Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I just think of a horrifyingly scary scenario.

Do you think...That thing...The Bald Beast, is in Mitakihara too?

O-05-05 (I think it's the correct number? Not sure.)
Hm, I'm pretty sure the correct way would be, T-09-05, Trauma because it's connected to X's PTSD of collecting all 100+ abnormalities, 9 because it is a tool, and 05 because that's the number that hasn't been taken yet.
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I just think of a horrifyingly scary scenario.

Do you think...That thing...The Bald Beast, is in Mitakihara too?
Considering the only way to tell the characters of PMMM apart when they're in school uniforms is hair color, it's probably the most socially dangerous abnormality yet.

Imagine X going back to Mitakihara and mistaking bald Mami for bald Madoka, that would be such a child protection services moment.
... I want to shoot myself in the head for thinking about breaking bad when you mentioned the bald
X: Mami! Yuma!
Mami: What is it X?
Yuma: Yes?

X: We need to cook.
Mami: Um...cook what-
X: (Grabs Mami's and Yuma's shoulders) We need to cook! (Shakes her) We need to cook!!
Yuma: Um, cook what mom?!
X: Cook m-
(Breaking Bad title theme plays)
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It very clearly isn't all there is to it, but you don't have the time to pursue the issue further. Not that you would even if you could. Some things need to come out in their own time instead of being forcibly revealed.
Reread the update, read this. Convinced me to change my vote.

[X] Admit you don't want to discuss it

My reasoning is very simple. X doesn't want to talk about this.

But to expand, I don't feel the details are critical for Angela to know. X is fully aware of what she is and what that means. I don't feel like Angela has a great need of the details. Angela isn't telling her full story, and that's fine. That's her right. It's only fair that X is allowed some privacy on a topic she's very uncomfortable with.
Reread the update, read this. Convinced me to change my vote.

[X] Admit you don't want to discuss it

My reasoning is very simple. X doesn't want to talk about this.

But to expand, I don't feel the details are critical for Angela to know. X is fully aware of what she is and what that means. I don't feel like Angela has a great need of the details. Angela isn't telling her full story, and that's fine. That's her right. It's only fair that X is allowed some privacy on a topic she's very uncomfortable with.
I agree, but sadly so far the vote seems quite one-sided.
Technically. We already went through this. Twice now.

First, it's with Mami and Yuma. Then it's with the rest of the kids.

This would be the third time.

X has already overcome her uncomfortableness before.

If she was to stop telling the truth every time she felt uncomfortable about it, would the girls even be aware of her true nature?

Do you honestly think, telling it to Angela, our sister, whose nature got shat on by basically everyone bar a few people, who had to be stuck to a routine for the last 10,000 years, feeling the helplessness of being unable to change, would not be sympathetic and understanding to X?

The decision to speak about it is fueled by the understanding that even though X feels uncomfortable about this, that uncomfortableness stems from her self-loathing.

And by god, I am not gonna let X go home without a bonk on the head by Angela on why her current mindset is stupid.

She's not even taking her children's words into mind at this point. That damn NT ruined it. And X needs Angela to reinforce what little she managed to gain the day before with Mami, Yuma, and the girls.
Hm, I'm pretty sure the correct way would be, T-09-05, Trauma because it's connected to X's PTSD of collecting all 100+ abnormalities, 9 because it is a tool, and 05 because that's the number that hasn't been taken yet.

I am absolutely sure the manager manual (the one you get in game) is in the O(riginal) category, probably is a tool though, like you said, which means it would be O-09-05.

And yes, the manual you get in LobCorp is an abnormality.
People are allowed to be inefficient with their emotions. They are allowed to take things at their own pace. They don't have to, and shouldn't have to, push through everything that makes them uncomfortable. If the kids, or Angela, think less of X for wanting to take this particular issue slow, that's their problem.

X doesn't want to talk about this. Quester give other characters plenty of space to work through their feeling. I feel like giving X that same space.
And yes, the manual you get in LobCorp is an abnormality.
Thats new. You'd have to provide me a source because thats wack as shit.

They don't have to, and shouldn't have to, push through everything that makes them uncomfortable. If the kids, or Angela, think less of X for wanting to take this particular issue slow, that's their problem.
This isnt about the kids or Angela.

They will all thinks the same about X even if she reveal herself, and with the former they are already viewing her the same after she revealed herself.

X currently has learned essentially no lessons, and is actually backtracking on her own lessons she taught to Gebura.

I agree with you on taking things slow, but I disagree that the current problem is something we shouldn't approach.

Again. The only people that actually thinks less of X, is literally only X herself.

Even fucking Kyubey will say that X is cool. Hell, he didn't judge her any differently after he figured out she has the same readings as an abnormality.

Most of the kids got over it in like a couple of minutes, and start treating her like a mom again.

Angela herself is likely already aware and this is more of an offer to help X out.

We have given X room to change her mind regarding this, and the current situation in the quest has only pushed her more against the wall.

She needs to unload the baggage onto someone who will listen and understand.

Theres been a shit load of discussions in the past week regarding X's fucked up mental state already.

Sometime, you gotta be hard on someone to help them.
Thats new. You'd have to provide me a source because thats wack as shit.

Last page of the artbook, from what I remember, it is marked with an abnormality id, the O-09-05 one I talked about. Or whatever one it is, actually @Naron, I do remember you talking about it, can you confirm that the manager's manual is an abnormality? Thanks.

As for the *why talk right now about our status*, well, the biggest reason I think we should is simply that Angela is only trying to confirm, she very much knows it's almost definitely us, and the fact that we froze as she asked about it all but confirmed it anyway. The *secret* is already out and I don't want X to go through another phase of denial, we already had one, it didn't help.


Like, us denying it is not going to remove the weight of the implied question, the scene is tense enough as is, no need to add a shameful denial to it, we are the one that decide when X comes clean about it, and doing it right now is beneficial, so why wouldn't we?
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