Fair enough. I suppose the Simurgh could just kill everyone in Cauldron, if she decides she has to.

Which kinda begs the question of why she doesn't do that...if nothing else, killing Doormaker sounds like it would ensure that the Avatar is stranded in another dimension, unable to return. That's not killing him, but it is taking him out of play for a significant length of time.

And she can continue to try and kill him until it sticks.

She can, they're just more of a benefit to her plans alive and doing their own thing than they are subverted and crushed.

Echidna required Cauldron vials to work after all, and Cauldron provides a useful smokescreen for her pulling in transdimensional time-bombs that won't immediately be flagged as her own works, because they create the Case 53s.

Couple that with Cauldron being more interested in maintaining the status quo than actually fixing the world, and she doesn't need to lift a finger to make them work for her--they actually save her time by minimizing the chance of an early collapse.
She can, they're just more of a benefit to her plans alive and doing their own thing than they are subverted and crushed.

Echidna required Cauldron vials to work after all, and Cauldron provides a useful smokescreen for her pulling in transdimensional time-bombs that won't immediately be flagged as her own works, because they create the Case 53s.

Couple that with Cauldron being more interested in maintaining the status quo than actually fixing the world, and she doesn't need to lift a finger to make them work for her--they actually save her time by minimizing the chance of an early collapse.

I get how they work for her purposes in canon. Even here, I can sorta buy that she can manipulate them well enough to dance to her tune. Usually.

Even in her interlude for this Quest, her and Leviathan's plan for Leviathan's attack failed. Eidolon being nabbed by Echidna and spilling all of Cauldron's deeds and schemes was their back-up plan.

I would think that by now the Avatar is valuable enough that Cauldron would try to get him to revive. Especially if as far as Contessa can tell, he will die and stay dead otherwise. And unless Eidolon has some dimension warping powers (can't remember if he does), the Simurgh could have taken the Avatar out of play by just killing Doormaker.
I think I have a real good idea for beating the Simurgh.

We need to trap her.

Harder than it sounds, but possibly vital. We need to limit the actions she can take, get her off the offense and on the defense. Or at least focused on saving herself.

My first idea for pulling this off?

Make a black hole. Start with neutronium (like one of Farmerbob's fics) or something else really, absurdly dense, and see if we can get the Simurgh physics breaking mass to work against her. But most importantly, pin her in place. So we can attack her more intensely and she is limited in her ability to dodge.

Matter creation is something the Avatar has shown considerable skill in. It's easy for him. He even produces things in bulk. Some things like healing and mind control don't come easily to him, but I'm hoping making highly dense but small objects will be in his purview. He might not be able adequately mitigate the massive gravitational effects of what he creates for the rest of the planet, but he can make it.

And we can get away with from because it sounds like the planet is more or less unpopulated. The planet sounds like it's been written off, and only the moon really remains. So while it's very tragic that this plan would probably have massive collateral damage in the solar system, and makes extracting us more difficult, it sounds relatively safe.

tl;dr The Avatar can pop open his 'In Case of Doomsday' arsenal and cut loose with options that are normally utterly unacceptable. The Simurgh may regret taking the Avatar away from the people he's sworn to protect. She may still have Leet or Coil to use, but we may be able to work around that.

I am assuming we can, in a pinch use a similar phasing power as we did against Leviathan to ignore the effects of the black hole if need be. Though I'm hoping the Simurgh has so much mass she 'fills' the black hole. So to speak.

Or maybe we can replicate the restraints used to keep us in the sun for years, and try to use them to bind the Simurgh. Or something else.

We'll almost certainly need to use fate manipulation to pull this off. But locking the Simurgh in place, while retaining the ability to attack her, would be an extraordinarily potent use of fate manipulation that makes killing her, and preventing her from pulling a runner, easier.
Also, we should probably try to keep an eye out for Leet and Coil, in case the Simurgh still has them. They're probably thoroughly mindfucked by now and therefore we probably shouldn't trust them in our fight against the Simurgh.

Which is a shame because Coil's power would be useful here. Incompatible with Endbringer pre-cog sounds like an asset.

Leet though, we just need to keep him away so the Simurgh can stop accessing all of Zion's tech. One way or another.
Still gonna leave the vote open for a while... but struggling to get the vote-tallying program to work with this one. This is the output it gives me...

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[ ] Mental Super-Speed. Perhaps you can't predict the Simurgh's next move, but you can react to it nigh-instantly, by improving your reaction time by two orders of magnitude.
[ ] Long-Range Super-Senses. This is going to be a space battle, and you need to keep track of where the Simurgh is and what she's doing.
[ ] Offense is the best defense. The Simurgh may be over a thousand miles away, but you shouldn't give her time to adapt her plan.
No. of votes: 1

[ ] Offense is the best defense. The Simurgh may be over a thousand miles away, but you shouldn't give her time to adapt her plan.
[ ] Some rapid sequence of the above (please describe!).
No. of votes: 14
Alectai, EVA-Saiyajin, AZATHOTHoth, Gundor Gepein, silentspirals, Akasha, Lord Samiel, Katsuragi, inventive alias, Derkan, E1ChristO, Broken25, Sheaman3773, catlover2011

[ ] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
-[ ] Maximum Regeneration. Take a dozen seconds to return to full health; that'll make the rest of the fight easier.
No. of votes: 2

naarn, The Stormbringer

[ ] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
-[ ] Maximum Regeneration. Take a dozen seconds to return to full health; that'll make the rest of the fight easier.
--[ ] Once fully regenerated, switch to Teleportation + Mental Superspeed
[ ] Offense is the best defense. The Simurgh may be over a thousand miles away, but you shouldn't give her time to adapt her plan.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, wingstrike96, SirKaid

[ ] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
[ ] Teleportation. By jumping dozens of miles every few seconds, you can move twice as fast as your usual flight.
No. of votes: 1


[ ] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
-[ ] Maximum Regeneration. Take a dozen seconds to return to full health; that'll make the rest of the fight easier.
--[ ] Once fully regenerated, switch to Mental Superspeed + Long-Range Super-Senses
[ ] Hunker down. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and the Simurgh while you catch your breath and recover from your injuries.
-[ ] After healing get a good look at where the Simurgh has dropped you, with Mental Superspeed + Long-Range Super-Senses it should be easy to get a good idea of what objects the Simurgh could throw at you.
--[ ] In particular get a look at that weapon that she used against you. It could be useful as a way to hurt her while maintaining Mental Superspeed + Long-Range Super-Senses to do the aiming.
No. of votes: 1

Mind you, I'm almost sure Alectai's plan is winning for now, in this form:

[ ] Offense is the best defense. The Simurgh may be over a thousand miles away, but you shouldn't give her time to adapt her plan.

[ ] Some rapid sequence of the above (please describe!).
--Long Range Teleportation into combat distance
--Shift to Regeneration and Mental Super-Speed once we're in CQC. Maintain pressure while we recover--her telekinesis is scary, but it's fundamentally a physical force, which should be handled by our recovery time. If she tries to kite us, shift from Mental Super-Speed to Long-Range Super Senses and take the opportunity to recover. She's too intelligent and has too good precog for ranged attacks to work, so we need to keep in relative reach.
--Once we're close to full strength, shift to Long-Range Super Senses instead of Regeneration Be prepared to shunt over to Teleportation to respond to any stunts of hers.
--Be prepared to change strategy entirely, and keep our Fate Manipulation primed to flip the table again at need.
[ ] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
-[ ] Maximum Regeneration. Take a dozen seconds to return to full health; that'll make the rest of the fight easier.
--[ ] Once fully regenerated, switch to Teleportation + Mental Superspeed
[ ] Offense is the best defense. The Simurgh may be over a thousand miles away, but you shouldn't give her time to adapt her plan.
Urg, I can believe I missed the alerts all this time. Good thing I decided to check on the thread anyway.


"It is not up to me to tell you how to run your country. Understand this, though: I came for Moord Nag because she was harming the Namibian people.

"Do not make me come for you."
Badass. This is the sort of things I wanted to see when I voted for the Avatar at the start of this Quest. Although, I suppose Tracer Pulse would have done just as well in the badass department. But still. Avatar?


Your generate an intense light in room, comparable to a flashbang.
Did you mean "in the room"?

"People of Kabul. I am the Avatar. One week ago, I killed Leviathan. Just now, I have captured and extradited the Purifier.

"Human beings - men, women and children - are given various powers over the course of their lives. The power to make a fist, in attack or defense. The power to speak meaningful, important words. Money, influence, parahuman abilities… They are all powers. All of them can be used to help our fellows, or to hurt them.

"The Purifier claimed that by punishing those who misbehaved, he made everyone else better. All he did was create a city of fear. Virtue is not obeying out of fear. Virtue is using your powers to help others, because others need your help. His crimes against this city hurt people far worse than anything he was actually preventing. He forced you to live in terror. He confined half your population to effective house arrest. He made you slaves to his beliefs, with no regard to your agency.

"He is now gone. He will not return. If you take the powers you have now, and use them to help your neighbor… then it will be because you choose to. Not because a mad shadow king threatens your life.
HELL YEAH! So much feels, so much hype. Such an uplifting speech. This makes me so sad that we don't have an Avatar in our world...

Anyway, this Purifier is an original villain of yours, right? Would you mind if one day I decide to shamelessly steal him for Conquest?

"You're going to leave me here?" He looks around.
He put him up on the moon, didn't he?

And with that, you fly away from the Moon, leaving Wyld Hunter to focus on your fourth and last quarry of the day.


...Well, after that, while you wait for PRT agents, you establish that it actually takes you less than ten minutes to telepathically deprogram one of Heartbreaker's slaves.
Good for them! Also, Avatar OP, plz no nerf.

[X] Observe in surprise.

A figure appears. It is feminine, white as snow, 15 feet tall, and has numerous wings.

[X] Recognize the Simurgh.

"The Simur-"
I laughed. This reminded me of Homestuck.

The device lights up the area around you and the Simurg.

And then, the people of Brockton Bay can no longer see you.
And here's the other shoe dropping. I was wondering when that'd happen. This is gonna be so interesting!

...You know, if I had one regret when I posted this update, it was knowing that the last part would distract from all the rest. :p
I can see why you'd be worried about that, but there's really way too much awesome (and feels!) in all the rest to be overshadowed like that. The fact that I've seen this coming since the first update might also have reduced the impact of the wham ending, but not by much.
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He leaned in closer. "You needed worthy opponents."
Mwahaha, excellent!

Madman is a bit too close to the classic omnipotent self-insert commonly found in bad fiction, but I still like him. He's got style, and he doesn't detract too much from the story he's enabling.

Your enhanced senses pick up something a couple thousand miles away. Amidst the cloud of superheated plasma where the planet's surface used to be, there is planar movement, and then, the Simurgh reappears.
Come get some.

[X] Mental Super-Speed. Perhaps you can't predict the Simurgh's next move, but you can react to it nigh-instantly, by improving your reaction time by two orders of magnitude.
[X] Regeneration. As it stands, you are closer to death than life. This should restore you to full health over the next couple minutes.
[X] Partial Immunity to Energy. That explosion almost killed you, and there's no reason to assume it'll be the last. You're probably tough enough to take debris going at sufficient velocity, but making yourself more resistant to energy attacks should improve your odds of survival.

[X] Some rapid sequence of the above (please describe!).
- Dedicate part of your power to mental super-speed. She's not going to just give you the time to recover and if you can't react to what she does, you are doomed. She didn't pre-play this fight before and her one limit is how many adjustment she can make in a given time. The faster we think, the more decision we can make, the more she needs to work to keep ahead of us.
- With the rest of the power, try to regenerate. You can't fight in this state. But if you focus fully on recovering you're going to be a sitting duck, so keep an eye out for more attack and switch to energy immunity as needed.

[X] Hunker down. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and the Simurgh while you catch your breath and recover from your injuries.

- She has seized the initiative and put us in a bad situation. Now is not the time to take risks, now is the time to undo the work she's done with the ambush by making this an even fight. Then we crush her.
Urg, I can believe I missed the alerts all this time. Good thing I decided to check on the thread anyway.
And here I was, all sad at the absence of quality Sojiko. XD


Badass. This is the sort of things I wanted to see when I voted for the Avatar at the start of this Quest. Although, I suppose Tracer Pulse would have done just as well in the badass department. But still. Avatar?

Glad you approve!
And yeah, Tracer Pulse (or Techno-Paladin, or...) could have done the same, but there's something about the actual God of Heroism going in action. :lol

Did you mean "in the room"?

HELL YEAH! So much feels, so much hype. Such an uplifting speech. This makes me so sad that we don't have an Avatar in our world...

Anyway, this Purifier is an original villain of yours, right? Would you mind if one day I decide to shamelessly steal him for Conquest?
He's "original" if you're willing to call "Taliban with a range-limited Death Note" original. ;)
But, sure, go ahead! I'd be honored.

He put him up on the moon, didn't he?
Avatar: "I learned from the very best."
God-Queen Celestia: "Vile flatterer. More tea?"

I laughed. This reminded me of Homestuck.
I haven't really gotten into Homestuck, but I'll take it as a compliment. XD

And here's the other shoe dropping. I was wondering when that'd happen. This is gonna be so interesting!
One can hope! I've got plans for this fight! ...Which might get ixnayed by posters' votes, but I keep hope. :p

I can see why you'd be worried about that, but there's really way too much awesome (and feels!) in all the rest to be overshadowed like that. The fact that I've seen this coming since the first update might also have reduced the impact of the wham ending, but not by much.
Glad you enjoyed the world tour. It was a challenge to write on multiple levels, but also a lot of fun.
Of course, now you're fighting a space battle with an Endbringer, surrounded by the flying debris of an explosion that shattered a big chunk of a planet.
Have fun!
Some thoughts for the fight:

@Sojiko You seem to have picked too many powers.

While I do feel like jumping into the fray mostly wounded isn't ideal (especially if we had to wait out teleport's cooldown before switching our powers), one flaw in your plan is that it leaves the Simurgh out of our sight for a period of time. Without the long range senses, we can't really see the Simurgh coming until it's too late. And she can shove as many aces up her sleeve without using being able to keep track.

Admittedly, being able to see the Simurgh may at times be like knowing the exact mass and velocity of the boulder about to hit you, but just giving her free reign seems worrisome.

I'll say this for the current plan, teleporting in does mean we no longer need those long range senses. We can attack before the Simurgh has her bearings, but we've really gotta hope that we're not so weak that the Simurgh's telekinesis is an actual threat.

Just because we're really tough, doesn't mean we're gonna tank the Simurgh try to rip her way through all of our exposed organs. Yeesh.

If we had to cede any initiative, I'd probably focus on full blown regeneration to bring us to full health, or at least partial health (if it takes us five seconds to hit full health, we could leave it at 2.5 seconds if we had to and continue the fight if needed), and then flick on the mental super-speed and long range senses to go back to tracking her down, and then possibly get in her face. It means giving her time to work, which isn't great, but if we're all up in her face there's probably only so many devices she can use to actually hurt us.

If we can get to Leet, we may be able to read his mind and pull tinkertech devices out of his head like the Simurgh is. Kinda.

Personally I'm guessing materializing fully fledged technology by copying the blueprints in a person's head may be out of the Avatar's capabilities (although dear fucking Christ that'd be some amazing synergy with tinkers), but we may be able to make parts of the materials needed for some esoteric tinker devices. Most tinkers don't have the Avatar's fabrication capabilities, after all.

Main problem? The Simurgh can see this just fine.

Unless we can pull out some kind of precog jamming out of Leet's head. Which would be fantastic.

Also runs aground the second problem: keeping the Simurgh from dismantling or subverting it.

Lastly, Leet's been her bitch for so long he's not really trustworthy. I mean I doubt he could hurt us like this unless the Simurgh had really thorough back-ups, and she already showed no back-ups for the Avatar's survival, but what we see in his head may not be accurate.

That said, if we win this fight and Leet is still alive, we may be asking him to build a portal back to Earth Bet. Luckily for him, we can provide him tools and any materials he needs. Which works out pretty well for him!
One can hope! I've got plans for this fight! ...Which might get ixnayed by posters' votes, but I keep hope. :p
Oh, this is gonna be great. I'm really looking forward to this.

Do keep in mind however that the Simurgh is half Leviathan's height, translating to, what, 1/8 of his volume?
That's correct, but her figure is also considerably less massive, so it's closer to 1/12th of his volume.
Then I'll try to be speedy with the next update. XD
Sorry it's a slow pace right now... between midterms, pony-related projects, and Exalted 3rd Edition, I've been a little busy. :oops:
*gets back to writing*

Yeah, right.
And that stash of porn I see on your desk has nothing to do with it, huh?
Sir, you wound me.
I am a modern person. My porn is strictly digital.

Clearly, you are inexperienced.
Allow me to educate you.

When someone wants to find your porn these days, they always go through your computer first. That's the logical thing to do.
Therefore, in order to preserve your stash, you should always keep a physical, backup copy of your favorite stuff, or at least a Flash-Drive containing a copy of all of it.
If you put a physical copy somewhere on your desk, they will most likely consider your a traditionalist and leave your computer alone, thinking that they already found all of it, and that you are an overconfident fool.

Of course not. Not after my 6'th porn stash was deleted from my PC in mysterious circumstances.

Also, you should have at least three different password separating others from your porn.
Holy relics usually need such protection, you see...
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A Game of Fate and Gauss

The Simurgh is the sort of adversary who cannot be allowed the time to react and adjust. So you don't give her one second longer than you have to. Redirecting your secondary power pool to teleportation, you focus for a few seconds, and appear less than a hundred feet from her. You need a second to readjust, shifting your power pool to mental super-speed and regeneration, and already you're blasting at her. She dodges effortlessly.

The next instant, tens of kilotons of magma and rocky debris assail you from every direction. Normally, being hit by kilotons of rock flying faster than a speeding bullet would be the sort of things you can ignore; in your current almost-dead state, this attack nearly kills you.

Thankfully, your mental super-speed is kicking in. With enough time to analyze your surroundings, you generate a force-field and barrel through the pile of asteroids and magma. The Simurgh is flying away… but she is not faster than you. Not even close.

You send another blast at her… noting, dejectedly, that she deflects the first one with an asteroid when it tries to home back in on her. Not good. She's adapting too quickly. You doubt any of your blasts will hit her unless they're backed by fate-control, but that power is a limited resource.

Hm. From your fight with Leviathan, you know an Endbringer's power remains just as deadly until its control core is destroyed… and you needed fate-control just to hit it on Leviathan, not knowing where it was located. But… it was late in the fight that you even learned, from Tattletale, about that particular Achiles's heel. Right now, if you get closer to the Simurgh, then you can scan her with your cosmic senses, hopefully detecting the control core… then combine that knowledge with fate-control to overcome her precognitive dodging, hopefully killing her with just one or two good hits!

...Assuming your fate-manipulation is good enough to actually land a hit on her. Otherwise, you'll have just wasted a shot.

Several pairs of eyes observed the battle.

"She's pulling all the stops to kill him," said Alexandria, "except that… he's still alive. Either she's planning something, or there's some blind spot of hers he can somehow exploit."

"More likely the former," Numbers Man commented. "Still, he's been extremely useful so far, and he doesn't seem to be winning. Is there a way for us to tip the balance?"

"If you have any suggestions, I'm listening, but I doubt it," said Doctor Mother. "Alexandria can't breath in space. Legend can only survive in a vacuum by staying in his travel form. Even Eidolon would only be able to assist by wasting one of his three powers on surviving the environment. Parahumans aren't designed for space battles.

"For now, best let Legend and Eidolon organize the heroes at Brockton Bay. If she kills the Avatar and comes back, at least we'll have our forces ready for her."

"And if he wins?"

"Well. It would raise a number of questions."

Without a planet Earth around you, and with mental acceleration on your side, it's hard to gauge the actual speed of everything happening around you. You see the broken planet looming "below", with the explosion's shockwave still travelling across its surface, ripping mountains away. Debris, molten and otherwise, is still careening across you at great speed, ranging from small pebbles and magma droplets to rocks the size of mountain ranges.

And ahead of you, the Simurgh elegantly navigates this veritable bullet hell. You're uncertain how much of that is her precognition allowing her to dodge, and how much is her telekinesis moving obstacles out of her path.

She's still flinging all sorts of projectiles your way, though. Thankfully, now that your mind is accelerated by orders of magnitude, you are able to dodge nearly as well as her.

More importantly, you are gaining on her. You are close enough that your cosmic awareness can sift through the Simurgh's structure; mental acceleration allows you to make sense of it much faster that you did with Leviathan. Your cosmic senses also detect, to your surprise, a small pod flying alongside her, protected by a force-field, carrying an unidentified adult human male.

Not that you are letting go of the offensive. Blast after blast, you're doing your best to keep the Simurgh on the ropes. She dodges them and blocks with asteroids, but hopefully, this is putting at least some strain on her.

She deflects your latest blast by placing a ferrous asteroid in its path - that bit might have been an iron mine on your world. As megatons of iron particles explode in every direction under the force of your attack, you keep analyzing the Simurgh's structure. By now, you're almost positive her control core isn't in her head or torso. Just a little while longer, and…

That train of thought is interrupted when you realize you're dying.

Well, rather, your injuries are getting worse faster than you're regenerating. You're inches away from death.

It's not hard to tell why. Your cosmic senses can detect billions of nanomachines coursing across the outer layers of your body, shredding it with some kind of energy fractal claws. They've probably been at this for a while - you just didn't notice until now, despite your cosmic senses, because your attention was focused on analyzing the Simurgh.

Well, you're already mostly dead. You can't afford to become all-dead.

Without missing a beat, your cosmic blast surges… but this time, you're channelling it differently. The energy takes a new shape, exploding outward as a magnetic pulse of cosmic proportions. Every single nanomachine in your body is instantly obliterated.

You've experimented with this sort of magnetic blast before - good at destroying machinery, but, for obvious reasons, you can't use it inside a city: If you ever had, every building would be torn apart as the steel in its structure would be ripped away, converging on the center of the pulse at-

The ferrous asteroid.

Even at mental super-speed, you barely have the time to realize it: Just a few seconds ago, the Simurgh deflected your attack with a ferrous asteroid. There's still megatons of iron bits and pieces flying around… and all of it is converging toward you at dozens of kilometers per second, because you used a magnetic blast reflexively to deal with the nanomachines. As if you'd shot at yourself with a billion railguns.

You only have a short instant to act before this trap destroys you. Fast as you can, you move your power pool around, switching all of it to insubstantiality.

Several times the Empire State Building's mass in iron collides all around you, going faster than shooting stars. Yet another conflagration of cosmic violence, leading to large amounts of iron plasma floating around… but in your insubstantial form, it cannot hurt you.

You get out of that deathtrap, and back in range of the Simurgh. Ready to resume your combined analysis and harassment tactics… but without mental acceleration, it'll take far more time than you're willing to let the Simurgh have. You move your power pool back from intangibility to the regeneration-mind acceleration combo…

...and in the very millisecond you switch, an eighty-foot asteroid hits you from "above", going at several kilometers per second.

Like a bug splattered on a windshield, you are carried away by the asteroid. Unlike the bug, you are actually very much alive. Even in your injured state, this isn't enough to…

...and then, the tip of the asteroid near you gets bathed in the same ray that preceded the first explosion. The one that nearly killed you.

As the milliseconds tick, your accelerated mind can sense, within the asteroid, electrons turning into positrons. Quarks turning into anti-quarks. In another fraction of a second, this whole thing will erupt with more power than mankind's combined nuclear arsenal at the height of the Cold War, finishing the job of killing you.

This is how the Simurgh works. It's what she does. You think you're fighting her, and it's all part of her plan. The chase she's been leading you on? A distraction so she could send the nanomachines. The nanomachines? A bait to get you to almost kill yourself with the magnetic pulse. The magnetic pulse? A trick to make you drop mental super-speed just long enough for this deathtrap. She sees the future, and computes through possibilities with mental processing abilities beyond the ken of gods and mortals. That is why the Simurgh always wins.

You do not allow it. With the next millisecond, as particle and antiparticles begin their dance of mutual annihilation, you reach into fate, declaring that a short, unlikely (but not impossible) ebb in your cosmic energies allows you to switch your power pool back to intangibility in that very instant, ghosting through an explosion greater than a million nukes.

Deadly, but not as big as the explosion that shattered the planet (probably due to having less material getting annihilated this time). Putting a few dozen miles between yourself and the explosion, you drop intangibility, and resume regeneration and mental superspeed.

For all the good regeneration has been doing you. With only half your power pool fueling it, it's just not working fast enough to make any real difference in such a fast-paced fight. You're still half-dead, your entire body covered in what could very generously be described as third degree burns.

Stop. Think.

Your well-honed combat reflexes are working against you here - they help you react quickly, but your tried-and-true tactics were never designed to fight a precog. You don't know how to approach an opponent who sees your actions coming.

Well, you've been blessed (not literally) to work with some very intelligent heroes. What would some of your smarter teammates do?

Causality and Tracer Pulse, in their wildly different ways, are analytical geniuses. They would strive to figure the Simurgh and her plans out, thus getting a better idea of how to counter them. They have a point - knowledge is power, or at least one very important type thereof.

Techno-Paladin would treat the problem like a logic puzzle. He'd try to break it down to its components to find the solution. He'd examine the issue of an opponent who can predict your moves… well, actually, he'd point out that the Simurgh can only predict what you do without fate-manipulation. Does that mean that she can't see tactics you wouldn't employ unless fate-manipulation was on your side?

And Bleu-Blanc-Rouge? Bleu-Blanc-Rouge is a tactical thinker. He'd point out that, between your injuries, the intel she gets from precognition, the superior range of her telekinesis, and apparently the tinkertech she's prepared the battlefield with, the Simurgh has too many advantages. In that sort of situation, he would recommend stripping the enemy of their advantages one-by-one, until they no longer control the flow of the battle.

Very competent heroes, all of them. Their intellect has saved the day on many an occasion. Perhaps you can apply a fraction of their wisdom to your current predicament…

Well, you hope you can. Because you only have two more guaranteed uses of fate-manipulation left.

[ ] Operation Crazy Shooting: Normally, knowing about the Simurgh's precognitive dodging, you wouldn't even bother trying to blast her before getting into close-range. But, seeing as she can't predict your luck-control… You fly back toward her, then blast from medium range, twisting fate to make the shot.

Pros: Very simple plan, with few moving parts. Cons: It banks everything, including your most precious resource, on a shot that the Simurgh might still be able to dodge… and even if it does hit, how much damage will it actually cause her anyway?

[ ] Operation Stone Age: The Simurgh brought tinkertech into this. Well, that's one advantage you should take away now. Start peppering the area with EMPs to remove further nasty surprises.

Pros: You can do it while maintaining a safe distance from the Simurgh and any asteroid she could turn into an antimatter bomb. Cons: It's a space battle, with the insane volumes thus implied. EMPing the "battlefield" will take time, which the Simurgh will be using for her own plans.

[ ] Operation Role Reversal: One thing you definitely wouldn't try without luck-control on your side: Telepathic scans on the Simurgh. By using fate-manipulation to create a quick ebb in your power pool, you can reinforce its power for a short duration, allowing you to combine mental super-speed with extremely powerful mind-reading powers. Then, with your mind accelerated a thousandfold, you can read the Endbringer's own thoughts, discovering her plans, her contingencies, even her future visions.

Pros: If it works, you get to negate the Simurgh's biggest advantage, learning about her plans, her remaining devices, the guy in the pod… For once, the Simurgh could be forced to fight an enemy who knows at least as much as her. Cons: If.

[ ] Write-in.
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Can't say I'm too surprised by this outcome, I was kind of expecting us to have to burn fate to survive at some point. Wasn't thinking it'd be this soon, but....yeah.

Tough choices now.
[X] Operation Crazy Shooting: Normally, knowing about the Simurgh's precognitive dodging, you wouldn't even bother trying to blast her before getting into close-range. But, seeing as she can't predict your luck-control… You fly back toward her, then blast as strong as you can from medium range, twisting fate to make the shot.
-[X] Twist the fate one last time to completely kill Simurgh, that your shot kills her and does not just only damage her. Make your shot count by twisting fate to make your shot land, and make it count even more by making it kill her.

We can't over think Simurgh.
Period. The only weapon we have is fate control...
[X] Operation Crazy Shooting: Normally, knowing about the Simurgh's precognitive dodging, you wouldn't even bother trying to blast her before getting into close-range. But, seeing as she can't predict your luck-control… You fly back toward her, then blast as strong as you can from medium range, twisting fate to make the shot.
-[X] Twist the fate one last time to completely kill Simurgh, that your shot kills her and does not just only damage her. Make your shot count by twisting fate to make your shot land, and make it count even more by making it kill her.

You can't do that, sorry. Only one use of fate-manipulation per action. If it was that simple, the Avatar would have done it at the very start of the fight.
You can't do that, sorry. Only one use of fate-manipulation per action. If it was that simple, the Avatar would have done it at the very start of the fight.

[X] Operation Crazy Shooting: Normally, knowing about the Simurgh's precognitive dodging, you wouldn't even bother trying to blast her before getting into close-range. But, seeing as she can't predict your luck-control… You fly back toward her, then blast as strong as you can from medium range, twisting fate to make the shot land.

I guess just crossing my fingers and praying to god because fuck, you can't outsmart a fucking supercomputer death machine.

Or can you?

The third option...

Only if Simurgh was actually a person...

Or does fate charge no sell even that aspect to let Avatar read the mind of an alien superweapon?
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[X] Operation Role Reversal: One thing you definitely wouldn't try without luck-control on your side: Telepathic scans on the Simurgh. By using fate-manipulation to create a quick ebb in your power pool, you can reinforce its power for a short duration, allowing you to combine mental super-speed with extremely powerful mind-reading powers. Then, with your mind accelerated a thousandfold, you can read the Endbringer's own thoughts, discovering her plans, her contingencies, even her future visions.

Pros: If it works, you get to negate the Simurgh's biggest advantage, learning about her plans, her remaining devices, the guy in the pod… For once, the Simurgh could be forced to fight an enemy who knows at least as much as her. Cons: If.
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[X] Operation Role Reversal

I can't see how the other two plans put us ahead. THe first one....yeah, just a straight up vote of no confidence from me. I don't think we'll do appreciable damage, and it's burning our most valuable resource to try and do damage. Also feels like kind of a weak feint.

Second one, that's just focused on ruining electronic based tinkertech. I would honestly expect the Simurgh to work up something resistant to our efforts, or hide something in the field. I suppose it limits her hand, but I can't see how it strengths our position to the point where we can make progress.

Short version: that's a nice step one in theory, but I'm not seeing a good step two. If it ended with us healed more, good, but I just can't feel it.

Which leaves the third one, where we try to flip the table and look at her hand. It won't give us everything and she'll probably work up new ones, but it puts us in a better position to try and work around her.

It's pretty much a victory by default though. I am very interested in seeing it happen, but it's one hell of a risk. If we weren't immune to mind-control....and as it is Avatar's had trouble comprehending precog I think, which also worries me.