A Villain In A World Of Heroes

[] Our only chance of survival is to avoid being hit. We can't outrun it, not straight up, and even if we do manage to get away for now, it is tracking us by scent and our untrained body might give before the wolf dies. On the other hand, now that it is blind, it will either have to slow down or risk ramming into trees during a chase. We can use that to our advantage, by running around and/or between trees and making it ram through the trees to catch us, slowing it down, and hopefully damaging it in the process.

It's a wolf. It can probably track us better by scent than by vision, so it can easily trace our path exactly if it wants to.

Also, the plan is area-dependent. Unless there is a lot of new growth clustered nearby, we may be low on trees to run it into. Also, if the trees are, say, pine, they will smell strongly enough for the wolf to easily avoid them.
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Nova Glaciem
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates and can fire a bolt of Ice at 35-40 miles per hour. In addition to stabbing, the bolt also freezes whatever it contacts.

I said that the casting time was one second per shot because I timed myself with both pronunciations (No-Va Gla-shem and No-va Gla-ci-em), and while the second took longer, it was still barely under one second. This is, of course, assuming that all you need to do to cast a spell is say it.
Sphaera Ignifera
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting Time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates a ball of fire two feet in diameter. Once summoned, the fire remains in a coherent ball, and can be moved at a rate of 30 or so Mph.

Once again, I timed myself for the incantation, but I could only really think of one pronunciation (Sphae-ra Igni-fera), so I might be wrong.

Can you stick this information somewhere, please? It'd look ever so much fancier if we could get a whole bunch of spells in this format in the same post, and I don't mind typing them.

As for this wolf, I say we
[X] Get a tree between you and the wolf, if it's not so close that this becomes a quick-time event.
A few seconds means a few more spells means a lot better chance of killing it without getting mauled.
[X] Regardless of whether or not you've gotten cover, shoot as many bolts as you can at it's joints, preferably the front elbows*. It can't lung if it's crippled
[X] Simultaneously with the last point,
bring your sword between you and it, angled for maximum penetration if it lunges, because it can't smell how your sword is angled. Better it dead from thrusting itself upon your blade and lying on you than it not dead and just slashed a little. Dead can be wriggled out from under.

What it should look like is a little girl/ freshly minted waif pointing a sword at a big wolf while shouting nonsense words and trying to move behind a big tree, all at the same time, although we should abandon the idea of cover if it takes too long. We're in Melee with the beast, and I think it can easily catch us if we run, though dodging is still a thing.
*I mean the second, middle joint on the front legs of the wolf. That's because they correspond to the elbows on a human, if you turned our hands backwards.
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Nova Glaciem
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates and can fire a bolt of Ice at 35-40 miles per hour. In addition to stabbing, the bolt also freezes whatever it contacts.

I said that the casting time was one second per shot because I timed myself with both pronunciations (No-Va Gla-shem and No-va Gla-ci-em), and while the second took longer, it was still barely under one second. This is, of course, assuming that all you need to do to cast a spell is say it.
Sphaera Ignifera
Destruction School
Novice Rank
Casting Time: One (1) second
Effect: Creates a ball of fire two feet in diameter. Once summoned, the fire remains in a coherent ball, and can be moved at a rate of 30 or so Mph.

You got the speed wrong, and there is no destruction school, but they will be added to the character sheet.

Edit: Also, there is no novice rank.
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I was going off of Elder Scrolls Mechanics, because I had no examples. I said destruction because that's their main use, although there are alternate and more constructive ways to use them, and novice because they were our first spells, in the back of a really tiny book.

So, questions now:
What schools of magic are there, and are they hard schools (Such as "You can only learn X if you learn Y, but not Z, or That spell is definitely from X school") or soft schools, like "That's a way of casting, and there's another way, and you can mix the two together for a different result"?

What is the actual time it takes to cast the spells, if it isn't one (1) second?

Or do you mean how fast we can move them? Because a horse's maximum speed is 30-40 Mph, and you said that the Icebolt was faster than a horse, so I ball parked it at around the fastest a horse can go, because I figured that we hadn't seen a fast horse going all out before. Unless you meant faster than a horse walking. Then I've got no clue. Sorry. :c

Read the character sheet, and never mind. Apparently magic makes for some fast horses in this world; either that or we've seen some races before.
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I was going off of Elder Scrolls Mechanics, because I had no examples. I said destruction because that's their main use, although there are alternate and more constructive ways to use them, and novice because they were our first spells, in the back of a really tiny book.

So, questions now:
What schools of magic are there, and are they hard schools (Such as "You can only learn X if you learn Y, but not Z, or That spell is definitely from X school") or soft schools, like "That's a way of casting, and there's another way, and you can mix the two together for a different result"?

What is the actual time it takes to cast the spells, if it isn't one (1) second?

Or do you mean how fast we can move them? Because a horse's maximum speed is 30-40 Mph, and you said that the Icebolt was faster than a horse, so I ball parked it at around the fastest a horse can go, because I figured that we hadn't seen a fast horse going all out before. Unless you meant faster than a horse walking. Then I've got no clue. Sorry. :c

Read the character sheet, and never mind. Apparently magic makes for some fast horses in this world; either that or we've seen some races before.

There are no schools, just disciplines, and they are so soft that there is no agreement on them. Different groups of magi, and sometimes even individual magi within a group, disagree with how to classify them. The distinctions and grouping would seem to be completely arbitrary, except that most magi seem to have an easier time with certain disciplines. The problem is, these specialities are also confusing, for example, a magi could excel at spells that involve forming spheres, while another may do well with anything involving fire, healing, even stuff like sleep. This leads to some magi disproving one theory while confirming a different one, only for a new mage to come along and do the oopposite, consequently, this makes all the current classification systems absurdly complex and they are disaproved and edited often. So, you have no idea how to classify spells.

Also, your father did take you to the horse races a few times, although, not often.
Welp, since each Magi has a specialty, do we have any idea what ours is? Because if we get to choose it, I'd like it to be either something vague like "Conjuration" or "Projectiles", although if that's too vague it could be "The creation of our tools Ex Nihilo" and "Arrows/Bolts" for clarification, respectively. Even if we don't have a specialty in those, we should learn things related to them anyway, since being able to both set up a workshop in the middle of the wilderness after getting rousted out of your base for being a villain *and* shoot wall-piercing guided arrows would be incredibly nice for our given task (i.e assassinate the overblown manchild who killed our father, although failing to kill him but in the process killing everybody he loves like a particularly sadistic ninja wouldn't be as bad a failure as it could be).
Pick a Napalm Spell so he can't put it out and water just makes it worse? Mwuahahaha.
Welp, since each Magi has a specialty, do we have any idea what ours is? Because if we get to choose it, I'd like it to be either something vague like "Conjuration" or "Projectiles", although if that's too vague it could be "The creation of our tools Ex Nihilo" and "Arrows/Bolts" for clarification, respectively. Even if we don't have a specialty in those, we should learn things related to them anyway, since being able to both set up a workshop in the middle of the wilderness after getting rousted out of your base for being a villain *and* shoot wall-piercing guided arrows would be incredibly nice for our given task (i.e assassinate the overblown manchild who killed our father, although failing to kill him but in the process killing everybody he loves like a particularly sadistic ninja wouldn't be as bad a failure as it could be).

Only most magi have specialities, not all. Also, you have no idea if you have one or not.
You know, the smell of things burning tends to overpower other scents in the area. We could probably get out of this by setting things on fire.

Pain also tends to make it hard to focus.

[x] Set the wolf on fire.
That's a good point, but I think that we already worked on that a little by singeing it with a fireball. It's probably picking up a pretty good whiff of burnt fur right now. Still doesn't meant that it can't hear us, though.
We're still in the forest. Let's hold off on the incendiary devices, eh?

I'd rather salvage the pelt if at all possible.

This is long term planning, and, aside from a small bit of charring on the legs and a few holes, we could still get a pretty good pelt off of this thing with our leather-working skills. Warm, fluffy, and huge, so good because we're homeless and can use it as a sleeping bag/a makeshift robe, and if we really need some money I bet we could sell it for a fair amount of gold; Who goes out hunting sapient, wizard eating, spell resistant wolves, after all?
Right, I am thinking about your appearance, and I have come up with three pictures.

Feel free to suggest your own pictures, but remember the description. Also, this is NOT a vote, I just want your thoughts.
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I think that picture 2 is the best.

It doesn't exactly match the person we are at the moment, but I think that her expression and attire will fit the MC after we have some more experience and become a proper villain.