1. The Left-KMT financial situation is disastrous. Three things shall be done to change the situation:
--A tax reform, as the Tax system in the Left-KMT is antiquated, based on old Qing methods, and innefficient. It must be reformed to be up to Western standards, and be even better:
- Set up a georgist, land-value tax.
- Set up a small (7.5%) VAT tax
- Set up a medium-to-large progressive tax
- Set up a medium capital gains tax.
- Set up a medium marginal income tax.
- Abolish all other taxes in use once the new ones are applied.
-- Various unexplored or unexcavated (word for places with ores, can't find it) will be rented out (for up to 10 years, and a written promise that the contract will likely be given to them again afterwards) to anyone willing to invest in them.
- Chinese workers willing to create mining cooperatives will be allowed to use them with a much smaller rent, and buy them outright or in stages.
- Silver mines will not be sold, and be a priority for expansion, so that the silver-backed yuan's value not fall.
--Reform the Chinese Central bank to be more efficient, and to combat inflation while still using the silver yuan.
--Besides all this, if the government is threatened by bankruptcy, then temporarily costs will be slightly cut, particularly in military options.
2. Chinese civilian industry is woeful. It is in dire need of an expansion:
- All new industry will either be created by the state (in state-funded and run cooperatives), by foreign investment, or, if chinese civilians decide to create a cooperative (propaganda shall be used in Qing China and Right-KMTist China to get immigrants, promising well paid work in excellent conditions), then they will be given subsidies by the state, and loans by the Central bank.
- This shall all be done with the aid of what Soviet engineers and knowledge acn be gained.
- Expand the Chinese medical industry, building hospitals in both rural and urban areas, using medics from the army to train more doctors if no other option is there.
- Expand the Chinese chemical industry, particularly sulphur, (sulphur has much use in fertilizers, so there is an assured internal demand for it).
- Create more paper industry, and expand logging, but in a renewable manner (reaplant areas immediately after logging).
- Create a hydroelectric industry in China (
run-of-the-river), with both the army engineers and civilians working to create them (maintanance and occupation shall only be done by civilian workers).
- Continue mechanization of agriculture, funded by both the state when financially possible and the farmers and communes themselves.
- Have the Bureau of Infrastructure create factories where train engines and railroads can be built, with the first railroad built being from the factories of Canton to the mines that supply it. If it is possible, begin creating a polycentric network that unites all the mayor industrial centers in Left-KMT China an the mines that supply them.
3. Now that the war with Japan is over, the conditions of the Chinese people must rise:
- Labor rights will be expanded thoroughly, with these conditions: 8-hour, 5 day workweek, a month of paid vacation plus holidays, complete freedom of association, the right of collective bargaining, prohibition of child labor, the right to strike, and a living wage, enshrined in law.
In the case of military factories/ workplaces that produce war materiel, strikes are also legal, but only after negotiation has been attempted. The aim of this reform, besides bettering the conditions of the industrial working class, is to make sure that any product made in Chinese factories (such as bullets, rifles…) does not have flaws/is more reliable due to the worker not being exhausted and distracted, even though production as a whole will be lowered. The other aim is to gain more civilian support for Liao Zhongkai, the architect and promoter of this reform. In order for factories to still be filled, there will be calls for chinese from the Qing and the Right-KMT to come work in the Left-KMT where it is plentiful and conditions are great.
- The refugees that wish to return will be allowed to do so and escorted back to their homes. Those that joined voluntary work battalions and prefer to stay working in them, will be used for mining work (particularly in the governmental silver mines, to fill the silver reserve) and in expanding infrastructure (under the Bureau of Infrastructure).
- Canton will be rebuilt, with peole regaining their livelihood and their houses.
- As workers shall have more free time, townhall/city square open-air literacy classes shall be given to those who desire it by any literate volunteer.
- Presidential elections will also be held, with the old independent special committee reformed to be sure of impartiality. Liao Zhongkai will be candidate under the KMT banner.
4. Reform the KMT party internally:
- Shift the KMT organization to be even more of a mass party, permitting all sorts of people to join, for a very small fee, that can be waived if the member is found to be of low-income.
- This will also be used to propagate KMT ideas into the countryside and increase the membership as much as possible, as it is the KMT that proposes that peasants can have true revolutionary spirit.
- Liao Zhongkai will create a pressure group of members of the KMT that are more left-leaning than the rest and want to keep and expand democracy, called the Revolutionary Comitee of the KMT. Naturally, if a right-wing pressure group forms, it will be allowed, but its members peacefully investigated in case they are controlled by the Right-KMT.
- In order to not alienate the anarchist democratic groups,
the anarchists that were chased out of Guangzhou by the Japanese invasion (in OTL they where chased out by the KMT, but since no order like that was given, and no internal repression has been done, I'm assuming they were still in their spaces) will be allowed to return to the neighbourhoods that they controlled, as long as they continue to pay their taxes. This will also be used to keep the anarchist members of the KMT (examples:
4) in it and happy, as their influential relationship with the Chinese student education groups in Tokyo and Paris will allow for more chinese to be sent to study there, and more knowledge to be sent to China.
- Keep the relationship with the CPC cordial, aiding them in their efforts.
- Whatever is decided about the Right-KMT
- All this will be used to gain as many votes for the KMT as possible in the upcoming elections.
5. Have Tang Shaoyi negotiate with all powers outside of China for: (Tang Shaoyi)
-- Trade deals, with tariffs and duties slightly lowered (except for food), and all internal ones (between provinces) abolished.
-The idea of this is that Canton once again be filled with trading ships, exporting chinese goods and importing european ones.
-- More foreign investment in China, with certain conditions being applied to them:
- If they construct usable railroads and train engines (their private property) in China, wherever they wish, but with a planned train network being proposed, they will have the following concessions given:
·Their taxes shall be cut by a third for a year each 20km of rails they lay, and 1 year each train engine that is built (2'5 years if they are sold to the government)
·Tariffs about the importing of goods for the construction of train engines shall be waived.
- Should they invest in selling/producing machine goods for the mechanization of agriculture (steam engines, seed drills, tractors... etc) the government shall waive tariffs when importing these or materials necessary to build them, and pay 1/4 of the price (the farmers/communes/whoever that buy them being expected to pay for the rest).
- Should they build machine parts factories in the country, tarrifs shall be waived, and taxes cut by a third for the first year.
- Should they invest in hydroelectric industries, tarrifs shall be waived, and taxes cut by a third for the first year.
-- Negotiations with the Soviet Union shall be continued now that they can, with aid being asked for once again, in this case for experts in the mechanization of agriculture, aid for the creation of railways and train engines and constructing civilian industry. Offer raw materials, food, and whatever China can supply that they are in need of (not workers).
-- Negotiate with the Zhuhai Tong, waiving taxes for the next year in thanks for the information gained about the Japanese.
6. Now that the war is over, the armaments industry must be reformed:
-- Standardize small arms production, choosing the Howell as the rifle for the Army (and, though at second-place, also for the militias), while other rifles are given to the militias or kept in storage when they are no longer needed.
-- Reform the armaments industry to ensure the reliability of its production, especially ammunition.
-- Create an institute for state development of technology:
- Have those with experience in the matter try to reform the Howell into a rifle with less jamming (without changing the ammunition it uses).
- Use the Sikorski S-12 to create a new fighter plane.
- If train engines are gained, reverse engineers them to find about how to construct them.