A Villain In A World Of Heroes

How big is the room we are in? Is there room to run around it? I didn't think the room was big enough for it to fly, and it would use it's wings as bashing limbs, or to protect it's more tender areas, but I realized that's just me assuming stuff.
Oh, no, it was explicitly stated that the room was big enough for the dragon to fly around in.
As for the room itself, its ceiling is so high that you could place the tallest tree you have ever seen in here and it wouldn't be able to touch the top. The dragon can definitely flee in here.
Too bad it can't now.
How big is the room we are in? Is there room to run around it? I didn't think the room was big enough for it to fly, and it would use it's wings as bashing limbs, or to protect it's more tender areas, but I realized that's just me assuming stuff.
The room is quite large, and there was plenty of space for it to fly.
As for the room itself, its ceiling is so high that you could place the tallest tree you have ever seen in here and it wouldn't be able to touch the top. The dragon can definitely flee in here. The room is square and over one hundred feet long. The floor, walls,and ceiling are all made of white marble, with glowing crystal strips surrounded by gold strips on both sides form concentric squares, shrinking as they get closer to the center of the room.

Hm. The dragon is almost certainly faster than us on foot, and it's coming straight for us.
My usual strategy of 'take out the legs' isn't going to work here... it likely has magic resistance as well.
My strategy would revolve around targeting the eyes, or the inside of the mouth (with a preference for eyes) as they are the only thing not protected by scales that we can see.
If it is charging at us directly at high speed, we might be able to make it ram itself into the wall in its rage. This would be dangerous of course and put us in close range (which isn't something we will be able to prevent for long). Ramming would be more achievable if we manage to blind it in either eye, or distract it with pain.

@Dark Ness How large are the dragon's eyes? comparable to the Fenric Wolf's, or more reasonable to it's size?
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lets shout our magic stuff in its mouth, then whip to its side, while its moaning from our actions we take our sword and penetrate it with our hard metal
Well, it seem to be charging us, and it may have lost it ranged attack, may be we can matador it?
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[X] go for the eyes use Ice

it's faster then us running will only lower accuracy after it's blind we can try to dodge.
edit-changed due to GM comment
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[X] go for the eyes use Ice

it's faster then us running will only lower accuracy after it's blind we can try to dodge.
We'll have more time to spam shots if we're reducing the rate at which it approaches us by running away, you know, and we only need a glancing hit to freeze the moisture on it's eyes.
Personally, if we want to remove it's sight, I think we need more than a glancing hit. I would prefer a single solid hit followed by diving out of the way than taking a negative modifier for more shots. Flurry only works on several weaker opponents. Also have you ever tried running backwards while aiming at something, it isn't that fast.

I don't have a clue what will work, I just voted because with only one vote it was obvious that neither did anyone else.
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Personally, if we want to remove it's sight, I think we need more than a glancing hit. I would prefer a single solid hit followed by diving out of the way than taking a negative modifier for more shots. Flurry only works on several weaker opponents. Also have you ever tried running backwards while aiming at something, it isn't that fast.

I don't have a clue what will work, I just voted because with only one vote it was obvious that neither did anyone else.
That got me curious, and I ran a few numbers. Can't get more exact without knowing the probability of us actually hitting the guy, but assuming it ain't good (the less good it is, the less extra shots we need to make the difference), and if running cuts the odds of us hitting the eye in half, then we would need about 2.11 times as many shots to get the same probability of atleast one of the shots hitting it's eye (assuming a 20% probability of hitting when not running).

Edit: no matter how bad the chance of hitting is, we need at least twice the number of shots to pull even.
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That got me curious, and I ran a few numbers. Can't get more exact without knowing the probability of us actually hitting the guy, but assuming it ain't good (the less good it is, the less extra shots we need to make the difference), and if running cuts the odds of us hitting the eye in half, then we would need about 2.11 times as many shots to get the same probability of atleast one of the shots hitting it's eye (assuming a 20% probability of hitting when not running).

Edit: no matter how bad the chance of hitting is, we need at least twice the number of shots to pull even.
Just telling you this now, but you are very unlikely to get more then one shot if you don't get out of the way (mostly because you will be dead or crippled)
[X] Dodge to the side
[X] Aim for the eyes with ice
What does the dragon look like? Dinosaurish or Lizardish?
[X] Run the heck away.
-[X] If there doesn't seem to be anything to trip over in this area, shoot Icebolts at it's face. Blinding it would be nice, but if we hit the nose that'd be good too.
-[X] Don't even bother with fire.

Even if we can't take out the eyes or do much damage, the ice can cover and blind them.
Let's make it delayed first.

[X] Stand in front of enterence, dodge, making it go into the hallway where it will have a hard time turning around.

- [X] Fire icebolts it's hind legs and base of skull, use ice to trap it. If it manages to turn around, cage it off with ice bolts and move to the next challange.
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