@sun tzu How would Madman deal with someone who has God's Eye? Specifically the version that is a form of precognition that allows a person to see the future that results from everyone's free will?

Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about it's a precognition power that only allows it's user to see the future when the future is set and everyone who could have and would have exercised their free will (including the power's user) to bring about said future did. It's a nasty form of precognition since it gives it's user only visions of moments of the future that can't be changed and as such will happen.
Sounds like quite the meticulous sort. And the fact that you say all that so casually makes me glad that she is for furthering Humanities advancement.

Thank you for answering my questions, but I do have one more; There wouldn't happen to be an alternate version of yourself with less than humanitarian interests stomping around the Multi-Verse somewhere is there? We've seen what an alternate Techno-Paladin is capable of-and wasn't that a disturbing segment-so I shutter to think what would happen should a more malicious version of you or Suzanne were skulking about,
Madman: "The multiverse is a big place. But, let's say I've scanned a portion of it larger than the one occupied by the Entities, and nope, no alternates of either me or Suzanne."
Madman: "Unless you count Data Diablo, who isn't a parallel universe version so much as my mirror image who formed in the Digital Plane. Cool guy. Love his sense of humor."

Mind indulging a few curiosities, @sun tzu?
  • Does Earth-Gimel have anything approximating Gesellschaft as a supremacist villain organization, and if it does, how dedicated is Bleu-Blanc-Rouge to getting rid of it? If not, which do you think hits BBR's Berserk Button the hardest - the Combat Network at home, or Gesellschaft here, or the Front pour la Patrie in particular?
  • How much of a correlation is there between the Global Champions and winners of the Bastion Award? Do all members have one? Is it an unspoken requirement that only winners of a Bastion Award are considered for the Champions, or do Champions just end up earning one as a matter of course?
  • Do you think any of the Omni-Force's A-listers could make as big a change to Earth-Bet as any of the Champions? If not, how do you think dropping the entire Omni-Force in will shake things up?
1)Well, there's Shadow. Who, aside from their anti-mutant agenda, strive to maintain some degree of connection with the more right-wing political elements. Certainly, Bleu-Blanc-Rouge has no love for the fuckers and is always happy for any opportunity to kick them in the teeth.
Other than that, there also exists a mutant supremacist movement, though it's fairly small (and, interestingly enough, exclusively white; its leader, Neo, is a South-African Boer from a family that resolutely supported apartheid). Mister Tomorrow puts a lot of time and effort in curtailing them.
And I imagine that while all of the above organizations would piss Capitaine Moran, the Front Pour La Patrie is the one that would enrage him the most.

2)There's certainly an observed correlation - a significant fraction of Bastiond Award winners either were Global Champions, or joined later. That list includes the Avatar (literally the first person to receive the award), Titan, Techno-Paladin, Bleu-Blance-Rouge and Tracer Pulse, to speak only of currently active members. But no, there's no "unspoken requirement" - see Causality, Mimic, Thermakron, Mister Tomorrow and Phantom.

3)Well, the higher-end ones, like Captain Quanta, would be comparable to Alexandria or Legend in terms of power. So, big enough to make a local difference. The entire Omni-Force? That'd be about a hundred people who are, at the low end, on Glory Girl/Armsmaster/Purity's power level. So, enough to, say, change the balance of power in the American East Coast.
But ultimately, Earth-Bet would still be better served with any of the Global Champions, and I don't mean because of their powers.

@sun tzu How would Madman deal with someone who has God's Eye? Specifically the version that is a form of precognition that allows a person to see the future that results from everyone's free will?

Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about it's a precognition power that only allows it's user to see the future when the future is set and everyone who could have and would have exercised their free will (including the power's user) to bring about said future did. It's a nasty form of precognition since it gives it's user only visions of moments of the future that can't be changed and as such will happen.
Well, that depends on the mechanics of how that power works, but it is highly unlikely that Madman can't mess with it. Be it via "letting things happen like the precognition said they would, then using time-tech to change how it happened", via "messing with the perception of the person with God's Eye so instead of seeing the future, they're seeing what I want them to see", via "just go back in time and prevent them from getting this power"...
Mr Madman will you go back to Earth Bet time to time to either help Avatar on some things but not much and Do more pranks on other people I'm waiting for a LBQT flag on the main white supremacy organization in Germany to see it every and a bunch of them in their leaders room it's good entertainment
white supremacy organization in Germany
That's something I never understood. How the heck did the rise of Parahumans restart Nazism? I know nothing about German politics so maybe i'm missing a few things but...how? Why? I just don't get it at all. And the fact that that's one of the most prominent organizations to come out of Europe is messed up. I don't know maybe I just don't see it but it just seems crazy to me.

With that being said however, I would like to commend Worm for having the most believable version of China in a superpowered setting. Seriously, I believe everything about the Yangban would be real.
Brasilia Rising

[X] For now, do nothing directly. Over the rest of the week, when opportunities arise and other matters aren't monopolizing your resources, gather intel on the Jacksonville PRT and villains.

For all that you've been working hard to develop good working relations with the Protectorate and PRT, you mustn't blind yourself to its flaws. Institutional problems must be tackled head-on.

At the same, it would make little sense to rush into this. You could easily end up doing more harm than good, especially when all your information so far comes from a single, unverified source.

"I will look into this matter, ma'am," you say. "If it's truly that bad, then I will take action."

"Thank you, Avatar," she nods. "Every day this goes on is a day they're endangering those children's lives."

You can't prioritize this over your work in Brazil, Mexico City or Vietnam… but you can begin looking around and asking a few questions.

The Brazilian President has elected to follow your advice concerning Belo Horizonte - seizing the wealth of many cartel-era profiteers and dismantling the police department that collaborated with the cartel. It takes a lot of effort to perform such a transition smoothly, and as such, the Guild is devoting a significant number of man-hours to keeping the peace in Belo Horizonte.

During your own shifts there over the past couple of days, you have run high-visibility patrols, pacified two small riots, helped oversee the disarmament of the disbanding police department, arrested an oligarch who'd fortified himself in his manor with some mercenaries and threatened to have anyone who tried to take his wealth shot, and raided a major brothel where much of the workforce had been employed under threat of violence (and, incidentally, had a policy of offering free or highly-discounted services to the police and members of the cartel). Said workforce, which numbered in the dozens, included a lot of minors; you made sure everyone was registered with social services and fast-tracked to receive compensation via the wealth seized from the cartel.

You don't doubt there's going to be a lot of ugliness, corruption, abuse, and people falling through the net in the coming years, but you do what you can to minimize it. Which includes a short visit to the administrative center where the bureaucrats are working overtime to put together the social services Belo Horizonte's people need.

"I'm… honored, but I'm not entirely sure why you're here."

"Partly to offer my assistance, should there be anything I can assist you with," you explain, loud enough for everyone to hear. "And partly to thank you all. I can fight supervillains and put out literal fires, but that's hardly enough to save a city, or a country. To run any society larger than a village, to make sure everyone gets everything that they need, requires incredible levels of organization, which becomes exponentially more complex as the number of people and the needs of society grow. I can't be there for every orphan that needs a roof over their head and an adult to protect them, for every recovering addict who needs a rehab program, for every starving, jobless family that needs a welfare cheque to survive the month. All those things require the hard work and dedication of an army of competent, dedicated administrators to build and run a complex bureaucratie. I know how essential your work is. I know the fate of millions is in your hands. I know how much your country needs you. And I want to thank you for doing what I cannot."

"I, I see." There's a pause. "...We're struggling to get IDs for everyone in the bidonvilles. If you could convince the people there to register more proactively…"

You proceed to spend some time doing just that. But perhaps more importantly, you've greatly boosted the morale of the city's administrative body.

It doesn't mean no-one there will be corrupt. It doesn't mean no-one there will slack off. But from experience, you expect both problems have just been significantly reduced.

"Not gonna lie, it's good to have you around," says Angel Verde as you patrol what is generally considered one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in Mexico City. "We usually don't even come to this neighborhood - it's considered Cognito Cartel territory. Heroes and cops only enter with permission from Cognito's goons."

You will grant the Cognito Cartel this much - from what you've been seeing, they're much more organized than the average criminal syndicate. They have men wearing cartel badges patrolling the area and keeping order - here, more than in most places, the difference between the organized criminals and a corrupt police force is fuzzy.

"How does the cartel monetize this area? Drugs and protection money?"

"That's part of it, obviously," says Verde, "but Cognito goes further. His people have actually bought a pretty big chunk of the buildings, so he gets to play landlord to a lot of these people, even local businesses. But when people can't make this month's payment… well, they often end up paying in favors. Those favors can involve trailing someone for a few hours, hiding a stash for the cartel overnight, providing a week's worth of off-the-book labor… often enough, it's just spending some time acting suspiciously, to deflect attention from the cartel's real work. It means Cognito always has tens of thousands of people he can call up to work for him on a day's notice. And the worst part is, a lot of them end up grateful to him for being the lesser evil."

"Compared to the other cartels? Or to the worst of the cops?"

"Or to the banks. Cognito's less likely to evict you if you miss payment on your rent."

"I see."

"Unrelatedly, penny for your thoughts about Bastion."

You pause. "Bastion? The leader of the Houston Protectorate?"

"The leader of the Houston Protectorate who's been using anti-Hispanic slurs. Again."

"...I don't think I caught that last time I got caught up on the news," you admit. "When did it happen?"

Bastion, apparently, was already in trouble somewhat before you were dropped in Earth-Bet, for precisely this sort of thing. His role in the Leviathan battle, however, allowed the PRT's PR department to salvage his career at the time.

With Mexico joining the Protectorate and twenty of its national heroes being transferred to the Houston branch, Bastion was apparently eager to quickly establish his "not a racist" cred, working with them to organize the recent victory against the Freedom Congress (the largest far-right supervillain group in Protectorate territory). Things seemed to be going well for a while, from an outside perspective… but there were hidden tensions behind the scenes, and some comments shared behind the new recruits' backs which have trickled into the public view.

As far as your quick research into the matter suggests, Bastion probably doesn't have the virulence and hatred one might find in members of the Freedom Congress, Empire 88, or other such groups. Rather, his is the more subdued bigotry of people who assign far more of a human's inclinations and abilities to ethnicity than is reasonable, unthinkingly treats those different as uniform members of their category rather than individuals, resents being required to be polite while decrying it as "political correctness", and assume that he they are "good guys" because there are people out there who are far worse.

There's a lot of people like that. But this one is leading the largest Protectorate branch in Texas, in a politically sensitive position. If he is allowed to retain his position, it will raise tensions, while Mexico is still transitioning into being a Protectorate member. If he is demoted from his position, it will enrage many Americans who will decry punishing a key Protectorate hero in order to placate Mexico and the Hispanic minority in the USA.

You're neither an agent of the PRT nor a member of the Houston Protectorate - none of this falls under your authority. You suppose you could get involved in a few manners, though, but would that be preferable to letting things play out?

"Upside of my Thinker power is, I don't miss much," Mister Clue chuckles mirthlessly. "Downside is, when I miss something? I can't tell myself I'd have figured it out eventually. I miss a connection, I know for a fact I wasn't smart enough to get it."

"You're being unduly harsh on yourself," you tell the Nigerian superhero, who as of yesterday is a provisional member of the Guild, along with the Tinker Optima. "Without your contribution, we might have lost the Nine's trail."

You're in Worcester, Massachusetts, helping gather clues from the location of the latest Slaughterhouse Nine sighting. With the manhunt drawing closer and closer, it looks like the Nine were here too briefly to do more than perform a short supply run for their Tinkers.

The information the Guild and its allies get is nonetheless consequential.

"The powers displayed are far too consistent with the Butcher's established profile for it to be a coincidence," Wing Warrior explains. "Seeing how the Teeth haven't been seen since that time and the identity of Hemorrhagia's body has been confirmed, it suggests the Slaughterhouse Nine have attacked the Teeth and got Butcher."

"What's much worse," Tattletale goes on, "is that their pattern now looks a lot like what they would do if they had something like Coil's power. Try two different courses of action at the same time, keep the one that works out best. It would help explain how they've been staying a step ahead of us, even with all the extra Thinker powers used to hunt them down."

"But you've already established that they've recruited an emotion controller," you point out. "How attached do you think Jack Slash is to the Nine being nine?"

"He's big on style," Tattletale considers. "He might break the rule for his grand finale, but only in a way that he thought had proper class - what he views as class. Mind you, there's no reason to think the Butcher currently in the Slaughterhouse is the same as the Butcher from a few weeks ago - probably one of the Nine killed the previous Butcher."

Guild duties briefly take you to Kenya once more, this time to deal with a villain in Mombasa. Ransom, as she is known, is the most powerful crime boss in the city; her power allows her to remotely kill people she has touched at some point in the past, but the exact limits of her ability are a closely-guarded secret - meaning that a lot of people on both sides of the law have no idea whether or not she can kill them with a thought. As she also has a minion whose power confers a Brute rating upon her, and often travels discreetly between safehouses multiple times per week, no-one has been both willing and able to kill or capture her, and she's been amassing power in Mombasa.

The Kenyan heroes are able to track her down, and the Pentagon (assisted by Dauntless and a handful of other Guild heavy-hitters) stand ready to assault the compound… but that only works if you keep her from firing off her ability.

Your power pool allows you to phase through the ground until you're almost below her. You then rise up and switch to planar blocking, preventing Ransom from using her power - more than enough for Strider to teleport in with the Pentagon's Mamba and Kinesis, who knock her out while you handle her bodyguards.

Once that's done, not wasting a second, you switch your power pool to mind-reading, getting information from Ransom's unconscious brain about how her powers work. Once you have that, you switch to mind-control, forcing her to let go of the 192 victims her power has kept a hold on. She gets carted off to the Birdcage, her entire criminal empire destroyed in mere hours.

"I think your versatility's almost as much of an asset as that Endbringer-killer Blaster power of yours," Radar comments later. "People don't exactly think 'mind control' when they picture the ideal hero, but you made good use of it."

For the second time since you got to this world, the first being Coil. "It's not an ability I use lightly, but it's useful for hostage situations." The one time you made the most use of it was in May of 1944 - you'd just come back from your imprisonment in the Sun to find Earth in the throes of World War II, and Allied Command wanted to keep your return a secret until the assault on Normandy. You grudgingly accepted, bowing to strategic necessity… but still made a discreet nighttime visit to every Axis death camp, forcing the people in charge to grind down the machinery of extermination for the duration. You repeated your stealthy visits to each camp until it was liberated.

You know this saved a lot of lives, but you do wish you could have saved more.

Five days after the victory at Belo Horizonte, with rival cartels all escalating their efforts to take Novo Império's territory within São Paulo, the assault on Goiânia begins. The city is only one-fifth as large as Belo Horizonte, and is also only an hour's drive away from Brasilia; it was essentially where Novo Império was dropping off the failures and undesirables among its capes, leaving them to guard the doorstep of the cartel in front of the last government-run city. This means lots of frustrated supervillains, many of whom are bad at working with others even by Earth-Bet supervillain standards. This has not been good for the city.

There's between 35 and 40 villains in the city. The Guild could easily take them alone.

The Guild does not attack alone, but with 62 Brazilian heroes (and Captain Argentina, once again). Nigerian recruits Optima and Mister Clue are not directly involved with this operation - not before some more training exercises with other Guild members - but even so, you have your foes out-numbered and out-prepared. Goiânia's villains may have been nervous for years about the massive concentration of heroes a stone's throw away from them (which never came down upon them before due to fear of cartel reprisal), but they don't actually have much in the way of defensive tactics against your attack.

You personally lead a spearhead of several highly-resilient heroes who quickly dispatch several of the hardest-hitting villains in the city. Aura takes down a Tinker specialized in poisons. Wing Warrior's tinkertech successfully stabs through a highly powerful Brute. Narwhal flushes out an enemy team by slicing through the front of the building they were bunkering in.

Once again, you multitask, reading the minds of captured villains in order to both establish the best way to contain them, and to gather information on the city's remaining villains. That's how you confirm that they number 39. Of those 39, two are dead and all the rest are in custody less than an hour after the start of operations.

Several more hours are spent handling weapon caches, stored narcotics, and hundreds of nonpowered minions. In the end, a metropolitan area home to over two and a half million people is once again placed under the Brazilian government's control - smooth as clockwork.

"Thanks to the Thinkers' work, four of Goiânia's parahumans have been confirmed as trustworthy; Brasilia will be putting them to work in its hero forces," Narwhal explains at the debrief. "The Brazilian government is going to need some time to catch its breath as it reasserts control over this much territory. Seeing as they cannot survive a full-scale counterattack by the cartels, the goal is to delay their reprisal until we're ready for it - and the best plan we have for that is to take multiple jabs at Novo Império and only Novo Império. This, we believe, will encourage the other cartels to opportunistically try to capitalize on Novo Império's losses and seize as many of its assets as they can."

"In the meanwhile, though," says Director Wayland, "Brasilia is entirely aware that without the Guild, it has no hope. They're thus intent on gathering as much support from both the Guild and the international community as they can, and have thus been trying to get a number of their heroes into the organization."

"We've been looking over potential recruits," says Narwhal, "with an emphasis on solid teamwork and trustworthiness, as before. Besides that, they have also offered the assistance of multiple Thinkers with the hunt for the Slaughterhouse Nine."

"Good," says Voodoo. "That's several times now we've almost got them, and it's time we finished those bastards."

"With that said," Wayland resumes, "the coming weeks are going to be a very sensitive time for the Guild's efforts. Not only because the hunt for the Nine is becoming an extremely close affair, but also because of the multiple balls being juggled. Brazil's situation - not to mention South America in general - is something that will require continued Guild attention, given the overwhelming power of the cartels. In middle Africa, Kolwezi remains under siege, and while the Guild has done much to repay Nigeria and Kenya, they're still far from stable; if the goal is to have an international African coalition for good and stability, then a lot of work remains to be done. In Europe, the Brigade may yet turn into a force able to stem the tide, but between Gesellschaft and the Three Blasphemies, you don't lack for potential targets - and while Europe is better off than most of the world, you should still consider being more active there, in order to garner support. After all, a lot of the countries you help also require international aid to make things right."

You can see the rest of the Guild members pondering these questions. You ponder them as well. It's true that you have your fingers in a lot of pies - a necessity, because Earth-Bet has been continuously getting worse for nearly three decades now, and a lot of different actions are required to reverse the trend. But where should your efforts focus at the moment?

[ ][Bastion] You're not in charge of the PRT, and the PRT wouldn't like you overstepping your authority. Best to trust them to handle it.
[ ][Bastion] A racist being allowed in a position of power is bad for the organization as a whole. Talk to the relevant PRT leadership and explain why you think Bastion needs to be transferred to a lesser position.
[ ][Bastion] The PRT needs to come down on Bastion hard and apologize to the public. Make that much clear to them. Be insistent.
[ ][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[Two will be selected]
[ ][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[ ][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
[ ][Guild] Clean up further threats in Kenya and Nigeria - the more stable they are, the more they can assist other African nations and hotspots.
[ ][Guild] Offer India's Thanda heroes the Guild's assistance in hunting down Asura - she's considered the most dangerous villain in the nation, and India is a major powerhouse in terms of parahumans.
[ ][Guild] Begin hunting down the Three Blasphemies - the trio are the most powerful villains in Europe, and taking them down would be quite the coup.
[ ][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.
[ ][Guild] Try to recruit more South-American heroes to work with Brasilia's government.

[ ][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[ ][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.
[ ][Avatar] Help with mankind's space programs. It's a symbol of hope and progress.
[ ][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.

Please consider donating to my Patreon. Thanks to those who have already donated!
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I wonder if an Avatar is disappointed in you speech would be enough to convince Bastion to voluntarily step down from leadership.

What are the limits on dimensional blocking? I don't remember why we aren't blocking villain powers in every fight.
I wonder if an Avatar is disappointed in you speech would be enough to convince Bastion to voluntarily step down from leadership.

What are the limits on dimensional blocking? I don't remember why we aren't blocking villain powers in every fight.

Dimensional blocking is the type of power that quickly drains the Avatar. This includes Healing and Probability Manipulation. Remember that he could only reset the Gray Boy's time loops once an hour.
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Well, that depends on the mechanics of how that power works, but it is highly unlikely that Madman can't mess with it. Be it via "letting things happen like the precognition said they would, then using time-tech to change how it happened", via "messing with the perception of the person with God's Eye so instead of seeing the future, they're seeing what I want them to see", via "just go back in time and prevent them from getting this power"...

The first solution wouldn't work as it depends on Madman's free will being exempt from the power which it is not since the power cares if there is still free will to be exercised not whose or when is it. As for the other two yeah they would work.
I think He should Focus on the three Blasphemies for one Strong Attack and Take them Out He would get Help from the european Community and then Take Out the nine. Taking two s class threats woudl make anybody Not Attack any place unser guild protection
I think He should Focus on the three Blasphemies for one Strong Attack and Take them Out He would get Help from the european Community and then Take Out the nine. Taking two s class threats woudl make anybody Not Attack any place unser guild protection
I thought the three Blasphemies were classified as an A-class threat. Not S.

Well, assuming this vote is similar to previous votes, I think we should take a restrained, 'stay the course' approach. Keeping on the S9 is a given. I also think we need to start devoting energy towards the gesellschaft. Reasoning: Right now, we're at risk of starting to play a game of whack-a-mole. We've created power vacuums that legitimate governments and heroes are struggling to fill. Therefore, our number one priority has to be bolstering teams like the European brigade and other types of internationalism.

If we allow the gesellschaft Simurgh plot to materialize, it will tear apart the European cooperation we've been building. We need to put them down.

I also think we can slow down on repaying guild members. Between Skylance, Argentina, Poland and Brasil, we've solidly demonstrated that paying back guild members matters to us. The rest should be ok to wait a turn or two.

Other things to do: investigate Jacksonville, and try to make some inroads with India's heroes. With China being a lost cause for the moment, we need India's clout in the region to continue progressing our goals there.
With China being a lost cause for the moment, we need India's clout in the region to continue progressing our goals there.
Speaking of, I wonder when we're gonna tackle that little issue. Granted we have MUCH bigger fish to fry but still, that's a huge problem in and of itself. The CUI needs to be stopped, and I'm willing to be patient for it, but still, the Avatar has seen the Nazi Death Camps-people being imprisoned for being who they are, and being brainwashed to serve the oppressive regime that put them there, should resonate with him on some degree. I hope someone in the story brings it up eventually.
Hold on...I just realized something. All this talk about the Avatar stopping the KKK and fighting the Nazi's is all well and good-speaks very heavily of his Superman inspirations-but I just thought of something else.

What did the Avatar ever do about Stalin? The Gulags, the Holodomor? The literal millions of people who suffered under communist regimes? I'm interested to hear about that.
So much to do, so little time. Uh…Going after Gellsenchaft and the Three Blasphemies makes sense, but we'll want to make sure to keep the gains we've made protected. As for Bastion…A patented Avatar speech of the "I'm disappointed, do better" variety seems like a safe bet.
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Bastion seems like the sort of issue the Avatar is least suited to handling. A successful diplomacy check is not going to reverse ingrained bigotry, and ultimately the Protectorate needs to figure out how to deal with guys like that through human resource policies.
Bastion seems like the sort of issue the Avatar is least suited to handling. A successful diplomacy check is not going to reverse ingrained bigotry, and ultimately the Protectorate needs to figure out how to deal with guys like that through human resource policies.
I don't know if we can get him to stop being racist, but I'm hoping we can shame him into resignation.
First impressions on the chapter:

I loved the speech that the Avatar gave to the administrators. More than being able to punch villains no-one else can, it his ability to earnestly inspire than makes him special.

I was going to correct you, I thought that Bastion had used a slur that was for Asian people. Turns out it is for Central American/Caribbean people. The more ya know, I guess?

The fact that he got the lead of the #3 Protectorate team is rather concerning. Him getting sent to Dallas or Fort Worth would still be a promotion from Boston, but implicitly saying he is as important Myrddin or Chevalier? Even with his contributions to Leviathans death, that sends an unfortunate message.

I am willing to bet that the "reward" for picking the slaughterhouse 9 this time, is in-character knowledge matching the OOC knowledge.

With the statements near the end of the chapter, I am very worried that during a moment the Avatar is weakened is when the Terror Drones will strike.
Keeping pressure on the Nine is a given, but I'm agreeing with people that Gesellschaft should be fairly high on our priorities. Europe makes for a good foundation for organizing and staging both humanitarian efforts, and strikes against major villainous powers in Africa, Asia, and the Middle-East, but that also means that if something fractures that foundation even a partial collapse will be all the more devastating.

And of course, who is better at fracturing Europe than the Nazis?
Wait, I don't quite recall, is the Gesellschaft Nazi-derived? I'm pretty sure they are, but that's not exactly a label to be handed out lightly.

Speaking of, I wonder when we're gonna tackle that little issue. Granted we have MUCH bigger fish to fry but still, that's a huge problem in and of itself. The CUI needs to be stopped, and I'm willing to be patient for it, but still, the Avatar has seen the Nazi Death Camps-people being imprisoned for being who they are, and being brainwashed to serve the oppressive regime that put them there, should resonate with him on some degree. I hope someone in the story brings it up eventually.

It's not so much bigger fish as many more active fish. The CUI is pretty much the biggest human-made fish in the lake right now, but that also mean it will take so much more effort to reel in that any significant distraction across the entire rest of the planet could potentially cause the entire endeavor to fail. As long as they're not making any major moves, better to just let them lurk for now.

Of course, that also means that if they do start making threatening movements, they'll need to be taken down hard and fast like nothing we've seen since WWII.
Gesellschaft and the Three Blasphemies are two different beasts from one another. The Three Blasphemies, are an enemy to beat down, and beat them down hard as can be. We'll have to find them, but then it's just a matter of pulling off a fight against a powerful three part enemy. Preparation and everything, sure, but it would basically be one strike to be done with them as a problem.

Gesellschaft on the other hand is a whole long-term dismantling of an entire massive organization. Any progress helps with it, but being able to finish it up would be a full project. Espionage, politics, traditional direct crime fighting, etc. All kept up over a long period.

I think that I'm leaning toward the Three Blasphemies before taking apart Gesellschaft. A powerful boogeyman monster that we can take down, a project in Europe that we can do and have done, and just a quick sign of more good triumphing in Europe. Something that pretty much the whole continent can get behind, and that we can do relatively quickly.
Honestly, I think we need to get started on the Gesellschaft. We've spent enough time on working more immediate problems, and dismantling an international Nazi organization is going to be one hell of an undertaking. We need to begin the process of cracking down on them.
Yeah, I agree that taking out the threats that aren't organisations is going to be probably the best use for the Avatar's attention.

Organizational threats are best tackled by organizations as well. We can lend our help if they fail, but we need to offload as much of the world's problems to other people.

Edit: The Gesellchaft probably needs to be made unstable before an attempt at taking it down is possible though.
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