Author's Note: And here it is, like I said. Also, now it's time for an important decision.
[X] Learn a useful miscellaneous skill.
-[X] Self-Hypnosis
[X] Now that you have weapons, it would be good to gain skill with them.
-[X] Learn knife combat
[X] Finish the research of your city, learning about points of interest of all sorts. (This action will also raise the level of survey to 6)
Your hero research was interesting, specifically because it was harder than the villain research, despite the fact that you had only two targets of research.
And the reason for that was the fact that the two heroines of note in your city were strangely secretive.
Swordmaster's actual power was up for debate, and there were a lot of debates about it in forums. What was known was that she carried at least a dozens swords at a time, and she could do different things with each one.
And her "loadout" changed from appearance to appearance. Some of the swords she used almost always, like the one that gave her telekinesis and the one who could manipulate temperature, while others were rarer, like the sword that manipulated gravity and the sword that could shoot a petrification beam.
No one knew whether those were magical artifacts she could create, or technological apparatuses, or even if her ability simply used them as a medium to work in some manner.
All in all, she was a super that had power and versatility enough to be on the A-list, except for one critical aspect: None of her sword abilities ever lasted long. It appeared that they had an extremely limited "fuel supply", often forcing Swordsmaster to keep changing what she was using mid-battle. And apparently she had no way of bringing more than a dozen of those swords at a time. So, she was very limited and had to be sparing with her power use.
Still, she could not be underestimated, because you never knew what she might throw at you, or what clever applications for her abilities she would figure out.
The other superheroine of the city was even more of an enigma. She was called Shadow Crusader, and besides only going out at night, she seemed to have a strange knack for avoiding cameras, to the point where the only confirmed pictures of her were ones which had been taken from long distances and showed few details.
Still, eyewitness accounts agreed on the matter of her appearance, but that was pretty much the only thing that agreed between them. Some witnesses sworn that they had seen her turning into shadow, while others said she could only control shadows. Some witnesses reported her needing certain objects to be able to use her powers, while others claimed they had seen nothing of the sort. Some theories even said that she did not have any powers at all, and only pretended to have them by using smoke and mirrors together with technological implements.
All in all, she was an incredibly enigmatic figure, who mostly kept herself to fighting normal criminals, but had also managed to defeat each of the major villains of the city at least once, though some of those accounts were unreliable.
Really, meeting the two in person was going to be an interesting experience.
Apart from that, you also decided to train with your new knife, deciding that you should have at least a little skill with using it in combat in case it was necessary.
At least in the beginning, you did as would be expected, practicing all sorts of slashes, thrusts and quick movements for drawing and guarding, together with the footwork that would help with that. But later on, you found yourself most often thinking about self-defense manuals instead.
One of the most common things in those manuals were things like "how to defend from an attacker with a knife", and you pretty much felt that it was a lesson in "how to NOT use knives in combat". Full body stabs were incredibly easy to counter, and you soon realized that the best knife strategy in terms of hand to hand combat was holding it close and slashing at an opponent's limbs when they try to attack.
But of course, you wouldn't be satisfied just with the standard techniques. You also used your shadowboxing skill to create opponents for you to practice counters for all of the common anti-knife counters, as well as fights against all sorts of opponents, and even facing multiple fighters at the same type, all armed.
By this point, you wouldn't say you were a master at knife handling, but you surely at least earned the moniker of "expert". And your power agreed:
Knife Combat Level 12
- The skill to handle a knife effectively in combat. At this level, you are an expert on the art of the knife, capable of dealing with all kinds of scenarios.
But you also decided to train yet another skill during the week: Self-hypnosis.
It was a strange subject. Hypnosis was a skill that was incredibly hyped in media, but in the real world, there were debates about whether it even really existed.
However, the idea of being able to manipulate your own mind freely really appealed to you, specially considering the possible implications of that for your learning of other skills.
So you looked at a lot of things on the internet, making several tests to see what was legitimate and what was just fiction, and eventually you came upon a few solid ideas:
The first was that hypnosis was essentially based on trust. You needed to trust the hypnotist for the suggestions to have any effect, which wasn't a problem for self-hypnosis, because it just meant you had to trust yourself.
The second was that long-term, suggestionable people were actually the worst possible targets for hypnosis. That was because while they would accept suggestions easily, those suggestions would also be pushed out easily as they received input of any kind. You did a few tests and managed to determine yourself to have a high resistance towards suggestions, which meant that any that managed to get through to you would probably stick around without needing much reinforcing, which was useful.
The third was that it self-suggestion was actually very hard. Normal hypnosis involved the user adapting to the circumstances of their particular target in real time, which obviously would be impossible to do if you were in the process of being hypnotized.
You had to use recorded messages from yourself to make it work, and even then it was difficult because again, tapes could not change based on the situation, so you had to keep predicting your reactions to each stage of hypnotism to make it work, frequently having to change the tapes to adapt to what you learned about how you reacted to the hypnotism attempts.
It was frustratingly slow going, but eventually you did manage to attain some success.
Self-hypnosis Level 8
- The ability to put oneself into a suggestionable state and implanting triggers to manipulate their consciousness. At this level, you still need to use external aids to implant suggestions, and the range of their capability is limited.
As such. Just to test things, you created a trigger to allow to to fall asleep more easily, and it worked readily enough, though it wasn't good enough to make you sleep if you were on an uncomfortable position or in a bright place.
Having done that, you decided to go after a more useful trigger. One which would help her learn more easily. The results were... mixed.
You did indeed have a capacity to understand things better while under that trigger, but it didn't filter out any information, which meant you were constantly beset by distractions from even the smallest sources.
You would definitely need more practice if you wanted to really turn self-hypnosis into a notable skill.
But the most fruitful part of your week was definitely finishing the survey of the city. You wouldn't say you had discovered all the secrets in it (your level of survey wasn't nearly high enough for that), but you now had a better knowledge of the workings of the city than pretty much anyone else.
Your last step in the survey was exploring the city during the night. A teenage girl walking alone at night would definitely be suspicious, so you borrowed one of your dad's old coats that had a hood and used it to disguise yourself. Considering how good you were at acting, it wasn't difficult to pass the impression that you were old enough to go anywhere you wanted.
You went to nightclubs and bars, and not only the big places, but also the seedy ones that normal people avoided. You talked with people (disguising your voice), but you mostly listened, getting them to tell you all sorts of interesting stuff.
And what you found out was definitely useful.
There was some kind of shadow war going on between the two biggest gangs in the city, the Red Claws and the Inscrutables. The Red Claws were a more typical gang, involved in the drug trade and "protection" business, while the Inscrutables, as the name indicated, were the minions of the villain Inscrutable. They were much less numerous than the other group, but frequently had access to some of her technology. They were the rulers of the weapon black market in the city.
As you had expected, most of the gang stuff happened on the poor part of town, which was pretty much controlled by the gangs, but there were also lower scale conflicts on the main part of town, mostly on the edges, where law enforcement wasn't readily available.
Surprisingly, most of the useful places you found weren't actually in the part with the most crimes. Instead, the place "you can sell stuff without problem" (a fence) was actually in the commercial part of town, and the "best place to get good equipment" (weapons) was actually in the transport zone.
Probably the most interesting thing in the poor zone was "The Girl". A person who lived in a certain house and had some kind of connection with Rampage (No one could agree on what, whether she was his girlfriend, sister, daughter, childhood friend or whatever. No one even knew her real age) to the point where you could contact him through her.
You also found out a lot about the territory of the gangs and how they worked, to the point where you could interfere in them if you wished.
But perhaps the strangest thing was Light Mistress. While you managed to find out stuff about Mystic Mind (mostly things like "don't go in that place, she appeared there and killed someone once), there was apparently no reliable information about Light Mistress, even though she was a more "public" sort of villain.
All in all, a very fruitful exploration, and you even managed to level you Survey a bit more too.
Survey Level 6
- The skill to observe places and determine information from them. At this level, you have some skill in figuring out interesting things about places.
Now, one thing that wasn't quite as good was the fact that you had been really bored during school. While you hadn't gained some kind of "academics" skill (which really made you wonder how exactly your ability worked) the side effects of the skills you were developing (like meditation) together with the simple fact that you were learning to be really efficient with things meant that you were doing extremely well in school. So well that you were getting bored during classes.
So you thought of a possible solution. Considering how far ahead you were, you could probably use the class time to train some of your abilities. Obviously a few of them would be impossible to surreptitiously train, but some were genuine possibilities. So, you wanted to use the extra time to train:
[] Ambidexterity. Writing things with both hands at once is still a good exercise.
[] Meditation. Trying to block out the distractions would be good.
[] Shadowboxing. Try to imagine even more complex figures and scenarios.
[] Cloth Work. You can do a few things under the table.
[] Something else? (Write-in a new ability and how you're training during class)
[] More than one thing? (Write-in two or more, but will have diminishing returns)
And with that said, it was time to plan out what you were going to do for the next week. However, there was an issue.
Maybe it was a consequence of your ability, or maybe it was just how you were, but you simply could not wait any longer to do something. Even if it was something small, or something that would take some time and only pay off in the future, you had to take your first real actions in the world of Supers. With that in mind, you were planning to:
[] Rob a store. Survey had gotten you information about places with valuable things and low security, and you knew a fence.
-[] Write-in any specific plans.
[] Make a contact. You knew someone who knew Rampage, and if you could forge a connection, this could be useful for the future.
-[] Write-in any specific plans.
[] Research a gang. The Red Claws had a pretty interesting structure, and you thought it could be possible to take advantage of that for your own goals.
[] Infiltrate a gang. The Inscrutables had a surprisingly lax policy for accepting new members. You could potentially infiltrate the gang and eventually deal with Inscrutable directly.
[] Something else? (Write-in)
And thanks to your plans, you wouldn't have as much time for training during the week, but you would still have to think about what to train. (Choose two)
[] Focus on raising the level of the skills you already developed.
[] Focus on raising the level of a specific skill (Write-in)
[] Learn another martial art.
-[] Taekwondo
-[] Jeet Kune Do
-[] Karate
-[] Write-in
[] Now that you have weapons, it would be good to gain skill with them.
-[] Learn baton combat
[] Learn a useful miscellaneous skill.
-[] Lock picking
-[] Urban tracking
-[] Acrobatics/Parkour
-[] Write-in
[] Write-in.