[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.
It's the most we can do without overstepping our authority. If he insists on continuing on as he has, then on his head be it.

This has gone on more than long enough. Even if the act of removing these psychotic murderhobos wasn't reward enough, this will free up resources and personnel that could be used in other areas.

Are we allowed to do an if/then choice? Because whether or not I would choose Mexico or Guild depends rather strongly on how the situation with Bastion unfolds. If he insists on being an ass and causes a political debacle, then Mexico may need us to help smooth things over, but otherwise our time is better spent with the Guild.


Were these meant to be left blank?
But that's what I did? I indicated my choices, then asked if the two empty spots were intentional or if they were supposed to be removed when he finalized the list.
Is the problem that they're in the quote boxes?

[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
And then I didn't put a solid vote on the final section because my choice would depend too heavily on the results of events which haven't yet taken place.
Stuff that is with in quotes in your post doesn't count. Notice how in both of your posts that I quoted it doesn't show the stuff you had quoted within your posts despite the fact I haven't modified your posts?
It's like that. Doesn't count unless it's in your posts.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.

[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.

[X][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.

One thing I think people don't understand, is that in South America we are only getting started. Using the analogy of the USA: imagine if the US government was pushed back to controlling only DC and Baltimore. In the analogy we just gave them back control over Philly and NYC. That is still a small fraction of the total population, we need to buy the legitimate government time to stabilize, then help them get a plurality of the nation.

Also Sun Tzu, I went through all the chapters and the only other BGM that was errored out was the one for Battle From the Mindscape. (I'm surprised, I had the impression that there were more)
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[X][Bastion] You're not in charge of the PRT, and the PRT wouldn't like you overstepping your authority. Best to trust them to handle it.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.

[X][Avatar] Help with mankind's space programs. It's a symbol of hope and progress.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Help with mankind's space programs. It's a symbol of hope and progress.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.

We don't have authority to do anything with Bastion, but we can at least talk to him.
I want the Guild to focus on wrapping something up right now rather than starting something new.
I want the Avatar to help make sure whatever gets wrapped up does in fact get wrapped up.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[X][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.

[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.
I think he should drop everything and go take on the Machine Army. He's the only one who can.

The Nine will show themselves sooner ot later, when they think they are ready.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.

I think he should drop everything and go take on the Machine Army. He's the only one who can.

The Nine will show themselves sooner ot later, when they think they are ready.
Which one is that?
[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
I'm not sure a being like the Avatar should interfere in human affairs like that.

[X]Guild Do nothing against the Geshellschaft-not even we should have that kind of power.

...Excuse me? The Avatar killed Endbringers, dealt with Japanese ultra-nationalists, fought slavers, usurping warlords and international human trafficking rings.

What exactly makes an illegal organization of Neo-Nazi terrorists special?
...Excuse me? The Avatar killed Endbringers, dealt with Japanese ultra-nationalists, fought slavers, usurping warlords and international human trafficking rings.

What exactly makes an illegal organization of Neo-Nazi terrorists special?
Those things were a clear and present danger to all of humanity(other than the Japanese ultranationalists,possibly,but their plans would stillhave been immensly destructive).
Don't read too much into it.I'm simply concerned the Avatar might end up deciding the best way to protect humanity is to institute some sort of police state.
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Those things were a clear and present danger to all of humanity(other than the Japanese ultranationalists,possibly,but their plans would stillhave been immensly destructive).
Don't read too much into it.I'm simply concerned the Avatar might end up deciding the best way to protect humanity is to institute some sort of police state.
We have a guarantee against that in "He's literally a personification of perfect heroism".

Also, Nazis are as much an active, clear and present threat to all of humanity as any of those.
Those things were a clear and present danger to all of humanity(other than the Japanese ultranationalists,possibly,but their plans would stillhave been immensly destructive).
Don't read too much into it.I'm simply concerned the Avatar might end up deciding the best way to protect humanity is to institute some sort of police state.
So, the Avatar fighting warlords in Africa, Afghanistan and Vietnam is fine, fighting criminal cartels in South America and Mexico is fine, fighting demagogue revolutionaries in Japan is fine...
...but you're "concerned" when the Avatar fights a criminal cartel of white supremacists active in Europe and the USA (among others).
And then you tell us to not "read too much into it", because you're concerned that the guy trying to defang neo-Nazis might "institute some sort of police State".
...I am finding it very difficult not to read your posts in an extremely uncharitable light.
Those things were a clear and present danger to all of humanity(other than the Japanese ultranationalists,possibly,but their plans would stillhave been immensly destructive).
Don't read too much into it.I'm simply concerned the Avatar might end up deciding the best way to protect humanity is to institute some sort of police state.
I repeat again; since when does removing an international Nazi terrorist group mean instituting a police state?

I agree with sun tzu, it's getting pretty hard not to look at your posts in any way that resembles nice.
This looks interesting! I'll have to keep an eye on it.

[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
I think this is the best thing we can do here. Talking to the man himself might not work, but I think it's better than putting pressure on an organization to handle him. If he doesn't step down, then the PRT will handle them however they do, but we'll have at least tried giving him some encouragement towards a good choice.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
Call it a desire to not give the band of psychopaths more time and resources, call it a desire to get it over with as quickly possible, call it an OOC desire to foil one of the Simurgh's last plots, I just know I want the Nine taken care of.

[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
Tulsa360 makes a good point in my opinion. If we buy the legitimate governments more time to stabilize their power and authority, they're less likely to need us to help them out in the near future.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.
Given the two Guild projects I'm voting for, I think the Avatar's help will be very useful. We might be able to make more progress towards catching the Nine before they're ready for their swan song, and we can help the Guild make an even bigger impact on the gangs.

EDIT: To be clear, my choices for the Guild are basically working on the logic of "the Gesellschaft isn't going anywhere. Lets finish the jobs we're working on before taking on an additional workload. That way we can give other matters our full attention secure in the knowledge that what we built won't fall down like a house of cards the second we turn our backs".
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[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[Two will be selected]
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.

would just like to point out something of this option:
[ ][Guild] Try to recruit more South-American heroes to work with Brasilia's government. <- the language barrier between Brazil and the rest of SA would be a huge problem. Hell, the two might as well be different planets some times. While Spanish links South America in general, Brazil has always kind of been it's own thing?

(... also the Guyanas, but nobody thinks of the Guyanas)
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

The Avatar has taken out Nazis and eliminated Klansmen, probably just as much through his words as through his powers; I think talking down one belligerent redneck whose heart just needs a poke in the right direction is in our wheelhouse.

On another note, how do you think Bastion might react to being told that the Avatar's World has an award named after him? Would it inspire him to live up to that name?

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.

This S9 goose chase has gone on long enough. We're so close, so let's not let up the pressure now, close the jaws on this lot and snuff them out for good.

As for the other option, I think Brazil is still too fragile to stand up at this point; we should give them a bit more breathing room.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.

New Mexico has been our wheelhouse for a while, so let's deal with that. Make sure all the foundations are steady before we step back and let the full capability of the Protectorate bring itself to bear. Also, we ought to give the Guild some space to establish its credentials beyond us.
[ ][Guild] Try to recruit more South-American heroes to work with Brasilia's government. <- the language barrier between Brazil and the rest of SA would be a huge problem. Hell, the two might as well be different planets some times. While Spanish links South America in general, Brazil has always kind of been it's own thing?
An entirely valid point, but given the small number of people involved, the language barrier can be overcome.

(... also the Guyanas, but nobody thinks of the Guyanas)
French Guiana is fine. Europe's not gonna let its space program get ruined by the cartels. :p
(And English-speaking Guiana... well. They've got an understanding.)