Madman: "Oh, it all started with a singular Big Bang. Then the resulting universe split into two copies - one where a particle zagged left, one where it zagged right. Same thing happened a lot of times down the road before the splitting mechanism died out, and that's how we have a number of universes best expressed in scientific notation."
It's small enough to be comfortably expressed in scientific notation? I would have expected more than that.
Madman: "Oh, it all started with a singular Big Bang. Then the resulting universe split into two copies - one where a particle zagged left, one where it zagged right. Same thing happened a lot of times down the road before the splitting mechanism died out, and that's how we have a number of universes best expressed in scientific notation."
Why exactly would the splitting mechanism "die out"
You seem to know a lot Madman. Would it be correct to assume you know of a way to possibly restore the Avatar to his full power but just haven't said anything because you think it's more fun this way?
Madman: "Pleading the Fifth here! But let me put it this way: I moved to Earth-Gimmel - as opposed to my own native Earth - because, as a superhero world, it was interesting. A superhero world where Superman just got boosted to the point where he can solo all crime and villainy is only interesting for the first couple days of cathartic fixfic."

Mr madman where's earth Prime
Madman: "Nope, no such thing. When the original universe split in two, there wasn't a Prime Universe and a Copy Universe - both of them had equal claim to being the original or the copy. Same with every subsequent split. No prime here, because every universe is effectively prime!"

Why exactly would the splitting mechanism "die out"
Madman: "The complete answer involves physics that would take a Causality or a Techno-Paladin to grok, but the TL;DR is, the appearance of intelligence interfered with the splitting process, rendering it less and less common."
Madman: "Pleading the Fifth here! But let me put it this way: I moved to Earth-Gimmel - as opposed to my own native Earth - because, as a superhero world, it was interesting. A superhero world where Superman just got boosted to the point where he can solo all crime and villainy is only interesting for the first couple days of cathartic fixfic."
You are something else MadMan, truly you are.
Overall, Madman, what's your opinion on Earth Bet period? Do you think it's as relentlessly dark by nature as a lot of extradimensional beings disguised as forumites seem to think, with an ostensible creator who focused on that grimdark, or do you think the Avatar is on the right track in his opinions?

What's your opinion on it outright?
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Mr. Madman, just how many Entities are there in the Worm multiverse? The Avatar could barely take on a single Endbringer at a time, how is he supposed to fight a war with those sort of odds, even with assistance from parahumans that are Manton-limited and hosting parasites that are actively and nigh-imperceptibly interfering with their minds?
@sun tzu Would you mind posting what the BGM songs are for earlier in the quest? At least half of them link to blocked or deleted videos. I don't want to seem pushy or give you more work, I would just like to be able to know what they are.
Wait a minute...I just had a thought. Madman, had you not intervened in Earth-Bet and Scion had gone on his inter-dimensional slaughter, would that constitute you telling the Avatar how to regain his full strength to stop him?

No showed you're more than capable of handling Scion yourself in that one omake. The real question is, how involved would you be? Would you jump in and handle it right away or would you sit back and let the others try and deal with it for a while before jumping in like with the Man of Might?

And to get back to my first inquiry, what would be dubbed a serious enough threat that you would let the Avatar has his full strength back? You're entirely flippant regarding most things Madman but even you know when to play your cards...I think. Gatemaster did steal your portal technology and if that was intentional or not is anyone's guess.
Madman: "The complete answer involves physics that would take a Causality or a Techno-Paladin to grok, but the TL;DR is, the appearance of intelligence interfered with the splitting process, rendering it less and less common."
Given the number of splits that the Entities have access to, does that imply that they are in fact not intelligent?
Given the number of splits that the Entities have access to, does that imply that they are in fact not intelligent?
The Entities didn't do the splitting, they just connected to 10^80ish universes. The Worm multiverse wasn't created by them; it existed all along.

Plus, the Entities are at most a billion years old. Intelligent life is much older than that, at least in the Earth Gimel universe.
Posted the first draft of the next update to Patreon. Sorry it's taken so long, had a number of distractions - one of them being a side-project that's basically me trying to write an original fiction novel (and it's still very much in its early stages).
Will post the new update tomorrow after doing more corrections.

You are something else MadMan, truly you are.
Madman: "Thanks for noticing!"

Overall, Madman, what's your opinion on Earth Bet period? Do you think it's as relentlessly dark by nature as a lot of extradimensional beings disguised as forumites seem to think, with an ostensible creator who focused on that grimdark, or do you think the Avatar is on the right track in his opinions?

What's your opinion on it outright?
Madman: "OK, usually I have my fun with the hard sciences - sociology is something I leave to others...
"But, well, this isn't rocket science. There's a lot of assholes in the world. Getting power doesn't improve someone's moral character so much as reveal it, and having power tends to disconnect you from human connections because even good, well-intentioned people struggle to interact with you without thinking of influencing you toward using your power in a way they want. Enter everyone's unfavorite space whales. They look for people without a social support network - meaning, people who are easy enough to manipulate. They wait for those people to have a traumatic experience. Then they give them powers - and this constant buzzing at the edge of consciousness telling to go forth and conflict shit up. Some of them, like Miss Militia or Dragon, get lucky with a shard that only sticks to minimal, easy-to-ignore influence. Then you get the less lucky ones, like Shadow McEdgelady Stalker, the Wacky Cornell Bomber, and the Little Bitch That Could. Any surprise things turned to crap?"

Mr. Madman, just how many Entities are there in the Worm multiverse? The Avatar could barely take on a single Endbringer at a time, how is he supposed to fight a war with those sort of odds, even with assistance from parahumans that are Manton-limited and hosting parasites that are actively and nigh-imperceptibly interfering with their minds?
Madman: "Nah, nah, nah. I sent the Avatar to handle one Entity. The others aren't exactly an Earth concern.
"For now."

@sun tzu Would you mind posting what the BGM songs are for earlier in the quest? At least half of them link to blocked or deleted videos. I don't want to seem pushy or give you more work, I would just like to be able to know what they are.
Avatar Interrupt: "Hopes and Dreams", from the Undertale soundtrack.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot: "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar.
From Abyssal Depths I Blast At Three: It's an action scene from the anime "Jubei Chan" (which I haven't watched).
Perspectives: The Brave Little Spider: It's the big final speech from "The Great Dictator".
The Miracle Of Brockton Bay: "In No Time At All", from the My Little Pony episode "The Ghost of Paradise Estate".
The God And The Serpent: "The Golden Rule (Evil Reprise)" from Twisted.
A lot of other early entries didn't actually have a BGM song.

Wait a minute...I just had a thought. Madman, had you not intervened in Earth-Bet and Scion had gone on his inter-dimensional slaughter, would that constitute you telling the Avatar how to regain his full strength to stop him?

No showed you're more than capable of handling Scion yourself in that one omake. The real question is, how involved would you be? Would you jump in and handle it right away or would you sit back and let the others try and deal with it for a while before jumping in like with the Man of Might?

And to get back to my first inquiry, what would be dubbed a serious enough threat that you would let the Avatar has his full strength back? You're entirely flippant regarding most things Madman but even you know when to play your cards...I think. Gatemaster did steal your portal technology and if that was intentional or not is anyone's guess.
Madman: "Pft. Even at full power, the Avatar-slash-Adeltom is merely a god. Any foe he can beat, I can crush. It's just a question of if it's interesting."

(Gatemaster didn't stole Madman's portal tech. Gatemaster has developed portals that work within a single plane of existence - basically, like a teleportation system. No relation to traveling between universes. No, that technology was stolen from Madman by another agent of Cryo's... and said agent will be in a lot of trouble when Madman finds out.)
Madman: "Pft. Even at full power, the Avatar-slash-Adeltom is merely a god. Any foe he can beat, I can crush. It's just a question of if it's interesting."
Now i'm unbelievably curious what your compatriot is like. Apparently she's a bit more benevolent and just as smart as you so now I'm wondering how she would've handled this whole...experiement? Show? Whatever this is to you. And you neglected to answer what would constitute a large enough threat to restore Adeltom to his full power. If such a threat currently exists that is. Asmodeus might be planning a comeback and Wormwood is still a slinking parasite but I doubt they'd really prove even an acknowledgement from you.

And from that one Dark Paths chapter with the God of Hate, would a fully powered Adeltom be something like that? If so, I see why he had to be nerfed.

(Gatemaster didn't stole Madman's portal tech. Gatemaster has developed portals that work within a single plane of existence - basically, like a teleportation system. No relation to traveling between universes. No, that technology was stolen from Madman by another agent of Cryo's... and said agent will be in a lot of trouble when Madman finds out.)
Ohhhh, who am I thinking of then? I know SOMEONE stole his tech. Was it not mentioned or am I just forgetting?
Now i'm unbelievably curious what your compatriot is like. Apparently she's a bit more benevolent and just as smart as you so now I'm wondering how she would've handled this whole...experiement? Show? Whatever this is to you.
Madman: "Oh, Suzanne Derringer is responsible. Allll about using technology, economics and sociology to gradually make the world a utopian post-scarcity mesh of harmonious societies. I imagine she'd have done her meticulous research, then removed the Endbringers and Scion as a threat in an appropriately clever manner that had multiple backup plans in case things went wrong, then reprogrammed the shards so that instead of giving power to those with trauma and no friends, they gave powers to those who combined empathy, open-mindedness, forethought and a drive for justice, without messing with their conflict drive.
"But that's just my immediate guess, she might come up with a different plan after taking months to think it through. Suzie's big on preparation."

And you neglected to answer what would constitute a large enough threat to restore Adeltom to his full power. If such a threat currently exists that is. Asmodeus might be planning a comeback and Wormwood is still a slinking parasite but I doubt they'd really prove even an acknowledgement from you.
Madman: "The thing is, the Avatar's World is interesting because the power levels are evenly spread enough to have all sorts of superhero stories. If you have just one hero who's so powerful all the rest become at most a supporting cast, that limits the fun."

And from that one Dark Paths chapter with the God of Hate, would a fully powered Adeltom be something like that? If so, I see why he had to be nerfed.
Madman: "They're the same category of being, just embodying different abstract concepts. So, yes, same power."

Ohhhh, who am I thinking of then? I know SOMEONE stole his tech. Was it not mentioned or am I just forgetting?
That be Augustus Niles, aka Maestro - essentially, Professor Cryo's court musician. He got abducted into Madman's lair at some point for some caper or another, and Madman was unaware at the time of the extent of supertech sensors built into his body, which allowed Maestro a peek at dimensional portal blueprints.
"But that's just my immediate guess, she might come up with a different plan after taking months to think it through. Suzie's big on preparation."
Sounds like quite the meticulous sort. And the fact that you say all that so casually makes me glad that she is for furthering Humanities advancement.

Thank you for answering my questions, but I do have one more; There wouldn't happen to be an alternate version of yourself with less than humanitarian interests stomping around the Multi-Verse somewhere is there? We've seen what an alternate Techno-Paladin is capable of-and wasn't that a disturbing segment-so I shutter to think what would happen should a more malicious version of you or Suzanne were skulking about,
Mind indulging a few curiosities, @sun tzu?
  • Does Earth-Gimel have anything approximating Gesellschaft as a supremacist villain organization, and if it does, how dedicated is Bleu-Blanc-Rouge to getting rid of it? If not, which do you think hits BBR's Berserk Button the hardest - the Combat Network at home, or Gesellschaft here, or the Front pour la Patrie in particular?
  • How much of a correlation is there between the Global Champions and winners of the Bastion Award? Do all members have one? Is it an unspoken requirement that only winners of a Bastion Award are considered for the Champions, or do Champions just end up earning one as a matter of course?
  • Do you think any of the Omni-Force's A-listers could make as big a change to Earth-Bet as any of the Champions? If not, how do you think dropping the entire Omni-Force in will shake things up?