[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.

Best to get started on this ASAP.
"Hm. It's one way of seeing things, but it's a bit too pat," you say, rubbing your chin. "In my experience, whether someone fights back often depends less on who they are than on the circumstances. I've seen many people meekly take all sorts of abuse, then fight back like berserkers when that same abuse happened to someone they cared about. I've seen brave, self-reliant survivors fall apart and allow themselves to be meekly victimized in specific situations. If there are, as you say, two types… then everyone out there belongs to both." That seems to actually put her off-balance, which is what you were going for - her beliefs sound far too much like an excuse for victimization.
Hmm. With a little more work we might be able to flip Sophia into being an actual decent human being.

But at what cost :V

"I remember my trigger event," she interrupts you. "I've yet to meet any other cape who does. They remember the trauma, they remember the power, but they don't remember the moment between when they lost consciousness. I didn't. I remember every bit." She pauses. "I remember seeing a creature the size of a planet, moving. Parts of it flaking off, each one the size of a mountain. One of those flakes was moving toward me. Next thing I knew, I had this," she points are her weapon.
And that's a big piece of the puzzle right there.

You blink. "Your power. It's inter-planar."
Aaaand another one.

Still, two things are clear to you. The first one is that parahuman abilities have highly arbitrary limitations. The Manton effect, people who can only turn into monsters when they're not being watched, and so many more examples… It seems obvious that whatever hands out powers is deliberately limiting them in some ways. The second thing… There are multiple reported cases of parahumans becoming psychologically unstable after triggering. Some of it is no doubt due to the trauma of the trigger event, but some goes beyond that. Some even sounds closer to brain damage.
Getting close.

But also because working on her like this is highly informative. You've been scanning her in every possible way. Like Miss Militia (and other parahumans, it would seem), her powers come from another plane. It's slowly twisting her biology… but also her brain. You haven't performed a telepathic scan, but you were able to see molecules and energy being moved around artificially in her head. It wasn't subtle - if anything, it looked downright primal. And you have to wonder - does the source of parahuman abilities mess up the brains of these people deliberately, on a general basis? Is that why things are such a mess on Earth-Bet?
Allllllmost there.

The meeting lasts another hour. You act as a bit of an armchair lawyer for Skitter. You (and to a lesser extent, Miss Militia) manage to soothe egos enough that the PRT commits to bringing her into the Wards program - though you'll be having a second meeting tomorrow to finalize things, this time with Skitter's father present. That prospect clearly has her very nervous, to the point that you offer to be there and provide moral support when she reveals her parahuman nature to him. She thanks you, but ultimately declines. She does, however, gladly accept the number of your PRT phone.
Glad we were at that meeting. The leadership wasn't deliberately sandbagging her, but they were definitely a bit wrapped up in their egos and muh institutional rehsponsebilitah.

If she gets shipped out of BB we won't even have to worry about the Stupendous Shadow Stalker/Skitter Shitstorm Spectacular. And Taylor would get away from the toxic school environment and put somewhere where she has an actual support network.

So it's not a bad outcome for her by any means, it just means that she won't have as much screentime :(

[ ] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
What I'm leaning towards. We're pretty damn close to putting together all the pieces of the power puzzle and this will help.

Also helps out Noelle, so warm fuzzies all around. Gotta continue that trend of helping rather than righteous face punching.

[ ] Check up on the Undersiders. Villains or not, they're Skitter's friends, and you wonder what they're up to now that their boss is out of the equation.
Could be fun. Could be a waste. I have a hard time seeing how this would advance our larger interests.

[ ] Assist the Protectorate in patrols. Gearing your secondary powers toward super-senses, you can clean up the city with exceptional efficiency.
Street level heroics. Inefficient but fun to read about.

[ ] Look deeper into S-class threats. The sooner those are handled, the better for Earth-Bet.
Always worthwhile. Would prefer to help Noelle first since she is, after all, slowly losing control of her mind.

[ ] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.

Seriously, talking to Scion is a trap. At best he'll be completely indifferent to our presence. More likely he'll respond to the complete OCP by giving us his undivided attention (which is not good) or freaking the fuck out (which is also not good).
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[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
Let's not get close to the Golden Idiot that holds the power to end the world, also Noelle needs help....
[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.
[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.
Uh, why are people voting for the trap option? Scion does not have our best interest at heart and the only reason the Avatar thinks it's a good idea is because he doesn't know the truth.
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
Uh, why are people voting for the trap option? Scion does not have our best interest at heart and the only reason the Avatar thinks it's a good idea is because he doesn't know the truth.
Lies. The man is obviously a kindred spirit. He helps kittens out of trees! How can he be bad?

[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.
Hmm. With a little more work we might be able to flip Sophia into being an actual decent human being.

But at what cost :V
Heh heh heh.
(Amusingly enough, just today - before I wrote that section - I read the chapter in Cerulean's "Intrepid" where we get Sophia's trigger event story. Gotta say, I love that interpretation.)

And that's a big piece of the puzzle right there.

Aaaand another one.

Getting close.

Allllllmost there.
Unfortunately, you are not a Nobel prize-winning scientist like Causality, a genius detective like Tracer Pulse, or the world's smartest superhero like Techno-Paladin, so you're not going to figure everything out this easily.
But you're already closer to it than almost everyone on Earth-Bet.

Glad we were at that meeting. The leadership wasn't deliberately sandbagging her, but they were definitely a bit wrapped up in their egos and muh institutional rehsponsebilitah.

If she gets shipped out of BB we won't even have to worry about the Stupendous Shadow Stalker/Skitter Shitstorm Spectacular. And Taylor would get away from the toxic school environment and put somewhere where she has an actual support network.

So it's not a bad outcome for her by any means, it just means that she won't have as much screentime :(
That wasn't my original plan, until I started writing this chapter and realized sending her to another city made sense from the PRT's perspective.
From Taylor's perspective, yeah, this means getting away from Winslow. Her only friends in Brockton Bay are the Undersiders, and she's not going to be able to hang out with them anyway, so a clean slate isn't unwelcome. The only major obstacle is her dad, who does have both friends and responsibilities in the Bay... but, with the boat graveyard gone and reconstruction money all but guaranteed to pour in, he'd at least feel confident that he can leave town without hanging the dockworkers' union up to dry.
As for Skitter getting less screentime... Well, she'll still have your number, and the Avatar will likely check up on her. But anyway, it's not like the plan was to stay in Brockton Bay for months and years.

What I'm leaning towards. We're pretty damn close to putting together all the pieces of the power puzzle and this will help.

Also helps out Noelle, so warm fuzzies all around. Gotta continue that trend of helping rather than righteous face punching.
Hey! Your righteous face punching blasting is the reason the city is still standing and the entire world is concluding the "Watery Fucker Had It Coming" party.


Seriously, talking to Scion is a trap. At best he'll be completely indifferent to our presence. More likely he'll respond to the complete OCP by giving us his undivided attention (which is not good) or freaking the fuck out (which is also not good).
Do keep in mind, the Avatar is going to try to contact Scion sooner or later, simply because not doing so makes zero sense in-character.
I mean, what does he know about Scion? Most powerful guy around, powerful enough to solo Endbringers, spends all his time helping people but seems to suffer from some kind of autism or something that keeps him from properly communicating and prioritizing. With meta-knowledge, having a chat with Scion in the hope of establishing a rapport and hopefully getting him to be more efficient in how he helps (obtaining a powerful ally against class-S threats) is simply the obvious thing to do.
The vote isn't about whether or not you will contact Scion - it's about whether or not you will do it now, rather than at some future lull in activity, like in a week or something.
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[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
Lies. The man is obviously a kindred spirit. He helps kittens out of trees! How can he be bad?
No! Bad kitty! Don't pick the schmuck bait!

Heh heh heh.
(Amusingly enough, just today - before I wrote that section - I read the chapter in Cerulean's "Intrepid" where we get Sophia's trigger event story. Gotta say, I love that interpretation.)
I'm all for more moral ambiguity. This is, in it's own way, a fix fic (it's Superman-tier dude in Worm. It's kinda by definition a fix fic) so showing Sophia the path to non-bitchhood is definitely part of the premise.

It's all a matter of whether players think it's worth the effort to redeem her. If they don't that's fine - there's plenty of good reasons to hate Sophia. But the fact that they're not willing to forgive, unwilling to let go of that hatred, also says something about the players as well :drevil:

Unfortunately, you are not a Nobel prize-winning scientist like Causality, a genius detective like Tracer Pulse, or the world's smartest superhero like Techno-Paladin, so you're not going to figure everything out this easily.
But you're already closer to it than almost everyone on Earth-Bet.
Honestly I figure the Avatar won't be able to figure it out by himself. His sensory powers make him really awesome at gathering clues, but it'll take a powwow session with some of the better Thinkers (so an opportunity to rope in Lisa) to actually get close to the final answer and even then it'll probably be indirect because there is that whole mental block thing. Which is, of course, yet another clue and the Avatar's perceptive enough to notice such a hindrance.

That wasn't my original plan, until I started writing this chapter and realized sending her to another city made sense from the PRT's perspective.
From Taylor's perspective, yeah, this means getting away from Winslow. Her only friends in Brockton Bay are the Undersiders, and she's not going to be able to hang out with them anyway, so a clean slate isn't unwelcome. The only major obstacle is her dad, who does have both friends and responsibilities in the Bay... but, with the boat graveyard gone and reconstruction money all but guaranteed to pour in, he'd at least feel confident that he can leave town without hanging the dockworkers' union up to dry.
As for Skitter getting less screentime... Well, she'll still have your number, and the Avatar will likely check up on her. But anyway, it's not like the plan was to stay in Brockton Bay for months and years.
Yeah, Danny is her one attachment to BB. She hates her school life and only really cares about the Undersiders (and even then is kinda on the fence about them right now because they were definitely OK with the Dinah situation). She has no real ties to BB aside from the fact that Danny has ties here.

Do keep in mind, the Avatar is going to try to contact Scion sooner or later, simply because not doing so makes zero sense in-character.
I mean, what does he know about Scion? Most powerful guy around, powerful enough to solo Endbringers, spends all his time helping people but seems to suffer from some kind of autism or something that keeps him from properly communicating and prioritizing. With meta-knowledge, having a chat with Scion in the hope of establishing a rapport and hopefully getting him to be more efficient in how he helps (obtaining a powerful ally against class-S threats) is simply the obvious thing to do.
The vote isn't about whether or not you will contact Scion - it's about whether or not you will do it now, rather than at some future lull in activity, like in a week or something.
Oh yes, it is entirely in character for him to do so! It's just a terrible idea for reasons that the Avatar isn't aware of.

Which is why I'm trying to keep him preoccupied and pulling at the strings of the stuff that might get him to realize what he's actually dealing with.
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
Oh! Another reason why Taylor going to Boston is Good For Her: guess who's totally awesome and stationed in Boston? WELD.

Weld has a lot going for him.

- Kind
- Intelligent
- Supportive
- Non-judgmental
- Totally awesome dude
- Needs a Munchkin Queen to really take full advantage of his powerset
[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.

I was somewhat torn between this and the S-Class one, but dealing with Noelle is preventing an S-Class event anyway. Also, if we get her human-shaped enough that we can slap a dimensional barrier between her and her shard without killing her, we get our Scion talk option for free. :whistle:
[] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.

[X] Look deeper into S-class threats. The sooner those are handled, the better for Earth-Bet.
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[X] Spend most of the day helping Noelle. It's slow, gruelling work, but you might help her maintain her humanity… physically, at least.
I'm all for more moral ambiguity. This is, in it's own way, a fix fic (it's Superman-tier dude in Worm. It's kinda by definition a fix fic) so showing Sophia the path to non-bitchhood is definitely part of the premise.
"Superman-tier"... Hm... I'd say you're above the DCAU "I live in a world of cardboard" Superman, and below the JLA "Doomsday is cancelled until further notice" Superman.

It's all a matter of whether players think it's worth the effort to redeem her. If they don't that's fine - there's plenty of good reasons to hate Sophia. But the fact that they're not willing to forgive, unwilling to let go of that hatred, also says something about the players as well :drevil:
Do note that the transfer means Taylor and Sophia won't be unmasking in front of each other... but Taylor's definitely going to get mandatory therapy, the names of her bullies will definitely come out, and there's a nontrivial chance that this shit will still hit the fan at some point.

Oh! Another reason why Taylor going to Boston is Good For Her: guess who's totally awesome and stationed in Boston? WELD.

Weld has a lot going for him.

- Kind
- Intelligent
- Supportive
- Non-judgmental
- Totally awesome dude
- Needs a Munchkin Queen to really take full advantage of his powerset
The question then becomes - is Weld staying in Boston?

If you read Miss Militia's interlude, it's revealed that prior to Leviathan's attack, the PRT had decided to restructure the local Protectorate and Wards. Weld was going to be sent to Brockton Bay (meaning, that was in the works even before Gallant and Aegis died), while Aegis, Kid Win, and another Ward were meant to be transferred out of town. Armsmaster was going to be sent to Chicago, under Myrddin's leadership. Then Leviathan happened, and plans were redrawn.

Here, of course, Leviathan happened differently. All the local heroes (and Kaiser, and Alabaster) are still alive and well. Furthermore, much as the PRT is happy to have Leviathan dead and gone, they also want as much of the credit for it as they can get without looking like they're stealing the Avatar's - hence why they're playing up Eidolon, Armsmaster, Bastion and Vista's roles in the narrative. So Armsmaster went overnight from the failing failure who failed Brockton Bay to the heroic hero whose heroism and Protectorate resources made the Avatar's victory possible (and to be fair, that's not that big a stretch).

Throw in that suddenly, Brockton Bay is Leviathan Died Here City - it's acquired a huge symbolic importance overnight, so leaving it under villain control is no longer acceptable from a PR perspective. And the boat graveyard is gone, and cities that survived an Endbringer "good day" often get immigration and visitors from people figuring "hey, Endbringers don't attack the same place twice in a row"... Long story short, the PRT would really, really love to turn the Bay from one of the nastier cape cities to a shining symbol of triumphant heroism. So sending heroes to other cities is less interesting. Armsmaster's staying, obviously. So is Tsunami. That the Avatar is staying for a bit (and has already removed Coil) is fortuitous.

What happens to the Wards remains to be decided.
[X] Try to have a chat with Scion. He's both incredibly powerful and, from the looks of it, purely heroic - there might be something there.

As much as I hate Scion, we are going to talk to him one way or another. That much is fact via word of god. I would much rather do it on our own terms than to have Scion suddenly show up and go Autismo on our ass.