[x] Immediately (next turn).
[x] No; foreign influence must be curtailed when dealing with any section of state finances, even public bonds.
[x] - Peace Keeping; the Libyan people will do what they want, but Egyptian arms will keep the peace.
We promised elections this year so we'd best have them and avoid overstaying our welcome and letting people roll out the dictatorship accusation. Particularly since we've made a lot of unpopular choices...
We seem to be flush with cash for now and already beholden to India, I think our people would be rather miffed that they have contributed to these bonds to have their own personal stake in the country only for us to immediately go hat in hand to foreign investors and their influence when we're already somewhat well-financed.
Lastly, this whole Libyan invasion thing has appeared like something of a boondoggle. Annexing or looting give tinpot dictatorship vibes. Nation building is something that we really ought to focus on in Egypt before attempting with Libya, very expensive and difficult endeavor to undertake while we've got a lot on our plate at home.
I think peace-keeping is the best action. Broadly unobjectionable, minimizes our own presence, basically keep the area in trust until we can hand it off to a clear winner (or a warlord that seems more amenable to our interests if we want to play it risky) and dust our hands of it. Still a lot of chance of scandal and for things to go wrong.