Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
[X] Mami

Honestly, I think this would be among the better options. Binah may be a sadist, but I don't think she's quite on the level of purposefully hurting children. I could be wrong however.

The other part of it is pure selfishness, truth be told. Mami is my favorite Madoka character, and she deserves to spend more time with her mother.
[X] Plan: Little Sprouts
-[X] Mami
-[X] Kyoko
-[X] Yuma
-[X] Make sure to brag about them to Binah
[] Madoka
[] Homura
[] Mami
[] Sayaka
[] Kyoko
[] Yuma
Let's see. Mami and Yuma are the closest to X, Kyoko and Homura are both distorted. Sayaka I feel is straight out, Binah may just break her on accident. Mami is also rather fragile, so I am leery on that. Not to mention that Binah is smart enough to figure out the witchbomb on her own; we do not want to go there.

My very first thought when seeing the vote was Homura, seeing how she shares the "ever-repeating cycle" theme with both Binah and X. But I also wonder if Madoka may be the one, considering how she is the pivotal point of the timeline and has a lot of (mental) strength hidden within herself. That quality would also qualify Yuma, who is closer to X than Madoka but also younger.

Kyoko is a bit of an odd case where I would put her in the middle between the "Better not" group of Sayaka and Mami and the "Could be helpful" group of Homura, Madoka, and Yuma.

But in the end, I will go with Madoka because the entire issue is about stepping into the future and making it as good as possible. Hope, so to speak; she has the most of that out of everyone. Not to mention that talking to Binah may help her deal with any feelings of inadequacy she might yet have.

That said

[X] Madoka
Wasn't there a thing where the Virtue that Binah represents in the tree also happens to correspond to Motherliness?
Right. Binah is, morally, and objectively terrible person on nearly all accounts.

But X! She likes tea! And everyone knows that being a tea lover absolve you of all sins, contrary to the abominations that are coffee drinkers! Really, the one you should be wary of is Cheesed!

you expected some sort of ominous temple or castle.

Already taken by Hokma, and you can bet Binah wouldn't want to do anything that would be done by him. :V

If you are here with a purpose, then I shall dispense with the formalities and answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

And just like that, the conversation length was cur down by hours.

though if you've got some special insight to make that stop happening I'm all ears

And if she has any advice on how to make it happens faster and with more stability, I'm all ears.

The definition of humanity is flexible and vast. How can one claim that Abnormalities are inhuman when they are born from the well of man? Perhaps a separate form of humanity, but they are no more foreign than the reaches of the consciousness can imagine." Binah says. You roll your eyes.

Yesyesyes, continue Binah, convince X that she's being silly in stopping herself from growing!

I didn't feel anything different the first time,

Which you should think about more, because it's a clue right there, you were completely an abnormality at the time, yet what you fear now didn't happen, why are you so certain that it is an inevitability, when you have proof it isn't?

I like being surrounded by people I can raise up. I prefer to have a goal I can work towards. I enjoy these little discussions we have, though the circumstances could certainly be better.

None of these things are bad, you know? You can be a teacher for the first, god knows we could do with more of them that actually like teaching, having a goal is normal, and humans are social creatures for the last part.

"Should you progress with the extraction of your EGO, only a scant few weeks shall remain for you to survive as a human. Perhaps less, should you use the power claimed. That is the price that comes with strength."

It it was only up to me, the reaction to that would've been: yes please, extract the EGO, now if possible.

But I fear X will not be so enthusiastic, unfortunately.

You want to at least spend a little more time with your children.

X does not even sees it, but such a thought being one of her abnormality ones is telling on how much her fear are overblown.

Somehow, you're pretty sure that was actually an answer to your question.

Binah is going to help, I think she might extract an EGO and give it to the girl, or outright *extract* an EGO from her, no matter what, she will do something.

[x] Madoka

Madoka wants to help, she wants to not be a weight, I do think that she will get to if she comes with us here.

Other person I am thinking about is Mami, as our daughter, but I feel we have neglected Madoka too much.

I think we've been trying hard to not put her in potentially dangerous situations like these for a reason.

And I fear we are trying too hard, and actually stopping her from being useful when she can, continue on that trajectory, and she will distort before long, we really should show her we care about her too, not just dismiss her constantly because *it's too dangerous*, doing so now that she knows there is an alternative to wishing is going to ends with us having The Agnus Principle on our hands.

-[X] Demand a binding guarantee from Binah that she won't be mean

That's like asking her to shower them without getting them wet, not gonna happen.

[X] Plan: Little Sprouts
-[X] Mami
-[X] Kyoko
-[X] Yuma
Make sure to brag about them to Binah

We spend enough time with our daughters and constantly put any chances of interacting with Madoka about her problems on the back burner, let's actually take this occasion for her to be useful, because I fear that if we continue as is, we'll have her distort before we go meet the Adult.

And for those voting Mami:
Not to mention that Binah is smart enough to figure out the witchbomb on her own; we do not want to go there.

I agree with Naron, just Mali is just asking to have her witchbombed to make us react, hard pass.

But in the end, I will go with Madoka because the entire issue is about stepping into the future and making it as good as possible. Hope, so to speak; she has the most of that out of everyone. Not to mention that talking to Binah may help her deal with any feelings of inadequacy she might yet have.

Yeah, and the voters trend of not acting on this feeling of inadequacy is beginning to annoy me a little, Madoka is important, and neglecting her is not a solution, this is something she can help with, more than any of our daughters because they are too close to us and our reaction is liable to be too extreme, not Homura or Kyouko because they are already distorted and not stable enough right now (which does mean there are two reasons not to take Kyouko), and not Sayaka because she is already working on getting better with Gebura and doesn't need that one push to make her feel helpful.

Of all those there, Madoka is the one who will take the offer to help us, and never regret it, the best one for the job because she is the most hopeful.
I don't know man. The City's got some crazy tech in it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had invented how to do that. :V

Throw them in the middle of a pool full of water while they don't have any technology or biological modifications on them and without the pool having any technology that could stop them from being wet and then expecting them to be dry when getting out then. :V
Instead, you get something a lot closer to the Floor of Art.

It's dark and gloomy, yes, but not oppressive. Little star-like crystals hang from the ceiling and shine a dull but persistent light through the halls. Smaller trickles of light flow up from cracks in the floor and walls, like sunlight from the setting sun dancing across the waves of the ocean. The walls are a dark brown color and look distinctly wooden, like the whole place was carved out from the inside of a tree. The whole place is a maze of bookshelves and branch-like structures without any real rooms or hallways, just a few clearings with furniture for work or sleep. The ceiling is somewhere between a low, solid surface and an open view of a star-filled sky. You make a note not to ask Binah about any of that, though. You don't want to be here any longer than you have to and you have no doubt she'd spend hours discussing the symbolic meaning of every last detail
of corse the living space of the Arbiter and the resting place of the birds resembles The Black Forest.
"In such a place, one must simply look back at the steps they have already taken to reach where they are now. If the path remains unclear, all that is required to know where one has traveled is to compare where they are to where they once were. For one who has voyaged as far as you have, through the primordial sea of mankind's genesis and terminus and out beyond the borders of one reality and into another, it must be a greatly distinct locale in which you find yourself."
yet, No matter how far we travel, it is always the same road we are walking on, The same scenes happening, The same pain we are suffering, a loop we can not escape from.
... We have been stuck in the same place yet running at the same time.

We will reach nowhere.

we either returns to where we have came from or we forever stuck in this loop, repeating what we have done as a beast that can't die.

There is no outside.

"When your time runs out?" Binah repeats, her eagerness somewhat dimmed.
"No fun." binah says to herself.
"Giving up already? Isn't it your specialty to struggle against the impossible and inevitability?" Binah thinks to herself
Binah smiles. Not her usual, anticipatory grin, the expression of a sadomasochistic reveling in the turmoil she is surrounded by. No, there's something different.
After all, Binah is associated with the feminine, and motherly.

Overall, this talk between the two prisoners of hell gone pretty well, seems like the manager still sees binah as her old self.
Which is somewhat bad.

[x] Plan: Starts with M
-[x] Mami
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Throw them in the middle of a pool full of water while they don't have any technology or biological modifications on them and without the pool having any technology that could stop them from being wet and then expecting them to be dry when getting out then.
I don't know, the city is still pretty crazy. Also, Magic :V
I predict that if we do manifest our EGO there will be some influence from One Sin on the design....speaking of which wonder where One Sin is?
Guys, Binah said: *Bring one* not *Bring three* plan little sprout is not going to work, at best, Binah will tell us to chose one person, again.

And Mami has other ways she can helps us, whereas Madoka is constantly put aside in these kinds of situations recently, choosing Mami is once again being overprotective towards Madoka, ignoring that she wants a way to help and we have one right there.

I am not kidding when I say that I anticipate having the Agnus Principle appear in not too long if we continue on our course, Madoka already had a slip of power in her speech once, and the way we are pushing her buttons is increasing her chances of distorting instead of gaining EGO.

If we take Mami right now, she probably will be traumatized by what's going to happen, and since she's a magical girl, that means grief spiral, Madoka is actually more qualified than all our other girls by simple virtue of being a normal human, not a distortion or a MG, and Yuma may be the best cinnamon roll ever, she's still a young child in mind. Having our daughters waiting for us outside is a better motivation for pushing through than having them inside, where we're liable to overreact and lash out instead of learning what we should.
Want to make a joke about throwing an Angel into the devils claws but nothing came to mind.
Welp. Better her than QB.
At least if she finds you interesting, she keeps you alive.