Yeah but he is "sortof" awake, or atleast aware right now I think? The charm description of SoPA refers to it as "dream-fugue". I am assuming that once time runs out, he is going to go into deeper sleep or coma-like state or something? I mean I assume the time limit is something like that? Or is the Cradle going to close or something, as Auto runs out of power to keep it open?
Primordials. There's degrees of wakefulness involved, from what happened to Sacheverell's complete shutdown to Oramus's dreaming fugue acting on his passive impulses and over here, Autochton's limited,
focused attention.
Look at his awareness level:
-He's paying attention to a single point in space in Nowhere.
-His lowest ex-machina are active(these would be approximately on the scale of individual nerve and muscle cells each) and some are moving at his direction instead of being preoccupied with survival.
-He is designing and inventing, but as the Primordial of Innovation and Technology, this would be closer to something like heartbeats for him.
So on the below scale:
-Awake <- Resources would run out far more rapidly and probably kills him
-Sleepwalking <- In this state when we deliver an Alchemical
-Lucid Dreaming <- In this state while the Cradle stays open
-Comatose/Hibernating <- In this state, resources would run out the slowest, but Autochton will begin suffering degeneration of unmaintained functions. Autochtonia will become a LOT less survivable.
-Dying <- We will notice this. Iris will not survive it unchanged.
Thinkers and tinkers rely on shards to do their thing. Shards have virtually no comprehension of how Essence works, so they would be no help there. Taylor and Iris are the best experts on the entire world when it comes to Cradle and essence.
Noting that if we send Autochton a Tinker shard he'd fill it with Essence based designs as well. This is one thing he's very good at.
It also probably would bridge the gap between Tinkertech's "Built in a day, continuously refined, lasts about a day of active use" versus, Essencetech's "Built over nine months, static after production, lasts until sufficient dedicated force is applied" in some way, we have no way to know without sending a Tinker over.
One important thing of note is that cult of 2 dots would already be a big help. That just requires a couple hundred people, and gives 2 motes/hour. After that, the mote reward increases pretty slowly (3 motes/hour at 3 dots, 4motes/hour at 4 dots and 6 motes/hour at 5 dots). However the amount of people required to reach each dot increases massively (tens of thousands for 4 dots for example. Likely a full city of millions for 5 dots, and many cities for N/A).
This is one thing that the books aren't very consistent about, since you can hit 3 dots off about a modern residential city block's worth of population and a medium sized modern city is already 5. No idea how
@Gromweld intends to deal with it until we start on the process either, but based on his statements, this is intended to be a long term means to stave off Autochton's degeneration.
I do want to consider efficiency losses, would it be more efficient to partition the prayers out to each part of his soul hierarchy and then have each of those parts funnel the Essence upwards? Mechanically yes, a hundred exmachina with Cult 3 funneling the regain to their progenitor, who funnels it to their progenitor, who funnels it to Autochton should massively increase yields.
Point of clarification- She enjoyed the effect during the Behemoth attack, but then the whole "Suddenly hostile without adequate explanation" thing happened after Sirkalla became our Adamant.
We know a few things about the whole thing:
-Lisa never knew Taylor before and after conversion. Her shard has interpreted HumanTaylor and AlchemicalTaylor as two modes of the same being. While AlchemicalTaylor cannot be measured directly, indirect measurements correspond to HumanTaylor
-Lisa knew Marrow before conversion. Her shard has interpreted the divergences and produced the following results:
--C53Marrow(readable) is not the same being as AlchemicalVajra(unreadable), as indirect measurements do not match.
--C53Marrow(readable) do not match the observed elements of HumanSirkalla(readable).
--AlchemicalVajra's(unreadable) indirect measurements match the observed elements of HumanSirkalla(readable)
-Lisa then interpreted this information and formed an incorrect conclusion, that C53Marrow is dead and that AlchemicalVajra is a very good fake.
-Based on her shard,
incorrect information is processed as true if the host believes it, Lisa then misinterprets everything in that light because a fundamental base of her logic is wrong.
Theory: This is because FPoP is a memory wiped Case 53. She has lost her memories, and is arguably, not the same person as Marrow or Sirkalla, but a synthesis of both. She exhibits cultural mannerisms and speech patterns which she could not have as Marrow.
Theory: Presented with HumanSaki, who is consistent across both incarnations, Lisa would arrive at one of the two conclusions:
-WoRI is a far superior fake that defeats all her analysis, as she has powers designed specifically for that.
--This reaffirms that Lisa is super smart and always knows better, and is thus her natural preference. It will probably annoy more people
-WoRI is Saki, and she is wrong about FPoP, attempt to acquire information about the discrepancy.
--This goes against one of Lisa's main drives(to be the most correct person in the room), but engages her desire to Know More.
---Which means Lisa will start digging into why FPoP has a different set of memories going in. Which means Lisa will start digging into Cauldron. Which means her big mouth is going to start working eventually.
!!Fun!! down both routes.
I'd like to point something out about weaverbot. It's not much of a step from that to full body conversion cyborgs. Also I would like to put Bezalel's production facility out there as a resource they could have had on hand. That means prosthetics are a valid result of the weaverbots. Also the things Dragon could do to reverse engineer them into wide scale use.
Pretty big step actually, since the hardest part of a full conversion is the brainmeats interface. A barely aware mind with no built in instincts is hardly that.
Just to clarify, are you saying that you're afraid that we, the questers, will lose the will to hold Riley accountable for her actions and if this comes to pass that Saki will have a fit?
Seems like, but at the same time note that SV in general is very moralistic and judgmental. And that this is well...see Saki's intimacies. This is entirely in line with the type of person she believes Taylor to be.
Except that Taylor is supposedly capable of creating literal "raise from the dead" nanites at medicine 4 by collaborating with Armsmaster (and nanites that transform you to operate on a different physics at med 5). Fountain of Youth seems something we could do on our own easily enough then. Heck, with robots to give us more actions/hour, that would presumably be even easier (admittedly we would need to buy medicine).
That was kind of completely unrelated to why we're doing the nanites, and thus missing the point.
Also that we have this giant list of "things we could do on our own"...which we never do because there's a more optimal way to do it.
Not really helping to clean Riley's reputation, which is still very much a concern.
THIS is the main reason to do it.
As the creations go:
-Assembly: Approval. Advances Assembly goals, which means putting Riley to good use.
-Public: Doubt. Rescue of Bonesaw appears in a more suspect light, because it's used to further our own agenda.
-Conclusion: Soulgem is a bad combo with Momchemical approach, as it looks like she replaced one kind of crazy parental figure with another. Ambivalent with the other two.
-Assembly: Approval. Advances the public good, which means putting Riley to good use. Also furthers Assembly goals indirectly by making redemption plots more believable.
-Public: Approval. Bonesaw is working to make amends for the harm she has caused, just like the cape formerly known as Crawler.
-Conclusion: Nanites is the most flexible with the Bonesaw approach. Any of the three can be employed effectively, whether leaving handling up to Saki who sees firsthand her making up for the harm done, being a substitute parental figure instilling positive morals(aka justifying Riley raising Compassion back from where Jack damaged it), or as a parole officer supervising her corrective work.
-Assembly: Cautious Approval. Makes the Assembly more capable of doing things, but it's mostly Weaver's personal power. Thus it descends from her trust.
-Public: Doubt. Looks like a bloody terrifying power grab to be honest.
-Conclusion: Risks with all the approaches, as the action doesn't match the message with the Penitent(corrective redemption means making your savior more powerful?), looks disturbing to the public with Momchemical, and basically treats her as a tool with passive handling(Noting that this is likely to backfire with Saki, negative intimacy for Bonesaw will conflict with Compassion)
-Assembly: Cautious Approal. See Weaverbots.
-Public: Sees nothing.
-Conclusion: Benefits to any of the three approaches, as the general public silence means public opinion doesn't sway much.
Eh, I dunno. If the top experts (including THE foremost tinker like Dragon) say "Its a remote controllable robot", I seriously doubt its going to cause trouble.
If people believed top experts we probably wouldn't be in RL OR Wormverse political situations.
Heck, you could just as easily say that nanites who turn an 80 year old man into 25 year old is actually killing the 80 year old, and the new 25 year old is just a bad case of PODPEOPLE in preparation for the INVASION.
Not based on how the unaging was described. The nanites will repair damage to the body. In the absence of physical damage, they will work on the ravages of disease and age, gradually unaging the candidate(and for teenagers, there goes the acne). This probably would be a slow process to make everyone in their prime..
[ ] Medical Nanites
-[ ] "Production and distribution of the new Asclepius Treatment has been ordered fast-tracked for S-class option capes, prompting many corporate sponsors to announce they are considering many of their low-risk responder policies for their in-house capes. While big shot team sponsors like Coca-Cola, Disney and Smith & Wesson seem inclined to embrace a bit more risk, critics are quick to point out the dubious source of the technology; the notorious Bonesaw. Super-Ward and PRT golden girl Weaver was quick to point out that not only has the treatment been vetted thoroughly by multiple panels of experts, but that the project began as a collaborative effort between Dragon and her former boss, Armsmaster. 'Including Riley in the project was a way for her to undo some of the suffering people have endured because of her actions. With her insight and the assistance of my companion Iris, we were able to accelerate the completion of the Asclepius Treatment in time for the next Endbringer attack, which may prove crucial to bringing many brave capes home alive.' So, what do you think? Miracle tech from Dragon's protege, or sinister plot? Comment, rate and subscribe."
Length greatly exceeds stunt caps. 60 words I believe.
Double digit at best, considering Mach 25+ is considered re-entry speeds for spacecraft.
Not a problem for Alexandria though? She's indestructible, and given high altitude or even ballistic flight(she's not as vulnerable to suffocation as fanon would have it, since she still has superhuman strength and lung capacity to match if she knows to prepare beforehand), the sonic boom for a human sized projectile will be fairly limited even at hypersonic velocities.