Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
In other words, stuff that's already covered by Weaver and Prayer.

Not at all.
I'm following the rough template the GM gave us almost two years ago, back in Thread 17.

Let me quote the GM at you:

We aren't just throwing people together, we're building a team of complementary talents.
But those categories Grom laid out are a lot broader than stuff like "special ops soldier" or "teacher/cleric." And some of those groupings had room for multiple beatsticks. And not all beatsticks are created equal. Chevalier is good with ranged attacks and has experience with leadership and small unit tactics. With Alchemical War charms, he could be a huge force multiplier.

Two other things:

1. What roles do we really need? We have Propagandists/PR in Saki and Sakura, and an infiltrator in Aisha. Other roles Grom suggested include a torturer/interrogator (which Saki at least has the Charm loadout to fill) or Long Term Planner/Intelligence gatherer, which I think Taylor fills quite well, but even if you don't agree...

2. We can make any candidate into pretty much any role we want with the right Charm Load out. What were the Twins before we Exalted them? A pair of Yaoi fangirls with above average social skills. They became the Moebots(TM) because we gave them App7/Cha7/Man7 and a Charm suite to go along with it. We could have done that with anyone. They have a cool Shard power, but that doesn't really have that much to do with their Moebots(TM) role.

In a similar vein, we don't need Aisha to be an infiltrator. We could give any (worthy) candidate an Alchemical Stealth charm suite, and they'd end up just about as good as hypothetical Alchemical Who at sneaking around.

So if we really need somebody better at long term planning and intelligence gathering, we can take Chevalier, crank his Intelligence up to 7, give him Investigation/Lore/Bureaucracy/War 5 (he likely already has at least 3s and 4s in all of those) and give him the right Charm loadout. Boom, better than just about any Thinker, plus just his Shard Charm and natural skills make him a good secondary beatstick.

Of course, we can't really do this for everyone. We have to take personality into account. For example, We gave Saki the torturer/interrogator package* even though she's clearly not suited for using it. I don't foresee any personality issues with Chevalier, though.

So again, I will urge you to think long and hard about what your choices are supposed to play in the Assembly.

You realize that a lot of your posts come across as incredibly condescending, right?

*Yes, I know that Personality Override Spike and Transcendent Brutality Programming have non torture/interrogation applications.
Because we ALREADY have "someone who is generally pretty heroic and moral person" that was why we picked Marrow (aside from woobieness and her being confirmed as a possible Adamant-caste) remember?

Maybe. The thing is, after regaining her memories, she seems to have been less of a spiritual and moral advisor than I would have hoped and generally just goes "The great maker moves in mysterious ways". For example, Chevalier was the only one we saw suggesting (if nonverbally, not realising Saki would see it) that Saki had the right to know the truth about Bonesaw. But to be fair, lets wait until we get back to Taylors POV and see whats been happening in the background. Maybe they have been having great ethical debates that we simply were not privy to.

I'm hoping for either Who Watches the Forgetful Masses or Steadfast Vista of Service (or somesuch alch-name) for our next Assembly member.

Soul gem injector would help with ensuring since it's the only one listed to be stated to be incapable of being replicated at other times or by other means.

Its actually explicitly the one we can already do right now. The injector implants a soulgem, and erases the memory of the horrible pain. POS can do that too, the only cost is willpower and need to have Saki present.

I could accept the reason for the soulgem injector if we had large groups of hundreds or thousands in quantities far too large for Saki to handle alone, all eagerly waiting to get their soulgems and minor PTSDs as fast as possible.

But I don't think we do?

- The Soulgem injection has another advantage, we have a test subject... because that is one sketchy procedure, imagine that ever getting through tinker testing.

Eh, I figure we could find a test subject. I still favor Citrine.

- By having Saki doing her rewiring we can reduce the Bonesaw Fallout and so are freer to choose what to do with Bonesaw.

You seriously suggest erasing parts of Sakis mind with uncalibrated charms? Just so we would not run into trouble due to happily working with the person who tortured her? Thats almost certainly going to backfire catastrophically, and its also quite far from justice league.

Personally I see little utility in punishing Bonesaw, but on the other hand enabling "you can happily continue working on your art without ever considering the thoughts of others" is also not a good idea.

I am more concerned about Sakis reaction to her presence, and the fact that Bonesaw seems to be everyones best friend now, when Sakis last memory of her was being horribly tortured by her. Can you imagine what that would feel like when she finds out?

You are putting it a bit too far, but let's say it like this; is the Justice League made out of shades of Superman? It's about creating contrast between the characters.

I feel that with people wanting to exalt known mass murderer and happily ignoring Sakis torture and the consequences when she finds out simply because Bonesaw is usefull and our work with Cauldron and so on means we have kinda left justice league behind are headed towards a different group.

It's because of Colin's failure to impress that we're actually considering alternative Orichalcum candidates, because as of Philly he would have said yes.

Ok. How did he fail to impress in your view, and how do we help him become a better man?
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I could accept the reason for the soulgem injector if we had large groups of hundreds or thousands in quantities far too large for Saki to handle alone, all eagerly waiting to get their soulgems and minor PTSDs as fast as possible.
Prayer did mention the religious nature of her interactions at full totemic, did she not?

Also: horrible inefficiency given doing so would entail dedicating the time of a third of the possible extant Exalts in our multiverse for the purpose.
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With Exaltations suddenly a much higher priority, I think Taylor should focus on getting someone in the right mindset for Exaltation. Ideas:
-Even after S9, Aisha might not have the drive needed. If the stunt for the Twins' exaltation included proof of their Starmetal worthiness via shipping, then maybe we could show Aisha's newfound determination at work in New York.
-If we're planning on a hero for Orichalcum then we can get started on grooming them. Awakening Armsmaster to the idea that there is more to heroism than glory, or getting, say, Miss Militia in a more Orichalcum mindset (shining example of heroism, etc.)
Basic problem with this:
Taylor is still stuck in containment with Riley. She is not going to be getting any sessions with potential candidates unless they are in Philly.

None of our candidates are presently so.

And where will you get the people for this? Even with memory erasure, its still something that causes a minor level PTSD (and occasional nightmares for life) and permanently leaves your forehead with a rock in it. The benefits also mostly apply to heroic mortals. Average Joe won't see huge benefits. People won't be lining up for it.

Stunts also recover willpower, so we could ensoul dozens a day if we managed to find enough volunteers.

Finally, we will start hitting diminishing returns after couple hundred ensouled anyway, if cult is what you are after. The numbers needed for next level start getting higher and higher.
Because it's a necessary action. Regardless of how we do it, we're going to need to upscale the process to global in a timespan of two years. Any process contingent on the personal and expensive intervention of an Exalt.

We're not looking at immediate gains so much as laying the foundations of not having to deal with a world covered in living hungry ghosts once essence spread intensifies enough, and ambient Essence will start rising to be a danger when the Demesne is deployed. People will start being converted to Essence from ambient exposure around then.
It's right there in the vote description:

But what she's actually doing is removing the Derangement (possibly other stuff as well, but that's the main idea). Which is just that. Not really part of her personality (or inasmuch as you consider actual mental disorders caused by things part of a personality). People compared POS and stuff to psychological treatment - if medicine/psychology could just 'bam' remove PTSD, that'd be huge.
Okay...going to need some Word of Gromweld here, but that just reinforces the reluctance.
I believe it's because the vials Cauldron uses are the Shards that still made up Eden. Where as QA has been shed by Scion, and thus he no longer has that intrinsic link. So, Auto ripped out a large chunk of Eden's 'corpse' (actually still sort of alive - I believe it'd be more accurate to say brain dead coma than actually dead).
Eden is functionally just suffering from spinal disconnection originally, though the chances of revival dropped as her core shards were harvested.

There is a risk of her 'screaming' flagging Scion though, I think her Broadcast equivalent hadn't been harvested yet, even if her Administrator equivalent should be in Eidolon and Doormaker is just gone. Hero had her Golden Fuck You equivalent.
Wasn't that supposed to happen this time?
Yes, hence why it might be legit as a free action if we wanted to use it to showcase how Saki is totally the same person who went in to her friends/future Assemblymates, rather than leave it to chance.

Anyone remembers who Missy's new legal guardian is supposed to be? Meeting them in casual conversation is unlikely to happen on it's own, but we could spin that on a picnic out of costume.
The thing about nanites is that I think (Unless I am wrong? Anyone remember?) it was stated that Taylor could create nanites in collaboration with Armsmaster if she boosted her medicine. I think at medicine 4, we were talking resurrection nanites (and I figure if they can revive the dead, they can do the age thing). And at medicine 5, do a total conversion into essence physics.
The thing with the nanites is that perfect is the enemy of good. We have a limited number of intervals where Iris is free to invest his time into a project that's not the demesne, and this is the first of probably 2-3 Iris/Bonesaw collaborations.

The nanite project's primary benefit here is that it makes the public and organizational case for keeping Riley beyond our personal gains. Making stuff which benefits the world in an obvious and undeniable manner comes off much better as a first project than something which looks more like a conspiracist's wet dream.
You do know that Glastig Uaine's mental state is kind of at odds with our purpose?
The one that involves earth not getting blow up.
Her entire belief system is predicated upon an impossibility at this point. The earth is not getting blown up in Entity reproduction, because one of them is already dead. Hilariously Cauldron could have done it at any time if they told her about Eden being dead.
I'm still leaning towards the nanites.
Iris would certainly like the public legal recognition, but as long as everyone privately involved in it acknowledges his work, I don't think he'd care what the law thinks too much.
After all, it's not like he needs money or patents.
While Iris has no legal recognition for the work, public recognition could be part of the stunt for the nanites. It'd help with laying the groundwork for future Cult ratings.
Taylor Free Action Ideas
Reconstruction, Craft or Investigation.

1)Reconstruction ideas include assisting the work crews trying to get Philly back on it's feet ASAP.
For example, using drones to help TIE up debris in difficult areas.
Or new inventions to blank out some of those bomb effects littering Philly.

2)Craft stunt ideas include that sweet Terminator-X knockoff.
Or helping Colin out in his lab.

3)Investigation ideas include trawling the internet for data and news on her Exaltation candidates and building personality profiles.

4)Diplomacy Ideas include sitting in on Riley psychotherapy sessions.
Working on advancing recognition of "non-human sapient lifeforms" as a PRT/govt priority, because they will meet spirits sooner or later; best to have a legal framework for them.
Sitting down with Iris and working on changing that Intimacy from Anxiety back to something more trusting.
Good ideas in general.
Prayer Free Action Idea:
Wielding that Resources 4 Background to hire non-PRT investigators to dig into the backgrounds of some of the villain Exalt candidates and build dossier files.

She could hire the rump of the Travellers(Oliver, Ballistic, Sundancer, Genesis); Oliver's powers make him an excellent face for talking to people, and she can offer Genesis something she wants: healing for that broken back.
Longterm goal being to pull a Wyld Hunt on them; the PRT and associated organizations like the Guild can always use more teams.
OTOH, no idea if they are Zizzed, or if that was just Noelle/Krouse.

Or she could hire Faultline's Crew, who also do investigations, and contain Case 53s she'll know of.
They are Cauldron-confirmed to be good at digging up obscure things others might want to keep hidden.
OTOH, Case53s, so risk of shit getting back to her Case53 buddies.
We also have that Backing 5. Ought to use it to smooth the process for an exaltation candidate if we're doing that.

There's going to be bureaucratic complaints, but lets try to preemptively limit them.
Saki Free Action ideas:
I assume Taylor has remained in phone and email contact with the other Wards, so a free action there is not necessarily essential.
Especially since Taylor has the highest Perception rating of anyone in the Assembly, as well as a 2nd Perception Aug.

So FA ideas would include reconnecting with Gloria, going to psychotherapy, going shopping.
Maybe watching video of Grasp tearing shit up with a bag of popcorn.
Certainly it would be good for her mental health, but see above about using it to wrangle contact with Missy's adoptive family in civilian form would be important to start paving the way towards getting the necessary clearance.

Not even a direct social attack, just a "look how normal I am"
Prayer did mention the religious nature of her interactions at full totemic, did she not?

She used master effect to make people think she was Autochton. I don't think thats quite enough to go from there to "stick a rock in my forehead!". And thats actually a good thing, IMHO.

You realise that if those mastered people started arriving to have what is basically unknown things (earth physics have no clue about Essence based souls) implanted into their foreheads, it would cause quite a bit of suspicion and trouble.

PRT is not going to just ignore us starting a literal cult of people worshipping Autochton, who would be doing it not because they chose to, but because we brainwashed them with unknown powers. I figure if we are going to convince people to get soulgems in a way that PRT won't have good reasons to oppose, it would be because we can prove the benefits of having souls (for vast majority of people who don't qualify as Heroic Mortals, master resistance due to Exalted Willpower being the most obvious benefit).

I don't think non-heroic mortals can stunt or such? Or can they?
Who said that where?
Gromweld, not that far upthread. However the phrasing is very misleading.

He said that the soulgem injector with a built in trauma mitigation facility is pretty much as good as we're going to get in short order, and more importantly that we aren't going to have trauma-free soul installations in reasonable time. Working with Riley means it could biologically perform the memory wipe of the pain. And any installations beyond 1-2 people per day are not going to be sustainable for Saki's personal intervention.

And also that this is Version 1. You can't reach Version 2: Now with less horrible pain, without having a prototype to prove the theories at least.
If you want to get better version of it, then putting the development process into a stunt(the Taylor free action for instance) this turn is how we're going to have a shot at it.
Because it's a necessary action. Regardless of how we do it, we're going to need to upscale the process to global in a timespan of two years. Any process contingent on the personal and expensive intervention of an Exalt.

Err, why? I don't think ensouling humans was essential to bringing Autochton over. Just converting the planet to Essence, which just requires a demesne. I seem to recall Gromweld also said that Iris does not have enough souls anywhere close to giving one to everyone.

Really, the critical point would be something like 200 or so people, since that would allow us to arrange somekind of worship arrangement to give Iris more motes via cult.

We're not looking at immediate gains so much as laying the foundations of not having to deal with a world covered in living hungry ghosts once essence spread intensifies enough, and ambient Essence will start rising to be a danger when the Demesne is deployed. People will start being converted to Essence from ambient exposure around then.

During the ME/HERE vote, Gromweld explicitly stated that Causality essence does not cause souls to form.

Causality Essence does not blind precognitives, because for all intents and purposes it is almost indistinguishable from normal Nowhereverse reality.

Causality Essence also doesn't cause spirits to form naturally, nor does it cause souls to form naturally. Both of these were aspects of Creation and the Design that the primordials programmed into them, specifically because their very natures made them incapable of thinking of alternatives where they didn't naturally exist.

There won't be souls, ghosts, spirits or hungry ghosts from Causality-aspected ambient essence. Not unless we explicitly try to modify things to produce them, and that would require further research and setting up a Loom and Lethe equivalents and all sorts of hard work.

Someone mentioned something about omakes granting XP.
Is that a thing?

Yeah, thats how we got most of our XP. Gromweld also usually gives a bonus if its your first omake in this quest.
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Err, why? I don't think ensouling humans was essential to bringing Autochton over. Just converting the planet to Essence, which just requires a demesne. I seem to recall Gromweld also said that Iris does not have enough souls anywhere close to giving one to everyone.
Its necessary because meat machine humans living in an Essence world causes the problems with the ghosts etc.
We have been told in the past that we can go about designing a different mechanism to use instead of soul gems and well of souls style reincarnation, but that will take massive time and investment.
No, but if we get medical nanites, given we know there is body-power interactions, that path may be possible.
Then vote for Medicine, so you actually have the knowledge necessary to build said nanites.

But those categories Grom laid out are a lot broader than stuff like "special ops soldier" or "teacher/cleric." And some of those groupings had room for multiple beatsticks.
I think if you reread the options, you'll find you're mistaken.

Consider what it takes to be a modern special-ops soldier: the diplomacy to get along with and make agreements with armed strangers far away from backup, speak native languages, coordinate between disparate groups, to improvise at need, work with a wide variance of tech levels, teach everything from emergency care to demolitions, and still kill the fuck out of people with a range of different weapons.

I chose to mention that concept intentionally; nothing as simple as described.
And both Calvert and Piggot used to be operatives in that line.

As for multiple beatsticks, a team full of combat wombats does not have the skillset to handle more oblique challenges.
We didn't specialize for combat asskickers for a reason.
I mean, our aim here isn't to kill Behemoth, after all; it's to save the worlds.
We can't solve everything by beating faces in.
Chevalier is good with ranged attacks and has experience with leadership and small unit tactics. With Alchemical War charms, he could be a huge force multiplier.
How do War charms synergize with the 3m shard-charm that an Alchemical Chevalier would be carrying?
And why exactly should he be infringing on Taylor's thematics?

1. What roles do we really need?
We need an infiltrator/investigator/stealth specialist, because it opens up play options and decision paths down the line.
We need a sorcerer; someone who can handle permaClarity 2 without issue, and who can handle the spirit-interactions often involved with working with Autochtonian Weaving.
We want a defensive combat person.

We could use a cleric, and a craftsperson, and a bunch of other roles, but they are not essential, or can be worked around.
2. We can make any candidate into pretty much any role we want with the right Charm Load out.
This is Earth Bet.
You are mostly stuck with the charms you come with; not like classical Alchemical play.
There is a reason why we're mostly picking parahumans with a 3m irremovable shardcharm instead of going with normals, and we build our charms around complementing that shard.

Alchemicals 2.0 are not Alchemicals Classic; their roles are a little more specialized.
You realize that a lot of your posts come across as incredibly condescending, right?
My apologies.
I try to be polite.
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Its necessary because meat machine humans living in an Essence world causes the problems with the ghosts etc.
We have been told in the past that we can go about designing a different mechanism to use instead of soul gems and well of souls style reincarnation, but that will take massive time and investment.


I'll refer you to my Causality Essence Clarification threadmark, as well as the updated info in the [HERE] vote option. Basically, spirits and souls won't form naturally with Causality-aspect essence, but that also means that our problem of "need a font of Wyld to generate infinite foodstuffs for Autobot" isn't solved either.


HERE: (We Built This City On Rock 'N Roll Heavy Industrial)
- Iris absorbs the Viator Chassis, converting it into raw essence and freeing the souls within.
- Iris spends the rest of the essence turning the local oil refinery into Earth-Bet's first demense.
- The demense is Causality-aspected, meaning it generates completely unaligned essence and does not require a Loom or Design for things to devolve naturally into Wyld-Chaos.
- A ley-line will begin slowly propagating towards the Cradle, at which point ley lines will fractal out from there until the world is covered. This will take at least a few years if we just leave it alone.
- Causality-aspect essence does not cause spirits or souls to naturally form, as those are natural to Creation- or Design-aspect essence, not Causality.
- Causality-aspect essence does not mess with precognitives, so the Simurgh and Contessa will be largely unaffected by this.

Causality-essence does not change anything. No souls. No precog disruptions. I do also recall a post somewhere, where Gromweld mentioned that we could research how to create other aspected demesnes which would, but I can't find that post now (and that option would require us to set up Loom and Lethe equivalents to handle things, which we are nowhere close to being capable of doing). Will try to find it tomorrow, if I will remember it.

You are mostly stuck with the charms you come with; not like classical Alchemical play.
There is a reason why we're mostly picking parahumans with a 3m irremovable shardcharm instead of going with normals.

Alchemicals 2.0 are not Alchemicals Classic; their roles are a little more specialized.

While true, its also true that we can choose the role at chargen. We just can't change the role later.
I am not going to quote it, because then I would have to page up and page back to find the necessary quotes, but do realise that a single Demense, while certainly hurrying up the conversion of nowhere to essencehere, will not be all that fast. Just faster than it is now. Which is so slow it may as well not be moving.
Anyone remembers who Missy's new legal guardian is supposed to be? Meeting them in casual conversation is unlikely to happen on it's own, but we could spin that on a picnic out of costume.
Not stated at the moment.

Certainly it would be good for her mental health, but see above about using it to wrangle contact with Missy's adoptive family in civilian form would be important to start paving the way towards getting the necessary clearance.
Saki has a chaperone for the rest of the week.
Going to Missy's place outs either Missy's civilian ID, or Saki's bodyguard's civilian ID.
Ditto if Missy comes with her new parents.

At best, you could have her go see the Hunt; they are in NY at the moment, probably a Guild safehouse, and they were partially responsible for getting her and her sister free.
Thanks are in order.
While true, its also true that we can choose the role at chargen. We just can't change the role later.
Not unlimited.
Some shard-powers do not lend themselves to certain roles.
Gromweld, not that far upthread. However the phrasing is very misleading.

He said that the soulgem injector with a built in trauma mitigation facility is pretty much as good as we're going to get in short order, and more importantly that we aren't going to have trauma-free soul installations in reasonable time. Working with Riley means it could biologically perform the memory wipe of the pain. And any installations beyond 1-2 people per day are not going to be sustainable for Saki's personal intervention.

And also that this is Version 1. You can't reach Version 2: Now with less horrible pain, without having a prototype to prove the theories at least.
If you want to get better version of it, then putting the development process into a stunt(the Taylor free action for instance) this turn is how we're going to have a shot at it.
Thank you for the clarification.

Someone mentioned something about omakes granting XP.
Is that a thing?
Generally, a written omake of 500 words plus will get you 1XP. Less will get you less.
Fanart gets you 2 or 3 XP.
Poetry is variable.
I am not going to quote it, because then I would have to page up and page back to find the necessary quotes, but do realise that a single Demense, while certainly hurrying up the conversion of nowhere to essencehere, will not be all that fast. Just faster than it is now. Which is so slow it may as well not be moving.

Not going to look it (preparing for bed), but I vaguely recall that Gromweld said it would take some years. Also all demesnes are going to be dot 1 until the entire planet is converted (I remember that). I think there were supposed to be ways to speed it up that would have to be researched ingame.

Though I would atleast think creating multiple demesnes would help? Possibly in proper fractal points or something like that perhaps?

Not unlimited.
Some shard-powers do not lend themselves to certain roles.

I think we can always adapt to some extent. Especially if we choose charms that we can expand in Earth. (I kinda wonder if all our future exalts should have PLM for example. Probably depends on how much MA knowledge Lord Grasp has and would be capable of teaching). A part of me also wishes we would have given Taylor MMWE too (yeah, its Exemplar 1, but its still just 1, and Taylor is quite probably going to be the only E4 alchemical we will have for quite some time. Atleast unless theres another plot-intervention).
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I am not a fan of the Utilitarian plan (saki prunes, injector, guiltfree bonesaw), but I do think that these actions work well off each other.
I like Bonesaw starting on changing a lot better because it'd be a good redemption story (*cough Bonesaw for Ori)

Perhaps so, but I think that the Justice League would much prefer a shade of Superman than a Villain, a dick or a lying usurper.
Of course they do, but the readers don't ;) ... I like when Superman and Lex Luthor have to team up to fight the aliens.
Though you are entirely correct, I feel confident in saying that we don't exclude future members just because they are heroic and moral.

I feel it bears repeating, since I think my agenda can be interpreted as kinda malicious. I see two approaches to the quest/voting "what is the best choice", "which choices are the most interesting to read about".
Clearly stacking the team with trained, experienced, well adjusted teamplayers is the best choice.. but well.
(Like, Gromweld somewhat bends the plot to have our choices make sense, e.g. when we OC picked Marrow over Bladedancer, IC Bladedancer was revealed to be a less suitable candidate.)
I think we can always adapt to some extent. Especially if we choose charms that we can expand in Earth. (I kinda wonder if all our future exalts should have PLM for example. Probably depends on how much MA knowledge Lord Grasp has and would be capable of teaching). A part of me also wishes we would have given Taylor MMWE too (yeah, its Exemplar 1, but its still just 1, and Taylor is quite probably going to be our only E4 alchemical we will have for quite some time. Atleast unless theres another plot-intervention).
1)Neither Taylor nor our Ori will.
Everyone else might or might not pick up a PLM; Aisha certainly will, as will Prayer.

2) Taylor already has to bleed off Clarity 1 every day because of the nature of SoPA.
Adding a Weaving Engine does her no good.

3) Earth Bet is not going to be susceptible to Weaving/Sorcery for a long time yet.
1)Neither Taylor nor our Ori will.
Everyone else might or might not pick up a PLM; Aisha certainly will, as will Prayer.

2) Taylor already has to bleed off Clarity 1 every day because of the nature of SoPA.
Adding a Weaving Engine does her no good.

3) Earth Bet is not going to be susceptible to Weaving/Sorcery for a long time yet.
not to mention that until Earth Bet has Essence a Weaving Engine is mostly useless.

that said I'd have liked to see Taylor cast Death of Obsidian Butterflies(or whatever the Autochthian equivalent is), but it just isn't worth the cost.
Err, why? I don't think ensouling humans was essential to bringing Autochton over. Just converting the planet to Essence, which just requires a demesne. I seem to recall Gromweld also said that Iris does not have enough souls anywhere close to giving one to everyone.

Really, the critical point would be something like 200 or so people, since that would allow us to arrange somekind of worship arrangement to give Iris more motes via cult.
See below
I'm clearly not explaining this correctly, it seems.

THIS IS THE ONLY WAY IRIS KNOWS HOW TO PUT SOULS IN MEAT-ROBOTS WITHOUT THEM TURNING INTO HUNGRY-GHOST ZOMBIE-PEOPLE. Riley's help allows it to be more meat-bot friendly than Iris would normally consider, as well as including the excising of the memory from the recipient's brain so only the Soul has a partial memory of the event.

If we don't choose this option now we can potentially develop other ways to modify the procedure later, but ultimately the 'Gem With Half-Soul Goes In Forehead, Other Half Of Soul Formed Through Specialized Essence-Discharge Charm, Lots Of Pain For Recipient' is ALWAYS going to be a component.

I've said what happens to Earth-Bet humans if they're just simply exposed to Essence for a while. Hint: Look Up.

This is what happens without special intervention like installing souls.
Nevermind that one of the objectives will be Cult N/A to supply Autochton with the prayer power he needs beyond the mechanical ones. There are more people on Earth Bet than in Autochtonia to pray.
Saki has a chaperone for the rest of the week.
Going to Missy's place outs either Missy's civilian ID, or Saki's bodyguard's civilian ID.
Ditto if Missy comes with her new parents.

At best, you could have her go see the Hunt; they are in NY at the moment, probably a Guild safehouse, and they were partially responsible for getting her and her sister free.
Thanks are in order.
That's a fair enough idea, would panic Lisa and help sooth Brian on the idea. I'm probably set on that then.

not to mention that until Earth Bet has Essence a Weaving Engine is mostly useless.

Weaving Engines are explicitly capable of working outside of normal Essence/Design/Loom, given a surcharge. It'd probably work more or less like what Iris does, ram Essence into the target area and then convert it.

Given that, it's one possible reason to want a non-parahuman, since the essence commitment would impede that.
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Weaving Engines are explicitly capable of working outside of normal Essence/Design/Loom, given a surcharge. It'd probably work more or less like what Iris does, ram Essence into the target area and then convert it.

Given that, it's one possible reason to want a non-parahuman, since the essence commitment would impede that.
sorry but WoG on the subject is that you're wrong.
The vast majority of Sorcery and Weaving Engine hijinks are completely incompatible with the Nowhereverse, as they rely the surrounding environment to be comprised of Essence (which it then shapes). The Sorcery/Weaving Engine shenanigans that are more focused on merely manipulating/buffing the caster might still work, but even then it's not a sure bet.
also even things outside of the Loom or Design in Creation are made up of Essence, Earth Bet isn't.
We really need to get more information on how we're supposed to have a chance to get our actual goal, which is saving Auto.
We need to get everything converted to essence, but the only way we currently have of doing so would take too long. And that's just for Earth itself, Auto needs more, since he can't just eat Earth (we live there!).
Then there's the souls, which we don't have enough of, and can't have enough of until Auto comes over and recovers at least a bit. Though maybe that's not a problem, I'm getting confused about that.
OK, my opinion on what needs doing:
Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[ ] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
[ ] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.
Autobot told us to hurry the fuck up, let's do so. Even if we can't get best little sister just yet we can default to Aisha. That being said, our new moebot should be spending her free action making the sales pitch. Can even lay off the charms if we want to not magically coerce people - such as Brian (and therefore Lisa).

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Soulgem Injector
[ ] Medical Nanites
[ ] New Charm
[ ] Body Double
[ ] Write In: <NAME GOES HERE>
If we pick a combo below that has good odds of rehabilitating Riley then we snag the soulgem as we really need to get started on Project Stop Earth-Bet From Turning Into Hungry Ghost Central. Otherwise, much as I love the body double with all its promises for shenanigans, nanites for reducing casualty recovery rate and getting our troops into tiptop shape.

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
[ ] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
[ ] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
Bad Girl needs a stunt to change context from "You're a horrible person, forever" to "You're a victim too, here's how you make amends." Done right this is the best choice.

Respect is the safest choice and should have a stunt to work on deprogramming Riley.

I Am Not A Doctor: maybe not technically in the "I have a M.D." sense, but we certainly have the dice pools. Worst choice since Riley is malleable at this point and Iris is basically amoral.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[ ] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
[ ] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.
Yeah, how about no.

Free Actions: (Only ONE Free Action allowed per character!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting the "Free Action" bit), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
[ ] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
EOA: work on keep Philly safe/supplied. Should include the animal IAT trick to get that out there as a part of Taylor's repertoire.

FPoP: Case 53 meeting. Need to get ahead of this and make use of our better platform (thank you Backing 5). Could stunt in FPoP advocating for better treatment, outreach for Case 53s.

WoRI: Sales pitch to our chosen candidate.

XP Expenditures should now be formatted as such:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)
We have another alchie in the pipe, time to start saving.