[X] Operation Stone Age: The Simurgh brought tinkertech into this. Well, that's one advantage you should take away now. Start peppering the area with EMPs to remove further nasty surprises.
[X] Operation Role Reversal: One thing you definitely wouldn't try without luck-control on your side: Telepathic scans on the Simurgh. By using fate-manipulation to create a quick ebb in your power pool, you can reinforce its power for a short duration, allowing you to combine mental super-speed with extremely powerful mind-reading powers. Then, with your mind accelerated a thousandfold, you can read the Endbringer's own thoughts, discovering her plans, her contingencies, even her future visions.
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@sun tzu

Could we use our fate power to do something like a minor reality warp that nulls TK in X area for X time?

As knowing what is coming does nothing if you can't act on that intel.
Are you sure that Ziz is blocked from Eiodlon and Scion? I know PTV is blocked but that was a hack added in by Eden after it detached, why would a war machine have blind spots?
They were blind spots in the Simurgh's canon interlude. Presumably as Eden's "Let's make sure my creations can't go Skynet on us" measure (With Eidolon's shard registering as part of Eden herself for most purposes).

[ ] Operation Role Reversal: One thing you definitely wouldn't try without luck-control on your side: Telepathic scans on the Simurgh. By using fate-manipulation to create a quick ebb in your power pool, you can reinforce its power for a short duration, allowing you to combine mental super-speed with extremely powerful mind-reading powers. Then, with your mind accelerated a thousandfold, you can read the Endbringer's own thoughts, discovering her plans, her contingencies, even her future visions.
Don't forget to put an X in the"[ ]".

@sun tzu

Could we use our fate power to do something like a minor reality warp that nulls TK in X area for X time?

As knowing what is coming does nothing if you can't act on that intel.
Sorry, that's outside the scope of your fate manipulation - it can affect probabilities to make stuff happen, not perform this sort of reality warp.
You could try to nullify the Simurgh's powers by blocking interplannar effects the way you did while rescuing Gray Boy's victim... but that's contingent on the Endbringer not being able to power through it (and just doing it for a few seconds with a Gray Boy victim was testing your limits).
[X] Operation Role Reversal: One thing you definitely wouldn't try without luck-control on your side: Telepathic scans on the Simurgh. By using fate-manipulation to create a quick ebb in your power pool, you can reinforce its power for a short duration, allowing you to combine mental super-speed with extremely powerful mind-reading powers. Then, with your mind accelerated a thousandfold, you can read the Endbringer's own thoughts, discovering her plans, her contingencies, even her future visions.

Pros: If it works, you get to negate the Simurgh's biggest advantage, learning about her plans, her remaining devices, the guy in the pod… For once, the Simurgh could be forced to fight an enemy who knows at least as much as her. Cons: If.
Well, you wouldn't have been in "only my willpower is keeping me alive" mode during this entire scene, allowing you to shake off things like the initial "bury him in all the debris" attack easily. The Simurgh would have had a few more seconds to plan through her attacks, but she would have needed to make her attacks better just to affect you. Meanwhile, you could have invested that half of your power pool in something else, like improved super-senses, or partial immunity to energy attacks.
Overall, you'd likely have fared better.
But victory isn't out of reach yet.
OK, so the lesson here is that staying near death's door when you're fighting an opponent that can successfully plan counters to your defense of her counter to your defense of her counter is a bad idea.

And that fighting while nearly dead is just plain terrible because it gives you basically no margin for error. We wasted a fate counter learning this lesson, I hope we take it to heart.
Yes, I admit it, I was wrong, and I underestimated just how fast the Smurf could change tacks.

This wasn't a complete waste though, we're close to pinpointing her weakness. Of course, that doesn't solve the problem of her being impossible to tag without a Fate Manipulation, and likely impossible to kill without one.
Yes, I admit it, I was wrong, and I underestimated just how fast the Smurf could change tacks.

This wasn't a complete waste though, we're close to pinpointing her weakness. Of course, that doesn't solve the problem of her being impossible to tag without a Fate Manipulation, and likely impossible to kill without one.
That wasn't intended to be an "I told you so," so my apologies if it came off that way. Even though I thought it might be a good idea to heal for a few seconds, I also thought that taking the time to heal up all the way was a trap. My admonition applies just as much to myself.
@sun tzu

Alright, might have an idea. Want to know if it's potentially in our capabilities. Or if Avatar thinks it's possible (and seeing as he's considering mind-reading the Simurgh...)

Avatar has a big cosmic well for nearly any power.

Have we got shapeshifting? Like, really good shapeshifting.

Because if we can, I'd like to copy a parahuman as thoroughly as possible and hook up with their shard.

If we can mimic them so perfectly the shard is fooled into think we are think, like the S9000 clones, then if we can copy Eidolon and get his blind spot, Coil and get Endbringer-incompatible precog to save scum and learn Simurgh's defenses, or some other parahuman to throw a spanner in the works, this may be one of our better bets.

We'd have to be really damn thorough in copying them down to the brain, especially to fool the shard, but if it's even within the realm of possibility a fate point should be able to make it happen. Though, trading a fate point is probably only definitely worth it for Eidolon and getting perma-blind spot with the Simurgh. Maybe Coil.

And we'd hopefully still have the usual Avatar powers; the Avatar's clones wouldn't have his powers so I'm hoping our powers/mind can be separate from our body, for lack of a better word. Our brainspace reads Eidolon, our body reads Eidolon, but it's Avatar controlling it (and hopefully still covered by the blindspot).

After those two my next thought was Noelle, because we've spent scads of time examining her and her shard, but we don't have the parahumans to copy so we'd need to find some other way to make the Noelle-power barf up support.

So yeah. Long shot, but do we have any other kind of shot?
@sun tzu

Alright, might have an idea. Want to know if it's potentially in our capabilities. Or if Avatar thinks it's possible (and seeing as he's considering mind-reading the Simurgh...)

Avatar has a big cosmic well for nearly any power.

Have we got shapeshifting? Like, really good shapeshifting.

Because if we can, I'd like to copy a parahuman as thoroughly as possible and hook up with their shard.

If we can mimic them so perfectly the shard is fooled into think we are think, like the S9000 clones, then if we can copy Eidolon and get his blind spot, Coil and get Endbringer-incompatible precog to save scum and learn Simurgh's defenses, or some other parahuman to throw a spanner in the works, this may be one of our better bets.

We'd have to be really damn thorough in copying them down to the brain, especially to fool the shard, but if it's even within the realm of possibility a fate point should be able to make it happen. Though, trading a fate point is probably only definitely worth it for Eidolon and getting perma-blind spot with the Simurgh. Maybe Coil.

And we'd hopefully still have the usual Avatar powers; the Avatar's clones wouldn't have his powers so I'm hoping our powers/mind can be separate from our body, for lack of a better word. Our brainspace reads Eidolon, our body reads Eidolon, but it's Avatar controlling it (and hopefully still covered by the blindspot).

After those two my next thought was Noelle, because we've spent scads of time examining her and her shard, but we don't have the parahumans to copy so we'd need to find some other way to make the Noelle-power barf up support.

So yeah. Long shot, but do we have any other kind of shot?
It's a very interesting idea!
It is not, however, an idea the Avatar would get. He hasn't read the Slaughterhouse 9000 arc. He doesn't know about Shards. And I'm not sure copying the brain to a degree that could fool a shard is really feasible for him.
It's a very interesting idea!
It is not, however, an idea the Avatar would get. He hasn't read the Slaughterhouse 9000 arc. He doesn't know about Shards.

But he's fiddled with Noelle's plenty and has noticed how they connect to people. Plus, don't Noelle's clones hook up to the shard? So it's not like the idea is foreign, even if he's never seen the Echidna rampage properly.

He may have no idea how the shard could work, but all he really needs is to form a 'receiver'.

And I'm pretty sure he did know about shards? Not that name, but back when he was talking to Costa-Brown before going on his world tour. He was definitely on the right track.

And I'm not sure copying the brain to a degree that could fool a shard is really feasible for him.

That, is a different problem. Damn.

How about making a clone of someone? I'd say this is impossible, but eidetic memory.
But he's fiddled with Noelle's plenty and has noticed how they connect to people. Plus, don't Noelle's clones hook up to the shard? So it's not like the idea is foreign, even if he's never seen the Echidna rampage properly.

He may have no idea how the shard could work, but all he really needs is to form a 'receiver'.

And I'm pretty sure he did know about shards? Not that name, but back when he was talking to Costa-Brown before going on his world tour. He was definitely on the right track.

Oh, he's aware that parahuman powers seem to come from an extra-planar source, but he doesn't know enough about it to make this sort of leap.
Causality or Techno-Paladin might, but, they aren't here.
....This may sound somewhat petulant, but....

Why doesn't Cauldron have any contingencies for space battles?

I mean the Entities are space-faring species and the source of all parahuman powers. So what exactly was Cauldron going to do if Scion decided to just start snuffing out parts of the world from, I dunno, lunar orbit. What were their plans for if their antagonistic living god just decides to ditch the pretenses, ascend to his lofty heavens, and smite from on high?

Yeah, they're placing their hopes on Eidolon, but as they've pointed out on his own he'd have to dedicate at least one power to surviving the habitat. This is a rather critical weakness. I mean Scion outclasses them horribly, but this is still something they could address.

Mind, Scion is already pulling a much better trick by smiting from another dimension that admits no visitors, but Cauldron doesn't know that.
And how would they prepare for such a thing? Most capes cant survive in outer space, and they are just about the only things that can harm Scion.

Also, wasn't Simurgh blocking access to space?
Space colonization. Scion would if she didn't.

Spacecraft is fine, but a sustained space presence by more than individuals is not