[X] Fireball and climb a tree?
It's a wolf. It can probably track us better by scent than by vision, so it can easily trace our path exactly if it wants to.
Nova Glaciem
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates and can fire a bolt of Ice at 35-40 miles per hour. In addition to stabbing, the bolt also freezes whatever it contacts.
I said that the casting time was one second per shot because I timed myself with both pronunciations (No-Va Gla-shem and No-va Gla-ci-em), and while the second took longer, it was still barely under one second. This is, of course, assuming that all you need to do to cast a spell is say it.
Sphaera Ignifera
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting Time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates a ball of fire two feet in diameter. Once summoned, the fire remains in a coherent ball, and can be moved at a rate of 30 or so Mph.
I was going off of Elder Scrolls Mechanics, because I had no examples. I said destruction because that's their main use, although there are alternate and more constructive ways to use them, and novice because they were our first spells, in the back of a really tiny book.
So, questions now:
What schools of magic are there, and are they hard schools (Such as "You can only learn X if you learn Y, but not Z, or That spell is definitely from X school") or soft schools, like "That's a way of casting, and there's another way, and you can mix the two together for a different result"?
What is the actual time it takes to cast the spells, if it isn't one (1) second?
Or do you mean how fast we can move them? Because a horse's maximum speed is 30-40 Mph, and you said that the Icebolt was faster than a horse, so I ball parked it at around the fastest a horse can go, because I figured that we hadn't seen a fast horse going all out before. Unless you meant faster than a horse walking. Then I've got no clue. Sorry. :c
Read the character sheet, and never mind. Apparently magic makes for some fast horses in this world; either that or we've seen some races before.
Welp, since each Magi has a specialty, do we have any idea what ours is? Because if we get to choose it, I'd like it to be either something vague like "Conjuration" or "Projectiles", although if that's too vague it could be "The creation of our tools Ex Nihilo" and "Arrows/Bolts" for clarification, respectively. Even if we don't have a specialty in those, we should learn things related to them anyway, since being able to both set up a workshop in the middle of the wilderness after getting rousted out of your base for being a villain *and* shoot wall-piercing guided arrows would be incredibly nice for our given task (i.e assassinate the overblown manchild who killed our father, although failing to kill him but in the process killing everybody he loves like a particularly sadistic ninja wouldn't be as bad a failure as it could be).
We're still in the forest. Let's hold off on the incendiary devices, eh?Pick a Napalm Spell so he can't put it out and water just makes it worse? Mwuahahaha.
We're still in the forest. Let's hold off on the incendiary devices, eh?
I like the first one best.Right, I am thinking about your appearance, and I have come up with three pictures.