A Villain In A World Of Heroes

So we have 5 for risk it, and 1 for don't. I will leave the vote open for 15 more minutes.
[X] Risk it.

This is power we already have, as opposed to what we might find. Unless I'm forgetting something, the Fenris Wolf was a pretty low role on the encounter table, so anything more powerful will probably maul us.

Plus, I think that this current role might give us a terrible disease or curse or something. Magical Werewolf AIDS, with our luck.
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Risk it wins, and you get power!

1d4 → [4] = (4)

Now, to see how bad your encounter is:
Dark Ness threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 47
47 47
Question: Is a high roll good or bad for us? Because if it's good for us then it should have a lower challenge rating than that wolf, because that was a seven. Out of 100.

Edit: Is that power physical or magical? If physical, is it like exercising, or suddenly superior genetics (is it in our DNA?). If magical, is it increased power, or higher spell-resistance?

Is it something else?
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Question: Is a high roll good or bad for us? Because if it's good for us then it should have a lower challenge rating than that wolf, because that was a seven. Out of 100.

Better, sort of, now, instead of a giant mage-eating, armour-ignoring wolf, you got a regenerating magic elk (that's slightly less giant). The elk can't ignore armour, but since you don't have any.......
If this Elk isn't automatically agressive, then we could pull a repeat. Stab it in the face from hiding, then keep shooting. We should only stop casting when it stops moving, and make all the effort to aim at lethal points. Flesh wounds will be ignored both mechanically and, probably, IC as well.
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If this Elk isn't automatically agressive, then we could pull a repeat. Stab it in the face from hiding, then keep shooting. We should only stop casting when it stops movin, and make an effort to aim at lethal points. Flesh wounds will be ignored both mechanically and, probably, IC as well.

Elk Lords are extremely territorial and you smell like wolf, yeah, it's aggressive.
Well, then we should definitely repeat our plan, but this time from a tree. If the wind shifts things can smell us now, which makes for harder hunting.

Watch as we get some kind of membership to the wolf club, and have to deal with all of the bad jokes that could originate from that. We're pretty much emulating one already, and all. I can only hope that we get a cute fang out of this. It has a genetic, RL precedent, so it isn't impossible.
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Either way, instead of killing this one outright, I want to tame it. Who wants a badass Elk Lord mount? I'm assuming an Elk Lord has underlings, too, so that we can get some of them to carry our stuff whenever needed. If not, well, I'm sure that it wouldn't mind helping us out once we demonstrate the extent of our power.
Hahaha. Oh, wait, you're serious. Allow me to laugh harder. We smell like the thing's mortal enemy, a species known for being Badass and cunning. The only reason that we beat that wolf was that it was the wolf version of us Pre-houseburning.

Which is more likely, that we'll befriend the angry herbivore by convincing it that we're good while covered in the blood of our last, very recent kill, or that it'll assume that we're a Fenric wolf pup that's been fed well on the flesh of mages and figured out how to shapeshift after eating a hapless traveler? Despite the ridiculous sounding nature of the second option, it's the one I'd bet on happening. We even gain power by consuming the flesh of our fallen foes (a habit we should keep, though perhaps take care to hide when it comes to people).

We can tame a platypus. They're both adorable, and dangerous enough to require low maintenance as long as we let it wander a little. Furthermore, they don't require ludicrously high diplomacy checks to acquire.
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This may or may not be relavant
relavant, but, unlike Ferric Wolves, you have not heard rumors that Elk Lords are intelligent to a human degree.
So there's no chance of taming the violently territorial thing. Good. Plan Sharp-Brain-freeze is a go.