A Villain In A World Of Heroes

So there's no chance of taming the violently territorial thing. Good. Plan Sharp-Brain-freeze is a go.
Who said anything about taming it? I meant giving it so hard of a beatdown that it would fear us too much to disobey. I'm saying we need a packhorse to take all that fenric wolf pelt back to the village for processing. If the animal still won't cooperate, then, well, I wonder if its heart will give us more power?
Who said anything about taming it? I meant giving it so hard of a beatdown that it would fear us too much to disobey. I'm saying we need a packhorse to take all that fenric wolf pelt back to the village for processing. If the animal still won't cooperate, then, well, I wonder if its heart will give us more power?

That first part is one method of taming wild horses, and our only offensive options would just make it thrash in pain. My definition of taming is bending animals to your will. And we ARE eating this thing. Regenerative powers, heck yes.
How would we go about identifying ???? Can we somehow earn a hint? Can we see the effects when we meditate?
Do regenerative powers mean having an immune system strong enough to get rid of parasites, or being able to completely ignore the effects of having them in the first place?
Do regenerative powers mean having an immune system strong enough to get rid of parasites, or being able to completely ignore the effects of having them in the first place?

You don't know, you barely know what parasites are. I was actually thinking that the look for parasites part of the vote wasn't IC, but then I realized you would know what maggots and worms are and that wiggly things in a living body are bad, so I allowed it.
Do regenerative powers mean having an immune system strong enough to get rid of parasites, or being able to completely ignore the effects of having them in the first place?

Regenerative. We'd regenerate. Presumably, this means that we'd heal damage at a noticeable rate. So if we had parasites, any damage they inflicted on us would be healed. We'd still be incredibly miserable, though, and most certainly end up going to or becoming a magi with a healing spell to get rid of them.

I think that ??? has something to do with the Fenris wolf's signature ability to consume Arcane occurrences and grow stronger and smarter from them, or something related to that. Think about it. Eating magical things and becoming stronger from them was their shtick, and then we did it to them. Since eating hearts gives us some of the traits of the being they came from, and that's the Fenris wolf's trait, we may absorb traits more easily.
Of the Wolf
You pack away the section of the pelt you managed to cut off, and was small enough that you could carry it. With that done, you make your decision, you will continue following the old stories and eat your fallen foe. You cut open it's body, and search for it's heart, becoming covered in blood in the process. It didn't take two long to find the heart, and it was HUGE, you doubted you could eat it all. You started eating anyways, and it didn't taste very good, all chewy and raw.

But, as you ate more, you felt better and better. You felt stronger, faster, more powerful and energized, like you could do so much more. Your senses seemed to expand, you could see a little better, but it was your sense of smell that seemed so much better, everything was distinct, you don't know how you survived with your old nose. That wasn't all, the heart, it tasted so good, better and better the more you ate. You devour it, licking your fingers afterward. You hold yourself back from eating more, and the hunger subsides, with difficulty. With more control of yourself, you start packing away some of the raw meat, which smells absolutely divine, by the way.

With that, you decide to continue your journey, you have gained power, but not enough, you need more. So, you wonder through the forest some more. After some time, you smell something, something good. "Prey." You follow the smell and find yourself in a large, seemingly empty clearing. Confused, you look around, before seeing a gaint elk about to charge at you. It isn't as big as the wolf, but only slightly as it is about one and three quarters of your size. He has massive antlers, with dozens of sharpened points.

It's an Elk Lord, a powerful and extremely territorial animal. What it is most known for though, is it's regenerative abilities. Coupable of regenerating a limb within minutes, and minor wounds in seconds, it is a very dangerous creature. While it's antlers aren't much more then extremely sharp antlers, without the abilities of the Feric Wolf, it doesn't mean much to you, since you didn't have any armour anyways. Regaurdless, it is about to charge and attempt to spear you, you have time for at least two shots, maybe more if you are both quick and lucky.



Trait Gained: Of the Wolf:
You consumed the heart of a great beast, a ferric wolf, albeit a young one. Because of this, you gained some of it's power, physically, magically, and in other ways as well, along with some wofish traits and improved senses, especially smell. Whether this has hidden effects remains to be seen.
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[X] Nova Glaciums to hamper its movements, Sphaera Ignifaeras to its face to blind and/or stun it (no matter how temporary this may be), followed by a decapitating blow.

[X] Ready your blade for a decapitating strike as it charges. At the last second, dodge with your sword angled to chop its head off.
-[X] If that doesn't kill it, use Nova Glaciums to hamper its movements, Sphaera Ignifaeras to burn it and deaden its senses temporarily, and aim for another decapitating blow.
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[X] take your time and prepare yourself and draw your blade
-[X] when it gets close side step forward and swing for the neck. the extra momentom of the elks charge should allow for a clean decapatation
[X] Ice bolt to the face, aim for the forehead. Keep Firing as fast as we can. If we can penetrate It's skull than we win. ANY OTHER WOUND is superficial, and it'll get better in literally seconds.
[X] Jump FAR to the side when it gets close. It's Antlers are huge, and therefore hard to casually dodge.
[X] If we can get to the side of it, slice off a leg or stab it in the face, whichever is closer. This will distract it, hopefully for long enough that we can continue stabbing it in the face with ice.

Dang, we're probably going to need that rregeneration when this is over.
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Just a heads up 1.75 our size, is still 8'9" (266 cm) tall. We are about 5' tall with a shortsword. I doubt we have the reach or the angle for an effective decapitation on this creature.
I think we are too small and our sword too short to do that.

[X] Shoot fireball (blinding it with both light and dirt) at its feet and sidestep.
-[x] strike its hind leg, and back off, it can't run for a bit. Fire a ice spear at its stomach area.
Just cut his front leg and get the fuck out of here while we are ahead.

Although regen sounds tempting ...

.. must resist shiny..

.. fuck it, i want regen. :(
Guys, the horns on elks protect them from slashy things, like other Elk's horns, not stabby things like us, our sword, and, most importantly, our magical ice lances of frosty pointy-ness. The icebolts could stop this fight before it starts.
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By the way, given that it is bullshit large and thus bullshit heavy, it means that it rams with bullshit force and probably has bullshit tough skull to endure such force.

Which is to say, trying to pierce it will almost certainly fail.

Better wound its leg and then hack it while it is down, while caring not to get kicked and/or stabbed . Unfortunately, we can't use normal way of dealing with such horned animals, stabbing them and then letting them bleed to death.

Regen is a bitch.
Just cut his front leg and get the fuck out of here while we are ahead.

Although regen sounds tempting ...

.. must resist shiny..

.. fuck it, i want regen. :(
I agree with defeeting it. Doing that to a charge is a good way to screw it up hard.

[X] Shoot fireball (blinding it with both light and dirt) at its feet and sidestep.
-[x] strike its hind leg, and back off, it can't run for a bit. Fire a ice spear at its stomach area.
[X] Elks have crap turning so duck low and doge to the left before imidetly turning arround and hitting it with a fireball then ice spike then fierball again where the ice spike struck to slow its healing. aim for the area just behind its four leg because that is where the heart and lungs should be

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[X] Elks have crap turning so duck low and doge to the left before imidetly turning arround and hitting it with a fireball then ice spike then fierball again where the ice spike struck to slow its healing. aim for the area just behind its four leg because that is where the heart and lungs should be

I know some people like hunting but this makes me feel sick. And its not because of the blood.
The weakness of a charging animal is its legs. We have 2 chances to hit it before it reaches us. If we pierce and freeze any of the legs, it will slow or stop the charge, depending on where it is hit.

Regen can't heal something if a foreign object is still there.
The weakness of a charging animal is its legs. We have 2 chances to hit it before it reaches us. If we pierce and freeze any of the legs, it will slow or stop the charge, depending on where it is hit.

Regen can't heal something if a foreign object is still there.

This is logical; if it's on the ground because we tripped it by crippling it's legs and we approach from whichever side it's back is facing, we could coup-de-Gras it easily with repeated bolts while it tries to get up.
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Another thing we could do is just fire fireball(ha!) at its face. With its eyes blinded because its face is on fire, it will crash and probably break its legs, at which point we can easily hack it until stops moving.

I mean, its not like it can dodge 60cm of fireball in the middle of charge.

I guess ice would work as well.
The only problem with that, is you know nothing about elk biology.
Uh, i didn't have a clue about their biology and i still knew that its lungs were there. We were a farm girl, we ought to know something like "lungs are behind ribs". We probably owned and slaughtered animals with similar biology. It's not that much of a stretch.
We were a farm girl, we ought to know something like "lungs are behind ribs". We probably owned and slaughtered animals with similar biology. It's not that much of a stretch.

Craftsman's daughter, actually, and hitting vital points doesn't work when they can heal in minutes at the very longest.