A Little Trouble in Big China - A Chinese Warlord Quest

[X] Zhang Xueliang
-[x] Yes, bitterly accept Qing throne's negotiated peace
-[x] Square zero
  1. Negotiate with Prince regent for faction survival and mutual cooperation. Zhang faction will exchange military and industrial development know-how for everything that it needs. Emperor, and the Prince regent by extension, will be allowed guidance in direction of Zhang's political weight.
  2. Continue military modernization and reward the military for loyalty. Welcome the German officers officially and sound them out about sending more officers for massive expansion of Fengtian military academy; they, their support staff, and family are of course paid salary and given visa equivalent.
  3. Send out international invitations and hiring advertisements for expansion of the Zuolin technical university and additional branches in medical and civil developments. (Xu Shichang's job)
  4. Work with the business and industry for investment and upgrades for Zhang enclaves' industrial sector and further cooperation with Germans. Reach out to Wu and see if he will allow Zhang faction to have some land for linking the enclaves and settling displaced population. Zhang industrial investment and development corporation will work with him in areas like industry and military training if Wu allows.
  5. Work with the business, military, and industry to setup the Zhang industrial investment and development corporation. Hire/invite the loyal but now poor business and industrial people into the fold. This corporation will make money by investing into Qing's budding industry as well as providing consultation services for industrial development and selling industrial goods. Investment and development consultation services will be limited to Qing and foreign entity for the time being, this means Japan, USSR, and groups the Emperor doesn't like are declined. Industrial goods can be said to include weapons and ammunition, buyer will not be checked but have to pay in cash or cash equivalent.
  6. Start training and using the military in civil projects like building road/bridges, clearing up battlefields, and peace keeping. This will be the basis as setting up Zhang faction as well rounded professional army for hire.
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@VoidZero I would definitely be willing to make a deal with you and Fengtian Clique, you are likely better at both war and peace than Qing China, even though you got nearly destroyed by Japan, so Qing China could definitely use Fengtian Clique back in the fold. If you have any ideas about us working together, then I would be glad to hear them, though right now I was thinking about perhaps making Zhang Xueliang a power player in the Imperial court, so we both could work on improving Qing China.
Liao Zhongkai
-[X] Plan Peace for Victory
1. The Tax system in the Left-KMT is antiquated, based on old Qing methods, and innefficient. It must be reformed to be up to Western standards:
- Set up a georgist, land-value tax.
- Set up a small (5%) VAT tax
- Set up a medium-to-large progressive tax
- Set up a medium capital gains tax
- Set up a strong marginal income tax
- Abolish all other taxes in use once the new ones are applied
2. Expand Whampoa to include a separate class for military technology, where all advances will be kept.
-Have those with experience in the matter try to reform the Howell into a rifle with less jamming (without changing the ammunition it uses).
- Use the Sikorski S-12 to create a new fighter plane.
3. Expand labor rights thoroughly, with these conditions: 8-hour, 5 day workweek, a month of paid vacation plus holidays, complete freedom of association, the right of collective bargaining, prohibition of child labor, the right to strike, and a living wage, enshrined in law.
In the case of military factories/ workplaces that produce war materiel, strikes are also legal, but only after negotiation has been attempted. The aim of this reform, besides bettering the conditions of the industrial working class, is to make sure that any product made in Chinese factories (such as bullets, rifles…) does not have flaws/is more reliable due to the worker not being exhausted and distracted, even though production as a whole will be lowered. The other aim is to gain more civilian support for Liao Zhongkai, the architect and promoter of this reform.
4. Reform the KMT internally:

5. Have Tang Shaoyi negotiate with all powers outside of China for trade deals. (Tang Shoyi)
- Raise tariffs and duties slightly

-[X] Do you recognise publicly the Emperor's Peace with China? Yes

[X]Liao Zhongkai
-[X] Plan Peace for Victory
-[X] Do you recognise publicly the Emperor's Peace with China? Yes
@VoidZero I would definitely be willing to make a deal with you and Fengtian Clique, you are likely better at both war and peace than Qing China, even though you got nearly destroyed by Japan, so Qing China could definitely use Fengtian Clique back in the fold. If you have any ideas about us working together, then I would be glad to hear them, though right now I was thinking about perhaps making Zhang Xueliang a power player in the Imperial court, so we both could work on improving Qing China.

Sounds good, I am willing to let Xueliang's political weight in Qing court be guided by Prince in exchange for faction survival as well as knowledge/resource mutual assistance.

  1. Negotiate with Prince regent for faction survival and mutual cooperation. Zhang faction exchange military and industrial development know-how for everything that it needs. Prince regent is allowed guidance in direction of Zhang's political weight.

So work with Zhang faction for your 1, 4, and 5 reform. We got the experience and expertise.

@Both KMTs and CPC:
Military and industry development knowledge exchange deals will be open next turn for sure. Should things doesn't catch fire again. (Knock on wood.)
Thanks again, note some changes in the plan. Zhang faction is the two bit between Tan and Dark Green.
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unless I'm looking at the wrong spot the Fengtian Clique has a tan colour
As VoidZero said, that is Manchukuo. Fengtian is the two small spots between the dark green (Qing) and tan (Manchukuo).


I made my first version of prince Chuns next plan and I would love some constructive criticism on it.

1: Looks fine to me, I don't know much about that sort of thing, so best leave the way it's done open.
-4: Trying to integrate the army together seems a difficult matter, as the Marshal also wants power, and he might get angry at seeing his power wane. This doesn't make it impossible, just that it would be necessary to choose what to do with him so you don't get a coup or a civil war.
- 3: Seems good.
- 5: If you don't have something specific/a specific area you want to develop, it's a fine plan. Besides that, since Beijing has a University already, you could expand it/add other subjects.
- 6: I would suggest adding just what you want to get (help for a railroad, industrial tools...) So Dadarian has more to work with if the rolls go well.
I don't think you guys are asking enough questions lol. I'm hoping I'll be comprehensive without being spaghetti.

- Does the Left-KMT have the ability to create railroads?
- Is there a lot of unemployment in KMT China? That is, would industrial production suffer due to lack of manpower once the new labor rights are in, or would the only new problem be a much higher cost?
- Can the Left-KMT communicate with its part of Sichuan, and the Right-KMT with Jianxi province (held by a warlord)?
-Does Manchuria (the part given to Japan) include the territory Xueliang still holds?
- Just to make sure: will the Japanese abandon Canton after the peace is accepted?

The Left-KMT does have the ability to make railroads, but the important question is whether they have the ability to make train engines (no). There is little traditional unemployment in Left-Republican China because those who aren't in the factories or military are usually at home in their village living as they always had. That said, your dedication to human rights does cost the government a pretty penny. Both Sichuan and Jianxi can communicate right now with their more continuous brothers, but that's tenuous and will break pretty quickly if/when you go to war. No, Xueliang is still independent in his enclaves. Yes, Japan will abandon Canton after the peace is accepted.

@Dadarian, what happened to the Saltern? The ridiculously easy to establish Saltern?
What happened to the books and compasses from Chiang Kai Shek?
What happened to passing intelligence to the KMT?
What happened to the renaming of the Shanghai Tong into the Zhuhai Tong?
What happened to the Taiwan based Shanghai Tong?
What happened to the Tong spy network in the Qing Empire? Did the Zhuhai Tong get any intel from inside the Empire?
What happened to recruiting from Zhuhai? How many joined? How many women joined?
How many prostitutes do the brothel have? How many of them are Tong members?
Did the Zhuhai Tong attend Sun's funeral procession? Zhongshan is the neighboring town to the north of Zhuhai.
What happened to all the M1819 Hall Rifles made by the KMT?

I totally missed the saltern and the response from the Taiwanese, my bad. I wrote your part last and I missed a few things, I apologise. That said, please clean up your plan organisation a little, even if it's condensing each various line about a topic into a single paragraph. <3

The books and compasses got to you, saw no real need to expand on it. Same with intelligence to the KMT, given there's nothing happening in Macao. You have been renamed the Zhuhai Tong, and if you notice, some of your agents have actually been purged by Prince Chun in his section of the update. Besides that I have taken to prefer to answer intelligence questions outside of the update aside from huge finds, given that most people ask anyways.

Given that Zhuhai is Tong central it's implied that recruiting was successful. If you need exact numbers, lets say two thousand men and enough women to fully staff more than a few brothels. Your brothels have enough prostitutes, and those that aren't Tong members are usually either associates or pay dues.

No doubt that members of the Tong attended the funeral procession, however there was no official Tong segment if that's what you're asking. The rifles are still in use, what ones that still have ammo that is.

Edit: I made the hiring more clear in the update just in case. Sorry again for the sloppy update.

@Dadarian How well did prince Chun do with the western powers? Since you did not write about it, then I am assuming that it was not a overwhelming succes, but I would still love to know more about it. Also, how do the emperor fell about Changsa-KMT and the Fengtian Clique? I would love to avoid making the same mistake I made with Cao Kun. And lastly, what is the big different between what is showed as Qing China on the map and what is showed as Qing Qing-aligned Warlords?

You rolled poorly on it, so I just had you focus on the internal stuff instead. So no real meeting with the Western Powers occurred. The Emperor despises the Changsha-KMT, given he views them as communists. He does have a soft spot for the Fengtian because he sees Xueliang's father Zuolin as being instrumental in the return of the Qing. Lands that are Qing are controlled by sycophants of the Qing Court and are not likely to ever rise in rebellion. Qing-aligned warlords are powerful warlords who have their own autonomous armies, agenda, and desires. The biggest example is Wu Peifu, who controls all the provinces around Beijing along with the province of Anhui.

unless I'm looking at the wrong spot the Fengtian Clique has a tan colour

There are still two Fengtian enclaves.
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The Emperor despises the Changsha-KMT, given he views them as communists. He does have a soft spot for the Fengtian because he sees Xueliang's father Zuolin as being instrumental in the return of the Qing.

Annnnd I'm crying and laughing and the absurdity of my folly.


Will the call for international attention ever have an effect?

How would you interpret this plan action?
Adept the government, military, and industry into the Zhang military industrial complex; the sole purpose is to make us the most powerful military in Asia. Start with development of light armour and more machine gun.

Roughly how "powerful" is Fengtian clique compared to other factions at present?

What is the relationship between Fengtian and Western Powers? Yes that includes USSR.

Is Wu planning to eat me?

How happy is the landlord/business/industry leaders in my enclaves?

Is my secret police working as intended when old Zuolin set it up? Or do I need a purge?

Will the call for international attention ever have an effect?
How would you interpret this plan action? [snip]
Roughly how "powerful" is Fengtian clique compared to other factions at present?
What is the relationship between Fengtian and Western Powers? Yes that includes USSR.
Is Wu planning to eat me?
How happy is the landlord/business/industry leaders in my enclaves?
Is my secret police working as intended when old Zuolin set it up? Or do I need a purge?

Not particularly no. I interpret that plan action to attempt to turn Jehol into a bigger, better Fengtian. Only issue is resources and space, neither of which you have much of. You have probably the most professional, standing army in China. Rightist-KMT is a close second, but they're not battle hardened like you are. The Fengtian only really has a relationship with the USSR (where it gives excess materials thanks to CPC involvement) and Weimar Germany (who views is as an excellent place to test out various training regimes, tactics, etc).

Wu isn't planning to eat you because there is not enough of you to eat, also you're too hard a nut to crack. Your various movers and shakers are happy that they're alive and the war is over (?), but they're sad because a lot of them are reduced to paupers now. Your secret police is working perfectly.
Could I have a summary of the war against Japan? I've been having trouble keeping up, but from what I can tell, even though they made gains, the Japanese definitely weren't expecting the level of resistance they ended up facing.

And potentially how it's affected politics within Japan.
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You rolled poorly on it, so I just had you focus on the internal stuff instead. So no real meeting with the Western Powers occurred. The Emperor despises the Changsha-KMT, given he views them as communists. He does have a soft spot for the Fengtian because he sees Xueliang's father Zuolin as being instrumental in the return of the Qing. Lands that are Qing are controlled by sycophants of the Qing Court and are not likely to ever rise in rebellion. Qing-aligned warlords are powerful warlords who have their own autonomous armies, agenda, and desires. The biggest example is Wu Peifu, who controls all the provinces around Beijing along with the province of Anhui.
Duan Qirui: Han General, Leader of the Anhui Clique, and disgraced member of the Imperial Court.

Thanks for you answering my questions, but I got a couple more of them.
First, why is the leader of the Anhui Clique still showed, if the Anhui Clique has been put under Wu Peifu?
Second, I took the name of the wrong KMT, since I meant to ask how the emperor felt about Kunming-KMT?
Third, could you describe the different Cliques in Qing China in terms of behavior, military power and economy strength and the power balance between them and the emperor?
Fourth, how much power has Prince Chun actually gotten, how much power is there in his position as prime minister?
Fifth, which western powers would be most interested in supporting/making a business deal with Qing China?
Sixth, how large and well-equipped is the Imperial Guard and how large is the rest of Qings armies?
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Not particularly no. I interpret that plan action to attempt to turn Jehol into a bigger, better Fengtian. Only issue is resources and space, neither of which you have much of. You have probably the most professional, standing army in China. Rightist-KMT is a close second, but they're not battle hardened like you are. The Fengtian only really has a relationship with the USSR (where it gives excess materials thanks to CPC involvement) and Weimar Germany (who views is as an excellent place to test out various training regimes, tactics, etc).

Wu isn't planning to eat you because there is not enough of you to eat, also you're too hard a nut to crack. Your various movers and shakers are happy that they're alive and the war is over (?), but they're sad because a lot of them are reduced to paupers now. Your secret police is working perfectly.

How workable are these ideas. I have no choice but to try and turn Zhang faction into Outer Heaven center for military and higher education.
  1. Work with the business, military, and industry to setup the Zhang industrial development corporation. Hire/invite the loyal but now poor business and industry leaders into the fold. This corporation will seek to make money by offering industrial goods and development around Asia.
  2. Start training and using the military in civil projects like road/bridge building as well as clearing out rubbles. This will be the basis as setting up Zhang faction as well rounded professional army for hire.
Draft of the CPC's plan:

[] Chen Duxiu: Han Leader of the CPC.
-[] Yes
-[] Drive home the message that the main reasons for the war's end are the Qing and warlords' cowardice and blind lust for power. Their inability to set aside their differencies and unite against greater enemy robbed China of victory.
-[] Tone down partisan activity on Japanese-occupied territory. Priorities should be conserving manpower and weaponry, hiding Communists supporters from occupants retribution, gathering intel about Japanese actions.
-[] Organise secret cells on the Right-KMT territory for gathering intel about warlords' activity and assessing the people's mood.
-[] Continue to sponsor education of the Chinese in USSR. Fish for Soviet industrial experts willing to help China's rebuilding and modernisation (particularly locomotive building).
Could I have a summary of the war against Japan? I've been having trouble keeping up, but from what I can tell, even though they made gains, the Japanese definitely weren't expecting the level of resistance they ended up facing.

And potentially how it's affected politics within Japan.

I was going to do a mini when the war ended. It'd have a bunch of facts and tidbits and stuff. Long story short, Japanese expected the Chinese to roll-over and die, Xueliang did the exact opposite of that, alongside huge partisan movements in Fujian. The IJN comes out looking good and the IJA comes out with multiple eggs on their faces.

Thanks for you answering my questions, but I got a couple more of them.
First, why is the leader of the Anhui Clique still showed, if the Anhui Clique has been put under Wu Peifu?
Second, I took the name of the wrong KMT, since I meant to ask how the emperor felt about Kunming-KMT?
Third, could you describe the different Cliques in Qing China in terms of behavior, military power and economy strength and the power balance between them and the emperor?
Fourth, how much power has Prince Chun actually gotten, how much power is there in his position as prime minister?
Fifth, which western powers would be most interested in supporting/making a business deal with Qing China?
Sixth, how large and well-equipped is the Imperial Guard and how large is the rest of Qings armies?

Duan Qirui is a mistake, so I'll take him out. He's a member of the Zhili Clique now. The Emperor has mixed feelings about the Kunming-KMT. He has absolutely no love for Republicanism, but he does respect men who stand up against communists. Actually that gives me an idea (see the bottom of the page). The Court is very flexible, with few defined limits of power. Essentially you have as much power as you can get away with without stepping on the toes of the bigger dogs (Wu and the EMPRAH). The most interested would be Germany, by far. Again see below.

How workable are these ideas. I have no choice but to try and turn Zhang faction into Outer Heaven center for military and higher education.
  1. Work with the business, military, and industry to setup the Zhang industrial development corporation. Hire/invite the loyal but now poor business and industry leaders into the fold. This corporation will seek to make money by offering industrial goods and development around Asia.
  2. Start training and using the military in civil projects like road/bridge building as well as clearing out rubbles. This will be the basis as setting up Zhang faction as well rounded professional army for hire.

I'll start by saying all ideas are workable, just some are much more effective than others. I'm not going to help you edit your plans (because I think that's a breach of GMing) but I can confirm that those ideas are viable.

If there is enough demand I can put out an informational blurb on the power structures within China (who has what, relative strengths, etc). This isn't going to be a regular thing, but I can do it every 5ish years or if there's a huge power shift. Just tag this little section with a yes and if enough people do it I'll put one up.
If there is enough demand I can put out an informational blurb on the power structures within China (who has what, relative strengths, etc). This isn't going to be a regular thing, but I can do it every 5ish years or if there's a huge power shift. Just tag this little section with a yes and if enough people do it I'll put one up.

Yes, we need a blurb about present situation.
Join with Zhang faction and together we will forge the premier military China never had before. We will become the Outer Heaven where everyone can decide their own fate under Zhang Xueliang, the Northern Tiger.

[] Zhang Xueliang
-[] Yes, bitterly accept Qing throne's negotiated peace
-[] Square zero
  1. Negotiate with Prince regent for faction survival and mutual cooperation. Zhang faction will exchange military and industrial development know-how for everything that it needs. Emperor, and the Prince regent by extension, will be guiding the direction of Zhang's political weight.
  2. Continue military modernization and reward the military for loyalty. Welcome the German officers officially and sound them out about sending more officers for massive expansion of Fengtian military academy; they, their support staff, and family are of course paid salary and given visa equivalent.
  3. Send out international invitations and hiring advertisements for expansion of the Zuolin technical university and additional branches in medical and civil developments. (Xu Shichang's job)
  4. Work with the business and industry for investment and upgrades for Zhang enclaves' industrial sector and further cooperation with Germans. Focus will be on producing more advanced weapons and improving effectiveness of existing weapons. Flood non-Wu militaries within Qing with cheap and old weapons, sold at rate slightly above cost.
  5. Work with the business, military, and industry to setup the Zhang industrial investment and development corporation. Hire/invite the loyal but now poor business and industrial people into the fold. This corporation will make money by investing into Qing's budding industry as well as providing consultation services for industrial development and selling industrial goods. Investment and development consultation services will be limited to Qing and foreign entity for the time being, this means Wu faction, Japan, USSR, and groups the Emperor doesn't like are declined. Industrial goods can be said to include weapons and ammunition, buyer will not be checked but have to pay in cash or cash equivalent.
  6. Conduct public relationship campaign, ensuring all personnel worked and working for Fengtian clique had and will continue to be paid and taken care for. Reinforce their love and loyalty for Zhang Xueliang with mentions of promises kept and vow that Xueliang will lead them back to Manchuria with their head held high. (Xu Shichang's job)
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If there is enough demand I can put out an informational blurb on the power structures within China (who has what, relative strengths, etc). This isn't going to be a regular thing, but I can do it every 5ish years or if there's a huge power shift. Just tag this little section with a yes and if enough people do it I'll put one up.
Yes. It would be great.


@Shaseyu Warning you in case you don't know: Chen Duxiu was OTL a trot, and was thrown out of the party for that in 1929. It might be good to decide which leader you're going to want in the following years.
If there is enough demand I can put out an informational blurb on the power structures within China (who has what, relative strengths, etc). This isn't going to be a regular thing, but I can do it every 5ish years or if there's a huge power shift. Just tag this little section with a yes and if enough people do it I'll put one up.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
If there is enough demand I can put out an informational blurb on the power structures within China (who has what, relative strengths, etc). This isn't going to be a regular thing, but I can do it every 5ish years or if there's a huge power shift. Just tag this little section with a yes and if enough people do it I'll put one up.

I'm fine with this.
...holy fucking shit I failed in my fucking map reading and history reading, @Dadarian.

Zhongshan was only named Zhongshan after Sun Yat Sen, original name Sun Zhongshan, died. It was Xiangshan county before Sun Yat Sen died...and I assume is still Xiangshan county because no one has included in any plan the action of changing the name of the place.

Zhuhai is a fishing village or a collection of small fishing villages inside Xiangshan County bordering Macao, so my renaming to Zhuhai Tong is still valid.

Now the problem...look at this map.

I'm freaking already behind enemy lines. Holy shit I'm already behind enemy lines, and Hong Kong is just across the river from me and every ship going into Canton has to pass by Zhuhai...

@DanBaque, opportunity is knocking at the door in regards to spying.

[X] Do you recognise publicly the Emperor's Peace with China? Yes.

[X] Du "Big-Eared Du" Yuesheng: Han mob boss who has a controlling interest in Shanghai and worked with elements of the Republicans. Ties with elements of the Chinese Revolutionary Party (Kemingtang).


A) Construct more medium sized brothels to accommodate the prostitutes who can't be accommodated at the single brothel that we have constructed at the Macao-Zhuhai border. These brothels are to be constructed next to the original medium sized brothel and in Shenzhen town at the Hongkong-Shenzhen border. Also start buying up the existing salterns in the area of Nantou, the town west of Shenzhen and in Xiangshan, the hometown/ home county of Sun Yat Sen. Offer Tong membership to the employees of the salterns that were bought up. Also offer Tong membership to all street food vendors and fishermen in these areas. And tell the Taiwanese branch of the Zhuhai Tong to secretly but assuredly expand the Tong throughout Taiwan in ways they determine to be best.

B) Attempt to establish a clinic at the Zhuhai-Macao border, to be staffed by newly graduated doctors and nurses from Macao who are inducted into the Zhuhai Tong. Offer competitive rates for ordinary check ups, 20% discounts for STD check ups and check ups for babies up to 5 year old children and seniors 60 years above. Also offer Tong membership to doctors and nurses in the Macao area. Also attempt to establish the following in Zhuhai:

A fireworks factory, to be named the Zhuhai fireworks company, for both selling fireworks and creating cartridge propellant.

A materials recovery facility, to be named Clean World Recycling, that processes as much of the waste (especially metal, wood and paper) of Macao, Zhuhai, Xiangshan and Canton as it can.

A paper mill, to be named the Zhuhai recycled paper factory, a paper that as its name suggests specializes in recycled paper, to be built beside the recycling facility, for both producing paper and specialized paper for paper cartridges.

A gunsmith workshop to be named the Zhuhai Black Powder Hunting Gun Workshop. The weapon to be produced in the workshop is a modified Hall rifle that is to be henceforth named (and publicly marketed to hunters around Asia in keeping with the pretense of it only being a hunting gun) the "Zhuhai Boar Hunting Rifle." It is basically a flintlock Hall rifle with a very different and strong bayonet attachment method, that has what Europe recognizes as a Boar Spearhead for a bayonet.

*C) Continue offering the KMT all the intelligence on Japanese movements in the Macao area and in Taiwan. Give special emphasis on IJA and IJN officers, IJN warships, and the highest ranking Chinese members of the Colonial Japanese Bureaucracy.

*D) Start regular correspondence with Chiang Kai Shek via regular mails on the topic of syncretizing Capitalism and Socialism. And tell him that if he wants to, he can also bring others from the Right-KMT leadership into the conversation so that they could all, as a faction, present a peaceful and reasonable alternative to Communism to the World.

E) Secretly start establishing friendly relations with the members of the Legislative Assembly of Macao through 1) Legal business proposals that would mutually benefit the Zhuhai Tong and Portuguese Macao, such as a 65-35 majority Portuguese owned Brokerage firm that would start buying and selling stocks in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and the Shanghai Securities & Commodities Exchange with the Tong providing intelligence to maximize profit, or a 65-35 majority Portuguese owned Insurance Company, or 65-35 Portuguese owned Fish farms, 2) Discounts at all Tong owned establishments for all Portuguese Citizens as long as they present their passports.

F) Participate in the elections. Have charismatic Tong members campaign for Chiang Kai Shek and Kemingtang candidates in the Canton, Macao and Hong Kong area. And have Tong members publicly interrogating genuine Communists regarding all aspects their vision of a Communist economy in places full of self-employed people such as street vendors and farmers and fishermen.

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[X] Prince Chun
-[X] Yes, prince Chun recognize the peace deal.
-[X] Plan: Lets become a real tiger
  1. Prince Chun attempts to tie the warlords closer to the emperor and the central government in an attempt to minimize internal division in Qing China. This includes Fengtian Clique and its leader Zhang Xueliang, whom Prince Chun invites back to the imperial court. He will also try to get in contact with the upper members of the Cliques the warlords leads, so that he also can attempt to create loyalty amongst them.
  2. Prince Chun attempts to make contact with different warlords and representatives of Kunming-KMT China to see if there was a potential for a temporal alliance against Changsa-KMT China and the communists. While doing that prince Chun will also see if any of the warlords would be willing to shift side and swear loyalty to the emperor.
  3. Prince Chun continues to cleanse the bureaucracy of the incompetent and disloyal, with his goal being to create a loyal, competent, streamlined and modern bureaucracy.
  4. Prince Chun will attempt to improve the military situation of Qing in three different ways. The first way, is to continue improving the Imperial Guard with an focus on it being the elite core of the Imperial Army. The second way, is by starting to raise regular troops as part of a new command lead by loyal officers, which will be responsible for guarding the part of Qing, which are not under the control of a warlord. Since the biggest threat towards Qing is the KMT, then they are meant to primarily guard border towards them, especially the border to C-KMT. The third way, is that Prince Chun will work on creating a central command to increase the ability for the different armies to work together. Wu Peifu, as a marshal of Qing, will of course a part of central command group of generals, who will lead the Imperial Army. Prince Chun will also invite Zhang Xueliang and his veteran soldiers from the Fengtian Clique to help train both the Imperial Guard and the new garrison troops, and to help establish a central command.
  5. Prince Chun attempts to start the modernization of Qing China with the focus on improving and expanding the industry, especially the military industry, the infrastructure and the education system. Prince Chun will invite experts from Fengtian Clique to help with the industrialization process. The improvements of education in Qing China ought to be inspired by the western universities, especially its knowledge about the natural sciences. The infrastructure improvements are to be focused on the connection between the different industrial areas and the raw ressource extraction areas, with a secondary focus on supply lines for the military.
  6. Prince Chun will attempt to create better connections to the western powers, especially Germany, while feeling out the possibility of a stronger working relationship in the hope of getting support for modernization of Qing both in areas of general industrialization and in the modernization of the armed forces, including the army, navy and perhaps even an airforce.
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KMT can assassinate these officers at will with their assassins,
The IJA is very touchy about these matters. I'd rather not do that, though I am thinking about funding some Japanese organizations (Kodoha faction, or maybe some more democratic organizations).

* Start thinking of how to set up an annual fully laden Junk ship race, with the aim of using the fastest junk ship designs as the base of future Tong cargo ships.
You've only written "think". If you added- and if possible, start the races immediately, you could get lucky and start them now.


I've added this to my plan:
Education shall be funded further, and as workers shall have more free time, townhall/city square open-air literacy classes shall be given to those who desire it by literate volunteers.
Since the CPC has a large number of literate members, you could use this as an opportunity.


Alhough the comparison is not very nice, you'll have to decide if you want the Imperial Guard to be the Waffen SS or part of the Heer: that is, if you want the IG to be an ostensibly elite (the SS wasn't, but the IG can well be), separate force, loyal only to the leader, trusted completely, or if you want it to be part of the army, with it being the elite core, and warlord armies as part of the army.

- If the Left-KMT began creating a dockyard in Canton, the Japanese would stop that right away, right?
- Did Stalin win in the SU? Can the SU give aid in regards to constructing railroads?
- Will this turn be until January, or next August?

Vote for Liao Zhongkai! The only elected president of China! Modernizing China without human rights abuses!
[]Liao Zhongkai
-[] Plan Peace for Victory
-[] Do you recognise publicly the Emperor's Peace with China? Yes
1. The Left-KMT financial situation is disastrous. Two things shall be done to change the situation:
--A tax reform, as the Tax system in the Left-KMT is antiquated, based on old Qing methods, and innefficient. It must be reformed to be up to Western standards, and be even better:
- Set up a georgist, land-value tax.
- Set up a small (7.5%) VAT tax
- Set up a medium-to-large progressive tax
- Set up a medium capital gains tax
- Set up a medium marginal income tax.
- Abolish all other taxes in use once the new ones are applied
-- Various unexplored or unexcavated (word for places with ores, can't find it) will be rented out (for up to 10 years, and a written promise that the contract will likely be given to them again afterwards) to anyone willing to invest in them.
- Chinese workers willing to create mining cooperatives will be allowed to use them with a much smaller rent, and buy them outright or in stages.
- Silver mines will not be sold, and be a priority for expansion, so that the silver-backed yuan's value not fall.
-Besides all this, if the government is threatened by bankruptcy, then temporarily costs will be slightly cut.
2. Expand Whampoa to include a separate class for technology, where all advances will be kept.
-Have those with experience in the matter try to reform the Howell into a rifle with less jamming (without changing the ammunition it uses).
- Use the Sikorski S-12 to create a new fighter plane.
- If train engines are gained, reverse engineers them to find about how to construct them.
3. Now that the war with Japan is over, the economic conditions of the Chinese people must rise:
- Labor rights will be expanded thoroughly, with these conditions: 8-hour, 5 day workweek, a month of paid vacation plus holidays, complete freedom of association, the right of collective bargaining, prohibition of child labor, the right to strike, and a living wage, enshrined in law.
In the case of military factories/ workplaces that produce war materiel, strikes are also legal, but only after negotiation has been attempted. The aim of this reform, besides bettering the conditions of the industrial working class, is to make sure that any product made in Chinese factories (such as bullets, rifles…) does not have flaws/is more reliable due to the worker not being exhausted and distracted, even though production as a whole will be lowered. The other aim is to gain more civilian support for Liao Zhongkai, the architect and promoter of this reform.
- The refugees that wish to return will be allowed to do so and escorted back to their homes. Those that joined voluntary work battalions and prefer to stay working in them, will be used for mining work (particularly in the governmental silver mines, to fill the silver reserve) and in expanding infrastructure (under the Bureau of Infrastructure).
- Education shall be funded further, and as workers shall have more free time, townhall/city square open-air literacy classes shall be given to those who desire it by literate volunteers.
4. Reform the KMT party internally:

5. Have Tang Shaoyi negotiate with all powers outside of China for: (Tang Shaoyi)
-- Trade deals, with tariffs and duties slightly lowered, and all internal ones abolished.
-- More foreign investment in China, with certain conditions being applied to them:
- If they construct usable railroads and train engines (their private property) in China, wherever they wish, but with a planned train network being proposed, they will have the following concessions given:
·Their capital gains tax shall be cut by a third for a year each 20km of rails they lay, and 1 year each train engine that is built (2'5 years if they are sold to the government)
·Tariffs about the importing of goods for the construction of train engines shall be waived.
-- Negotiations with the Soviet Union.
-- Negotiate with the Zhuhai Tong, waiving taxes for the next year in thanks for the information gained about the Japanese.
6. Standardize the rifle system, choosing the Howell as the rifle for the Army, while other rifles are given to the militias when they are no longer needed.
Vote for Liao Zhongkai! The only elected president of China! Modernizing China without human rights abuses!

But the "election" is now a staged play when it is predetermined and not open to the people who you represent. It doesn't even pay lip service to work with none-left KMT anymore.
So, Zhang faction "survived". The new goal is now to establish itself as the center for military and industrial advancements and education center. @Mortenkam Are you still interested in working with Zhang faction for Qing lands' civil, industrial, and military development?
[X] Prince Chun
-[X] Yes, prince Chun recognize the peace deal.
-[X] Plan: Lets become a real tiger
  1. Prince Chun attempts to tie the warlords closer to the emperor and the central government in an attempt to minimize internal division in Qing China. This includes Fengtian Clique and its leader Zhang Xueliang, whom Prince Chun invites back to the imperial court. He will also try to get in contact with the upper members of the Cliques the warlords leads, so that he also can attempt to create loyalty amongst them.
  2. Prince Chun attempts to make contact with different warlords and representatives of Kunming-KMT China to see if there was a potential for a temporal alliance against Changsa-KMT China and the communists. While doing that prince Chun will also see if any of the warlords would be willing to shift side and swear loyalty to the emperor.
  3. Prince Chun continues to cleanse the bureaucracy of the incompetent and disloyal, with his goal being to create a loyal, competent, streamlined and modern bureaucracy.
  4. Prince Chun will continue improving the Imperial Guard with an focus on it being the elite core of the Imperial Army, while also attempting to create a proper centralized command for the Imperial Army with the banner armies incorporated into it, so they at a minimum are able to work together, but prince Chun hopes it will minimize the autonomy of the warlords leading the banner armies. Wu Peifu is as a marshal of Qing of course a part of central command group of generals, who will lead the Imperial Army. Prince Chun will also invite Zhang Xueliang and his veteran soldiers from the Fengtian Clique to help train the Imperial Guard and to help establish a central command.
  5. Prince Chun attempts to start the modernization of Qing China with the focus on improving and expanding the industry, especially the military industry, the infrastructure and the education system. Prince Chun will invite experts from Fengtian Clique to help with the industrialization process. The improvements of education in Qing China ought to be inspired by the western universities, especially its knowledge about the natural sciences.
  6. Prince Chun will attempt to create better connections to the western powers, especially Germany, while feeling out the possibility of a stronger working relationship in the hope of getting support for modernization of Qing both in areas of general industrialization and in the modernization of the armed forces, including the army, navy and perhaps even an airforce.
@BurningLaugh I have updated my plan, just so you know.
1: Looks fine to me, I don't know much about that sort of thing, so best leave the way it's done open.
-4: Trying to integrate the army together seems a difficult matter, as the Marshal also wants power, and he might get angry at seeing his power wane. This doesn't make it impossible, just that it would be necessary to choose what to do with him so you don't get a coup or a civil war.
- 3: Seems good.
- 5: If you don't have something specific/a specific area you want to develop, it's a fine plan. Besides that, since Beijing has a University already, you could expand it/add other subjects.
- 6: I would suggest adding just what you want to get (help for a railroad, industrial tools...) So Dadarian has more to work with if the rolls go well.
Thanks for the comments. I decided to write that the marshal becomes part of the central command, so he hopefully would not become angry about army reforms.
Alhough the comparison is not very nice, you'll have to decide if you want the Imperial Guard to be the Waffen SS or part of the Heer: that is, if you want the IG to be an ostensibly elite (the SS wasn't, but the IG can well be), separate force, loyal only to the leader, trusted completely, or if you want it to be part of the army, with it being the elite core, and warlord armies as part of the army.
When I came up with the Imperial Guard it was meant as a elite core of the army/a part of the army that actually worked, but with the fact that all the other armies is loyal to first warlords, the emperor second, makes me want to use them as the emperors personally army until the rest of the Imperial army becomes more loyal to the emperor.
How workable are these ideas. I have no choice but to try and turn Zhang faction into Outer Heaven center for military and higher education.
  1. Work with the business, military, and industry to setup the Zhang industrial development corporation. Hire/invite the loyal but now poor business and industry leaders into the fold. This corporation will seek to make money by offering industrial goods and development around Asia.
  2. Start training and using the military in civil projects like road/bridge building as well as clearing out rubbles. This will be the basis as setting up Zhang faction as well rounded professional army for hire.
You could also consider use your expertise in warfare and in industrialization and the fact that the emperor likes you, to become a important player in Qing politics, for example you could become a part of the new centralized command of the Imperial command.

@Dadarian I want to add that Prince Chun uses the realisation of the fact, that Qing China is a paper tiger to motivate the rest of Qing to support his reforms, but it is a more generalized approach, so how would you suggest I add it to my plan?