[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.

Guess I'll change my vote to both.
[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.

[X] There are independent heroes desperately fighting to resist the rule of the cartels in their own nations across South and Central America. You can try to clandestinely bring them over, giving them a home in Brazil, where they'll help you fight the Brazilian cartels in exchange for future assistance with their own homelands.
New update, yay!

[X] There are independent heroes desperately fighting to resist the rule of the cartels in their own nations across South and Central America. You can try to clandestinely bring them over, giving them a home in Brazil, where they'll help you fight the Brazilian cartels in exchange for future assistance with their own homelands.

[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.

[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.

Convince the people to side with the rule of law, and reform said rule.

Adding a second vote.

Edited due to below comments.

[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.

[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
Last edited:
Adding a second vote.

[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
Actually the tally will probably read this as overwriting the old one.
Adding a vote aswell.

[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
Hey, just read your Where I Read: Worm and Hero Command threads, and I just realized where most of your OC's came from. I was especially surprised that Shape-Stealer, a Stranger/Changer/Trump former Slaughterhouse member who appeared in a tiny portion of one chapter was originally from a snippet where you had random Slaughterhouse victim #28349 become a Lunar Exalt and pull a Highlander on the Nine. That's pretty neat.
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[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.

[X] There are independent heroes desperately fighting to resist the rule of the cartels in their own nations across South and Central America. You can try to clandestinely bring them over, giving them a home in Brazil, where they'll help you fight the Brazilian cartels in exchange for future assistance with their own homelands.
While sun tzu says we can make multiple choices, and that there is no reason to pick all of them for good advice, I get the feeling that recommending too much for such a resource-strapped city would just make us look ignorant to the realities of the situation. As such, picking just 1 or 2 would be the more practical options.

Getting the international media's attention, in my opinion, would be a bit of a non-starter. While the eyes of the world are on Brazil, they've also been on Japan, the Congo, and Nigeria for quite a while now given the Guild's exploits, and giving them yet another area to deliver international aid to would be asking too much of them.

The option of recruiting capes to the defense of the city, either foreign capes in diaspora or cartel capes wanting amnesty, are options related to shoring up Belo Horizonte's defenses in preparation for the cartels.

The options of clearing out the police force or redistributing the wealth of the rich and corrupt are options related to stabilizing Belo Horizonte, improving the goodwill of their citizenry and increasing support for the government.

All four of the remaining options have the obvious potential of strengthening the city, but also have a risk of destabilizing it if things don't work out well. I think clearing out the police force does the dual option of strengthening and stabilizing the city if we don't have corrupt officers undermining both efforts, but as to the remaining choice, while I really like the idea of bringing in other capes to help, I think the better option is to deal with the wealth issue - as I'd rather have a unified, stable city to resist enemy assault rather than a martially stronger city with an unstable foundation (and I don't want the city's populace to think that we're forcing foreign interests on them; they've already had enough interests forced on them by the cartels).

But I want to put a pin in that foreign cape idea. It runs along the same lines as the European Brigade, the new ties between Kenya and Nigeria, and all the ideals of global unity that we've been championing this whole time. And who knows, once the cartels have been beaten back, we can give that idea more gas and unite South America against them.

[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.
[X] Belo Horizonte still had a police force while under supervillain rule - but its members were cops willing to answer to work for the cartel. While it's logistically tempting to keep them around, a thoroughly corrupt police force can actually be worse than no police at all. It's best to have all these people suspended, and have people you trust handle recruitment for the new Belo Horizonte police department, checking the personal credentials of each individual recruit and preexisting cop.
[X] The elites of Belo Horizonte - both the actual parahumans and the business leaders who collaborated with them - weren't exactly shy about hoarding wealth. Now is a good time to have most of it seized and redistributed to the less wealthy in the region. After all, the people need to see that the government is actually preferable to cartel rule, and future triggers will be more likely to side with the law.

Step 1 to maintaining a functional democracy is to keep the foundations from eroding.
Global Champions Character Sheets (Sentinel Comics RPG)
Anyone here familiar with Sentinel Comics RPG? It's a tabletop RPG system that came out less than a year ago, by the same company that published the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game and the Sentinels of Freedom video game. A campaign I've been playing in for a while (which takes place in - among other locales - a modified version of the the Avatar's World) has recently switched systems to it, and it's been pretty great.
...So I went and tried to make character sheets for the Global Champions:


Heroism God d12
Cosmic Power d12
Divine Avatar d12

Ranged Combat d10
Charisma d10
Cosmic Energy Manipulation d8
Superpowered Tactics d8
Politics d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 50 (Green 50-40, Yellow 40-20, Red 20-1)

Green Abilities:
Burst Attack - Action - Attack multiple targets using Cosmic Power.
Lead From The Front - Action - Boost all allies using Charisma.
A Century Of Experience - Inherent - When the Avatar doesn't have a Quality that applies to his current roll, use a d6 instead of a d4.
Idea Incarnate - Inherent - The Avatar is immune to mind-control.
Endless Energy - Inherent - Recover a health point each turn.
Earth's Mightiest Hero - Inherent - when rolling a 1 or & 2 on Heroism God, Cosmic Power, or Divine Avatar, treat the die as having rolled a 3.
Principle Of Heroism - Action - Fight a dangerous enemy for a good cause. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Paragon - Action - Organize or inspire others to take heroic action. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
The Right Power For The Situation - Action - Boost using Cosmic Energy Manipulation. Use Max+Mid+Min die. Attack using Min die.
Defense-Piercing Blast - Action - Attack using Cosmic Power. Use Max die, damage cannot be prevented.
Healing Energies - Action - Roll to heal someone using Cosmic Energy Manipulation. Use Max die.

Red Abilities:
What Would A Global Champion Do? - Action - Take a Basic Action. Use a d12 as your Quality die for all rolls until end of scene.
Winds of Destiny Change - Action (1/Scene) - Take a Basic Action. Either give Boosts with a total not exceeding +10, or give Hindrances with a total not exceeding -10.
Extinction To All Monsters - Inherent - Defense-Piercing Blast now uses Max+Mid+Min die, and Burst Attack now uses Mid+Min die.
A Light in the Dark - Action - Take a Basic Action. Boost all allies using Charisma. This bonus is persistent and exclusive.

Boost an ally with Charisma. Use Max+Mid+Min die.


Titanic Growth d12
Super Strength d8
Super Toughness d8

Combat Shifting d10
Close Combat d8
Tactics d8
Charisma d8
Willpower d8
Teamwork d8
Law Enforcement d6

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 40 (Green 40-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Go Big Or Go Home - Inherent - When Titan maximizes her size, Super Strength and Super Toughness are both increased to the same rank as Titantic Growth.
Regenerator - Inherent - regain one lost Health every turn.
Shrink Dodge - Reaction - When you are attacked, you may roll Combat Shifting to reduce damage to self. After the roll, reduce Titanic Growth by one rank until start of next turn.
Growth Punch - Action - Attack with Combat Shifting. Roll Max+Mid die.
Principle Of Size - Action - Overcome using Titanic Growth. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Heroic Simplicity - Action - Overcome a complex situation through humility and heroic action. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
See The Boot Eclipse The Sun - Action - Attack multiple enemies with Combat Shifting.
The I In Team - Action - Boost an ally with Teamwork. Take a Basic Action.
Growth-terpose - Reaction - In reaction to someone or something other than you being attacked, you may take the damage meant for them instead.

Red Abilities:
Aerial Spinning Growth Kick - Action - Attack using Combat Shifting. Treat Combat Shifting as d12. Use Max+Mid+Min die.
Second Wind - Inherent - regain one lost Health every turn. This gains stacks with Regenerator.

Boost an ally with Teamwork.


Enhanced Reflexes d10
Omni-Metal Saber d10
Military Gear d8

Swordsmanship d12
Tactics d12
Agility d12
Close Combat d10
Ranged Combat d8
Presence d8

Status Dice: Green d10, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 30 (Green 30-25, Yellow 25-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Saint Cyr Graduate - Inherent - When using Tactics, always treat Power die as d8 or more, even if outside factors would reduce it.
Field Command - Action - Boost all allies with Tactics. Attack using Min die.
Deflecting Blade - Reaction - In response to an attack performed by someone other than you, roll Swordsmanship to reduce damage. This does not count as your Reaction for this round. After rolling, lower your Swordsmanship by one die rank until your next turn.
Deadly Ricochet - Inherent - if your Deflecting Blade reduces to zero the damage inflicted by a ranged attack, perform a free attack using your Status, Ranged Combat, and the Power used in the attack you deflected.
Principle Of Soldier - Action - Overcome challenge using clever tactics. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - Action - Act in service to the ideals of the Republic. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Metal Blur - Action - Attack multiple targets.
Coup De Jarnac - Action - Hinder using Swordsmanship or Close Combat. Attack using Max die.
Regroup - Action - Cancel one hindrance for each ally. Attack using Mid die.
Figured Out Their Flaw - Action - Hinder all enemies using Tactics. Attack using Min die.

Red Abilities:
La Nouvelle Botte De Moran - Action - Attack using Swordsmanship. Use Max+Mid+Min die.
Desperate Tactics - Action - Boost all allies with Tactics. Use Max+Mid+Min die. Attack using Mid die.
The Environment Is A Weapon - Action - Attack using Tactics. Use Max die. Hinder using Max die.

Boost all allies with Tactics.


Power Armor d12
Inventions d12
Hypersonic Flight d10
Sensor Suite d10
Energy Blasts d10

Intelligence d12
Science d12
Close Combat d8
Ranged Combat d8
Charisma d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d10

Max Health: 40 (Green 40-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Eye Beams - Action - Attack using Energy Blasts and Ranged Combat. Treat Ranged Combat as d12 for the purpose of the roll.
Wave Burst - Action - Attack multiple targets using Energy Blasts.
Quantum Fortress - Inherent - Techno-Paladin doesn't lose Health to physical attacks (this includes energy attacks) while in armor.
I Figured It Out - Action - Hinder target using Intelligence. Use Max+Min die. Attack with Min die.
Armor Mode X Engage - Action - Create a Boost for yourself using Power Armor called "Armor Mode X". The bonus is persistent and exclusive.
Principle Of Science Hero - Action - Overcome using Science or Intelligence. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Visionary - Action - Take action to serve a vision of a better world. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
The Tool For The Job - Action - Boost using Inventions. Use Max+Mid+Min die. Bonus is persistent and exclusive.
The Fist of Technology - Action - Attack using Power Armor. Use Max+Mid die.

Red Abilities:
Just As Planned - Reaction - In response to any action taken by an enemy, Hinder that enemy with Intelligence. Use Max die.
That's Quite Enough Of That - Action - Remove either all boosts or all hindrances on a target.
Armor Overclock - Inherent - Any boost named "Armor Mode X" is no longer exclusive.

Boost an ally with Inventions.

Mister Tomorrow:

Autiobiokinesis d12
Regeneration d12
Organic Blades d10

Close Combat d10
Power Experience d10
Agility d10
Visionary d8
Charisma d8
Improvisation d8

Status dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 35 (Green 35-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Master Regenerator - Inherent - At the start of your turn, roll your Regeneration die and your Status die, and recover a number of health points equal to the larger of the two rolls.
Adapted Out - Reaction - In response to being hit by a Hinder, you may Overcome with Autobiokinesis to eliminate the Hinder.
Get Ready - Action - Boost yourself with Autiobiokinesis. Take a Basic Action.
Hack And Slash - Attack using Organic Blades. Use Max die.
Principle Of Visionary - Action - Overcome to advance the cause of changing society. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle of Biological Mastery - Action - Overcome by adapting your personal biology to the task at hand. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Get Set - Inherent - Get Ready now boosts you with Max die.
Storm Of Claws - Action - Attack up to three targets using Close Combat. Use Max die for the first target, Mid die for the second and Min die for the third.
Our Dream In Sight - Action - Boost multiple targets using Visionary or Charisma. Boost yourself with your single Visionary die.

Red Abilities:
Still Alie - Reaction (1/scene) - When your health hits 0, raise it to 15. This does not count as your Reaction for this turn.
The Deepest Cut - Action - Attack using Organic Blades. Use Max+Mid+Min die. Hinder the same target with your single Autobiokinesis die.
This Isn't My Final Form - Action - Boost yourself three times using Autobiokinesis. Take a Basic Action with your Min die.

Boost all allies using with Visionary.

Tracer Pulse:

Super-Speed d12
Energy Blasts d12
Hard-Boiled Badass d10

Investigation d12
Intelligence d10
Close Combat d8
Ranged Combat d8
Intimidation d8

Status Dice: Green d10, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 30 (Green 30-25, Yellow 25-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Like Boxing A Pinata - Inherent - You may replace Close Combat with your Super-Speed die.
Clear The Room - Action - Attack multiple targets using Close Combat and a d6 power die.
Too Slow - Reaction - In response to an attack on you or an ally, roll your single Super-Speed die to reduce damage inflicted on yourself or an ally. This does not count as your Reaction for this turn. Using Too Slow on an ally reduces your Super-Speed by one rank until your next turn.
I Choose To Burn - Inherent - reduce by 1 the sum of hindrances on Tracer Pulse when he is in Green Status, by 2 when he is in Yellow Status, and 3 when he is in Red Status.
Principle Of Hard-Boiled Detective - Action - Refuse to back down in the face of pain and danger. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Investigator - Action - Take action to discover or use hidden facts. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Energy Barrage - Action - Attack multiple targets using Energy Blasts. You may use Super-Speed instead of Ranged Combat.
A Thousand Punches Per Blink - Action - Attack using Super-Speed and Close Combat. Use Max+Min die.
You Have A Tell - Action - Hinder using Investigation. Use Max+Mid+Min die. Hindrance is persistent and exclusive.
Block Buster Blast - Action - Attack using Energy Blast and Ranged Combat. Use Max+Mid+Min die.

Red Abilities:
Way Ahead Of You - Reaction - In response to any action taken by an enemy, Hinder that enemy with Intelligence. Use Max+Mid+Min die.
Power Storm - Inherent - Energy Barrage now uses Mid+Min die.
Omni-Directional Beatdown - Action - Attack using Super-Speed and Close Combat. Use Max+Mid+Min die.

Hinder an enemy with Investigation.


Magic d12
Magical Preparation d12

Science d12
Sorcery d12
Intelligence d10
Ranged Combat d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d8, Red d8

Max Health: 35 (Green 35-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Chain Blast - Action - Attack multiple targets using Magic.
Ritual - Action - Boost using Sorcery. This bonus is persistent and exclusive.
Took Some Precautions - Reaction - In response to an attack on you, reduce damage to self using Magical Preparation.
Arcane Trap - Action - Hinder using Magic. Use Mid+Min die.
Nullification Spell - Action - Boost using Magic. Instead of giving a boost, cancel a number of hindrances equal to the calculated boost.
Principle Of Academic - Action - Seek to gain general knowledge, or use general knowledge. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Science - Action - Overcome challenge using scientific knowledge. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Arcane Barrage - Action - Attack using Magic and Ranged Combat. Use Max+Mid+Min die.
Kinetic Cancellers - Action - Hinder multiple targets using Sorcery. Use Max die.
Remove Limiters - Action - Remove the exclusive qualifier from a boost on either yourself or any ally.

Red Abilities:
Ritual Complete - Action - Boost using Magical Preparation. Use Max+Mid+Min die. This bonus is persistent and exclusive.
Power Nullifier - Action - Overcome using Magic. On success, choose either an enemy power or an environmental factor, and reduce it to the next lower die. If this would reduce it below d4, it can no longer be used for the rest of the scene.

Boost an ally with Magical Preparation.


Power Copier d8
Known Powers d12
Shifting d8

Adventurer d10
Improvisation d10
Swashbuckler's Wit d10
Experienced Fighter d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 35 (Green 35-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
The Sincerest Form Of Flattery - Inherent - Can replace Power Copier with a copy of any power die present in the scene.
Master Adapter - Inherent - At the start of your turn, roll a single Status die to either boost yourself or overcome a non-persistent Hinder on yourself.
Quip And Skip - Action - Hinder using Swashbuckler's Wit. Attack using Mid die.
With A Little Help For My Friends - Action - Boost an ally. Then, boost that ally again using Min die.
Principle Of Swashbuckler - Action - Try to do something extraordinary and adventurous. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle Of Adaptive Power - Action - Overcome challenge by switching to a power specifically adapted to it. Use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Like Scissors Through Paper - Action - Attack using Improvisation. Use Max+Min dice. Damage cannot be prevented.
Close But No Cigar - Reaction - In response to an attack on you, roll using Power Copier to defend.
Catch Your Breath - Action - Heal yourself or an ally.

Red Abilities:
Let Me Try - Inherent - At the start of your action, select a Green or Yellow ability belonging to one of your allies. Until the start of your next action, you have that ability as well.
Formal Declaration Of Nope - Reaction (1/Scene) - In response to an enemy action, cancel that action.
You've Seen Nothing Yet - Action - Boost yourself with Max die. Then, boost yourself with Mid die. Then, Boost yourself with Min die.
I Can Take You All - Action - Attack multiple targets with Max die.

Hinder an enemy with Swashbuckler's Wit.


Energy Being d12
Space Ghost d12
Telekinesis d10

Stealth d10
Ranged Combat d8
Close Combat d8
Espionage d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d10

Max Health: 35 (Green 35-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Intangibility - Inherent - Phantom ignores material constraints and takes no damage from material attacks.
Ambush Predator - Action - Hinder using Stealth. Attack using Mid die.
Your Secrets Revealed - Action - Hinder using Espionage. Use Max+Mind die.
Principle of Alien - Action - Overcome challenge through being different from everyone else. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle of Ghostly Spy - Action - Overcome challenge through your ability to go anywhere unobserved. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
All Your Base Are Belong To Us - Action - Hinder multiple targets.
Nothing Is Scarier - Action - Hinder using Max+Mid+Min die. Attack using Mid die.
Energy Spam - Action - Attack multiple targets with Ranged Combat.

Red Abilities:
This Is The Part Where I Kill You - Action - Remove boost from target. Hinder the same target with Max+Mid+Min die. Attack the same target with Max die.
Chill Up Your Spine - Reaction - When an enemy takes an action, you may Hinder that enemy with Stealth.
Paranoia Fuel - Inherent - Nothing Is Scarier now attacks with Max die.

Hinder an enemy with Espionage.


Heat Control d12
Cold Control d12
Hyper-Advanced Robot d10
Super Leap d8

Combat Acrobatics d8
Ranged Combat d8

Status Dice: Green d8, Yellow d10, Red d12

Max Health: 40 (Green 40-30, Yellow 30-15, Red 15-1)

Green Abilities:
Self-Repair Systems - Inherent - Recover a health point at the start of each turn.
Faster Than I look - Reaction - Defend against an attack on you with Combat Acrobatics.
Unhackable - Inherent - Thermakron is immune to all hostile mental effects.
Thermoguard - Inherent - Thermakron suffers no damage from fire and ice.
Area Blast - Action - Attack multiple targets.
Principle of Heroic Robot - Action - Overcome challenge through your robotic nature. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Principle of Temperature Mastery - Action - Overcome challenge through manipulation of temperatures. Use Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities:
Aura Of Ice And Fire - Reaction - In response to a melee attack by a foe, you may attack them using either Heat Control or Cold Control, a d8 Quality die, and your Status die.
Thermal Extremes - Action - Attack using Ranged Combat. Use Max+Min die.
Floor Is Lava, Floor Is Ice - Action - Hinder multiple targets using either Heat Control or Cold Control. Use Max die.
Thermakick - Action - Attack using Combat Acrobatics. Use Max die. Hinder with Mid die.

Red Abilities:
Thermic Shock - Action - Attack using Cold Control. Use Max die. Then, attack the same target again using Heat Control. Use Max die.
Cybernetic Inferno - Inherent - Aura Of Ice And Fire no longer counts as your reaction for the turn.
Show Them Hell - Inherent - Area Blast now uses Max die.

Hinder an enemy with Heat Control or Cold Control.
Anyone here familiar with Sentinel Comics RPG? It's a tabletop RPG system that came out less than a year ago, by the same company that published the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game and the Sentinels of Freedom video game. A campaign I've been playing in for a while (which takes place in - among other locales - a modified version of the the Avatar's World) has recently switched systems to it, and it's been pretty great.
...So I went and tried to make character sheets for the Global Champions:
This is pretty cool and would help me get a better idea of how strong they all are if, you know, I actually knew how to translate those dice. I'm just going to go with what you've said before and think they are OP.
Man... I would love to read more about Thermakron. They sound interesting.
Actually yeah, have you told us the origin of Thermakron? So far we know the secret origins of The Avatar (Heroic Space God), Titan (Third Generation Mutant with WW2 Soldier and Supercop being first and second), Bleu Blanc Rouge (Government Created Supersoldier with fellow, rogue supersoldier as nemesis), Techno Paladin (Genius who build his power armor as part of his master thesis), Mister Tomorrow (Mutant who believes mutants are the future of humanity and thus need to set a strong moral standard less they become tyrants), Causality (Genius Physicist who studied magic using the scientific method and is now a super wizard), and Phantom (Giant psychic cloud of space bacteria couldn't outrun Berserkers, empowered humanity in last-ditch effort to fight, thought they weren't getting stronger fast enough, made Phantom to try to communicate, messed up, he couldn't hear it, he woke up in space, he got bored, went to Earth, and now is Hero). But what about Tracer Pulse (how did he gain his powers that he refuses to tell the origins of?), Mimic (how did he come to become what he is and wake up in the Evil Hell-empowered Archmage Elf's Lair?), and Thermakron (who built him, and why)? And are there secrets about the others that we still haven't been told about?
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Bleu Blanc Rouge (Government Created Supersoldier with fellow, rogue supersoldier as nemesis)
From what I read on his wiki, Doctor Combat wasn't a fellow super soldier, he is the doctor that designed the procedure and gave Alexandre Morane his powers in the first place, and only later upgraded himself into a supersoldier and formed the Combat Network.

Also, that's not the only place where character sheets provide a bit of insight into the Champions. Just reading this M&M character sheet for the Champions gives me a few questions to ask @sun tzu :
- Who are the Neo-Samurais, and what exactly is Titan's beef with them?
- Tracer Pulse is apparently in constant agony from his powers, so much so that he actually has resistance to telepaths because when they try to read his mind, they are incapacitated by the pain that he feels. Is this a side-effect or a feature of whatever he did to get his powers, and a clue to exactly what he did?
- Causality has apparently had some cultural issues with her becoming a super heroine. Wonder what that's about?
- And then of course, there are all the Nemeses amongst them.
This is pretty cool and would help me get a better idea of how strong they all are if, you know, I actually knew how to translate those dice. I'm just going to go with what you've said before and think they are OP.
Well, let's say they're significantly stronger than the PCs in the campaign I'm playing in. XD

Actually yeah, have you told us the origin of Thermakron? So far we know the secret origins of The Avatar (Heroic Space God), Titan (Third Generation Mutant with WW2 Soldier and Supercop being first and second), Bleu Blanc Rouge (Government Created Supersoldier with fellow, rogue supersoldier as nemesis), Techno Paladin (Genius who build his power armor as part of his master thesis), Mister Tomorrow (Mutant who believes mutants are the future of humanity and thus need to set a strong moral standard less they become tyrants), Causality (Genius Physicist who studied magic using the scientific method and is now a super wizard), and Phantom (Giant psychic cloud of space bacteria couldn't outrun Berserkers, empowered humanity in last-ditch effort to fight, thought they weren't getting stronger fast enough, made Phantom to try to communicate, messed up, he couldn't hear it, he woke up in space, he got bored, went to Earth, and now is Hero). But what about Tracer Pulse (how did he gain his powers that he refuses to tell the origins of?), Mimic (how did he come to become what he is and wake up in the Evil Hell-empowered Archmage Elf's Lair?), and Thermakron (who built him, and why)? And are there secrets about the others that we still haven't been told about?
In Thermakron's case, he was created by Madman after the Man Of Might halved the world's superhero population. Madman figured it would give the heroes a bit of breathing room and prevent things from immediately going all grimdark. Thermakron himself is not aware of this (but it is one of the leading hypotheses he and the rest of the Global Champions have).

In Mimic's case, he is an adventurer native to Wunderburg, an elven city founded by Avalonian expats who felt stifled by Avalon's cultural emphasis on tradition on duty. This means Wunderburg is a bit of a chaotic place, with some very experimental magic. Mimic, at some point, went on a quest through Limbo to look for Avalon, and found it... at which point Nollius had him thrown in his dungeons and put through a lot of things best left unsaid (including, at some point, a total memory-wipe). At some point in the years after Avalon returned from Limbo, Mimic was able to jailbreak.

From what I read on his wiki, Doctor Combat wasn't a fellow super soldier, he is the doctor that designed the procedure and gave Alexandre Morane his powers in the first place, and only later upgraded himself into a supersoldier and formed the Combat Network.

Also, that's not the only place where character sheets provide a bit of insight into the Champions. Just reading this M&M character sheet for the Champions gives me a few questions to ask @sun tzu :
- Who are the Neo-Samurais, and what exactly is Titan's beef with them?
Japanese superhero team... who are big on hard-right, ultranationalist posturing. When Titan started making a name for herself, they invited her. She told them to get bent. They didn't take it gracefully.

- Tracer Pulse is apparently in constant agony from his powers, so much so that he actually has resistance to telepaths because when they try to read his mind, they are incapacitated by the pain that he feels. Is this a side-effect or a feature of whatever he did to get his powers, and a clue to exactly what he did?
Kevin Banner, before he was Tracer Pulse, managed to enter the Cryosphere, and located a mad scientist who was experimenting with a method of giving people super-powers. It wasn't working too well - oh, it gave them powers, but it left them in such agony that they invariably killed themselves.
Banner volunteered anyway.
The treatment makes it so that, at every given moment, a minuscule fraction of his body mass is converted into energy that's used to empower the rest of him. It gives him his energy blasts, his super-speed... but it also effectively means that internally, he's constantly burning alive (and regenerating faster than he's burning). Unlike the previous test subjects, he was able to handle the pain.

- Causality has apparently had some cultural issues with her becoming a super heroine. Wonder what that's about?
I don't know all that much about Indian culture and I don't want to just project Western elements on it...
But, well, Causality's situation is complicated. She's got a bit of a conservative, traditionalist streak that is at odds with the rest of her, she's got a husband who's a little insecure about his wife being a huge name in the scientific community and a lot more insecure about her being a Global Champion, she is generally unfond of superheroics as a career but intellectually recognizes that she is both good at it and very much needed...

- And then of course, there are all the Nemeses amongst them.
Doctor Combat has been discussed before. Baron Midnight is a somewhat sadistic master thief with blood on his hands. The Brain is a powerful Japanese telepathic supervillain. Valerius is the "vampire" from Global Might. Neo is the leader of a mutant supremacist gang. The Druid is a magic-wielding eco-terrorist.
In Thermakron's case, he was created by Madman after the Man Of Might halved the world's superhero population. Madman figured it would give the heroes a bit of breathing room and prevent things from immediately going all grimdark. Thermakron himself is not aware of this (but it is one of the leading hypotheses he and the rest of the Global Champions have).
Huh, guess Madman is more in love with the hero-villain dynamic than I thought; it's one think to keep the heroes on their toes, it's another to correct the balance when things swing too hard in the villains' direction. Though that does make me wonder: did Madman not know of Asmodeus's Man of Might scheme beforehand, given his actions in stopping him and balancing the hero-villain scales after?

In Mimic's case, he is an adventurer native to Wunderburg, an elven city founded by Avalonian expats who felt stifled by Avalon's cultural emphasis on tradition on duty. This means Wunderburg is a bit of a chaotic place, with some very experimental magic. Mimic, at some point, went on a quest through Limbo to look for Avalon, and found it... at which point Nollius had him thrown in his dungeons and put through a lot of things best left unsaid (including, at some point, a total memory-wipe). At some point in the years after Avalon returned from Limbo, Mimic was able to jailbreak.
Hmm, was Wunderburg banished to Limbo like all the other magical people and places, or did it escape the banishment and remained on Earth until WW2 (meaning that Mimic found his way into Limbo from outside and was captured)? And does Mimic look like an elf in his natural form?

Kevin Banner, before he was Tracer Pulse, managed to enter the Cryosphere, and located a mad scientist who was experimenting with a method of giving people super-powers. It wasn't working too well - oh, it gave them powers, but it left them in such agony that they invariably killed themselves.
Banner volunteered anyway.
The treatment makes it so that, at every given moment, a minuscule fraction of his body mass is converted into energy that's used to empower the rest of him. It gives him his energy blasts, his super-speed... but it also effectively means that internally, he's constantly burning alive (and regenerating faster than he's burning). Unlike the previous test subjects, he was able to handle the pain.
Wow. Just wow. Another sign that you are one amazing worldbuilder. And Tracer Pulse is a badass, to be in constant burning agony yet NOT SHOW IT AT ALL.
Interesting that you never mentioned regeneration as part of Tracer Pulse's powers, but it seems to be a core component of his powerset. And does that mean he has connections to the villains' contingent that he's not telling anyone? I'm assuming that he's dedicated enough to justice that he didn't get the powers first and decide to become a hero later; he knew what he was going to use his powers for when he got them. Did the doctors not know they were empowering a future superhero, or did they not care?

I'm kinda curious how these arch-Nemesis relationships started. Dr. Combat and BBR is already explained, and Baron Midnight and Tracer Pulse already have that thief-detective dynamic, but what about the rest? Is Brain a mastermind and manipulator that had manipulated Titan before, like how the Purple Man brainwashed Jessica Jones in her TV series? Did Neo undermine one of Mr. Tomorrow's social movements with an attack, setting back human-mutant relationships and gain Mr. Tomorrow's undivided attention? Are Valerius and Techno-Paladin rivals in logic and intellectualism, both trying to out-think or out-maneuver the other? Is the Druid an anti-technologist that views all robots as abominations against nature?

Sorry for all the questions, but your worldbuilding is so incredible! It's got me so eager to know more!
Huh, guess Madman is more in love with the hero-villain dynamic than I thought; it's one think to keep the heroes on their toes, it's another to correct the balance when things swing too hard in the villains' direction. Though that does make me wonder: did Madman not know of Asmodeus's Man of Might scheme beforehand, given his actions in stopping him and balancing the hero-villain scales after?
The thing with Madman is, he doesn't want the world to bad end, but he also doesn't want the responsibility of keeping the world from bad ending. So, in situations where he feels his intervention is necessary, he tries to either hide his involvement or make it look like it's just another chaos-for-chaos'-sake plan of his (that the heroes, by the skin of their teeth, manage to turn to their favor). If people actually started relying on Madman for anything, he'd go "nuts to that" and find a different world to play with.
And yeah, the Man Of Might took him by surprise.

Hmm, was Wunderburg banished to Limbo like all the other magical people and places, or did it escape the banishment and remained on Earth until WW2 (meaning that Mimic found his way into Limbo from outside and was captured)? And does Mimic look like an elf in his natural form?
The timeline goes:
-Avalonian expats found Wunderburg.
-Nollius takes over Avalon, and the remaining Avalonian mages cast a ritual to send all of Earth's magic into Limbo.
-A Wunderburger adventurer goes on a quest through Limbo, finds Avalon, is sent to the dungeons.
-Avalon returns from Limbo.
-The adventurer escapes from Avalon and becomes the superhero Mimic.
And Mimic... well. Wunderburgers experiment a lot with magic-based transhumanism transelfism. He looks... odd, but not quite elvish, in his base form. Snow-white skin, massive monochrome eyes...

Wow. Just wow. Another sign that you are one amazing worldbuilder. And Tracer Pulse is a badass, to be in constant burning agony yet NOT SHOW IT AT ALL.
Interesting that you never mentioned regeneration as part of Tracer Pulse's powers, but it seems to be a core component of his powerset. And does that mean he has connections to the villains' contingent that he's not telling anyone? I'm assuming that he's dedicated enough to justice that he didn't get the powers first and decide to become a hero later; he knew what he was going to use his powers for when he got them. Did the doctors not know they were empowering a future superhero, or did they not care?
Tracer Pulse doesn't mechanically have a regeneration power - basically, his accelerated healing "just" compensates for the fact that he's constantly burning internally.

It should be noted that Tracer Pulse is the most antiheroic of the Global Champions. Before his empowerment, he was a cop, and not the cleanest one - he was the sort to turn down bribes less out of principle than because it felt too much like taking orders from the briber. And this is the guy who chose to burn - to be constantly burning forever - rather than admit weakness. Kind of says a lot.
At the same time, he was fully aware that once he got powers, he'd pretty much have to choose between fully siding with the good guys or the bad, and he went heroside because he does have some standards and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep them if he went supervillain.

As for the scientist who empowered him, he didn't really care what his test subject did, just that he got the empowerment method working. ...Not that he has managed to get rid of the debilitating pain problem or anything.

I'm kinda curious how these arch-Nemesis relationships started. Dr. Combat and BBR is already explained, and Baron Midnight and Tracer Pulse already have that thief-detective dynamic, but what about the rest? Is Brain a mastermind and manipulator that had manipulated Titan before, like how the Purple Man brainwashed Jessica Jones in her TV series? Did Neo undermine one of Mr. Tomorrow's social movements with an attack, setting back human-mutant relationships and gain Mr. Tomorrow's undivided attention? Are Valerius and Techno-Paladin rivals in logic and intellectualism, both trying to out-think or out-maneuver the other? Is the Druid an anti-technologist that views all robots as abominations against nature?
With Brain, well, he was there, he was pulling whatever it was he was pulling (you don't need to be all that smart to be dangerous when you can remote-control other people), and Titan was both there to stop it and strong-willed enough to work past his telepathy. There's arguably more of a story to her previous archnemesis Doc Prometheus, but, well, he's been arrested and is currently in a prison in Venture City (a somewhat cushy one - they've given him a deal where he gets decent accommodations comparable to house arrest and gets to work on new technology, though he doesn't get to personally build anything or upload code that doesn't get double-checked by his partners).

Neo grew up in a rich Afrikaner family that was intensely, loudly pro-apartheid, and it has influenced his views fairly visibly. He's big on mutants ruling non-mutants, he's charismatic enough to recruit others, and he's pro-violence - so it's no wonder Mister Tomorrow wants him gone yesterday.

Valerius once had a long-running scheme where he abducted and impersonated the governor of New York for months on end, and Techno-Paladin was the one who figured it out and exposed him. They're respectively the smartest member of Global Might and the Global Champions, so, there's some intellectual rivalry going on.

The Druid has made it a personal crusade to destroy Venture City. Thermakron has been hired as a security guard by Venture City. They've clashed a couple of times. Certainly his anti-tech views don't accommodate sapient robots very well.