A Villain In A World Of Heroes

Votes locked

[X] Ice bolt to the legs, aim for the joints. Keep Firing as fast as we can. If we can cripple it for a bit we can keep it on the ground.
[X] When it charges, run to the side. It's Antlers are huge, and therefore hard to casually dodge, so we have to get behind it somehow. Keep firing.
[X] If we can outflank it, keep outflanking it. Also keep firing at it's legs until/unless we get behind it, then aim at it's head, because hitting the brain is the only way it's dying.
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Acurracy Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Shots +1 Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Second Shot: Accuracy Total: 5
5 5
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Third Shot: Accuracy Total: 1
1 1
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Stumble Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Fourth Shot: Accuracy Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Stumble Total: 5
5 5
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Dodge +2 Total: 6
6 6
Dark Ness threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Back Headshot +1 Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Back Headshot: Second Try +1 Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Cripple +1 Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Cripple: Continuing +1 Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Head shot: Second try +2 Total: 6
6 6
Dark Ness threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Heart Total: 5
5 5
Dark Ness threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Side effects? +2 Total: 4
4 4
Dark Ness threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Permanent? +1 Total: 3
3 3
Dark Ness threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Ice trait? Total: 1
1 1
Dark Ness threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Hungry -3 Total: 7
7 7
Dark Ness threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Permanent? -1 Total: 3
3 3
... So I take it we missed? Did we at least get to flank it, or has it gored us?

... Those roles sound extremely ominous...
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Holy shit were we lucky as fuck. It almost feels like fate misinterpreted us as heroes.

Yeah, but look at the last five rolls. We're going to end up half feral, with a taste for raw flesh or something. I'm betting a negative modifier to social roles, at the least. It'll be interesting, though.
We won, by rolling 6 on 1d6+2 for headshoot after it charged past us.

We ate the heart.

Next are as follow:

4 1d4+2 on side-effects, then 4 on 1d4+1 for it being permanent?. Maybe wolf, maybe new stuff from elk. I think regen.

1 on 1d4+1 for Ice trait. Either because we spam Ice spells or because we ate Elk. Probably first.

7 on 1d7-3, followed by 3 on 1d4-1. I assume that this is us eating entire elk and liking it because of our wolf nature?
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Control, do you have it RIGHT NOW? Yes. Will you keep it in the future? No.

So wolfy personality stays.

Honestly, acting a bit like a wolf isn't too bad, as long as we keep our intelligence and cunning. Human and wolf social combat is fairly similar, if a bit more underhanded(heh) in human society, so it shouldn't reduce our effectiveness too much in the hunt for the Antagonist.
Still hoping that we get those tiny fangs, though. Any of the previously discussed pictures, especially the one that seemed to win out (Picture 1, for now) would become adorable with those.
Honestly, acting a bit like a wolf isn't too bad, as long as we keep our intelligence and cunning. Human and wolf social combat is fairly similar, if a bit more underhanded(heh) in human society, so it shouldn't reduce our effectiveness too much in the hunt for the Protagonist.

Still hoping that we get those tiny fangs, though. Any of the previously discussed pictures, especially the one that seemed to win out (Picture 1, for now) would become adorable with those.

Not happening.

Anytime soon
I overestimated how much time I had, update should still be out tonight, but will likely be late
So you're aiming for adorabloodthirstiness?

This. Exactly this. We craft ourselves to induce high levels of ~Daaawww~ in our victims, then, when we have ingratiated ourselves as that adorable girl with the mysterious and troubled past, we tell them that Guy killed our father, and then they try to kill him! It's my long term plan, you see, along with learning lots more about magic. Bonus points for doing it to a Hero. Extra-Double-bonus points if it works.
The Lord's Healing
You aim for the Elk Lords legs as starts to charge, pointing its massive and sharp horns at you, ready to spear and gore you. You preemptively fire an ice bolt at its legs, specifically its joints, but you miss. Panicking, you fire off a second shoot, but it only grazes it. Luckily, while it isn't enough to stop the gigantic elk, it does cause it to stumble. This isn't doesn't stop it's charge, but it is enough to slow it down, allowing you to fire more shots before you have to dodge. You take a fourth shot, but it completely misses. Fortunately, your fifth shot, while still only a graze, causes it to stumble once more, making it extremely easy to dodge out of it's way and position yourself behind it.

Then, you fire at the back of it's head twice, but neither of the shots have enough force to break through into it's brain, although, they did still daze it. Taking advantage of its dazed state and worried about its regeneration, you fire two more shots into each of its front legs, causing it to fall, and crippling it, at least temporarily. Using the extra time provided by this, you cast one more ice bolt, and put a lot more concentration into it. This time, it goes through the head of the Elk Lord, instantly killing it.

Franticly, almost like a starving animal, you take your sword and cut into the Elk Lord, to get at its heart. You take it out and devour it, savoring its delicious juices and flavor. As you eat, you feel your scrapes and bruises quickly heal, maybe not as fast as the Elk Lord's did, but pretty close. You get the urge to keep going, to eat the rest of the body. But, you resist and control yourself, even if something in the back of your mind wants you to continue.

[] Continue wandering the forrest
[] Return to the city
[] Write In


The Lord's Healing: You have eaten the heart of an Elk Lord, and gained some of its regenerative abilities. Although you do not regenerate as well as an actual Elk Lord, you are close.
[X] Experiment. You miss too easily, and your swordplay is weak. Fortunately, you have both magic and a weapon. Time to get creative, and find a combat style that suits you.
[X] Experiment. You miss too easily, and your swordplay is weak. Fortunately, you have both magic and a weapon. Time to get creative, and find a combat style that suits you.

EDIT: Changed vote.
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[X] Experiment. You miss too easily, and your swordplay is weak. Fortunately, you have both magic and a weapon. Time to get creative, and find a combat style that suits you.
Aww, come on, guys, the whole purpose of all this was to get stronger. If we come up with our own combat style, we get to either have bonuses, or use bigger dice.
well we got lucky both times we need to get good
[X] set up camp for the night and Cook the body useing flame magic to create a fire
-[X] while the meat is cooking practice and experiment
--[X] after eating your fill rest in a nerby tree
[X] Continue wandering near the edge of the forest. We want more, but aren't willing to get lost in the death forest for it.
[X] Experiment. You miss too easily, and your swordplay is weak. Fortunately, you have both magic and a weapon. Time to get creative, and find a combat style that suits you.