She's not a helpless toddler, and the Avatar has pretty much done everything but guide her by hand towards the Wards. We might revisit her later, but for now there's plenty of other issues to work on.
[X] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.

[X] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.

[X] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.

[X] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.

[X] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.

for the guild
This is so heartwarming and well written I could read it over and over again.

Does Avatar have any personal agenda against Nazism, some event or something that affected him personally, or is it just that the malignant and atrocious beliefs and acts associated with it offend his very being? It's interesting, trying to rationalize the personality and motives of a person who is both a concept and yet still a person.
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This is so heartwarming and well written I could read it over and over again.

Does Avatar have any personal agenda against Nazism, some event or something that affected him personally, or is it just that the malignant and atrocious beliefs and acts associated with it offend his very being? It's interesting, trying to rationalize the personality and motives of a person who is both a concept and yet still a person.

Remember how he explained he was dying in the sun for a few years in the 1940s? Yeah when he finally came back, he saw the shit the Nazis were doing with magic and powers being involved as well.
The Avatar and Nazism
are...we just leaving skitter to hang in the wind if we don't vote on that?
Piggot has asked you to arrange a meeting between Skitter and relevant people in the PRT/Protectorate/Wards, so that's gonna happen regardless of the vote.
Voting for that option moves things from "A meeting between Armsmaster and Skitter? Eh, I'm sure they can handle it. I'll introduce them and get back to my other duties" to "Skitter, Aegis, Miss Militia, relevant PRT agent - let's have a chat, with me as mediator".

This is so heartwarming and well written I could read it over and over again.
Thanks. :)

Does Avatar have any personal agenda against Nazism, some event or something that affected him personally, or is it just that the malignant and atrocious beliefs and acts associated with it offend his very being? It's interesting, trying to rationalize the personality and motives of a person who is both a concept and yet still a person.
Well... If you'll recall, from what's been revealed so far...
In the lead-up to WWII, the Third Reich, having seen where the Avatar's sympathies lie (he had pretty much destroyed the Ku Klux Klan as an organization), hired the alien mercenary Tagton to get rid of him. Tagton trapped him in the heart of the Sun, where he spent half a decade burning alive and regenerating. He finally broke free in 1944, and came to an Earth ravaged by the world war, with the Holocaust at full swing.
So, he helped the Allies kick Nazi ass... only for Nazi mystics, as a desperate gamble, to bring magic back from Limbo. That was one of the biggest - no, the biggest "oh crap" moment of his superhero career, and he has been deeply concerned about the implications ever since.
Meanwhile, the greatest Nazi supersoldier, Blitzkrieg (aka Otto Skorzeny), has managed to survive the end of the war and became an international supervillain. Over half a century later, he's still active, and a member of Global Might, the supervillain team that can fight the Global Champions directly.
And with all of that taken into account...
...his opposition to Nazism is still motivated much more by principle than out of any personal vendetta. :D
Seeing as the number of options chosen by people varies (some two, some three, some four, etc) how will you determine which actions are taken specifically after the tally?
I'll compare the number of people who have chosen each specific option to the total number of people who have voted in general.
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.
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Voting for that option moves things from "A meeting between Armsmaster and Skitter? Eh, I'm sure they can handle it. I'll introduce them and get back to my other duties" to "Skitter, Aegis, Miss Militia, relevant PRT agent - let's have a chat, with me as mediator".
So, given that there has been less-than-subtle pushback by the two individuals with the most power to make or break the deal - Piggot and Armsmaster - I think our continued intervention might be warranted to make sure that people don't "accidentally" sabotage things.

Hmm. Stunt inbound, with fixes to the other ones.
yeah Armsmaster got humiliated by Skitter personally and Piggot already dislikes paras without having to recruit one who has made the PRT and Protectorate look bad. We should probably go there to make sure things go smoothly
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[x] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.
-[x] Start with the Guild. Even though they're based in Canada they're much more of an international force. Maybe they can give you some more insight into the world at large. It'll also be a good chance to catch up with Dragon about the omnimetal situation.

Note, in case people are wondering: having the PRT handle the logistics of the omnimetal delivery is a bit of a test on multiple fronts. One, it'll help determine if the PRT acts in good faith. Two, it gives you a better idea of the logistical situation on Earth-Bet. Three, it's schmuck bait for whatever idiot villain decides to intercept a shipment.

@sun tzu - is the power investigation stunt better?
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[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[x] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.
This is annoying. I was inclined to let the people concerned deal with Skitter's recruitment as rational human beings, but apparently that's too hard for their chip on their shoulder, which might as well be a 30 ton anchor.

[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.
This is annoying. I was inclined to let the people concerned deal with Skitter's recruitment as rational human beings, but apparently that's too hard for their chip on their shoulder, which might as well be a 30 ton anchor.
To be fair, Skitter did painfully humiliate the heroes on multiple occasions. And single-handedly almost caused Armsmasters career (which is the only thing he cares about!) to tank.

They have good reasons to feel the way they do.
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[x] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.
-[x] Start with the Guild. Even though they're based in Canada they're much more of an international force. Maybe they can give you some more insight into the world at large. It'll also be a good chance to catch up with Dragon about the omnimetal situation.
@sun tzu - is the power investigation stunt better?
Looks all right.

To be fair, Skitter did painfully humiliate the heroes on multiple occasions. And single-handedly almost caused Armsmasters career (which is the only thing he cares about!) to tank.

They have good reasons to feel the way they do.
Plus, there's the whole, y'know, attacking a charity fundraiser. Which as far as most people can tell, wasn't done for money or anything, but just an act of terrorism.
Taylor never gave it much thought in canon, but from the perspective of a lot of people, that's a pretty nasty Kick The Dog moment.
Plus, there's the whole, y'know, attacking a charity fundraiser. Which as far as most people can tell, wasn't done for money or anything, but just an act of terrorism.
Taylor never gave it much thought in canon, but from the perspective of a lot of people, that's a pretty nasty Kick The Dog moment.
Ayup. Protagonist vision can blind one to a lot of evils.

And is going to make selling to the public the fact that she's switching sides a right pain in the arse. The whole "hard undercover" bit might ease that a bit. And conveniently put the screws on Armsmaster, who knew.
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but youdon't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has childsoldiers. Child. Soldiers.Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instancesconscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetalcreated and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[x] Getting in touch with countries and heroesbeyond Protectorate territory.
-[x] Start with the Guild. Even though they're based in Canada they're much more of an international force. Maybe they can give yousome more insight into theworld at large. It'll also be a good chance to catch up with Dragon about theomnimetal situation.
Plus, there's the whole, y'know, attacking a charity fundraiser. Which as far as most people can tell, wasn't done for money or anything, but just an act of terrorism.
Taylor never gave it much thought in canon, but from the perspective of a lot of people, that's a pretty nasty Kick The Dog moment.
Obviously, whoever is fighting against the Undersiders is the one kicking the dog. Bitch is handy like that. ;)
[x] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board.
-[x] It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that some of the people with the power to make or break the deal are highly resistant (at best!) to the idea of Skitter switching sides. Which is not to say that skepticism isn't warranted, but you don't want any lingering bad blood accidentally sabotaging her chance at redemption.

[x] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave.
-[x] The PRT has child soldiers. Child. Soldiers. Needless to say you're rather unhappy with the fact that people in positions of authority are allowing - and in some instances conscripting - minors to run around and get into fights. Why is this a thing.

[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?
[x] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here.
-[x] The PRT has given you a rather disturbing set of data points as to why they have a Wards program in the first place. Your knowledge about how powers work back home would suggest that the idea is utterly ridiculous and yet...the situation here makes no sense. That poor Noelle girl, her very first instinct was to lash out. What the hell is going on here?

[x] Finding more civilian applications for your powers.
-[x] Just enough to get samples of omnimetal created and sent out to various Tinkers and government science teams. The PRT can handle the logistics end of things.

[x] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory.

I'm specifically against helping Skitter (I'm saying this while knowing that we are going to help her anyway...) because, quite simply, her importance is going to be much smaller then in Worm and using a lot of time to help her ("preemptively", as the problems haven't really shown themselves yet, and as far as Avatar knows[or will know soon], she will end up as probationary ward which isn't too bad and is what she "deserves") while people are suffering on a much larger scale sounds to me like not thinking about the big picture that Avatar still needs to fix this world and that Taylor's isn't the first, the last, or the worst life to be ruined by the circumstances (S9 victims come into my mind...).
Vote will keep going for a while, but here's the current tally:

Total votes: 35
[ ] Pushing the PRT to bring Skitter on board: 15/35
[ ] Getting to know the local heroes - Protectorate, Wards, and New Wave: 19/35
[ ] Getting a better idea of how superpowers work here: 26/35
[ ] Working with the Protectorate to really clean up the streets, arresting more villains: 9/35
[ ] Finding more civilian applications for your powers: 18/35
[ ] Getting in touch with countries and heroes beyond Protectorate territory: 17/35