A Little Trouble in Big China - A Chinese Warlord Quest

Stalin has not yet come to power. In 1925 he was head of the personnel department. Since 1927 he is one of the leaders. Recognized leader since about 1933. Residues of resistance are added in1939. Until 1927 the commander-in-chief Trotsky.
Oh dear. Just noticed, Changsha is either completely on the frontlines, or occupied by the K-KMT. This is the second time the most industrialized city in the C-KMT has been lost. :cry:
Oh dear. Just noticed, Changsha is either completely on the frontlines, or occupied by the K-KMT. This is the second time the most industrialized city in the C-KMT has been lost. :cry:

Let's form a club of hurbis. :V @Mortenkam I think I will have my army road built from North to south to be closer to front line. Also to finish training.
How finished is the military modernizing?
Anything came out of university expansion?
What about military school?

Stop reforming the entire army at once, you need warm bodies with guns now not later. If you wish to reform, do it with loyalist at small pieces. Mass people wave and hit&run will not work if K-KMT continue their push with pillaging and forced relocation. Use your propaganda machine and send advisors to help coordinate with militias. Also relocate and spread out the industry.
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Coalition or opposition? Any changes you want to do?
I plan to stick with the Republic to the end, comrade.

Don't have much ideas, however.
- Try and take back Canton before the Qing's rule take roots. They won't stay neutral in this war for long anyway.
- Makeshift armored trains as spearhead of offense and fast response of defense?
- Actively use aviation as a recon? Maybe bomb their logistic centres if we identify any?

- If you want Zhang Guotao to step down, it would be nice to offer Communists other important post. Otherwise, it's not really coalition.

Communists militia can also, I don't know, purely hypothetically, deal with certain big-eared gang leader... :whistle:
Stop reforming the entire army at once, you need warm bodies with guns now not later. If you wish to reform, do it with loyalist at small pieces. Mass people wave and hit&run will not work if K-KMT continue their push with pillaging and forced relocation. Use your propaganda machine and send advisors to help coordinate with militias. Also relocate and spread out the industry.
Exactly. That's why it's being reformed. What's in the plan is the provisional reform- I'm still looking at history to see how it should be done. As for relocation- I wish I could. All important industrial centers are under K-KMT control, and the rest are already fairly dispersed. Only place able to be relocated is Canton, if it's retaken. Warm bodies with guns- yep, that's going to be in option 6. Expansion of the army.

I plan to stick with the Republic to the end, comrade.

Don't have much ideas, however.
- Try and take back Canton before the Qing's rule take roots. They won't stay neutral in this war for long anyway.
- Makeshift armored trains as spearhead of offense and fast response of defense?
- Actively use aviation as a recon? Maybe bomb their logistic centres if we identify any?

- If you want Zhang Guotao to step down, it would be nice to offer Communists other important post. Otherwise, it's not really coalition.

Communists militia can also, I don't know, purely hypothetically, deal with certain big-eared gang leader... :whistle:

- Yeah, Canton will be retaken if possible, with everything sent out of reach of naval guns.
- The train factory in in Changsha, either under K-KMT control, or on the other side of the front lines. Still, yes, if it is retaken, it would be a good use of them.
- Yes, aviation should probably be generally in use to weaken supply (together with partisans) and do recon. Except pitched battles, where they'll be a great help.
- As for important positions... Giving Zhou Enlai one would be best, but he's a little occupied, and doing a good job where he is. Maybe making Chen Duxiu (as he was very important in the May Fourth movement) President of the Examinations Yuan, and have him reform it to be more meritocratic and ask for more modern bureaucratic skills? But with a little less strident anti-religiousness, no need to antagonize religious citizens.
- I take it deal with means eliminate? If @kilopi505 Has any intentions of helping Chiang in his war against the Republic, that would be a plan (but with care, since he's friends with people in Macao).
- In terms of the war, retaking Hunan province is very important, as much of the industry is there, and hopefully the K-KMT will have overextended themselves somewhat. Besides that, organizing uprisings in Qing China (rural and urban) would be great, if possible.


- Is part of the C-KMT army trapped behind enemylines? Between the Yellow River and Chiang's occupation.
- I think I may have confused you a few turns ago with this:
4. Create arsenals, foundries and all sorts of military factories all around the Left-KMT, particularly Hunan and Changsha, so that the Japanese may not seize all of them. (Liao Zhongkai)
I meant Hunan province (which is the one Changsha is in), but I can see how it might have ben confused for a city. There is no city named Hunan in China, the idea was to industrialize the province in a dispersed manner. The only other city I had planned for industrialization was Shaoyang (also in Hunan province), but I never actually added it to the plan.
[x] Zhang Xueliang: Han General, the Young Marshal, Leader of the Jehol Clique.
-[X] Plan Military United
  • Task the Military, Military Academy, and German advisors to collect and study the Manchurian war. Note successes, failures, and produce white paper for further Jehol military development.
  • Liaising within Qing command to make bulk import of German arms for Qing forces/Cliques willing to pay (Jehol military will be paying for what it needs, work with German advisors). Also offer Fengtian National Industrial Company arms and ammo at competitive rates to Qing forces/Cliques.
  • Sponsor Jehol clique military industrial complex to upgrade industrial capability with British contacts and try to purchase production license for personal/squad level weapons; like German's "Stielhandgranate", "MG08", "MP 18", and British's "Mills bomb", "Stokes Mortar" for example. Roll out these new weapons to Jehol army if successfully. (IE Paying British and German large sums for getting industrial upgrades)
  • Direct Public Relations Department, Office of Specialists and Talents, Fengtian National Industrial Company, and Zuolin officer school to work with Emperor's Prime Minster in exchange for Jehol's continued expansion. All transactions originating and ending in Jehol Clique will be conducted under Emperor's purview and that includes applicable Emperor's tax and tributes. (IE working for money and material to fuel Jehol faction's war chest and explosive growth.)
  • Order the military to prepare for war and fortify the enclaves. German advisors will be asked to provide support.
  • Invite Emperor, court, cliques, business/industry, and foreign-advisors-in-China to tour Jehol. Both to foster excellent working relationship with everyone as well as offering Jehol industrial goods and education. Personally tour the army with Emperor and Prime Minister if they wish. (Xu Shichang will coordinate this tour. He will be presented in very good light.)
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You're in California?


Stay away from the fires.

Ok. Question time:

Is Nantou county, Xiangshan county, and Shenzhen town completely Tong-controlled territory at this point?

What happened to the clinic? Why no mention of the clinic?

What happened to the project of syncretizing Socialism and Capitalism?

Is the 65-35 Portuguese Majority Brokerage Firm accepted and already set up? If so, may it be mentioned that the location is in Macao?

Is the 65-35 Portuguese Majority Insurance Company accepted and already set up? If so, may it be mentioned that the location is in Macao?

Are the 65-35 Portuguese Majority Fish Farms accepted and already set up? If so, may it be mentioned that the location be in Xiangshan, Zhuhai and Nantou County?

I'm actually in the interior of British Columbia, but same stuff.

Ok, so in order. Yes, I missed it while shorthanding and will add it to the update (it was successfully created), as I said before your ideas are your ideas you just have to act on them, yes to all three they were implied as such.

@Dadarian I got a couple of question for you.

First, how much of the failure about expanding Qing's industry came from plans working against each other and how much came from bad rolls?
Second, when did you decide that Canton would end up in Qing's hands and how well guarded is it at the moment?
Third, how many men did prince Chun raise?
Fourth, is there any sort of monks in Qing China, that could be convinced to speak out against communists amongst the peasants?
Fifth, does Alexander von Falkenhausen has any advice for prince Chun about the state of Qing's armies and their capability to conduct war against C-KMT?
Sixth, how hard would it be to get Japan to give us military access, so we could march down along the coast to attack C-KMT that way and how bad might it make Qing look?

In order: everyone rolled well except you meaning that nothing happened, it was the natural outcome as Japan only recognises the Qing as the legitimate ruler of China and it is defended by the governor and his rabbled militia of bourgeoisie, Prince Chun raised an army for each province (ranging from 5k to 15k depending on population density), Alex says that your forces need to be battle hardened and innumerable amounts of material aide that you're not quite capable of fulfilling yet, and you'd have to find out for yourself but your cabinet is skeptical that the Japanese would allow open movement through their territory.

Now, a quibble and some questions:

The idea wasn't to swich currencies, it was to do like Zuolin did historically:

And have two official currencies around at the same time, one that was sure to be stable (silver) and one to make sure there was always money when necessary. Apologies if I was unclear.

* What amount of the military uses Howell guns curently? How long would it take, at the current rate of production, and assuming no losses , for Howells to be standard equipment?
*On which side of the frontline are the officers from the Changsha officer school? Or were they captured?


Oh dear. Just noticed, Changsha is either completely on the frontlines, or occupied by the K-KMT. This is the second time the most industrialized city in the C-KMT has been lost. :cry:


- Is part of the C-KMT army trapped behind enemylines? Between the Yellow River and Chiang's occupation.
- I think I may have confused you a few turns ago with this:

I meant Hunan province (which is the one Changsha is in), but I can see how it might have ben confused for a city. There is no city named Hunan in China, the idea was to industrialize the province in a dispersed manner. The only other city I had planned for industrialization was Shaoyang (also in Hunan province), but I never actually added it to the plan.

My bad, I'll edit the update to reflect the dual currencies. Peg it at 25% and between six and eighteen months depending on labour rights and labour disputes. Changsha was not captured, it's just been isolated on the other side of the K-KMT's line, therefore the officers at the Changsha school are completely safe (excepting they're cut off). Yes the militias, communist cells, and army units which are in and around Changsha are trapped behind lines in the Changsha pocket.

And everytime I've written Hunan, I was 100% thinking Shaoyang, I just build on previous updates so I end up building on those mistakes without thinking about it. Your incredibly industrialised cities are Shaoyang and Changsha.

How finished is the military modernizing?
Anything came out of university expansion?
What about military school?

All of these are interwoven into the Qing portion of the update, but as a TL;DR it's "fairly westernised (by Asian standards), expanded successfully, and keeping on keeping on" respectively. The Zuolin officer school has been successfully moved to Jehol.
@DanBaque Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. Partly because of the history of what happens to anarchists when they take such offers, and partly because I'm more likely to have success if I'm not shackled to the single biggest target in China. I'd rather be seen as "the weirdo whose strange ideas don't noticeably interfere with the flow of food and war material" for right now than as "the rural wing of the Left-KMT, who needs to be crushed if we don't want a peasant revolt in our rear".
Aim is to become the most heavily armed military force and abundant firepower. Start replacing and selling outdated equipment.
focusing on hand explosive "potato smasher" and mobile machine guns. Start replacing and selling outdated equipment.
It seems a bit counterproductive to sell off outdated equipment when most heavy firepower is fairly outdated. Or do you mean just small arms?
Encourage entire Jehol faction and friends to attend Zuolin university to expand their income and social standing, focu on medical and civil engineering. Those unable to afford tuition will be offered work in exchange.
Not sure what this is for... Gaining an educated citizenry? Normal Chinese won't be able to attend, so it'll just be the rich, who are already educated. Or have I misunderstood it?


@DanBaque Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. Partly because of the history of what happens to anarchists when they take such offers, and partly because I'm more likely to have success if I'm not shackled to the single biggest target in China. I'd rather be seen as "the weirdo whose strange ideas don't noticeably interfere with the flow of food and war material" for right now than as "the rural wing of the Left-KMT, who needs to be crushed if we don't want a peasant revolt in our rear".
I mean, I get your point, but your rural bases are going to be attacked and pillaged by the K-KMT warlords, and since the people defending them will mostly be KMT and CPC forces, you'll lose popularity to them. If you were also allowed militia units, and given Hanyang 88s would you accept?
- [X] Begin laying out the principles of an anarchist military force, trying to determine how to create an effective military that won't end up as just another warlord government ruling the nominally anarchist territory.

- [X] Find ways to make child labor less necessary so that both boys and girls might be properly educated. In particular, improving youth literacy is a long-term necessity, as political engagement is easier when you can read and write.

These two options are unnecessary: the first is merely political ideas, which you can copy from real life, and , as Dadarian says:
your ideas are your ideas you just have to act on them
You don't have to waste an option on that, you can just start creating an army (but you're unlikely to get weapons except from @kilopi505's Zhuhai Black Powder Hunting Gun Workshop, or smuggling).
The second, is only partially unnecessary, the "find ways " need not be done, you can just take inspiration from OTL, but if you want to improve literacy, then you do have to use an option.
as I said before your ideas are your ideas you just have to act on them,
*D) Start regular correspondence with Chiang Kai Shek via regular mails on the topic of syncretizing Capitalism and Socialism. And tell him that if he wants to, he can also bring others from the Right-KMT leadership into the conversation so that they could all, as a faction, present a peaceful and reasonable alternative to Communism to the World.
I think he meant if Chiang Kai-Shek or any of the Right-KMT leadership agreed with his ideas, and used them as an ideological plan.
Thing is that I picked the anarchist because it seemed interesting, not because I have more than a vague understanding of the absolute basics of anarchist philosophy. I'd much rather leave the details to my character, who quite frankly was probably smarter than I am in addition to having a better understanding of both anarchism and 1920s China.

I suppose I would accept a United Front if given weapons and allowed to form militia units without being crushed by my nominal side. Still not joining the government though, because I'm still pretty sure that just means I get purged by the left if you win or by the right if you lose. Better to set up local structures for the long haul, which the new overlords won't care about so long as there isn't obvious rebellion.

And for the literacy issue, it's being phrased that way because I'm honestly not sure how to thread the needle of reducing the need for child labor so that the children of both the rural and urban proletariat can receive at least a basic education without starving them and their families when there's no way to get enough tools to mechanize things properly and when the lack of any education among the proletariat means that nobody knows how to properly use or maintain anything except in so far as they're taught by rote.

Probably it requires incorporating education into the child labor of the present generation, so that by the next generation adult productivity is high enough that child labor won't be needed. The current generation of adults is pretty much there to support their children and grandchildren, because it's far too late to do anything about their own lack of education and literacy in anything more than minor ways, at least in terms of organized programs.
Exactly. That's why it's being reformed. What's in the plan is the provisional reform- I'm still looking at history to see how it should be done. As for relocation- I wish I could. All important industrial centers are under K-KMT control, and the rest are already fairly dispersed. Only place able to be relocated is Canton, if it's retaken. Warm bodies with guns- yep, that's going to be in option 6. Expansion of the army.

You can't stop their advance without blood, but your experienced troops shouldn't be the ones bleeding; as they are more loyal. So see if the militias and draftees can be fed to the grinder first.

It seems a bit counterproductive to sell off outdated equipment when most heavy firepower is fairly outdated. Or do you mean just small arms?

I was thinking along the lines of making my firepower coming from more mobile forms instead of bulky and heavy guns; but good point I need to develop that thought more.

Not sure what this is for... Gaining an educated citizenry? Normal Chinese won't be able to attend, so it'll just be the rich, who are already educated. Or have I misunderstood it?

The intend was to make sure Xueliang's influence are further cemented and start to extend outward into Qing administration. Not to take over but ensure Jehol's safety and expansion.
Edit: since doctors and engineers are too valuable to kill.
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[X] Du "Big-Eared Du" Yuesheng: Han mob boss who has a controlling interest in Zhuhai and worked with elements of the Republicans. Ties with elements of the Chinese Revolutionary Party (Kemingtang).


A) Due to complaints about how easily affected by the wind the sparks that fire the rifle are, and dissatisfaction with the normal misfire rate of one in every six shots that had already been pointed out in the manuals that came with the rifle...the Zhuhai Boar Hunting rifle shall from this point onwards be a Percussion Cap rifle.

In accordance with this decision, a factory shall be built in Zhuhai that is dedicated to creating Mercury Fulminate percussion caps for the Zhuhai Black Powder Hunting Gun Workshop. This factory shall operate according to the highest standards possible in China, because of how dangerous Mercury Fulminate is to exploding with a hit. Also in accordance with this decision a general recall of all flintlock Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifles along with their manuals shall be issued. All flintlock breeches shall be replaced with percussion cap breeches and thirty free percussion caps per customer along with new manuals for the percussion cap Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifles.

Also, expand the facilities of the Zhuhai Black Powder Hunting Gun Workshop so as to expand the production of Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifles. 1/3 of the Boar Hunting Rifles produced shall be for commercial selling while the remaining 2/3 is to be used to arm Tong members.

Also accordingly divert 1/2 of all the paper and gunpowder produced in the Zhuhai Recycled Paper Factory and Zhuhai Fireworks Company to paper cartridges for the Boar Hunting Rifles while leaving the remaining half to commercial purposes.

And finally, have the firework experts experiment with a Congreve Rocket that is modified according to Du Yuesheng's dream after coming home from a party in Macao:

The rocket must have fins, just like the arrows of yesterday had fletchings, but larger. The fins must be from the bottom of the rocket to the middle of the body. And the fins must also be made of steel like the body of the rocket. And as for the bottom of the rocket, there must be this curious shaped nozzle for the opening to the gunpowder fuel. And most important of all, dispense of the guide stick, because the modified Congreve Rocket will use guide rails instead.

B) Expand the Tong once more, to the rest of the towns and villages of Bao'an County, Dongguan County, Foshan Town, Nanhai County, Shunde County, Gaoming County, Sanshui County, and Canton itself. With maximum effort, offer Tong membership to all the fishermen, all the doctors and nurses and accountants, all the street and market stall vendors and family store owners, and all the martial artists (Ip Man, Bruce Lee's teacher is alive and in Foshan) in these areas. Put it in terms of the collective self defense of all honest entrepreneurs in these very troubled times. Also tell them that if possible, buy insurance plans from the 65-35 Portuguese majority owned Insurance Corporation just in case the worst happens to any of them. Also have all current members of the Zhuhai Tong with enough means to do so buy insurance plans from said company, to make said company expand more and earn more money for the collective Tong and to add money to the non-cash insurance the Tong is already providing to all its members.

Tell the Taiwan branch of the Zhuhai Tong to expand more across Taiwan as they see fit, but do it in secret from the Japanese.

Contact the French and the American military officer in Shanghai who trained Du Yuesheng's Personal Guard. Offer them enough money to be convinced to move to Zhuhai or Macao and start training Tong members again in both French and American military tactics, in the same manner as what they did before.

Quickly start subverting the Qing Governor's militia in Canton by secretly offering all of them Tong membership, money and escape routes for them and their families to safe places in Tong areas when the Left KMT comes for Canton.

C) Build a large firing range in Xiangshan, named the Noisy Firing Range, which is a member only firing range and paid for by membership fees. This place shall serve as a thin cover for the paramilitary training of all the Tong members who are armed with Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifles under the supervision of Du Yuesheng's Personal Guard and hopefully the French and American military officer.

To give additional cover, invite Portuguese and British civilians with guns and Portuguese and British Armed Forces personnel with their own guns to become members of the Noisy Firing Range and use it whenever they like. And invite as many of them as possible.

To give additional cover to Du Yuesheng's Personal Guard and all gangbangers without other jobs aside from security of Tong properties and members, establish the Macao-Zhuhai Watchman Agency, it's HQ to be in Macao and secondary HQ in Zhuhai, and enroll all the armed people into the employee rolls of the Macao-Zhuhai Watchman Agency.

Maintain the knife fighting classes for all new members, but also maintain knife fighting classes and practice for all present members too. Also ask Chinese martial artists to evaluate on the effectiveness of the knife fighting being taught in these classes.

D) Contact the Legislative Assembly of Macao, and propose several ideas that they could communicate to Lisbon so the members of the assembly could score early political points with their people back home if they plan on becoming politicians.

The first proposal is that the Zhuhai Tong is willing to assist Portugal in cleansing out the Portuguese Communist Party from Portugal. Portugal would arrest all PCP members and exile them to China, where the Zhuhai Tong will receive the Portuguese Communists and then send these exiled Communists to the Left KMT to do whatever they want except for returning back to Portugal.

The second proposal is to be done after informing the Legislative Assembly of Macao that the Zhuhai Tong has bought the rights to produce the Howell Automatic Rifle from the British at exorbitant prices several years ago. The second proposal is that the Zhuhai Tong would allow the Fabrica de Braco de Prata of Portugal to produce Howell Automatic Rifles under license so the Zhuhai Tong can buy Howell Automatic Rifles and the corresponding .303 ammunition from them.

The third proposal is that the Zhuhai Tong is willing to help Portuguese Military Attaches observe both sides of the Chinese Civil War for information on how warfare is changing, starting from how effective semi-automatic rifles are. In turn the Portuguese Army and Navy will station units in Macao to help keep every other faction honest. The units should also help the Zhuhai Tong plan for the defense of the combined Tong-Macao areas against all unfriendly comers.

The fourth proposal is in regards to the Japanese agents in Macao. Privately inform the Legislative Assembly of how thoroughly infiltrated by Japanese agents Macao is, provide as much proof as needed and propose the assistance of the Tong in helping Portugal use these agents to influence Japan to take actions that benefit Portugal and the Tong with the use of fake information left for these agents to find.

The fifth proposal regards the Imprensa Nacional de Macau (National Press of Macao). Inform the Legislative Assembly that it is missing out on extra funds for the City Government of Macao by only reserving the printing press for official government publications. But there is a considerable sum of money that could be potentially earned from self-publishing writers, it just has to be advertised that the Imprensa Nacional de Macau is also accepting interesting self-published works. And Du Yuesheng is interested in helping to advertise that by paying for the publication of this book he is in the process of writing.

The sixth proposal is in regards to Zhuhai Recycled Paper Factory, Zhuhai Fireworks Company, Clean World Recycling, Zhuhai Black Powder Hunting Gun Workshop, Noisy Firing Range, Macao-Zhuhai Watchman Agency and all the Tong Salterns and Clinics. Tell the Portuguese the Tong is willing to secretly sell 10% of the ownership and profit shares of all these entities to the City Government of Macao in return for their full assistance against anyone who tries to seize these legally established properties.

E) Increase salt production by building more Salterns at Bao'an County's Dapeng and Yantian areas and buying up the existing Salterns there. At the same time contact Liao Zhongkai and propose that he peg his CRD to the price of Salt as a way to restore confidence in it.

Build a second factory for the Zhuhai Fireworks Company, a second factory for the Zhuhai Recycled Paper Factory, and a second materials recovery facility for Clean World Recycling in Nanshan to increase gunpowder, paper and recovered materials production. The second branches will concentrate on the Hong Kong - Bao'an County - Dongguan County area.

Build one clinic each in Xiangshan, Bao'an, Dongguan, Foshan, Nanhai, Shunde, Gaoming and Sanshui Counties.

Build more 65-35 Portuguese Majority owned Fish Farms in all the Tong controlled areas to increase food production and act as a diplomatic and political minefield vs. anyone with pillaging fantasies. And in coordination with this scheme inform Chiang Kai Shek, Liao Zhongkai and the Qing Governor in Canton (if Canton is still in Qing control) about these fish farms and their ownership so they could avoid a faux pas with the Western Powers should their factions reach these areas. Inform Chiang Kai Shek about the hidden trap in all other Tong companies, that the Portuguese are also co-owners of these companies.

F) Start writing a book called "Benevolent Greed: A proposed Counter-Reformation of Capitalism to Communism's Reformation" wherein Du Yuesheng expounds on Rhine Capitalism
, to be called Benevolent Capitalism in this timeline. One he finishes writing the book, self publish the book with the Imprensa Nacional de Macau (National Press of Macao).

100 books shall be in the Portuguese language, to be sold at bookshops in Macao. 100 books shall be in English, to be sold in bookstores in Hong Kong. And 102 books shall be in Chinese, 100 of them to be sold in bookstores in both Macao and Hong Kong and the last two books to be sent to Chiang Kai Shek, with a letter saying this is how Du Yuesheng plans to contribute in the fight against Communism. But it won't be fully effective without Chiang Kai Shek's help.

I think he meant if Chiang Kai-Shek or any of the Right-KMT leadership agreed with his ideas, and used them as an ideological plan.

Exactly what I wanted to say but just had no idea how to word it. Thanks.

@Dadarian, what does Chiang Kai Shek think of the ideology Du Yuesheng is proposing?

Oh, and what do you folks think of my plan?
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Oh, and what do you folks think of my plan?

Can you try to condense your plan? Hard to read on the phone.

But here is my thoughts.
  1. Arms production, who's your clientele? Military or civilian? Military needs stuff they can't make and civilian wants cheap stuff. I suggest you try to have civilian work for your weapons, like becoming lower level dealer in a pyramid scheme.
  2. Where's your intelligence branch action? Was it tied to other actions? Expansion will be very good for you since none of us have room to move in that direction.
  3. What's the firing range for? A sort of military camp? Vacation retreat? Hub of foreign contact?
  4. You need more business, salt is nice but war going hotter will impact your income as shipping are disrupted.
Thing is that I picked the anarchist because it seemed interesting, not because I have more than a vague understanding of the absolute basics of anarchist philosophy. I'd much rather leave the details to my character, who quite frankly was probably smarter than I am in addition to having a better understanding of both anarchism and 1920s China.
Roughly: They elect their officers, the officers are seen as equal (eat the same, do not have better conditions...) and orders are carried out based on respect and understanding. This allows quicker mobilization and high morale/unit cohesion, but discipline is often weaker (depends on your training standards and suchlike too).
In any case, your character is an intellectual, and unlike Trotsky, does not have an officer base among which to recruit from. You'd be better off saying: copy the CPC's tactics, but add in elected officers and the political training is anarchist, or something like that.

which the new overlords won't care about so long as there isn't obvious rebellion.
Being a bit optimistic.
And for the literacy issue, it's being phrased that way because I'm honestly not sure how to thread the needle of reducing the need for child labor so that the children of both the rural and urban proletariat can receive at least a basic education without starving them and their families when there's no way to get enough tools to mechanize things properly and when the lack of any education among the proletariat means that nobody knows how to properly use or maintain anything except in so far as they're taught by rote.
Hmm. Yes, that is a bit difficult. Still, the the Anarchists had two large study groups in the "west" (one in Paris, one in Tokyo), so you could call upon them to help educate/send over knowledge.

Oh, and what do you folks think of my plan?
A) Is fine. Only part that seems strange is the amount of rifles you keep and sell. Don't know if it's too much or not enough.
B) If it works. Don't really know how it'll go, but it seems fine. A warning, though: If the Qing invade through Canton, you'll be in the middle, and might get pillaged.
C) Getting more of an army is a good plan. You might want to use your businesses (prostitutes, clinics...) to convince military men to visit and join.
D) Ambitious.
D.1: Since the PCP is also very anarcho-syndicalist, you might want to also contact the Anarchist Brotherhood (@The Sandman ). Besides that, since a dictatorship is just about to come, it is a good idea, if a bit costly for them. The Portuguese are more likely to ship them over to Africa or just imprison them.
There is a big risk there: if you tell the Legislative Assembly you have Communist contacts, they're just as likely to stop doing business with you. And if you don't tell them , and the members resurface after a while, they'll be angry with you.
D.2: No reason to limit it to that factory, is there? Still, it shouldn't be a problem.
D.3: Seems good.
E.1: Not much to say. Developing on the old. Seems good.
E.2: The idea of the CRD was that it was not pegged to anything. I still don't quite know what to do with it. I'll have a look at monetary theory and see. Maybe expanding silver mines to get more confidence in the Yuan.
Fourth, is there any sort of monks in Qing China, that could be convinced to speak out against communists amongst the peasants?
@Dadarian I think you overlooked this question. Also, I have a couple more questions.

First, how do Alexander von Falkenhausen more specific think it would go, if prince Chun's/the emperors new army attempted to attack Changsha and the rest of the area of C-KMT, that is cut off. If/when he says that would go poorly, then ask if it would go better, if Chun got help from either Wu or Zhang Xueliang.
Second, do prince Chun think that there is any more low hanging fruits in clearing up the bureaucracy or it would take a more extensive reform?
Third, how hard would it be for the Jehol Clique to mobilize at the C-KMT border and how long time would it take.
Fourth, how much did the Imperial Guard grow with this turn?

@Mortenkam I think I will have my army road built from North to south to be closer to front line. Also to finish training.
Work with Qing Prime Minister to develop road and other infrastructure using Jehol military and City Garrison. This will double as ad-hoc military training for Garrison and civil work training for the Jehol.
I do definitly think improving infrastructure is a good think, but I am unsure if it is the right time for it, since we are likely going to start a war this turn. Also, who is the City Garrison?
Invite Emperor, court, cliques, and business/industry to tour Jehol. Both to introduce Jehol faction as well as fostering excellent working relationship.
Well, prince Chun would not really have anything against a visit to Jehol, though I am unsure about the emperor.

Liaising within Qing command and start making bulk import of German arms for Qing forces. Also offer Jehol arm and ammo at competitive rates to Qing forces.
Why would it be an advantage, if you handled the import of German arms?
I do definitly think improving infrastructure is a good think, but I am unsure if it is the right time for it, since we are likely going to start a war this turn.
Which means it's just the right time: you need supply routes. You've only got a single railroad (+ lots of bad roads). That partisans can easily blow up.
I do definitly think improving infrastructure is a good think, but I am unsure if it is the right time for it, since we are likely going to start a war this turn. Also, who is the City Garrison?

Whoever you raised? Still not sure who's who. I will take that off.

Well, prince Chun would not really have anything against a visit to Jehol, though I am unsure about the emperor.

At least it will be a positive signal. :V

Why would it be an advantage, if you handled the import of German arms?

So I'm using my action for all Qing instead of you putting your's for your part of Qing. Also because I have longer contact with German and is the army with most combat experience. Bulk import should make it less expensive too.

Do you want to put in an action or two to increase our working relationship?
Stalin has not yet come to power. In 1925 he was head of the personnel department. Since 1927 he is one of the leaders. Recognized leader since about 1933. Residues of resistance are added in1939. Until 1927 the commander-in-chief Trotsky.

Lets call it butterflies from the fact the Russian Civil War lasted two years longer, meaning that Trotsky was even more in the headlines as possible, resulting in Stalin quickly purging Trotsky from leadership. That'll be the logic in an earlier than historical Stalinist regime.

I think he meant if Chiang Kai-Shek or any of the Right-KMT leadership agreed with his ideas, and used them as an ideological plan.
@Dadarian, what does Chiang Kai Shek think of the ideology Du Yuesheng is proposing?

I see no reason why he would, his enemies are all (in his mind) communists, so whatever social programs he supports would be paternalist and autocratic in bearing. It also doesn't help that Chiang is now more in Tang's sphere, where he's been given a standing army which he is now using against said communists.

@Dadarian I think you overlooked this question. Also, I have a couple more questions.

First, how do Alexander von Falkenhausen more specific think it would go, if prince Chun's/the emperors new army attempted to attack Changsha and the rest of the area of C-KMT, that is cut off. If/when he says that would go poorly, then ask if it would go better, if Chun got help from either Wu or Zhang Xueliang.
Second, do prince Chun think that there is any more low hanging fruits in clearing up the bureaucracy or it would take a more extensive reform?
Third, how hard would it be for the Jehol Clique to mobilize at the C-KMT border and how long time would it take.
Fourth, how much did the Imperial Guard grow with this turn?

There are monks throughout China, as neither the CPC or the C-KMT have purged them yet. They are certainly open to talk, but as they haven't been purged, they're not entirely scared.

Now this a tricky bit that I'm going to make an example of, please see the bottom of the page. That said, with the bureaucracy now sending you all receipts on taxes and are loyal to either the Imperial Family or the warlords (depending on where the bureaucrat is) it's up to you whether there's more low hanging fruit.

It would take quite a bit to mobilise the Jehol down to the C-KMT, but the actual movement down is made much easier from the train from Beijing to Jehol. I'm not going to say in go order roughly a month and a bit, if there is total dedication of the trains down and no issues on the way. The Imperial Guard doubled in size.

- - -
GM NOTE: Now I know many of you now have foreign advisors, however I'm not going to undermine my "I won't help you plan rule" by allowing circumvention via asking said advisors. I will be careful regarding this, and cannot promise I'll be perfect, but I can say that I will do my best to ensure advisors give support and advise that is reasonable to understand and implement, without directly impacting one another's competing warplans.

TL;DR - Please don't ask me (via advisors) opinions on warplans, they're there for support in training/support/material design etc.
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Whoever you raised? Still not sure who's who. I will take that off.
Well, when you talk about City Garrison, then I guess you are talking about the Imperial Guard, since they are the only men, that are under my command, that is station in the capital. I think that they are already pretty well trained, since they are meant as elite soldiers and I do not think I want to use them as road construction crew. The more regular men under my command is most likely station somewhere near the C-KMT border.
So I'm using my action for all Qing instead of you putting your's for your part of Qing. Also because I have longer contact with German and is the army with most combat experience. Bulk import should make it less expensive too.

Do you want to put in an action or two to increase our working relationship?
True, that might save me an action, but I will confess to be lacking in good actions to support the war efforts, so it is not that hard to have a action dedicated to it

There are monks throughout China, as neither the CPC or the C-KMT have purged them yet. They are certainly open to talk, but as they haven't been purged, they're not entirely scared.
Well, I mostly meant monks that would be wandering around inside the part of China controlled by Qing, since I am planning to start internal propaganda .

- [X] Prince Chun: Manchu Prince, father of the Qing Emperor. Prime Minister of the Qing.
- [X] Plan: Push back the Communists!
  1. Prince Chun will order an offensive along the border Qing and C-KMT shares with the primary objective being to battle test the new army with a secondary objective of occupying as much land as possibly without risking the army in a meatgrinder. He plans to use both the regular army he has just created alongside a 1,000 men from the Imperial Guard, leaving the rest to guard the emperor, though all of the Imperial Guards artillery are taken with the army sourth. He will of course also raise a decent number of conscripts (so they can be used as cannon fodder if necessary) and start training up new soldiers to replace those likely to fall in the coming battles. He will also recruit the most promising veterans into the imperial Guard in a continuing attempt to raise their numbers. Prince Chun will try to chose an loyal general to lead the army south to ensure that the general do not turn into another warlord.
  2. Prince Chun attempts to start spreading propaganda. He will attempt to do this in three different ways. Firstly, he will either found or sponsor an already existing newspaper to spread biased news/propaganda amongst the intellectual and the upper class of Qing. Secondly, he will attempt to found a group of town cries, who will appeal to the illiterate and the poor of Qing. This group will have members which job is wander around and visit the different villages to ensure, that they also hear the news/propaganda. Thirdly, he will attempt to get monks and other people with religious authority to speak out against Qing's enemies, especially communism and to preach the righteous of the rule of the emperor.
  3. Prince Chun will attempt to continue to improve the state of Qing, with a focus on the military industry and on the infrastructure needed to ensure a smooth transportation of military supplies and troops to the frontline. He will try to enlist the Jehol Clique's support in return for funding.
  4. Prince Chun will attempt to create ties to the governor of Canton and ensure that he is well-supplied to fight of the C-KMT and loyal to the Qing empire.
  5. Prince Chun will continue to attempt to increase the amount of foreign support of the Qing empire against the communists, especially the amount of military supplies received to ensure that the attacking army is well supplied. He will attempt to get the Jehol Clique's help in dealing with the foreigners, especially .when dealing with Germany.
  6. Prince Chun will attempt to start an espionage network in C-KMT. He will do this by sending loyal spies to establish contacts amongst the people unsatisfied of the current government's tendencies of communism and amongst more unsavory persons, that would be willing to anything for coin. The goal being to gain an understanding of the current situation in C-KMT, their military movement and preparing for the possibility of sabotage.
So here is my plan for prince Chun this turn. What do you guys think? Do you any ideas about thinks, that might be more important to focus on?
@ZealousThoughts @VoidZero Anything you think we ought to work together on?
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@Dadarian if you're willing to spare the time on this admittedly minor faction, may I ask how integrated Zhang Zongchang's is rule with the Japanese Empire? There are substantial Japanese interests and investments in this so-called Manchukuo that in our timeline came to be largely dominated by some combination of the South Manchuria Railway Company and the Kwantung Army. However, while they did succeed in installing Zongchang, it also seems that the Kwantung Army got more of a black eye for its unexpectedly poor performance which makes it sound like it would not have as much influence, particularly since the Japanese government is to my understanding not yet overrun entirely by militarists. Are my armies littered with Japanese advisors with Japanese companies controlling much of the economy? How free is Zongchang to throw his weight on a sliding scale from the OTL heads of Fengtian Clique to OTL powerless Puyi?

I appreciate whatever response, no need to go super in depth, I'm just hoping that a bit more light gets shed on what the bandit king agreed to concede to the east in his ploy for power.
Is Xu Shichang still serving under Zhang Xueliang, if not then what is the status of the public relations department?

@ZealousThoughts @VoidZero Anything you think we ought to work together on?

I can direct the public relations department, Office of Specialists and Talents, Fengtian National Industrial Company, and military to corroborate with your plan; in exchange with you adding blurb to use my companies and funding my efforts.
Roughly: They elect their officers, the officers are seen as equal (eat the same, do not have better conditions...) and orders are carried out based on respect and understanding. This allows quicker mobilization and high morale/unit cohesion, but discipline is often weaker (depends on your training standards and suchlike too).
In any case, your character is an intellectual, and unlike Trotsky, does not have an officer base among which to recruit from. You'd be better off saying: copy the CPC's tactics, but add in elected officers and the political training is anarchist, or something like that.
Being a bit optimistic.
Hmm. Yes, that is a bit difficult. Still, the the Anarchists had two large study groups in the "west" (one in Paris, one in Tokyo), so you could call upon them to help educate/send over knowledge.
Addressing these in order:

1) Seems like coordination and planning anything large-scale are the tricky parts, at least with 1920s technology. I guess importing any survivors from the Ukrainian and Hungarian anarchists might be worthwhile, along with any Soviet exiles I can find. Preferably people with actual experience; if I just want amateur theorists who'll have to learn on the battlefield, I can probably find plenty of those in China.

Ultimately though I feel like the best bet is to try subverting whatever army conquers us from within by radicalizing the conscripts and NCOs.

2) Basing that on what seems to be a trend in empires in general and China in particular: unless the central government is an ideological dictatorship, the only thing they ultimately care about is that the tribute comes in on time and there's at least some token acknowledgement of central authority. Otherwise, the localities handle themselves.

And again, in the long run subversion from within by spreading anarchist theory and practice throughout the general population is probably going to work out better than directly fighting the people that have more troops, more guns, better troops, better guns, and no need to worry about the British/French/Americans/Japanese landing on them with both feet if it looks like they might actually win.

3) That would be a decent immediate answer. In the medium-term (the next five to seven years) I've come up with an idea of where to find a large number of educated individuals to help bootstrap our population to higher levels of literacy, education and political consciousness without being linked to a problematic religion, nation, or ideology. And since they had been fairly well assimilated in their original country, it should be possible to do the same here. Only problem would be the arrangements for them to make the trip.

yes I'm suggesting that we take in the German Jews. And any other useful refugees from the Nazis.
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@ZealousThoughts @VoidZero Anything you think we ought to work together on?
Well, the war, naturally. But you should decide how you're going to split your possible conquests.


Fukken CPC, they ruined everything yet again.
Why do you say that? Can't seem to find what they did this turn. Most trouble they caused was by rioting, which well, everyone participated in.


1) Seems like coordination and planning anything large-scale are the tricky parts, at least with 1920s technology. I guess importing any survivors from the Ukrainian and Hungarian anarchists might be worthwhile, along with any Soviet exiles I can find. Preferably people with actual experience; if I just want amateur theorists who'll have to learn on the battlefield, I can probably find plenty of those in China.
You could also probably get Japanese/Korean anarchists that have fought against the Japanese military. They won't have been trained, but some experience is better than none.


- Will confidence in the CDR appear after more time passes? Or would a reform be necessary for that?
- Which factions have radios in use for military communications?