Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Personally, while I think Accord would make an amazing Orichalcum, I don't think he should be one of ours. Armsmaster, Piggot, and Professor Farnsworth, who dreamed of his own race of atomic monsters maybe Weld (though he seems more Jade to me).
With respect to Orichalcum: at this point, I think, most opinions won't change as things are going. Could we do some sort of preliminary approval poll about the candidates1​ to at least cut the discussion down to a manageable number2​? That'd create a basis for discussion, at least.

1​ As best I can tell right now, these are, in alphabetical order: Accord, Alexandria, Armsmaster, Glaistig Uaine, Lustrum (for some incomprehensible reason), Piggot, Weld, Wyld. I'm not sure how many of those would actually fit Ori, mind you. If the goal is "larger-than-life goals without restraint", I'd say that eliminates Piggot, Weld, and possibly Wyld, though I am willing to be convinced otherwise b/c I really want a maximum number of candidates other than Alexandria/GU. I also want to emphasize that in addition to all the IC reasons why Exalting Lustrum is an entirely terrible idea, I don't want this Quest to devolve into real-world politics. There's some things I want to see more of in this Quest, and some I want to see less of, but one thing I absolutely don't want to see is murderfeminism, b/c I think it would lead the discussion towards a very ugly place.

2​ That manageable number being 2-3, each with their own bases of support - something like selecting the candidate approved by the largest proportion, throwing out that candidate's supporters for the next round, and repeating.

Herre is why I don't think Lustrum is a good canidate.
Taylor castrates people by accident, lustrum did it on purpose.
So in order to get Auto out of Elsewhere so he can recover, we need to get everything converted to Essence. But if we do that people start turning into monsters if they don't get souls. But we have limited souls (and manpower), way less than what we need for billions of people. The only way to really get more souls is to have access to cosmic machinery that took a healthy (well, maximally healthy) Autochthon, and possibly other Primordials, to build in the first place. And Autochthon is asleep and dying, and also not here yet, since that's the point of this entire exercise!
So, we're screwed.
So in order to get Auto out of Elsewhere so he can recover, we need to get everything converted to Essence. But if we do that people start turning into monsters if they don't get souls. But we have limited souls (and manpower), way less than what we need for billions of people. The only way to really get more souls is to have access to cosmic machinery that took a healthy (well, maximally healthy) Autochthon, and possibly other Primordials, to build in the first place. And Autochthon is asleep and dying, and also not here yet, since that's the point of this entire exercise!
So, we're screwed.
Autochthon has a vast quantity of blank Hun souls in cold storage. Once we get access to those, we'll be able to convert a significant chunk of Earth-Bet.

Besides, Causality Essence doesn't cause people to spontaneously form Po souls, so they won't turn into monsters.

Anyone who visits Autochthonia will probably need a soulgem, though.
I concur with Slamu, the Orichalcum caste seems tailor-made for Accord, but he's got some strikes against him for our particular Assembly. He's a villain (which is probably not a huge deal if we're seriously considering GU for Exaltation), it's not clear whether he'd take orders/follow Taylor's lead (perhaps Moebot can fix this?) and there's his history with Marrow. Marrow can probably be talked into accepting Accord into the assembly, but do we really want to do that to her? Forcing someone to work with a co-worker that they furiously hate for potentially millennia sounds like a punishment one might find on a lower circle of hell. He's also super useful as a normal parahuman, as the Exalted don't screw with his Thinker powers. I can see him in the epilogue leading his own Assembly, but our Assembly just isn't quite the right fit for him.

Also I think it might be weird just having the one dude on the squad when it's shaping up to be a flight of Valkyries otherwise. Just saying.

I've passed over a lot of the discussion catching up with the story bits, but Lustrum? That seems really out of left field, might as well nominate Black Kaze for Moonsilver, give Aisha some token competition.

My favorite for Orichalcum is Alexandria. She's got her issues, definitely: whether or not she'd be loyal to the Assembly/Taylor over Cauldron, whether she'd follow Taylor's orders at all, her position as head of the LA protectorate as well as whole frikin' PRT conflicting with working with the Assembly, etc, but she's got her good points. For one, it's freaking Alexandria; Triumvirate member joining our Assembly? Hell yeah. Better PR than snagging Chevalier. And her power, plus Exaltation removing her one weakness of needing to breathe? The anima close combat bonus would just be gratuitous. Now like Chev, I'd say she's strong enough that Exalting her is superfluous, but she's kinda jacked-up at the moment. Sure, Contessa probably has put her back together with tinkertech and duct tape by now, but she's got failure points now, a good hit to whatever is holding her diaphragm together and she's out of the fight. Can she even fly at this point? If there was a way to heal her otherwise, I'd say go for it, but the only WoG I recall on the matter is that it might be possible to rebuild her guts over the course of several months with Taylor's Omnitool Implants? Actually, can Iris's Craft: Genesis fix her? I see there's some discussion that Saki's pocket dimension can shut down powers and may be used as a way to heal Alexandria, but if that's the case, don't we face the same issue that was brought up in story when Siberian tore her up? Alexandria is like Weld, she's not flesh & blood any more, her body's made out of some hyper-dense material in the shape of a human body. The concern was that if her or Weld fell into Hatchetface's power-nullification field, it could paralyze them, or it might just flat out kill them. It sounds like the power-canceling effect of Saki's pocket dimension may cause the same problem.

Point is, Alexandria's too powerful an asset to allow to remain broken, if there's any way to fix her aside from Exaltation, we should pursue it, otherwise she has the traits to fit nicely into the Orichalcum caste (if not as nicely as Accord). As for personality/loyalty issues, from the discussion it sounds like the universal solution for any candidate's issues proper application of Moebot Prime to their personality; Alex should be no different, even if she can't be spiked.

If GU's a serious candidate for Orichalcum, she'd probably have the least loyalty issues of her, Alex and Accord if we can sell her on the idea. Might even have less PR issues than Accord ("It's Glaistig Uaine. She waltzed out of the Birdcage and said she wanted to be on the squad. The fuck was I supposed to do?!" And everyone nods at the obvious reasonableness of Taylor's actions). Of course, she is holy shit powerful, Exaltation for her is overkill, but if we don't Exalt GU are we even gonna bother interacting with her/attempt to get her on our side? A weak argument admittedly, but it might be really fun to have her be on the Assembly. The awkward interactions between her and all of Taylor's friends would be delightful. Bonesaw would call us nuts for enlisting the Fairy Queen. Glenn would lose his goddamn mind if nothing else.

As for other candidates: Weld's already shot us down, he's valuable as he is due to being a/the Case 53 leader plus having a strong, durable power. Wyld, I don't see her as an Orichalcum, really I don't know what caste she would be, but it would be nice, if not really feasible, for her to have an Exaltation to help protect her and her incredibly OP power (she's too damn squishy, someone get her some power armor already!). Piggot, I don't think she's got the character for Orichalcum, if anything she should be Jade if she'd going to be Exalted. Armsmaster, he could work, I think he's more suited for Jade, his character seems less suited to Orichalcum than Accord/Alex/GU, but he would likely get the greatest boost in utility if he were Exalted, so maybe as a middle of the road option?
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9.4 Voting: Options, Discussion Start
Uh oh, indeed! Lots of surprises this chapter... and who knows what charms she has in Lord Grasp?! Well, you do if you you're paying attention to the Character Sheets, that is, but that's cheating. Cheaters!

Anyway, though it was brief, this counted as the Exaltation Meditation, so Clarity troubles were nipped in the bud before they got out of hand - good thing, too, for our PR specialist! Somewhat more importantly, however, we finally have in-character knowledge that we're running on a time limit here, so things are going to be speeding up a bit with regards to Exaltation funtimes. We already have a bunch of votes from the past about Exaltations that will be trickling down now, so look forward to how that's going to play out next chapter, but there are some more immediate decisions to be made now. Specifically, since Saki has a reasonable idea that Sakura isn't coming through in a week… do we toss someone into the Cradle now? NOTE: This is going to be a binary choice, and will result in a follow-up vote to determine what character is presented the choice. No one is guaranteed to accept from here on out (though some are much more likely to accept than others)!

We also still have a few details to clear up for what went on while Saki and Sakura were off being made Real (Robot) Magical Girls (just like in Kinzey's Japanese Animes)! We've already helped piece together how Philadelphia is doing since the S9 got deep-sixed, Taylor worked on her new armor (which is finished now, check it out in the Story Index), but… what did Iris and Riley do? We gave Iris a whole heapin' helpin' of tinkertech scrap from Bezalel, Bakuda, and Mannequin… and here's what they could have made!

- Soulgem Injector: Gives an Earth-Bet human a full soul so they can work on Exalted physics now! This is, canonically, the most painful thing a human can experience in Exalted! This procedure, however, has been altered a bit with the help of Riley to wipe the brain of the memory, but the Soul will always remember for the rest of their lives (very minor PTSD instead of major PTSD). There are tons of benefits to working on Exalted physics, such as actually having Willpower to fight off parahuman power urges and being able to Stunt. Note that Riley went through it first to make sure it worked, so she's got a soul now if we pick this!
- Medical Nanites: Grey goo that heals! Basically Project Laz'R'Us from Schlock Mercenary without soldier-mode; treated Earth-Bet humans gain decent self-healing, immunity to most diseases and viruses, and are slowly de-aged to biologically ~25 years old and kept there. This is mechanically a Shaping effect, so our Alchemicals probably won't get much use from it for themselves. Riley technically is the one who would get public credit for this, since Iris doesn't count as a person in the eyes of the law.
- New Charm: ONE Shards of the Exalted Dream charm now available, but one of Taylor's current charms was cannibalized to make it since she has no room to spare. We choose which charm, and may customize it a bit because SotED is wonky.
- Body Double: Tinkertech humanoid drone with enough artificial neural framework to be controlled by SoPA but not enough to be anything more than a vegetable. It's got a metal skeleton and nanine covering, so it effectively mimics Husk-Sculpting Apparatus and has in-built Tinkertech weaponry - now Taylor can be social or on the front lines while still comfortably working in the lab! It's basically a Terminator-X without the omnicidal directives. Potential for mass-production later!)
- Write-In: Needs to be something that, thematically, an Iris/Riley collab would have produced while being locked up in quarantine with limited supplies/access.

And speaking of Riley, just exactly how have we been treating her? She has a body now (made by Wyld), but she no longer has her implants to force her to be super-cheerful all the time. Still, she does have a surprising amount of energy and cheer since she hasn't really been forced to confront and understand the scope and impacts of her atrocities. There's also the fact that Iris… actually gets along with her pretty dang well, now that she's not trying to put a dress on him and pour tea all over his shell. She's much more into discovery and SCIENCE than Taylor ever has been (it's always been a means to an end for Taylor), after all. What role is Taylor playing here?

Finally… Taylor's talk about potential good uses of her terrifying charms didn't completely go in one ear and out the other while Saki was having a panic attack. In fact, she will have a bit of a revelation soon: she can make all the pain go away. Does Saki use her charms on herself to strip away her traumatic experiences? This will cure the PTSD Derangement and thus drastically cut down the number of freak-outs she has, but she is also not a trained psychologist and her charms are not aligned yet…

Enough stalling, let's do this!

Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
[ ] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Soulgem Injector
[ ] Medical Nanites
[ ] New Charm
[ ] Body Double
[ ] Write In: <NAME GOES HERE>

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
[ ] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
[ ] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
[ ] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)

Now to write a stunt that has Saki shove her trauma into Bonesaw using the Happy Fun Spike ...

-Stunt: The sound of the door opening makes Riley up from her work. Her eyes widen as she sees Warden, her smile disappearing as she scrambles to back away. She's too slow. In an instant Warden is holding her, a midnight spike plunging down, and Weaver can only stare as the both of them disappear in a flurry of hexagons.
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Well, I'd be up for offering Vista and/or Who a chance to slam their heads into the cradle immediately.
That's the only voting option I have an opinion on.
I wouldn't want to touch Riley's issues with a ten-foot pole, I'd say stunt her over to Yamada, heck Iris could probably use some Yamada.
Specifically, since Saki has a reasonable idea that Sakura isn't coming through in a week… do we toss someone into the Cradle now? NOTE: This is going to be a binary choice, and will result in a follow-up vote to determine what character is presented the choice. No one is guaranteed to accept from here on out (though some are much more likely to accept than others)!

Aisha seems the likely obvious candidate. Unlike the other castes, she seems to be generally accepted by basically everyone as the obvious choice, and we don't really have other major candidates for her position. I believe she is also someone who is very likely to accept. The only issue here is that we have almost no XP for her chargen! We used it all on Saki, so Aisha would presumably come with less limited charmset.

This actually makes me seriously wonder if it might actually be worth considering the idea of getting a level 3 vial from Cauldron, and throwing it in with her. Atleast I believe Gromweld stated that while this would reduce time left by 1 month, it would allow Auto to likely give the chosen exalt two shard-charms. @Gromweld, would you be willing to confirm if this is still the case?

Autochthon hoovered up the entire shard to work on it himself, and then deposited it into its own custom-made sanctum. He can only do that through the Cradle, and doing so takes a massive amount of power and resources for him to do. So, yes, we can try to get him to convert more shards for us beyond what's latched onto any future Conversion candidates, but each shard will take off a month from how much time we have left to finish our Assembly.

The reason why this would be nice is because we know Eden charms (which a vial reward would give) tend to replicate the effects of pre-existing Alchemical charms, while Zion charms produce unique effects. By doing this, we might be able to get Aisha several "free" Alchemical charms without the XP cost (Saki used nearly a hundred xp in her chargen. We have 10 xp in bank now. Aisha would come seriously inferior in comparison without somekind of shenanigans).

Obviously it would have some downsides, but since we don't have a vat complex, and will be very unlikely to get one anytime soon, the downsides of having Alchemical with worse charm suite for a LONG time might be worse (especially since losing 1 month is not catastrophic if we dump in Vista/other soon after Aisha comes out. It might be worth it to do this to make sure Aisha comes as well equipped as Saki did. We could then try to save up more XP for Vistas chargen while making Aisha, and use the XP we would otherwise have had to spend buying charms for Aisha into getting stuff for Vista instead. Our Ori could then be sent last, say when we have say 2 weeks before the Cradle closes.

This is potentially especially handy, since we managed to capture Manton (and his information), and with Auto presumably handling the "triggering" process for the Eden-shard, we would presumably have atleast some slight influence on exactly WHAT type of alchemical charms the Eden shard would replicate. Heck, with Iris back, Taylor would surely realise that Prayers charm emulates Alchemical chrmas somewhat, and realise that converted Eden shards basically become like a large array of multiple alchemical shards (with possible upgrades even!).

We could have Taylor try to have Aisha focus on the specific powers that would fit a spy/infiltrator role when we put her into the cradle (Iris could give a list). Gromweld did very recently say that Auto can basically choose the desirable functions from a shard, and scrap the rest of the shard, so I would assume with Iris around and Prayers charms meditated, Taylor could work it out (and if not, Iris would).

We also know from Prayer, that Eden shard-charm works are a prerequisites for others, so theres that too. I feel that despite the downsides (using up favor, month less to work with, etc) this is something we should seriously consider (assuming its still on the table? Gromweld?) IF we choose to send someone in right now. This is ESPECIALLY true if we send in Aisha or Vista (who as children/teenagers come with less skills and abilities and would require more XP to get up and running at top speed).

- Soulgem Injector: Gives an Earth-Bet human a full soul so they can work on Exalted physics now! This is, canonically, the most painful thing a human can experience in Exalted! This procedure, however, has been altered a bit with the help of Riley to wipe the brain of the memory, but the Soul will always remember for the rest of their lives (very minor PTSD instead of major PTSD). There are tons of benefits to working on Exalted physics, such as actually having Willpower to fight off parahuman power urges and being able to Stunt. Note that Riley went through it first to make sure it worked, so she's got a soul now if we pick this!

I was left slightly confused by your previous message so would you verify that this is true: The process described here can more or less be replicated by having Iris install a soul, and then having Saki use POS to erase the memory of it? Yes, it would still have the downsides described (soul would remember), and it would require Saki to be there whenever we give someone a soul, but the ensouling process (with agony and soulgem stuck to the forehead) could be done regardless right? Just with less "automation" and with Saki always needing to be present.

One thing of note is that Bonesaw with a soul can resist POS to some degree. So this would be worth noting if we plan to erase memories of Jack Slash (Don't know about that since we don't have Sakis reaction).

- Medical Nanites: Grey goo that heals! Basically Project Laz'R'Us from Schlock Mercenary without soldier-mode; treated Earth-Bet humans gain decent self-healing, immunity to most diseases and viruses, and are slowly de-aged to biologically ~25 years old and kept there. This is mechanically a Shaping effect, so our Alchemicals probably won't get much use from it for themselves. Riley technically is the one who would get public credit for this, since Iris doesn't count as a person in the eyes of the law.

This would probably help fix some of Rileys reputation. However there is one potential issue that I can see here. Iris tends to have pride in his work, and he seriously dislikes being treated as somekind of object. Its also likely that he would have played a major role. For Riley to get all the public credit and fame would likely NOT make Iris happy about this. He gets pissed when people don't refer to him as 'him'. Beind told "you don't get credit since you are not a person" is unlikely to go down well.

If this option is chosen, I would actually suggest we try to have Taylor or Saki (or both!) try to campaign for equal public recognizition for him ("Spirits are people too!"). This would likely make Iris happier even if we did not succeed. Ofcourse, dunno how we would sell it to the public.

- New Charm: ONE Shards of the Exalted Dream charm now available, but one of Taylor's current charms was cannibalized to make it since she has no room to spare. We choose which charm, and may customize it a bit because SotED is wonky.

Not worth it.

- Body Double: Tinkertech humanoid drone with enough artificial neural framework to be controlled by SoPA but not enough to be anything more than a vegetable. It's got a metal skeleton and nanine covering, so it effectively mimics Husk-Sculpting Apparatus and has in-built Tinkertech weaponry - now Taylor can be social or on the front lines while still comfortably working in the lab! It's basically a Terminator-X without the omnicidal directives. Potential for mass-production later!)

This is something that would be pretty awesome too though. The benefits of having another Taylor we can control with SoPA would be extremely potent. The fact that we can perhaps MASS PRODUCE more Taylors eventually makes this even more attractive (especially with SoPA range being extendable due to MSD, potentially to vast distances by using multiple ones as relays). We could eventually have multiple Taylors patrolling the city, each one with a tinkertech suit, while Taylor is working at lab.

Also, since we voted for pretty high SoPA use, having one available right now would likely also help quite a bit with fixing Philadelphia. We could possibly boost either reconstruction or crime one level better via this and action. During endbringer battles, we could have real Taylor in the Mantle with Iris and a drone one in the standard tinkertech armor. Eventually we could have multiple Taylors patrolling everywhere, working in a hospital and doing all sorts of other helpfull things.

Or multiple Taylors doing tinkering in perfect harmony. Possibly gaining the benefits of SPU aswell? We could also have drone-Taylor assist real-Taylor in Alexandrias surgery.

I was going for the nanites before, but frankly, the more I think about this, the more I like this option. Especially since we would (presumably?) be able to further tinker and modify the weaponry and gear and so on that the drone-Taylor has available. And the very idea that this could eventually be mass produced makes this a VERY VERY attractive option. Since the nanites would probably be stuck in red tape for quite a while (especially since Bonesaw worked on them), I could actually see us being able to do considerably more good with this, than we could with nanites., in the timespan we have left.

Theres also the fact that we know that with sufficient medicine (and working with Armsmaster presumably), Taylor can craft nanites herself. I dunno if they would be identical ones, but I figure we could get close enough.

Frankly, I think I am going to vote for this. Its just too good, both in short term and long-term. And since Taylor could use this to save lots of lives, stop lots of criminals (parahuman and otherwise) and basically do LOTS of good, this option could also be spun to make Riley look better to the public.

And speaking of Riley, just exactly how have we been treating her? She has a body now (made by Wyld), but she no longer has her implants to force her to be super-cheerful all the time. Still, she does have a surprising amount of energy and cheer since she hasn't really been forced to confront and understand the scope and impacts of her atrocities. There's also the fact that Iris… actually gets along with her pretty dang well, now that she's not trying to put a dress on him and pour tea all over his shell. She's much more into discovery and SCIENCE than Taylor ever has been (it's always been a means to an end for Taylor), after all. What role is Taylor playing here?

I dunno about this. Constantly reminding her of her atrocities might actually backfire, but just ignoring them (especially if Saki learns that not only are we working with Bonesaw, but not even making her confront her actions) could arguably be just as bad. Frankly, this is something we would likely need help with.

Since we can stunt this, I wonder if we could bring in Yamada (or other top-quality psychologist/psychiatrist), and basically choose the "make Riley face reality" option, but make the option slightly gentler by having it all happen under Yamadas guidance, making the confrontation of her crimes a more gradual thing? Maybe the stunt could be Taylor in discussion with Yamada about how to act, what to say and how say it and so on?

Finally… Taylor's talk about potential good uses of her terrifying charms didn't completely go in one ear and out the other while Saki was having a panic attack. In fact, she will have a bit of a revelation soon: she can make all the pain go away. Does Saki use her charms on herself to strip away her traumatic experiences? This will cure the PTSD Derangement and thus drastically cut down the number of freak-outs she has, but she is also not a trained psychologist and her charms are not aligned yet…

First of all, using uncalibrated charms to do this sounds like a potentially BAD idea. It might backfire in some way. Possibly cause some other mental damage perhaps? Or not erase it properly, causing all the trauma to suddenly reappear in the worst possible moment somewhere down the line.

This is especially true since the charms are not going anywhere, which means she could presumably use the charms erase the trauma later too (and do it much safer with her charms working properly!).

If I might make a suggestion, maybe we could have Sakis free action be with Yamada (hey, if we were to stunt her here with Bonesaw, why not use her for this too) or another therapist, and bring this possibility up in the free action? This way, the idea would be there and acknowledged, but when and if its something that would end up being used, it would actually be done under the guidance of an expert.

Gromweld stated that Saki is "not a trained psychologist". So how about we make a free action where the (possible eventual?) usage of the charm IS guided and controlled by someone who IS a "trained psychologist". Best of both worlds right there.

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:

Given that we are apparently going to have to send people through the Cradle fast, and possibly send in Aisha (or someone) VERY soon, I feel we should probably only get the absolute essentials (whatever they may be), and start storing XP for chargen of our next exalt.
[X] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
[X] Soulgem Injector
[X] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
[X] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.

Just putting this up here for my reference for when voting starts.
My favorite for Orichalcum is Alexandria. She's got her issues, definitely: whether or not she'd be loyal to the Assembly/Taylor over Cauldron, whether she'd follow Taylor's orders at all, her position as head of the LA protectorate as well as whole frikin' PRT conflicting with working with the Assembly, etc,

Also planet-sized PR issues with the Cauldron reveal, and possibly reviving Eden (yes, I'm going to keep hammering on this).

Enough stalling, let's do this!

Immediate (late-night) thoughts:

Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
Specifically Aisha. We're on a time limit, we've got two of three slots more or less set, what are we waiting for?

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Soulgem Injector
Nanites would also be nice, but we really need to get to work on whatever we're doing vis-a-vis Essence and bringing Autochthon over. Certainly against body double - it gains far too little.

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
The first option may or may not be poor, but it sounds like it ends badly. The second sounds like we're dismissing Riley's past, which I don't think we want either. Better to just ignore it and let the psychologists deal with the matter. Maybe.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
Risky, but we do need Saki to get into a better mental state. Maybe.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
TBD. Maybe something related to Wyld's group?

XP Expenditures
How much XP do we have anyway? Bureaucracy seems like it might be useful with the impending Exaltation chain, but for the same reason spending XP seems undesirable.

On Assembly functions....
EOA - Coordination/Knowledge
FPoP - Combat/Faith
WoRI - PR/Espionage
Exalt!Aisha - Infiltration and disruption, and generally messing with opposing plans.
Exalt!Missy - Combat more in the sense of battlefield control, and by virtue of being Jade Caste probably some diplomacy in a fashion complementary to Saki.
Orichalcum - Who knows. Armsmaster would be crafting+combat. Accord would be strategy. Both have quite a bit of overlap with existing Assembly members.

This actually makes me seriously wonder if it might actually be worth considering the idea of getting a level 3 vial from Cauldron, and throwing it in with her.

Remember to factor in the disruption to Eden's body. And Aisha chargen would be a few updates off yet - if we restrict XP spending, we could get to respectable XP levels.
Now to write a stunt that has Saki shove her trauma into Bonesaw using the Happy Fun Spike ...

Frankly, this would probably make everything worse. It would probably mess both of them (Riley for obviosu reasons), Saki because she would probably start to believe she is a monster like Bonesaw for doing it. Not to mention the loss of trust in herself for using POS without carefull consideration.

If we do use POS on Bonesaw, the obvious use would be to erase memories related to Jack Slash (and possibly S9). We know Jack was a thinker, so Riley could be considered mastered to a point. And we know Riley won't lose her skills/knowledge and maturity even if we erase her life with S9. Pointless torture is not really worth it and would just make things worse for everyone. Ofcourse any use would have to wait until charm calibration (who knows what would happen otherwise).

Truthfully, its hard to make a decision here since we don't really know how she would react. Shock, anger, hurt, betrayal and so on seem very likely, but to what extent (Are we dealing with "friendship with Taylor takes a heavy, but recoverable blow". Or are we dealing with "Taylor, the assembly she leads and PRT are all monsters! Time to leave forever and try to help Autochton/recover Sakura on my own".

However messing with Sakis mind/memories (particularly with an uncalibrated charm) also sounds like a recipe for disaster, so erasing her own revulsion is not something I would support right now. And like I said earlier, the whole thing should be done under the guidance of an expert.

Well, I'd be up for offering Vista and/or Who a chance to slam their heads into the cradle immediately.
That's the only voting option I have an opinion on.

Aisha seems the obvious choice. The only question is, do we try to get consent/agreement from PRT and Brian (is he legally her guardian anyway? Or do we just do it without really telling people about it.

We could probably get it from PRT easily enough. We have enough influence, and Aishas shard explicitly causes her trouble. Reminding people of how Chevalier nearly let her die, because her power made him forget her the moment she was injured and lost focus would likely help to convince PRT. Pointing out both the dangers and the trouble of living a normal life, and that that Auto could probably fix her charm so that it won't be constantly on (keeping it off might cause clarity or require willpower or something, but I can't believe Auto would not see the obvious issue and modify it so it can be disabled).

Brian however might believe we would be turning Aisha into a podperson and object as best he can. Mostly because if Lisa gets the idea that we plan to exalt Aisha basically in the very-near future, she would likely try to "save" Aisha by stopping us somehow.

I wouldn't want to touch Riley's issues with a ten-foot pole, I'd say stunt her over to Yamada, heck Iris could probably use some Yamada.

Doubt Iris needs help, and Yamada would have no real clue how to deal with Iris anyway. He is a third circle fetich spirit that exists as a sphere. :)

You should probably remove the X's atleast, so they won't count as real votes.

Remember to factor in the disruption to Eden's body. And Aisha chargen would be a few updates off yet - if we restrict XP spending, we could get to respectable XP levels.

Eh, it seems a pretty low risk. There are decent enough odds that no one else is connected to that shard. Sure theres a minor risk, but we take far bigger risks all the time (Sakis reaction to Bonesaw is far more likely to blow in our face for example).

And while we could get higher XP, we would be unlikely to get it to the kind of levels Saki had. And the lack of vat complex means that once its done, its DONE, and won't be changing for a long time.
So in order to get Auto out of Elsewhere so he can recover, we need to get everything converted to Essence. But if we do that people start turning into monsters if they don't get souls. But we have limited souls (and manpower), way less than what we need for billions of people. The only way to really get more souls is to have access to cosmic machinery that took a healthy (well, maximally healthy) Autochthon, and possibly other Primordials, to build in the first place. And Autochthon is asleep and dying, and also not here yet, since that's the point of this entire exercise!
So, we're screwed.
Not quite. Iris appears capable of forging Soulsteel out of raw essence alone, so it's more of a race thing. The sooner we have people with soul producing Essence, the sooner we'd have the kind of energy to manufacture new souls in a practical manner.

I would highlight that Autochton himself is perfectly capable of forging souls or creating a production facility for souls, since he was one of the original designers OF souls and the mechanisms to manufacture them.

The issue is that said facilities would require vast resources.
Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
[ ] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.
Okay, IC wise, Aisha is basically ready to go, and there's no serious competitor for the slot, and Autochton told us to hurry up. Which means Yes.

OOC wise, we've just burned through our XP reserve pretty aggressively, and omake production's largely tapered off a while ago(unless people want to invest into writing worksafe versions of Saki's trashy fics for XP or something), so it benefits us to wait.

I'd say to just proceed at present.
With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Soulgem Injector
[ ] Medical Nanites
[ ] New Charm
[ ] Body Double
[ ] Write In: <NAME GOES HERE>
Currently I'm leaning towards the Medical Nanites, as one of the ways to prove to the world that we aren't JUST really good at defeating villains and being super pretty.

This make it easier to justify questionable Exaltations, easier to sell keeping Riley as a public good/penance(rather than just co-opted for our personal gain) and also to make it easier to roll out the Soulgem Injector after a proven product is in play.
Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
[ ] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
[ ] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
Okay...trickier one:
-Bad Girl, No Biscuit - Taylor does not have the skills to reliably make this work, but this is the route that would appease Saki the most...along with the biggest risks of Bonesaw deciding "fuck this, I'm out" before we get any progress. It focuses on Bonesaw the Criminal.

-Respect My Authority - Taylor could do this one fairly well I believe, keeping them in line. It would exasperate Iris a bit, but be neutral where Riley and Saki are concerned. It focuses on Riley the Victim.

-I Am Not a Doctor - This one would probably be pretty easy to do, but would have some risks of backsliding(Iris is not an upstanding moral example), and would almost certainly cross Saki without very good stunts.

Overall I'm leaning towards Respect My Authority. We're here to Fix her everything.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
[ ] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.
I think I'm going to request some clarification on this first.
On one hand, we need Saki functional FAST, but on the other, taking the "this is problematic, lemme purge it and become a better person" is inherently risky, because that way lies "my friendship and personality quirks are in the way, begone" if she is pushed into Clarity to quickly cut ties.

So I'm leaning no, not immediately or without a pressing crisis.
Time is pressing, but we'd probably have an easier time getting the Exaltations we want if Saki doesn't start dramatically rewriting her personality immediately.
Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
EOA - I'm thinking second verse, same as the first. Focus on the reconstruction of Philadelphia this time, possibly using the swarm transport stunt to move supplies via controlled animals, bypassing ruined roads.

FPoP - I'm thinking if we vote to Exalt someone, we should have Sirkalla work on obtaining the necessary authorizations and permissions with her new status in the PRT. Backing 5, time to wield it to our benefit.

WoRI - Currently leaning towards getting her to meet up with the other Wards again, now that she's out of M/S containment, with the twin meta-objectives of:
--Reducing stress by reconnecting with friends.
--Meeting with Vista/Missy or Who/Aisha's family to demonstrate that Saki is still Saki, even after the transition. No need to specifically engineer it, just prove by action that it's really her.
---Problem: Meeting Brian will be hard to disguise as anything BUT 'work', so there's that. Meeting Missy's adoptive family would be possible to be more casual.

I was left slightly confused by your previous message so would you verify that this is true: The process described here can more or less be replicated by having Iris install a soul, and then having Saki use POS to erase the memory of it? Yes, it would still have the downsides described (soul would remember), and it would require Saki to be there whenever we give someone a soul, but the ensouling process (with agony and soulgem stuck to the forehead) could be done regardless right? Just with less "automation" and with Saki always needing to be present.

One thing of note is that Bonesaw with a soul can resist POS to some degree. So this would be worth noting if we plan to erase memories of Jack Slash (Don't know about that since we don't have Sakis reaction).
Unless we want to limit the number of people converted to the amount of willpower Saki can recover, I don't think that's at all practical. This is for production, as in, once we have the test cases done, ideally we'd be ensouling dozens of people per day.

At a minimum
Since we can stunt this, I wonder if we could bring in Yamada (or other top-quality psychologist/psychiatrist), and basically choose the "make Riley face reality" option, but make the option slightly gentler by having it all happen under Yamadas guidance, making the confrontation of her crimes a more gradual thing? Maybe the stunt could be Taylor in discussion with Yamada about how to act, what to say and how say it and so on?
I like this idea - I was very much against the option as written, since it comes across far more like what Lisa does in Amelia. Constantly throw Riley's past in her face, more as a means of punishment for the sake of punishment, rather than any actual attempt at rehabilitation. But it's not the sort of thing we should ignore either.
First of all, using uncalibrated charms to do this sounds like a potentially BAD idea. It might backfire in some way. Possibly cause some other mental damage perhaps? Or not erase it properly, causing all the trauma to suddenly reappear in the worst possible moment somewhere down the line.

This is especially true since the charms are not going anywhere, which means she could presumably use the charms erase the trauma later too (and do it much safer with her charms working properly!).

If I might make a suggestion, maybe we could have Sakis free action be with Yamada (hey, if we were to stunt her here with Bonesaw, why not use her for this too) or another therapist, and bring this possibility up in the free action? This way, the idea would be there and acknowledged, but when and if its something that would end up being used, it would actually be done under the guidance of an expert.

Gromweld stated that Saki is "not a trained psychologist". So how about we make a free action where the (possible eventual?) usage of the charm IS guided and controlled by someone who IS a "trained psychologist". Best of both worlds right there.
Yeah, my main issue with it is the 'uncalibrated Charm' bit. The other problem, just thinking on it now - would she even be able to fix her trauma? Because as far as I can tell, she can only erase Intimacies, and the big issue seems to be the PTSD Derangement (Edit: On rereading, this' fine). Which I'd think should stick around, even if she got rid of the Bonesaw/Enslavement Intimacy.
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Yeah, my main issue with it is the 'uncalibrated Charm' bit.
I believe she's already meditating on them. She's been repeatedly cautioned by Taylor not to use the mind affecting stuff without calibration as it is. This is for after.

The other problem, just thinking on it now - would she even be able to fix her trauma? Because as far as I can tell, she can only erase Intimacies, and the big issue seems to be the PTSD Derangement. Which I'd think should stick around, even if she got rid of the Bonesaw/Enslavement Intimacy.

I'm pretty sure she could spike herself to just wipe the intimacy AND the associated memory. The problem personally isn't what it does for her problems NOW(running theme with Exalted, you can generally solve your immediate problem with enough of the right applied bullshit), but what it does in the mid and long term.

Mid term - Saki simply cutting out chunks of her beliefs and memories are going to seriously intensify the pod person issues, and make a lot more work to make exaltation feasible, as well as delaying soul implantation.

Long term - Consider Saki getting into the habit of removing problematic intimacies, then removing illogical intimacies in the depths of Clarity. We need to account for her entering deep Clarity at least once, and the danger is that ClarityYou is basically yourself, but a lot more pragmatic. If Saki decides to be judicious with self mindfuck, then her Clarity self would be cautious with the same. If she decides to use it freely...well, her Clarity self would have no use for all these shipping connections and just SNIP.
Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
Can we wait with removing her PTSD until her charms are calibrated? Or will she already have mostly gotten over the worst flashbacks by then?

Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
I think we definitely should go ahead with Exalting someone else. We were just told to hurry up, delaying for OOC reasons just seems wrong to me.

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
I'm tending towards Nanites here, just to get some great PR, but I could be swayed towards the soulgems.

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
Respect my authority seems best, here. We don't want to make her despise us, but we still need to keep an eye on her.

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]

Hmm, not too sure on these. I mean, we probably want to stunt WoRI to do some PR, but that's her task anyway.

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such
Do we want to spend any XP? We potentially have a new Exaltion coming up very soon and are low on XP, I think we should save the XP for Aisha.
EOA - I'm thinking second verse, same as the first. Focus on the reconstruction of Philadelphia this time, possibly using the swarm transport stunt to move supplies via controlled animals, bypassing ruined roads.

With Exaltations suddenly a much higher priority, I think Taylor should focus on getting someone in the right mindset for Exaltation. Ideas:
-Even after S9, Aisha might not have the drive needed. If the stunt for the Twins' exaltation included proof of their Starmetal worthiness via shipping, then maybe we could show Aisha's newfound determination at work in New York.
-If we're planning on a hero for Orichalcum then we can get started on grooming them. Awakening Armsmaster to the idea that there is more to heroism than glory, or getting, say, Miss Militia in a more Orichalcum mindset (shining example of heroism, etc.)

Incidentally, if you're not planning on a hero for Orichalcum, then you should. Bringing people around to the idea of, say, Accord as our Orichalcum is barely feasible in our new timeframe. Birdcage inmates? Not a chance in hell. And don't forget, the rest of the Assembly has to approve of our choice, too.
Unless we want to limit the number of people converted to the amount of willpower Saki can recover, I don't think that's at all practical. This is for production, as in, once we have the test cases done, ideally we'd be ensouling dozens of people per day.

At a minimum

And where will you get the people for this? Even with memory erasure, its still something that causes a minor level PTSD (and occasional nightmares for life) and permanently leaves your forehead with a rock in it. The benefits also mostly apply to heroic mortals. Average Joe won't see huge benefits. People won't be lining up for it.

Stunts also recover willpower, so we could ensoul dozens a day if we managed to find enough volunteers.

Finally, we will start hitting diminishing returns after couple hundred ensouled anyway, if cult is what you are after. The numbers needed for next level start getting higher and higher.
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Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Soulgem Injector (Useful for our endgame goal)
[ ] Body Double (so useful it's very tempting)
[ ] Write In: Invent a *New* *Never-seen before* Causality-aspected Magical Material - Enough for one Alchemical to be made from it, and notes on what type of soul woul catalyze it. (If choosing an Ori is too hard/devicive, make your own 3rd option to take.)

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
[ ] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
[X] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Rileyisn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris andRiley work on their own.

We should study pysc at somepoint, but we are not shrinks.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
[ ] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.

Cutting away your problems either makes you less human or no longer Tatsu. Not good.

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.] Taylor Contacting Cauldron via Ledgend. Re: Formulas for future Exalts, Search party help for Sakura if needed.

[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.] Socalization with Defiant/Crwaller. Perhaps using Adamant and acid on blocks of stone to make Art?

[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]

Choose one:
* Catharic tears and hug from Dr. Yamada as Saki moves through the stages of grief.

* Saki organising a 'bennifits concert' that is a PR event to fix our PR.
Yeah, the whole 'exalting Cauldron capes makes Eden scream from beyond the grave' thing keeps getting glossed over and probably bears more consideration.

Personally for the whole Orichalcum issue, I'm at least slightly in favor of GU over Alex. Alexandria would create too many loyalty problems, and we'd have to deal with Eden. On the other hand, it's the Fairy Queen. Anything that makes Riley call us crazy is probably !FUN!. ...but in a good way. I'm still slightly cross we haven't considered Doctor Mother for shiggles. Maybe Custodian, for maximum 'wat'. ​

Anyways, things!
Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
[ ] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.

Given what we know OOC and the IC HURRY THE FUCK UP, I see no reason not to say Yes. Aisha for moonsilver, because everyone seems to be okay with that, and we can cite a number of pressing needs: Aisha almost dying repeatedly because of her power is A Problem.

I'm gonna defer my opinion on With A Box of Scraps until I review the options and discussion thereof.
Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
[ ] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
[ ] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
Probably Respect My Authority, maybe bring in Yamada (or even another therapist!!!111one) as the stunt. Play a bit of good cop bad cop, but mostly to keep her line at work while Yamada works on her actual psychological issues. Iris has to be overseen anyways, so... Or, put another way, Tinkertime is guided by the Tinker, psychology time is guided by the psychologist.

Dunno about Self-medicating, or what to prioritize free actions on.
I believe she's already meditating on them. She's been repeatedly cautioned by Taylor not to use the mind affecting stuff without calibration as it is. This is for after.

Actually, I think @Gromweld was going to have her self-medicate before she meditated on her charms, but I just woke up and my memory isn't as good as it was a decade ago (and it was pretty bad a decade ago).
I believe she's already meditating on them. She's been repeatedly cautioned by Taylor not to use the mind affecting stuff without calibration as it is. This is for after.
It's right there in the vote description:
This will cure the PTSD Derangement and thus drastically cut down the number of freak-outs she has, but she is also not a trained psychologist and her charms are not aligned yet…
I'm pretty sure she could spike herself to just wipe the intimacy AND the associated memory. The problem personally isn't what it does for her problems NOW(running theme with Exalted, you can generally solve your immediate problem with enough of the right applied bullshit), but what it does in the mid and long term.

Mid term - Saki simply cutting out chunks of her beliefs and memories are going to seriously intensify the pod person issues, and make a lot more work to make exaltation feasible, as well as delaying soul implantation.

Long term - Consider Saki getting into the habit of removing problematic intimacies, then removing illogical intimacies in the depths of Clarity. We need to account for her entering deep Clarity at least once, and the danger is that ClarityYou is basically yourself, but a lot more pragmatic. If Saki decides to be judicious with self mindfuck, then her Clarity self would be cautious with the same. If she decides to use it freely...well, her Clarity self would have no use for all these shipping connections and just SNIP.
But what she's actually doing is removing the Derangement (possibly other stuff as well, but that's the main idea). Which is just that. Not really part of her personality (or inasmuch as you consider actual mental disorders caused by things part of a personality). People compared POS and stuff to psychological treatment - if medicine/psychology could just 'bam' remove PTSD, that'd be huge.
Yeah, the whole 'exalting Cauldron capes makes Eden scream from beyond the grave' thing keeps getting glossed over and probably bears more consideration.

Huh, did not remember this and went looking. It seems this is indeed a thing.

I think they are more concerned with the Eden-avatar, as it started screaming and howling in pain and hasn't stopped.

Too bad. It means that unless theres some huge XP rain, Aisha is not going to be anywhere as well equipped as Saki. And whoever follows Aisha even less so.

Regardless, this would presumably remove Alexandria from the Ori candidate pool by default.

EDIT: Still, I wonder why Eden (who is basically kinda neverborn-equivalent apparently) felt it and started screaming, whereas Scion/Zion first had major shard like QA harvested, and then Sakis shard, and did not seem to react at all? You would think the entity thats fully alive would react more. Strange.
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EDIT: Still, I wonder why Eden (who is basically kinda neverborn-equivalent apparently) felt it and started screaming, whereas Scion/Zion first had major shard like QA harvested, and then Sakis shard, and did not seem to react at all? You would think the entity thats fully alive would react more. Strange.
I believe it's because the vials Cauldron uses are the Shards that still made up Eden. Where as QA has been shed by Scion, and thus he no longer has that intrinsic link. So, Auto ripped out a large chunk of Eden's 'corpse' (actually still sort of alive - I believe it'd be more accurate to say brain dead coma than actually dead).