Mental Self Control ==> Fighting Skill
I am not saying we get Voodoo. It'd be a neat side benefit. What I'm wanting us to get is every other benefit that comes with Medititation/Self Hypnosis, which includes Fighting Skill. This leads to that.
What fictional ninja have you heard of? The
TMNT meditate, Snake Eyes meditates, Naruto Ninjas meditate, Garu from I Love Pucca meditates. I can keep going, but I have no idea what you are familiar with.
Meditation does more than just Chi. I listed a ton of things, and that was literally the last thing and I even said that we probably won't get it. It ALSO helps with our memory, which will aid us in learning stuff. After all, one who never forgets something after they learn it learns much faster than someone who has to keep refreshing themselves on stuff.
Shadow-Boxing is only good for fighting skills. We can't really use visualization to help us learn about anatomy or medical skills, nor can we use it to help with learning how to apply makeup to change how we look, or a ton of other things.