Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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An obsession to know and observe. X couldnt survive to day 50 without it.

She still has that habit, even with her girls and how pokey she is with their secrets.
Maybe if it were the Burrowing Heaven, but Schadenfreude's entire thing is that it doesn't want to be observed. It very aggressively dislikes having the slightest bit of attention paid to it, and will make that aggression appropriately known if its tolerance is tested too far.

It's more representative of… willful ignorance? "Stop, turn away, don't look at this or else." It's the problem you shove away so you don't have to deal with it, the problem that will stay away so long as you keep from acknowledging it. It could maybe link to X's habit of drowning herself in her duties, trying to steer away from areas she's ill-equipped to handle in favor of what she knows she can do.

It's certainly been said enough before that X and Angela are short-circuiting the awkward meter between themselves with their crippling lack of communication skills.

Or then, it could be the trauma of what X went through with the Sephirot, what's happening again with the girls. No matter what steps X takes to try keeping things together, what's falling apart just keeps falling apart until the great big breakdown. If nothing she does helps, can she just not look at the disaster?
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The only comment I have is that burrowing heaven is likely very happy with Kyubeys attempts to study it
...hun, Snow queen is out?
the fuck...
God, I hope we don't reach winter or else we're gonna have a very bad time.
Parasite Tree is an altruistic love. It thinks it's making things better for everyone through the few people it helps.

The problem with that is that Parasite tree is not altruistic, at all, just line the name implies, it is a monster disguised as someone willing to help… actually, it's probably how X see herself, a monster, even if an unwilling one, that spend most of her time pretending to be something else.

It's certainly been said enough before that X and Angela are short-circuiting the awkward meter between themselves with their crippling lack of communication skills.

Angela is perfectly able to communicate, unfortunately, the only kind of communication she mastered is passive agressive deadpan, and she probably decided it wasn't a good idea to use it here. :V
Well, we dont even need a Witch (and we already had a cold weather one earlier [Anastasie]), just the Dramatic Weather Abnormality (?) earlier during the meetups with the girls would do the job just fine...
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The poor thing, could be a poor charlotte forced to make way too much ice cream
Just imagine the poor miserable thing so much dairy but not even a single bit of cheese or cheesecake
Snow Queen: " I said I want clear ice and white snow what the *** is this"
*That one clip form sunny with a chance of meatballs*
Isnt Snow Queen more than capable of making her own snow storm?

Yeah, but get someone else to help will be much more efficient And it will spread the winter faster and cover all this stinking spring and ugly roses.
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Btw, Lepidoptera, for the latest threadmark in Apocrypha, it's missing a space around the dash

"How have you been doing, Angela?"
"It was shortly after you were dissolved that I made the decision to claim the Seed of Light."
On one hand, this is the ultimate non-sequitur; on the other, it's what X actually wants to ask about/know, so is this an example of good communication or bad communication?
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It is Japan however. From What I have heard and what anime has taught me, it could just decide to snow out of spite in the middle of spring because it ain't summer yet.

Also it's Mitakihara, that place is weird magnet nowadays :V
[X] The Truth
We are trying to improve our relationship with Angela not make it worse. Telling the truth is definitely for the best.
What about the abnormalities we've already suppressed? Did they return to the Library? Can Angela talk to them later to get more context, or perhaps send them back to us? Nothing There could potentially tell her a lot about Mitakihara, though I doubt it would be as lucid without the Soul Gems.
Huh? Doesn't AiB counter go down by 1 whenever you suppress abnos? If it actually went up each time you suppress an abnormality then I don't think it'd be escaping in my facility at all.

  • When Repression Work is performed on it, its Qliphoth Counter decreases by 1.
  • When ordering its Special Work, Protection; its Qliphoth Counter decreases by 1.
  • When getting a Bad Result on it, its Qliphoth Counter decreases by 1.
  • When 5 or more employees (including clerks) die in the facility (not counting employees killed via Execution Bullets), its Qliphoth Counter decreases by 1.
  • When an Abnormality is Suppressed in the facility, its Qliphoth Counter increases by 1.