You get up, have breakfast, and go back to your new hideout. You are going to explore the tunnel system you found, and then magically clean up the hidden room. You open up the trapdoor, climb down into the room, create a fireball to light your way, and carefully step over the broken pieces of wall in the way as you enter the passageway. You walk down the rough stonetunnel until you reach the fork, which spilts off into two identical passages. You, on a whim, choose the left one.
This turns out to be the wrong choice, because, after walking for about a minute, you here a click. You stepped on some kind of pressure plate. You immediately jump out of the way, and the tunnel starts to collapse, chunks of rocks falling from the ceiling. Unfortunately, you didn't get clear, and a rock falls on top of your head. Your vision starts to turn black...
When you wake up, most of your body is buried under a pile of rubble. Luckily, your head is free, and you mange to wiggle out. Your dress is torn, and you are covered in rock dust. You attempt to brush some of the dust off, but there is way too much, so you only partially succeed. You feel the back of your head, and find that there is blood there, but no wound. Your regeneration must have taken care of it.
You head out the passageway and leave the house to take a quick peek outside. It is early morning, you have been unconscious all through the day and night. This isn't very good, but you need to continue regardless.
Major Actions: Choose One
[] Buy some books andeducate yourself. You may not have gone to school, but that doesn't mean you can't learn.
-[] Write in topics. You can pick as many as you want, but if you choose too many, you will get less of a benefit. It will also cost more. Some topics are unavailable.
[] Buy some magic books and learn more spells, or maybe even something else. Then, take some time to practice what you learned.
-[] Write in topics. You can pick up to two, which will also cost more. Some topics are unavailable.
[] Take the time to make the fenric wolf pelt into leather armour. This will require you obtaining tools and a place to do so, so there may be a cost. (Can not be take if you choose to sell the pelt as is)
[] Take some more sword lessons, and improve your melee abilities. You aren't exactly a master, after all.
[] Head into the forest. (ONLY one encounter).
[] Explore the tunnels you found in that abandoned building, there might be something interesting there. (Explore more with the Major action)
[] Write In
Minor Actions: Choose Two
[] Go to the inn and clean yourself off before doing anything. If you are lucky, you might be able to sneak up to your room before anyone notices you.
[] Buy a book and educate yourself. You may not have gone to school, but that doesn't mean you can't learn.
-[] Write in topic. You can pick only one.
[] Examine the book you got in the temple, hopefully you will learn something more from it.
[] Explore the tunnels you found in that abandoned building, there might be something interesting there.
[] Sell Items (Can choose as many as you want)
-[] Sell the Wolf Pelt as is
-[] Sell the Unicorn Horn
-[] Sell the Shoddy Chainmail
-[] Sell the Leather Vest
-[] Imp summoning spell instructions.
--[] How do you explain how you got it?
--[] Or, maybe you would rather sell to a unscrupulous merchant?
[] Train your base magical ability, which mainlyinvolves lifting pebbles. But, you can lift more then one now, isn't that great?
[] Clean up the hideout, hopefully you won't knock anything over this time.
-[] The mundane way
-[] The magical way
[] Maybe you could ask around the less prosperous part of the city about whoever ran away. Of course, you might also tip them of or draw suspicion on to yourself.
[] Practice your aim. When you were fighting, you would often miss what you were aiming at, maybe you should work to fix that?
[] Practice your speed. Yes, it reduces your accuracy, but the faster you fire your spells, the more you can cast. Since you can cast only the ice bolt and fireball spell, you will be practicing with both of them.
[] Practice the summoning spell in your hideout. Comes with a lessened risk of discovery.
-[] Angelic form
-[] Regular form
-[] Both?
[] Buy something. It might use up part of your finances, but sometimes you need a something.
-[] Supplies
-[] Write in
[] Write in