecorating ; there's always more where they came from.

I mean, Creation is not the first place the Primordials made.
Zen Mu used to be a thing. What happened to it? Was it demolished or abandoned to the Wyld? Or just wasn't considered relevant.

People rightfully call out the Solar Deliberative for callous shit like Operation Wyldhand which was a wargame that cost 40 million lives. But the Solars were people, and most of them retained at least some links to their humanity, had limits to their power, and even the worst were kept in check by more humanist Celestials.

Imagine what the Primordials did with noone to answer to and vastly more power.
Unlikely to destroy and person in particular, and also pre-war waaaaaaay less pissed at everyone. Afterward they were actively hostile, before they just didn't give a fuck
Tell that to the Clay Man.
Or the gods themselves; not very many seem to remember the Primordials with any fondness.
You are presupposing that with the power the Primordials wielded, that neglect was any better than malice.

That, for example, SWILIHN's controlling tendencies were any better for humanity then than now. Or Adrian's warding of the borders of Creation made any accomodation for resident populations.
Or that the Dragon's Shadow's delight in nihilism ever really changed.

In a Creation where the 3CDs of multiple Primordials were free to roam the planet, where Ligier hung in the sky, the only assurance was that if your species was considered useful, it would survive.
As in, they would make more of you if they accidentalied your entire population.

Like I pointed out earlier, the Solar Deliberative's military killed 40 million people in one wargame.
Not out of malice, but as part of their testing anti-Wyld contingencies under realistic conditions.
You don't need malice to ruin people's lives.
Chapter 10.5 (Part 11)
Chapter 10.5
(Part 11)​


Maybe it's the buzz from escaping HQ wearing off, but talking with the Fairy Queen is… sorta a major downer. Not 'cause she's bein' bitchy or mean or anything - she just sat there and listened to you talk an' even answered whatever questions you asked. It's more that… well…

You figured the baddest bitch in the most fucked-up prison for the most fucked-up capes on the planet - a title she held for nearly thirty years - would've been super hardcore, with tons of awesome stories and attitude to spare. Instead, she's just quiet and sad, and whatever you manage to drag outta her is fuckin' depressin'.

Never watched any movies or TV shows in the 'Cage, and even had trouble readin' books 'cause her power's 'sight' made it hard to focus on shit with capes always movin' around. Had a whole section of the 'Cage under her protection, but no friends 'cause most'a the people in there were scared shitless of her, complete shitlords, lookin' to try to use her, lookin' to try to fight her, lookin' to try to fuck her, or some combo of all 'a those. Killed people all the time to protect the capes in her section, keep order, or just 'cause her head was in a bad place from her power fuckin' with her head. She gets flashes of the shitty, messed-up lives of all the ghosts she collects... and if that weren't enough, bein' dead doesn't stop 'em from talkin' to her all the time. It's part 'a why she's meditatin': to shut 'em up.

Far as you can tell, her life's basically been one super-long, super fucked-up nightmare acid trip. Makes you wonder if the Triumvirate are just as fucked in the head by their powers, or if she just won the worst lottery ever.

No wonder Saki's been all up in her business with tryin' to fix her and get her straightened out; she and Sakura pretty much spent every second you saw 'em awake tryin' to hook people up to make 'em happy, so blondie here prolly pushed all her buttons. And since Queenie literally begged you to forgive her for not bein' able to help you with Dennis 'cause she's never been on a date or even had a crush on someone, you're kinda amazed she didn't drag-...

"Hey, uh," you cough, raising a hand from your lap and tilting your head past your giant-cat pillow to stare at the little blonde. "Saki didn't try to hook you up with any of the other Wards, did she?"

Opening her eyes again, Queenie gives you that intense 'you are a puzzle and I'm gonna figure you out' stare for a while before she closes her eyes and gives a tiny shake of her head.

"Despite our apparent youth, our... experiences are a chasm few can, should, or desire to cross."

If there's a moonsilver lining to talkin' with her, though, it's that you get a small kick outta usin' your new smarts to get what she's saying. No way would the old you've been able to figure out half the shit she's said.

"Your culture is one nonsensical taboo after another," Mr. Pinchy sighs, the dark curtains that form the walls of the lounge fluttering with the sound. "A few decades? Bah! As long as the heart… and flesh… is willing, what business do we have to say no?"

… and, okay, yeah, Mr. Pinchy has helped some.

"Dude, gross," you sigh, rolling your eyes and causing Queenie to relax slightly.

"Hmph," he snorts. "Yes, well… let's see how you feel about that in a hundred years, hmm?"

You open your mouth to respond, only to blink and close it as what he said sinks in. That's… huh. It's still weird to think about the whole 'no more getting old and dying' thing, but-

Glancing back towards the gemstone eyes that are above the 'main' entrance curtains, you tilt your head and frown. "How do Alchies in Roboland deal with that, then?"

Out of the corner of your eye you notice Queenie open her eyes at the question, but you keep focused on how the eight big gems twist in a way that make it seem like he's blinking in thought. When he speaks again, he's lapsed back into Robospeak and his voice is more distant than you've heard from him before.

"I'm… not quite certain, I'm afraid - my time within the Great Maker's world-body was spent in stasis until the I was awoken for my retrofits and deployment here." He pauses, humming lightly, but after a silent moment, you notice the gems focus back on you with interest. "Survival was our most pressing concerns during our struggle against the Primordial Host; rare was the Chosen that survived longer than a standard mortal lifetime, and those that did either had no space in their hearts or minds for romance or were those... engaged in the various breeding programs. Only after our Victory was it usual for a Chosen to survive past their second century, and those I knew that did tended to surround themselves with their peers… and the occasional harem of nubile servants, of course."

You glance at Queenie. She's got a blank stare to match yours. You look back at Mr. Pinchy's eyes.

"Most'a that sounds pretty fucked up, man."

He scoffs, a bundle of curtain ropes below his 'eyes' making a dismissive wave. "The Chosen were-..."

He freezes suddenly, his voice cutting off as the hand-sized gems lose their brightness. You frown, but some motion to your side makes you turn back to see Queenie hold up a hand to her mouth as she clears her throat.

"The past of Creation-That-Was holds many lessons for our future."

Mr. Pinchy grunts, sounding super bummed. It takes you a second, but… you think you get it: Taylor said Creation got destroyed, and it's lookin' more and more like the Exalted there were the reason it all went to shit because they got put in charge. Instead've like in Roboland, which survived 'cause Alchies are like Protectorate capes here, workin' for the government 'nstead of being kings and warlords and whatever.

… still doesn't answer your question, but… you know. Whatever. Prolly better to just give Mr. Pinchy some time rather than bug him about it more.

Bug. ...Eh. Man, not even a good pun can help your mood. This whole trip in Mr. Pinchy's lounge has been a huge buzzkill. You wonder- ah, shit, your phone says it's already eight thirty-five. Missy should've already landed by now.

"Yo," you grunt, raising a hand to catch his attention. His eyes shift in their sockets at your callout, but they're not quite back to the levels of shinyness from before - even his voice is still kinda distracted. "Hmm? Ah, my sincere apologies-"

You wave it away before he can get started. "Not that. The airport: we there yet?"

"Oh! Oh, my, yes yes! I'm just coming upon the primary port of call for this city's airships now," he admits, only to sigh again. "It's quite a boon that these airships are so gratingly loud - I've traversed through all manner of inclement weather, but navigation is considerably more tedious when I can't occasionally gauge my bearings using essence cannon blasts."

You pause in the middle of climbing to your feet.

"Uh… yeah. Don't do that."

What the fuck. Are all Familiars crazy?

Vrmf. Vrr rrrmmvm rmmvrm.

...only provin' the point
more there, buddy.

Mmmrmvmrm vuurmrmvm rmmvurrv.

You frown. Why would you need his help-... oh. Motherfu-

Holding your breath for a second, you slowly stand up and unclench your fists. Okay. You… forgot to get Missy's flight info. No big deal. You can just… uh… airports have screens that show when flights are landing and where they're coming from, right? You've never been in one yourself, but you've seen plenty of movies that've shown what the insides of airports look like.

'Cept Missy's already landed, so you don't have time to go runnin' around in the airport looking for her. Fuck, how long does it take for people to get off a plane and get their shit and go? Not like Mr. Pinchy or Carfield will know, and Queenie's been in the 'Cage-


You turn back to Queenie and lightly poke her in the shoulder with a finger. "Hey."

She opens her eyes again, not even flinching anymore at your closeness even if her stare is still just as intense as it was the first time.

"So... how close do you need to be to see a cape?"

Ah. There's the flinch. Though you're used to getting that reaction with your questions, now, but when she averts her eyes and doesn't look back after a few seconds you start to get worried. Before you can say anything more, she sighs.

"Warden prevailed upon me to control my… Parasite, rather than indulge it."

You're gonna get her to tell you why she keeps calling her power a 'Parasite' instead of all that Fairy junk she was spoutin' the first time you met her (or just ask Taylor when she gets back, since Queenie said to ask her for some reason), but you've got more important shit goin' on than that right now.

"Sorry," you grunt, hunching down in front of her and crossing your arms across your chest as you think. "'S still kinda weird how freaky your power must be. But, like… I totally get that havin' a… uh… Essence soul has been totally awesome, lettin' you finally turn it off-"

You're not sure the whole 'humans here have no souls' is ever gonna stop being weird, but you try not to think about it too hard.

"- but isn't that…" you frown, reaching up to run a hand through your frizzy hair as you try to find the right words, "... I dunno? Quitter talk?"

Deep green eyes snap back up to stare at you with a sorta blank intensity, but you're not really lookin' at her as you nod to yourself. "Yeah. Yeah, I mean, sure: back when I was still a meatbag that was all I wanted to be able to do with my power. Turn it off and keep it off without feelin' like I was meltin' my brain. But now?"

You bring up a fist, then push a bit of power to shift it into Omnitool mode. Through your PRT Tests and bored putzing around, you've figured out that Charms sorta want to look and act a specific way if you just activate them. Turnin' on your Omnitool Implants usually makes everything down past your elbow go goopy as it shifts into what you want.

"It's not easy," you grunt, focusing to shift just one finger at a time into something random (fork, pliers, lockpick, scalpel…) while the rest of the hand stays normal. It's not hard or painful, it just takes focus. "But I've realized there's… wiggle room, you know? I'm in control now - I don't have to settle for just a light switch. And I get the feelin' it's not just because'a all this-"

You make a circular gesture with your off-hand at your whole body.

"-but it's 'cause of this."

You reach up and tap your soulgem in the middle of your forehead.

"So, you gonna settle with off or on?" you hum, flexing your hand as you deactivate the Charm with a thought. Then, reaching up to Queenie's face, you tap her soulgem with the nail of your index finger.

"Or are you in control?"

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"So, you gonna settle with off or on?" you hum, flexing your hand as you deactivate the Charm with a thought. Then, reaching up to Queenie's face, you tap her soulgem with the nail of your index finger.

"Or are you in control?"

Aisha is not a "loose cannon". She has some issues; where Taylor works herself into catastrophic levels of Clarify, Aisha plays pranks on people. At best you could call her unpredictable. But there are a couple different kinds of unpredictability. There's the kind of unpredictability that comes from brokenness, when you don't know what someone will do because they live in a different world than you do. But there's also the kind of unpredictability that comes from the formal limits of intelligence. Predicting what move Bobby Fischer will make in a game of chess is equivalent to being able to play chess as well as Bobby Fischer. I couldn't have predicted this gambit with Ciara because I wouldn't have seen the opportunity or realized I could take it. When the rubber meets the road, and especially with her new cognitive hardware, Aisha is insightful, creative, and decisive.
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Aisha is not a "loose cannon". She has some issues; where Taylor works herself into catastrophic levels of Clarify, Aisha plays pranks on people. At best you could call her unpredictable. But there are a couple different kinds of unpredictability. There's the kind of unpredictability that comes from brokenness, when you don't know what someone will do because they live in a different world than you do. But there's also the kind of unpredictability that comes from the formal limits of intelligence. Predicting what move Bobby Fischer will make in a game of chess is equivalent to being able to play chess as well as Bobby Fischer. I couldn't have predicted this because I wouldn't have seen this opportunity. When the rubber meets the road, and especially with her new cognitive hardware, Aisha is insightful, creative, and decisive.
Precisely this.This is why she qualified for Moonsilver.

Because underneath everything, she's the girl who, while still Intelligence 2 Perception 3ish, decided her brother and his gang needed time to make a clean getaway from the PRT, identified Taylor as the most pressing tracker threat, proceeded to acquire a gun and handcuffs, lured her out and attempted to hold Taylor hostage to prevent her going in pursuit.

And also the girl who jumped the power nullifier Hatchet Face with containment foam grenades. Only containment foam grenades.
After he murdered a PRT trooper team, disabled Narwhal and Bladedancer and was in the process of killing them both. And while she took serious injury, actually succeeded in keeping them alive.

Incisive, insightful and decisive. Underestimate her at your peril.

I suspect Who has a Reputation with the PRT troopers.

I mean, Taylor has gone mano a mano with two Endbringers and walked away, but she already was Exalted. Aisha took on multiple drones armed with a baseball bat on TV. Then fought a Brute/Trump who entirely ignored her Stranger power.
And both times she lived.

They probably think she's crazy. Lucky, but crazy.
Aisha lived as a black preteen girl in a city with an empowered and rampant Nazi gang presence, and the school she goes to as it's recruiting grounds. She went home to a drug addicted mom who had multiple equally-or-more drug dependent boyfriends.

Hesitance means getting hurt.
Grom's on a roll with these updates!

"Despite our apparent youth, our... experiences are a chasm few can, should, or desire to cross."
Is Ciara using a Royal We here, or is she referring to herself and her ghosts as a collective?

"The past of Creation-That-Was holds many lessons for our future."
I imagine Cauldron would be very interested in more data on post-victory Exalted rule - the things that worked and the things that eventually led to disaster are relevant for their efforts to engineer a stable post-Scion social structure.

Aisha talks about Soul Power.
I'd be interested in reading a follow-up to the earlier Accord interlude now that he's got more control over his own mind. Colin's perspective would be good too, even though he's got less to suppress.
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I almost feel bad for the Shards now. A lot of them just want to Halp but everyone keeps calling them parasites :(

Also, them appearing at an airport is going to cause even more of a mess isn't it?
If they remembered.
Thats a bit of a bitch
They loaded her onto the medevac vehicle with Narwhal and Dancer.
Not to mention there's probably bodycam footage around.
They remember.

I almost feel bad for the Shards now. A lot of them just want to Halp but everyone keeps calling them parasites :(
Also, them appearing at an airport is going to cause even more of a mess isn't it?
-To be fair, given that the end of their lifecycle is supposed to result in petadeaths....
Still, you're right that they're mostly symbionts.
Except for those inciting risky behavior in their hosts, and those trying to get unsatisfactory hosts killed.

-Ciara has access to Stranger powers.
Like the one she used in the Hunt meeting with Saki. Along with Aisha's powers.
They can probably do a cancan on the main runway and noone would notice.

Any potential mess would probably be from the Fallen pulling an interrupt at the airport.
I'm pretty sure at this point that the lady who was Mastered to kill Taylor is by no means the only PRT officer currently under Fallen mind control. Which means there's good odds of a leak about Vista's arrival times.

Escalation to break the unwritten rules like that, but given that they already escalted to trying to murder Taylor in her bed....
I'm pretty sure at this point that the lady who was Mastered to kill Taylor is by no means the only PRT officer currently under Fallen mind control. Which means there's good odds of a leak about Vista's arrival times.
That may be why Uriel was all "But you were late, so you probably didn't hear it." about the Wards not being supposed to go meet her at the airport.
A somewhat horrifying thought, but... Would Aisha still be constrained by the Wards rules if she pumps up her power and vanishes all the records of her having ever been in the Wards, thus suddenly becoming an Independent?