I suspect we can anticipate Valefor and his minions, along with possible other Endbringer cults, making their way here, for obvious reasons.
[X] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[X] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[X] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[X] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[X] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[X] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[X] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[X] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[X] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.
-[X] Start with the Guild. Even though they're based in Canada they're much more of an international force. Maybe they can give you some more insight into the world at large. It'll also be a good chance to catch up with Dragon about the omnimetal situation.
[X] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
[X] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
[X] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
Vote will remain open for a bit, especially since I'm struggling with another thing I'm trying to write.
In the meanwhile, have a repost from the Sufficient Feels thread that looked appropriate:

Vote will remain open for a bit, especially since I'm struggling with another thing I'm trying to write.
In the meanwhile, have a repost from the Sufficient Feels thread that looked appropriate:

It's even better because Superman, like the Avatar, went to war with the KKK back before it was cool. Though admittedly comic book continuity made him much less successful than the Avatar...
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

It's even better because Superman, like the Avatar, went to war with the KKK back before it was cool. Though admittedly comic book continuity made him much less successful than the Avatar...

This kind of story is one of my favourite kinds of history; silly, but with widespread positive results. http://m.mentalfloss.com/article.php?id=23157
Yeah. You know what Superman movie I really want to see on the big screen? A "based on a true story" movie of his role in bringing down the KKK.
Assuming he had all of the details leading up to the situation (and of the situation itself), how would Avatar have reacted to Warlord Skitter, queen of Brockton Bay?
Assuming he had all of the details leading up to the situation (and of the situation itself), how would Avatar have reacted to Warlord Skitter, queen of Brockton Bay?
Assuming he had some reputation built up beforehand?
1)Have words with the PRT.
2)Track down the Undersiders, fairly easily.
3)Have words with Skitter and the Undersiders. About how they've been very brave against the Nine, and he respects what good they did accomplish, but that a lot of what they've done is just plain not cool, and that if they want to hold on to power over the city they'll need to do worse. Offer to try to mediate some deal with the PRT that keeps the Undies out of jail while also removing them from their warlords position (possibly getting them to join the white hats). Play up his crazy charisma.
4)Make it clear that, yeah, if it comes down to it, he'll regretfully arrest them himself. He's seen what happens when supervillains call the shots, and he's not going to let another country slide into parahuman feudalism.

Kind of hard to find a winning move in that situation, but he'd try.
[X] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.

[X] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.

[X] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.
Assuming he had some reputation built up beforehand?
1)Have words with the PRT.
2)Track down the Undersiders, fairly easily.
3)Have words with Skitter and the Undersiders. About how they've been very brave against the Nine, and he respects what good they did accomplish, but that a lot of what they've done is just plain not cool, and that if they want to hold on to power over the city they'll need to do worse. Offer to try to mediate some deal with the PRT that keeps the Undies out of jail while also removing them from their warlords position (possibly getting them to join the white hats). Play up his crazy charisma.
4)Make it clear that, yeah, if it comes down to it, he'll regretfully arrest them himself. He's seen what happens when supervillains call the shots, and he's not going to let another country slide into parahuman feudalism.

Kind of hard to find a winning move in that situation, but he'd try.

So pretty much he'd look at the situation and be like: ">_>. <_<. Wtf." *flies to PRT* "So....we need to have a talk about how you've handled....everything." *Flies to Undersiders* "So...good job. And bad job. Like...best of a bad situation here, but how about we make the situation not bad so we don't have to choose the best of terrible options mkay?"
So pretty much he'd look at the situation and be like: ">_>. <_<. Wtf." *flies to PRT* "So....we need to have a talk about how you've handled....everything." *Flies to Undersiders* "So...good job. And bad job. Like...best of a bad situation here, but how about we make the situation not bad so we don't have to choose the best of terrible options mkay?"
Essentially it, yes - offering the sympathetic supervillains the best compromise he can, arresting them if they refuse.
Then hunting down what's left of the Nine and kicking their asses.
By the way, does anyone know the policy for cross-posting story-only threads with SpaceBattles? I know Gromweld posts every update of Alchemical Solutions there, but Alchemical Solutions started on SpaceBattles before migrating to Sufficient Velocity...
Hmmm...well, I do know that a quest writer, Torrnercury, started a quest here on SV and posted what is essentially a story thread on SB, and he didn't seem to have any issues with policy, so it's probably possible.

If you want to be absolutely sure, just ask a mod.
[X] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
[X] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
[X] Working with the Protectorate to really clean up the streets, arresting more villains.

Total voters: 41.

[ ] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here: 30/41

[ ] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board: 24/41

[ ] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave: 24/41

[ ] Finding more civilian applications for your powers: 23/41

[ ] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory: 19/41

[ ] Working with the Protectorate to really clean up the streets, arresting more villains: 9/41

Hm. Looks like you'll be dividing your attention four ways...

Total voters: 41.

[ ] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here: 30/41

[ ] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board: 24/41

[ ] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave: 24/41

[ ] Finding more civilian applications for your powers: 23/41

[ ] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory: 19/41

[ ] Working with the Protectorate to really clean up the streets, arresting more villains: 9/41

Hm. Looks like you'll be dividing your attention four ways...
Does the potential for options to interact with/go hand in hand with each other have any effects?