Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Problem. Big, gigantically huge problem.

For like 3/5 of the quest.

The goddamn E.G.O sapling has been stuck without a chance to bloom. I don't see us being able to use it in a long time.
Have we been trying to get it to bloom? I suggested calling Kyoko against Porcobbus purely to proc the payment part, but we just did it solo and...not much else.

We should just hone in on it.
Have we been trying to get it to bloom? I suggested calling Kyoko against Porcobbus purely to proc the payment part, but we just did it solo and...not much else.

We should just hone in on it.
We aren't exactly sure that it was the Payment that we need either.

After all, in terms of payment, we have gotten a lot of it too.
By the way, a serious question here: why do we want people to doubt QB again (or at least, enough to make that a point now)?

Because Kyubey is worse than Satan? Seriously, the sooner we make them think of it as a enemy, the better we'll be, as long as it has their trust, it can manipulate them easily, pointing out that it is it's entire schtick is a good way to reduce this.


Edit: I wouldn't give that like if I was you EO, soon as there's a opportunity to drop the Witchbomb I'm taking it.

My plan has the witchbomb and it is winning right now, just saying.
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[X] Plan Everything v1.3
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Yourself & EGO Gifts
-[X] Soul Gems - link to past Abnormality observations and existence of Soul damage attacks, and that it may not be their actual Soul
-[X] Prepwork for Witch Bomb reveal in the future
Because Kyubey is worse than Satan? Seriously, the sooner we make them think of it as a enemy, the better we'll be, as long as it has their trust, it can manipulate them easily, pointing out that it is it's entire schtick is a good way to reduce this.
Even when Madoka knew about its manipulation, she still took its deal and became madokami eventually.

And also, I'm just saying that it's a bit late for that. Outside of Yuma, who will listen to X over QB so she's super safe from his manipulation already, the only one left uncontracted is Madoka, who doesn't really care about the whole Witch thing once she become magical god.

Calling it worse than Satan is a bit much. It's indifference. But it's not needlessly cruel. It's like calling a robot worse than Satan because it does what it's programmed to.

Satan is hella bad if you read Berserk and see what Satan actually does to people. Excessive Paranoia is a thing too.

And technically speaking without QB's help, we wouldn't even be aware of NT's movement.
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And also, I'm just saying that it's a bit late for that. Outside of Yuma, who will listen to X over QB so she's super safe from his manipulation already, the only one left uncontracted is Madoka, who doesn't really care about the whole Witch thing once she become magical god.

He can still manipulate them, like telling the witchbomb to Mami at the worst possible time, telling Homura everything's her fault to make her despair, or tell the lichbomb in the worst possible way to Sayaka (or explain that Kyujibo is violonsexual and she don't have a chance).

Satan is hella bad if you read Berserk and see what Satan actually does to people.

If you're thinking of this:

That's not Satan, that's God, Berserk is that kind of place.

And if you're thinking of literally anything else in Berserk, every single one of the bad guys work for God, or worked for him before, we never even hear of Satan.
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Okay, this is a difficult vote.

I think telling them about soul gems and witches is the correct choice OOC, since we the readers know that a) Nothing There is apparently sentient now, b) it's heading toward the Adult, and two ALEPHs colliding is a recipe for disaster, and c) most importantly, this is the last day of the arc, so narratively we're likely to take part in this debacle.

However, X has no knowledge of all this. And all the previous points about Homura and how it's frankly too much to dump on everyone in the span of a single conversation still stand. I'll also add that the "don't expose your kids to bad stuff and try to deal with everything yourself" option is very characteristic of X as of now.

Which is why no matter how dangerous it is, I think the option that makes the most sense IC is to restrict this talk to mostly Abno stuff.

[X] Plan Everything v1.3
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Yourself & EGO Gifts
-[X] Soul Gems - link to past Abnormality observations and existence of Soul damage attacks, and that it may not be their actual Soul
-[X] Prepwork for Witch Bomb reveal in the future
If you're thinking of this:

That's not Satan, that's God, Berserk is that kind of place.
I'm thinking more of the Apostles (his "priests"), the actual demonic cults (Slug count arc), and God's hand (His angels).

Since the Idea of Evil isn't really sentient in the traditional sense.

But still. You know what I meant. QB might be evil due to an inability to feel emotions, but he's nowhere near bad enough to be called "Worse than Satan".
telling the witchbomb to Mami at the worst possible time, telling Homura everything's her fault to make her despair, or tell the lichbomb in the worst possible way to Sayaka (or explain that Kyujibo is violonsexual and she don't have a chance).
The former is gonna be irrelevant in come next chapter, the second one is impossible since Homura already doesn't give a shit unless she completely fails again in which case, we are just repeating things she already knows, and the last one is gonna happens next chapter too.

As for Sayaka and her crush, it's not that bad. She has more friends this time around.
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Speaking of the nature of Soul Gem, we don't really have a way of defining souls. We see emotions, and with the help of EGO equipment we can influence the mind, but the mind is connected with the body in the same way as with the soul. Perhaps we should conduct a targeted study of this issue.

By the way, a serious question here: why do we want people to doubt QB again (or at least, enough to make that a point now)?
If we are going to reveal all the MG catches, it ... won't actually matter anymore whether they trust QB, whatever decision they make it will at least be with information and with support
(And QB isn't probably not going to oppose us or do things that cause the situation to deteriorate for the time being, due to the whole Abnormality business - still needs us around to point out if things are going much worse than they appear at face value)

We should probably point to Kyubey's alien mindset. Girls really shouldn't assume that they even understand how to act in the interests of their charges, much less do it out of kindness.

Because Kyubey is worse than Satan? Seriously, the sooner we make them think of it as a enemy, the better we'll be, as long as it has their trust, it can manipulate them easily, pointing out that it is it's entire schtick is a good way to reduce this.

While I also find the Witch system monstrous, this is actually a significant exaggeration. In fact, part of the horror of the situation lies precisely in the fact that the Incubators are not malicious, doing what they think is necessary.

In fact, there are many things in the City that are noticeably worse, scale aside.
lobotomy corporation is to doing what they think is necessary, but their action is still horrible and terrifying. and QB stating that it is necessary doesn't excuse them of their action.
In fact, there are many things in the City that are noticeably worse, scale aside.
District 23 already kick anything QB can do out of the water.

The WARP trains speak for themselves.

R-Corp and its self-murder actions.

Whatever the fuck the horrors of the other Corps are.

The Fingers' cruelty.

lobotomy corporation is to doing what they think is necessary, but their action is still horrible and terrifying. and QB stating that it is necessary doesn't excuse them of their action.
Of course, but that doesn't matter does it? It is still helping us out and be useful to our own agenda.

Cooperate with it for now. Once we collect all the abnormalities, QB doesn't really matter anymore.
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So many people dying daily in the city I wonder do the head randomly produce human and throw them out at the same speed too.
Because if they don't then the birth rate is not going to follow up with the death count and it will burst into flame.
So many people dying daily in the city I wonder do the head randomly produce human and throw them out at the same speed too.
Because if they don't then the birth rate is not going to follow up with the death count and it will burst into flame.
It actually does seem to follow that trend. Since the latest pop figure shows that it dropped from 7 billion something to 6,3 billion after the SoL popped up.

Though I think they'll be fine. Apparently, the city has a bit of overpopulation...which is expected. I'm pretty sure it's just due to the nature of the game, but secretly, most people in the city are probably horny as all hell.

Orphans are common though, which is to be expected.

Plus, you need to remember that the Nests are relatively normal in comparison to the backstreets. And even then, the backstreets are relatively normal themselves too.

In LoR, we just get a chance to see what happens when a Nest falls.
Before I vote, I need to ask. @Lepidoptera , is this a vote for everything we're going to discuss in this meeting, or just the first topic we're going over?
That depends on how comprehensive the winning vote is, although I'll probably give a chance to run separate votes for certain subjects anyways.
But, just to make sure this doesn't ends up an endless debate: @Lepidoptera, is X able to make as many swords as she wants for a timestop attack if she just takes long enough?
X can make as many swords as they want, but doing it quickly and in large numbers is exhausting. Summoning thousands would take actual days.
That's the thing though Lobotomy deals with the mind ie the brain and as the existence of pale and white damage shows, mind and soul are 2 different things in the moon verse
So of course it comes from the body that's where the brain ie mind is, we have nothing that interacts with souls ie the gems
Wait yeah, but its prob exhausting for X tho.

...Who has infinite stamina? I don't think this will be a problem. It might be difficult for Homura, but between her Magical Girl nature and healing power, she's probably learned how to deal with it. I really don't know if Homura was mentioned to be able to support time stop in her sleep, but theoretically, she shouldn't even have a problem with that.

Homura is powerful. And this strength is still not enough to defeat Walpurgisnacht.
We're not spending years in timestop, you are forgetting mental fatigue, Homura can't take it, we can't take it, it isn't happening.

Also, you should really stop with the agressive attitude towards Nothing There, all the current data points shows her to be able to negotiate and this to be the best thing to do, approaching her with nothing but plans on how to kill her is not productive.