and the half I am talking about is half of this wave
[X] Plan Steady
[] Air Option 5: Support harassment- This will preserve the majority of your air-force while providing assistance to the forces that you have deployed in the field.
[] Harassment Option 2: Deploy a quarter of your harassment forces close to landing sites.
- This will allow you to start harassing the Abomination armies shortly after they leave the landing zone, while preserving the majority of your light forces for later conflicts.
[] Medium for the first round, Low from there on.
[] Mine Option 5: Write in: Place an eighth of our mines close to the landing site, where the first turn of harassment will take place.
[] Psykers:
- All telekinetic, pyromantic, biomancer choirs as well as the 1st divination and 1st daemonologist choir rest. Xavier and Ridcully rest.
- 1st and 2nd telepathy choirs root out infiltrators.
- Sirens support harassment efforts, focusing on preserving our forces (for example by protecting against enemy domination and supplying illusions and invisibility).
- 2nd divination choir support harassment and bombardment efforts.
- 2nd daemonologist choir and Lulana disrupts summoning rituals.
Air: With our huge harassment bonus, and the AA over the landing sites, I think it makes sense to focus our air forces on harassment.
Harassment: We have a lot of harassment ahead of us, so let's see how well harassment works out first. Then, once we have the enemy's measure, we can commit harder to the harassment. The bonus for the first round of harassment, however, is too good to pass up.
Mines: We have many enemies to deal with, and limited resources. Let's get the most bang out of our buck, and see how the mines work out and what other opportunities we can get.
- Daemonologists: The presence of Angyls will anger Avernus, so that counter-balances itself to some degree or another. But to be on the safe side, we'll disrupt some of their rituals anyway while keeping saving the other choir for the siege phase.
- Biomancers and pyromancers: should be rested and saved for the siege phase, as they simply aren't suited for harassment - the pyromancers are too flashy, and Durin said that biomancers aren't good here.
- Telepaths: should concentrate on rooting out infiltration forces, because "some" infiltrators found is not enough. The sirens can provide telepathy support to the harassment as the enemy moves further from the water, as the added distance will likely apply a penalty to the sirens when the enemy reaches Dis, and they focus on preserving our harassment forces because it preserves our harassment capacity against the waves to come.
- Diviners: Keeping Ridcully and 1. choir on reserve, in case we should need divination next turn. Ridcully shouldn't be pushed too hard, lest we risk the life of arguably the most important individual in the Trust, and I want him fresh and rested for Scry-and-Fry duty next turn.
- Primaris Execution Squads: Kept in reserve for the siege, where they will be most dearly needed.