A Villain In A World Of Heroes

[X] Stand in front of enterence, dodge, making it go into the hallway where it will have a hard time turning around.

- [X] Fire icebolts it's hind legs and base of skull, use ice to trap it. If it manages to turn around, cage it off with ice bolts and move to the next challange.
Vote Tally : A Villain In A World Of Heroes | Page 42 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.9

[X] Dodge to the side
[X] Aim for the eyes with ice
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Stand in front of enterence, dodge, making it go into the hallway where it will have a hard time turning around.
- [X] Fire icebolts it's hind legs and base of skull, use ice to trap it. If it manages to turn around, cage it off with ice bolts and move to the next challange.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Run the heck away.
-[X] If there doesn't seem to be anything to trip over in this area, shoot Icebolts at it's face. Blinding it would be nice, but if we hit the nose that'd be good too.
-[X] Don't even bother with fire.
-[X] Use melted Icebolt water to shoot water balls, if any exists
No. of Votes: 1

[X] go for the eyes use Ice
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Run the heck away.
-[X] If there doesn't seem to be anything to trip over in this area, shoot Icebolts at it's face. Blinding it would be nice, but if we hit the nose that'd be good too.
-[X] Don't even bother with fire.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10
[X] Dodge to the side
[X] Aim for the eyes with ice

Time for rolls!
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Dodge +1 Total: 7
7 7
Dark Ness threw 3 7-faced dice. Reason: Aim Total: 7
2 2 2 2 3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Special! Total: 10
10 10
Riddle me this
You get out of the way of the dragon's charge easily. You have a head start, after all, so it is a simple matter to run to the side before the dragon can reach you. After you are out of the way, you fire off three ice bolts. They all miss the eyes, which aren't the easiest targets to hit, but they do hit the dragon's upper body. Unfortunately, they do absolutely no damage. Sure, there is small covering of ice where they hit, but the actual ice bolts themselves just slid right off its scales, they couldn't pierce it.

After your last shot, the dragon starts to turn towards you and you accidentally step backwards. Then the dragon stops moving, frozen mid turn. You try to move back, but you hit an invisible wall. You try moving forward, but the same thing happens. You are trapped on a two feet long square slab with a nine pointed star, made from three interlocking triangles, etched on it. In front of you appears glowing letters.

When an answer is given, time will resume once more.

Everyone has it, yet the young gain it the easiest.
Without it, it is impossible to function.
It has led to things both great and terrible and will continue to do so.
It can lead to insanity, yet its lack can lead to the same.
It can be false and true, real and imaginary, yet it is always there.
What is it?

[] What is the answer?

[] What is your plan when time starts once more? (This can include any preparations before you give your answer)
first thought: imagination. will think more when I've got some sleep.

edit: i need sleep more than I thought... it mentioned imagination in the riddle itself... ^.^;
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For the riddle: it's probably Hope, or else something other related to ambition/will/drive etc (Ambition itself doesn't quite fit). It's the second-to-last line that's the problematic one: can you have 'Imaginary/Real Hope'? You'd think it would be imaginary by definition...
You get out of the way of the dragon's charge easily. You have a head start, after all, so it is a simple matter to run to the side before the dragon can reach you. After you are out of the way, you fire off three ice bolts. They all miss the eyes, which aren't the easiest targets to hit, but they do hit the dragon's upper body. Unfortunately, they do absolutely no damage. Sure, there is small covering of ice where they hit, but the actual ice bolts themselves just slid right off its scales, they couldn't pierce it.

After your last shot, the dragon starts to turn towards you and you accidentally step backwards. Then the dragon stops moving, frozen mid turn. You try to move back, but you hit an invisible wall. You try moving forward, but the same thing happens. You are trapped on a two feet long square slab with a nine pointed star, made from three interlocking triangles, etched on it. In front of you appears glowing letters.

When an answer is given, time will resume once more.

Everyone has it, yet the young gain it the easiest.
Without it, it is impossible to function.
It has led to things both great and terrible and will continue to do so.
It can lead to insanity, yet its lack can lead to the same.
It can be false and true, real and imaginary, yet it is always there.
What is it?

[] What is the answer?

[] What is your plan when time starts once more? (This can include any preparations before you give your answer)
[X] Love
Everyone has it, yet the young gain it the easiest.
Without it, it is impossible to function.
It has led to things both great and terrible and will continue to do so.
It can lead to insanity, yet its lack can lead to the same.
It can be false and true, real and imaginary, yet it is always there.
What is it?
hmm, that is a toughy.

So for now instead, focus on what we can do. One thing that comes to mind is that we might be able to shoot icicles, and they would freeze mid-air once they leave the time-stasis.
EVERYONE has love? It's impossible to function without love? To much or too little can lead to insanity? Maybe if you are being optimistically poetic, but otherwise I don't think it's right.
Knowledge. The answer is obviously knowledge.
Knowledge leads to terrible things? Too much knowledge can lead to insanity? Without getting into Lovecraft, I don't see it being so.
Are we stuck on the slab, or are we able to move around the room?
. You try to move back, but you hit an invisible wall. You try moving forward, but the same thing happens. You are trapped on a two feet long square slab
I don't think we can move beyond the slab.
Are we stuck on the slab, or are we able to move around the room?
We are stuck on the slab, due to invisible walls.
One thing that comes to mind is that we might be able to shoot icicles, and they would freeze mid-air once they leave the time-stasis.
I'm not sure those would go through the invisible walls.
You try to move back, but you hit an invisible wall. You try moving forward, but the same thing happens. You are trapped on a two feet long square slab with a nine pointed star, made from three interlocking triangles, etched on it.
Having too much knowledge, of certain things, CAN lead to insanity. And Knowledge created the Atom Bomb. Science literally translates to Knowledge, so far as I know.
Wow, it looks like this riddle is much more difficult then the last ones. I am proud of my little creation.
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I'm not sure those would go through the invisible walls.
Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Can you think of a downside to finding out?
Having too much knowledge, of certain things, CAN lead to insanity. And Knowledge created the Atom Bomb. Science literally translates to Knowledge, so far as I know.
Knowledge HAS lead to terrible things, but it's the "Will continue to do so" part that I'm not so sure about. And a lack of knowledge doesn't cause insanity either, just stupidity.
I don't know if that's a addition to the riddle, or you saying that the gods want us to be stumped by your riddle.